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Hello my lovely wife

There was luggage given to me here in Syria by the Syria (President)sometime

ago ..And it was Due to my hard work and as well my years Military staying here in
( Syria)so i was rewarded with the luggage, The luggage was given to me sometime
ago by the Syria President..

Most of my men sent their package's to their wifies and as well love ones, to be
kept for them,so i also plan to send mine to my son to keep it safe for me,, so i
send it through one diplomat who is introduced to me by one commander Roy who also
sent him to deliver his luggage to his wife in France(Paris)

So after he delivered Mr Roys own to his Family in paris,and he also went to

Southafrica to Deliver another Luggage to one of the Officers name Mr George so he
was on his way to USA to deliver to Terry and he had a transit in one of the West
African country and he has been arrested by the Customs..

This are the Iteams in the Luggage,There is 14 gold bars in the

luggage..Shoes,Diamond Rings and Chain..Amount of Money,Certificate given to me by
Obama our president..Award Certificate,Medals,Speacial Document,Army
Uniform,Pictures for you and Terry and Speacil Ring for you and a little Diamond
Ring given and also have 7.5million dollars.

So I thought he will deliver mine safe to my son,but unfortunatly the luggage has
been stuck in custom to pay for some founds before they will let it go...So the
luggage is in One of the WEST-AFRICAN COUNTRY now and the customs there ask him to
pay( 70,000 euros) and he has been able to make (68,000 euros) my Love,So the
amount needed is (2000 euros)..Please try and help me as i cant do anything here
due to security reasons..Please very soon i will be with you and will give you
back. I love you so much and i hope i will soon hear from you again


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