Why We Miss Multibaggers

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Why we miss Multibaggers...............


I have been trying to find this answer since long.
Why small investor miss finding multibagger?What are the reason why it doesn't come to us?
What wrong we do?
I feel that as a small investor or as being a smart investor we miss it.We ask too much
questions.Questions are neccessary but should not be a hinderence of picking a multibagger.
Why we do not have stocks like Infosys Techno?Why we don't have stock like Wipro?Why we
don't have stock like Delta Corp?Why we don't have stock like Keleidoscope?Why we don't have
stock like Kwality Dairy?Why we don't have stock like Symphony Comfort?
This type of stock is not with Institution nor with HNI's or DII's.Why that happens?
The reasons are many like:

We ask too many questions.We try to go in looking BV, RONW,Earnings, Debt,Inventories ,

Management etc etc.....and I feel that one of the most valid and concrete reason is looking at the
Score of multibagger smart investors missed ( mostly who are MBA's, CA's,degree in Finance)
has lost that opppertunity.
Why we lost the oppertunity?becuase we went on looking at the management.Smart investor
didn't buy Infosys because the management was unknown.Smart investor didn't buy
Kaleidoscope because there was nothing in the Balance sheet.Smart investor didn't buy Kwality
Dairy or Sumphony Comfort because they were not able to forsee the growth of the branded
Question asking is good but should not become a benchmark to choose a stock.Investing is just
not Books.It is common sense as well .
I have seen reports from brokerage houses.They keeps on writing all statistic.Long long report
full of figures.The discription part is very less.That makes no sense to me.Even if there is
discription , then that can be found from the website.
I have seen no report barring some exception which gave multibagger return.The reason that
happens is the report comes way after the stock is up by 5- 10 times and then the return is limited
too.A normal return of 30-40% in a year or two.
The key is to pick a stock on a very nascent stage.The acumen is in identifying stock which can
give 10-20 times return but majority of us fail to identify it.
But no one ask this question to themselve that why that is not happening to us.What wrong
procedure we are following that we miss those stock.One need to do self introspection.
But the human ego is such that it never let you think the correct way.
We never confess our mistakes . One need to be good at heart for that.That should be first criteria
for coming to self introspection.But we never confess out mistakes.We cheat our selves saying,
oh, that was not a big deal and I haven't done anything wrong.We defend ourselve by blaming
others. That is the worst way of thinking.And then the time comes we never feel guilty of wrong

doing or hurting someone.Then it becomes our way of life.We becomes so self centered that we
don't see whether we are hurting someone.....We start finding reasons why we did that and
justifies our wrong doing....

We need to think on that. I even go and say to that extend to even those financial Wizard( MBA's,
CA;s, etc) that find why you are not able to pick such stocks? Find out the reason.What is wrong
in coming to pick up stocks that the multibaggers stocks are eluding them.
But who cares ?All wants to have their own way of pie of commission or pay or salary.They invest
peoples money.They get salary for that.Now what return investor will get from their fund who
I liked the way Vikram Pandit did it.He said he will take just $1 as salary untill Citi gr do not come
in black for 3-4 qrs and he did exactly what he said.Took salary of $1 for 2 yrs.How many fund
managers do this.Ofcourse what he did was a routine things to bring back the Citi gr in black like
trimming down the expenses by laying off employees, selling assets etc....
Well, coming back to, why we are not able to hold multibaggers, the other reason I am seeing is
we sell them feeling them as fully priced.I am sure there can't be a single person who must be not
repenting why he sold that stock which gave multibagger return after selling.Why we sell a
multibagger?We become expert.We start thinking about the valuation.We feel that it has runup
fast and so we need to sell and we can always buy later.But that never happens as when we sell
we buy something else.
As I have written in my post of " How to pick a Multibagger" the eq is very important.Small eq has
always advantage.BV is another point to look at.Promoters stake over 70% is a huge huge
positive......visit my post of "How to Pick Multibaggers" again....
If we take a recent call of Digjam Ltd which I gave, it is a loss making Co but it is a branded
product and coming from non other then Birla.Digjam Ltd can become a future multibagger.But
the thing is when a stock is in 10's range no one believe it and then after 3-4 -5 yrs when it
becomes multibagger , we repent.


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