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Group Assignment

Course Title: Software Evolution and Course code: Seng5551


Target Group: Software Engineering: 5th year Points taken: 6+6

Semester I


 Don’t forget to write all group members’ Names, Ids, Course Title, Course Code,
Department, University Name and logo on cover page.
 Except the titles and subtitles, all texts should have font type: Times New Roman,
font style: Regular, font size: 12.
 Write your reference clearly on the last page.

Assignment Explanation:

This is a group assignment which each group. The assignment is to write a summary note on
Chapter 6, which is Software Architecture Evolution. The titles and subtitles are listed below
from the book Software Evolution, 1st Ed, Mens, T., Demeyer, S., 2010, Springer. For more
clear explanation, you can use graphs and tables from other sources, but do not forget to refer
it! Attach the assignment with the following email address:

The titles and sub titles are the following

 Introduction
 Component-Based Software Architecture: Concepts and Open Issues

 Architecture Specification and Analysis

 System Configuration and Code Generation
 Architecture-Centric Integrated Development Environments
 Evaluation: Managing Software Architecture Evolution

 Dynamic Software Architecture Description

 Explicit Specification of the Software Architecture Dynamics

o Wright
o Fractal/FScript
o ArchJava
 Evaluation of the above Tools
 A Frame for Dynamic Software Architecture
o SafArchie
o ArchStudio
 Evaluation of the above Tools

 Aspect-Oriented Architectures Description Language


 Using Aspects in Architectural Description

o IEEE 1471
o Aspect-Oriented ADLs

 Evaluation

 The Safe Integration of New Concerns in a Software Architecture

 Overview of TranSAT
o Integrating a Session Expiration Concern Using the TranSAT
 Issues
 A Specific Language for Software Architecture Transformation

o The Join Point Mask

o The Transformation Rules
o Computation Transformation Primitives
o Interaction Transformation Primitives

 Static Verification of the Transformation

o Static Properties and Checks

 Dynamic Verification
 Assessment
 Discussion and Tool Suite

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