Assignment 1 - Population and Society

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DUE July 23
Population and Society – Professor Kane

1. Choose 5 concepts or processes related to the study of Demography that have been
covered in the Lecture Videos and/or Lecture Notes for Chapters One and Two.
2. Precisely define each concept/process as defined during the lecture videos and lecture
3. Apply each concept/process to a real-world event or situation. Real-world applications
must be in your own words and expected length is between 7 and 10 sentences,
although longer is fine.

For Example:

Counter-Intuitive – when evidence reveals a social process that works differently than one
would naturally expect (Kane, Counter-Intuitive Lecture Video).

It makes intuitive sense that the more police a community has, the less crime there would be in
that community. Sociological studies and evidence have in fact shown that more police means
a higher crime rate. This is because no police force could capture 100% of crime, but more
cops on the job should capture a higher percentage of crime. This is not to say that the actual
amount of crime has changed at all. Even with no change in the actual amount of crime being
committed, adding more cops to a police force will lead to a higher crime rate in that area. This
finding is highly counter-intuitive.

Guidelines – Assignments are to be typed, double-spaced, 12 point times new roman font, one
inch margins all around, and submitted online. Do not use an Apple-only format like ‘Pages’ for
any of your assignments, if you do, I will not be able to open or grade it. Number your entries -
each one of your five concept/application entries are worth up to 2 points each for a total
of 10 points (with the total points available for the entire course being 100, which makes
this assignment worth 10% of your grade).

Further Directions

1. Do your own work; do not work with another individual or group of individuals.
2. The concepts/processes that you choose to define must be related to demography,
complex, and should have been covered in the lecture videos and/or lecture notes.
3. Don’t choose obvious concepts/processes to define, you will do poorly. If you could
define and apply the concept/process before the semester started, don’t bother. Choose
a more complex concept/process that you hadn’t heard or considered before, define and
apply that. Alternatively, if you opt to define a relatively straightforward and commonly
understood concept/process, then the application of it should be complex and detailed if
you want full credit.
4. You can use my exact words for definitions, but if you do so, quote and cite me and
indicate to me the lecture where you found your sociological concepts; like so – (Kane,
Video 1). Always cite any sources that inform your work whether from outside the
course or inside. Even if a concept/process definition is in your own words, where you
learned the info must be cited. If it’s just general knowledge, choose a more complex
OWN WORDS. And please come up with your own independent applications of the
concepts/processes rather than just regurgitating the applications and examples I used
during the lecture videos.
6. Number each concept and its associated real-world application. Remember, you
need to choose 5 relatively complex concepts/processes and each should be applied to
a real world scenario. Your real-world-scenarios should be AT LEAST 7 to 10 sentences
in length, and longer is usually (but not always) better.

Please Be Sure To Number and Organize Your Assignment Thusly:

1) Concept - Concept Definition (Citation).

Real World Application of Concept at least 7-10 sentences in length.

2) Concept - Concept Definition (Citation).

Real World Application of Concept at least 7-10 sentences in length.

3) Concept - Concept Definition (Citation).

Real World Application of Concept at least 7-10 sentences in length.

4) Concept - Concept Definition (Citation).

Real World Application of Concept at least 7-10 sentences in length.

5) Concept - Concept Definition (Citation).

Real World Application of Concept at least 7-10 sentences in length.

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