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Evaluate the author’s argument – Be specific and this will help you have details that can be included in

your argument.

Argument topic – Which is more important, justice or forgiveness?

Resource 1 – what is the debatable topic the author/ speaker discusses or reveals?
Should people that spend time in prison be able to redeem themselves in
“Why your worst society?
deeds don’t define -What argument (position does the author take on topic)?
you.” Most imprisoned people are redeemable.
TED TALK -What is one claim he stated to support his or her argument?
It is proven that the current “locked them up and throw them away the key”
approach to justice does not work.
-What is a possible counterargument to this perspective?
Imprisoned people or not able to redeem themselves.

Resource 2 – what is the debatable topic the author/ speaker discusses or reveals?
Should we forgive or stay upset about a situation?
Forgiveness isn’t -What argument (position does the author take on topic)?
easy, but its Forgiveness is not a simple task, but it is essential to do
essential -What is one claim he stated to support his or her argument?
“We have to keep reaching for that higher standard, though. We have to push
through the pain and the anger. We have to pull ourselves out of the mud. We
have to forgive. We have to try to be good…and in the process, be great.”
-What is a possible counterargument to this perspective?
We should not forgive because it is not necessary.

Resource 3 – what is the debatable topic the author/ speaker discusses or reveals?
What we plant, We Should we always be empathetic and kind towards one another?
will eat -What argument (position does the author take on topic)?
The author is in favor of being kind and compassionate towards others even
when they have mistreated you.
-What is one claim he stated to support his or her argument?
He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Come, brother,” the prosperous farmer
said. “Let us sow a new crop, together. For what we plant, we will eat.”
-What is a possible counterargument to this perspective?
We should not treat people right when they do us wrong.

Resource 4 – what is the debatable topic the author/ speaker discusses or reveals?
We have to stick together into order to survive in this world
They Are Hostile -What argument (position does the author take on topic)?
Nations He is in favor of coming together in order to survive in the world
-What is one claim he stated to support his or her argument?
“We need each other’s’ breathing, warmth, surviving is the only war we can
afford, stay.”

-What is a possible counterargument to this perspective?

We do not need to stick together to survive in this world

Resource 5 – what is the debatable topic the author/ speaker discusses or reveals?
Forgiveness is needed to live life
Under a Certain -What argument (position does the author take on topic)?
Little Star He feels as if he needs to apologize and get forgiveness for living his life.
-What is one claim he stated to support his or her argument?

“I apologize to everything that I cannot be everywhere.

I apologize to everyone that I cannot be every man and woman.

I know that as long as I live nothing can justify me”

-Really the whole poem is evidence

-What is a possible counterargument to this perspective?

You don’t need others forgiveness to love your life

Argumentative Essay Outline (Claim) Directions: Use this outline as a “road map” to write your essay. If you need
more examples or sentence starters, use page 2 to help you!

1) Introduction/Claim (One paragraph)

• Start with a hook or attention getting sentence.
• Briefly summarize the texts
• State your claim. Make sure you are restating the prompt.

2) Body Paragraph: Evidence/Support/Warrant

• Include a topic sentence that restates your claim and your reason.
o Example: Video games are harmful because____________.
• Include text evidence that supports your reason.
o Example: The author shows that video games are harmful because in paragraph 2 it states____________
• Include an explanation (warrant) that shows how your text evidence proved your claim.
o Example: The author uses this evidence to show how/that_____________.
3) Body Paragraph: Evidence/Support/Warrant
• · Include a topic sentence that restates your claim and your reason.
o Example: Video games are harmful because____________.
• Include text evidence that supports your reason.
o Example: The author shows that video games are harmful because in paragraph 2 it states____________
• Include an explanation (warrant) that shows how your text evidence proved your claim.
o Example: The author uses this evidence to show how/that_____________.
4) Counterclaim Paragraph:
• Explain what others who don’t agree with your claim might say.
o Example: Some people might disagree. They may believe_____ because____.

5) Conclusion (One paragraph)

• Restate your claim and summarize your reasoning.
o Example: In conclusion, the text shows that videogames are harmful by pointing out that______

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