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WISE WISH Marine Engineering Training Centre

Marine Engineer Officer Class III (Part III)

Subject . SC BOE Question bank


1. What is meant by tone per immersion TPC? Explain why TPC varies with different draught. (4)
2. What is meant by ‘Hogging’ and ‘ Sagging’ and how to know the ship is afloat ‘hogging’ or
‘Sagging condition’. (4)
3. What is meant by ‘Panting’ and state which part of the ship is affected? (4)
4. Write down the Denny formula to calculate the wetted surface area and explain the formula. (4)
5. What is meant by ' Statical stability'? (4)
6. What is dead light and where it is fitted? (4)
7. What is slack tank? Describe the effects of slack tank. (4)
8. Defines the Rise of floor, Flare, Parallel middle body and Entrance. (4)
9. Lists the Anchor handling arrangement from hawse pipe to sparling pipe. (4)
10. Describe reserve buoyancy and explain importance of reserve buoyancy. (4)
11. Explain the six degrees of ship motion. (4)
12. Describe the purpose of bilge keel and how they are attached to the ship’s side. (4)
13. With reference to stability at large angle of heel what is meant by righting lever? Draw a sketch (4)
showing location of righting lever
14. What are the functions of watertight bulkhead? (4)
15. What are the functions of the stern frame? (4)
16. What are the purposes of constructing cofferdam and state where they are located? (4)
17. What is meant by ‘Pounding’ or ‘Slamming’ and state which part of the ship is affected? (4)
18. What are the load line mark? (4)
19. What is freeing port and state purpose of it? (4)
20. What is free surface and explain adverse effects on ship? (4)
21. How many types of keels are used in ship construction? Explain duct keel. (4)
22. What is sheer and state purpose of providing sheer in a ship? (4)
23. What is collision bulkhead? (4)
24. Explains where the deck line is marked. What is freeboard deck? (4)
25. What is the floor? State how many type of floors are used in ship construction. (4)
26. Describe dead weight, light weight and displacement of a ship and state how they are related?(4)
27. Explain function of deep tank? What tanks are called deep tanks onboard? (4)
28. What are the functions of wing tank? (4)
29. Explains why the shaft tunnel must be of watertight construction and how water is prevented from
entering the engine room if the tunnel becomes flooded. (4)
30. How do you understand the terms ‘tender ship’ and ‘stiff ship’. (4)
31. How many minimum numbers of bulkheads are required for a ship? (4)
NA& SC Bank 90+12+50 Updated 13rd June 2016 WISE WISH METC 1
32. Describes how to get the corrosion onboard. (4)
33. With respect to local stress, explain the “Panting”. (4)
34. What is ‘Bulwark’? Describe briefly about its construction. (4)
35. State with reasons, what is the main purpose of bulbous bow. (4)
36. List the parameters of a screw propeller and state formula to calculate the ‘slip’. (4)
37. Explain the principle of screw propulsion. (4)
38. Explain the purpose of rudder carrier bearing. (4)
39. What is Coaming? What is purpose for it? (4)
40. What is tank top? What purpose of it? (4)
41. (a) What is Pillars and purposes of it? (4)
(b) How they connect to the surrounding structure with the brackets? (4)
42. State double bottom tank? (4)
43. Describes the fitting of air vent pipes to ballast tanks or fuel oil tanks. (4)
44. Explains compensation for loss of strength at hatch openings. (4)
45. How many types of bulkhead to be found on board? (4)
46. Explains why transverse bulkheads have vertical corrugations and longitudinal bulkheads have
horizontal corrugations. (4)
47. Describes the construction and use of a anchor cable stopper. (4)
48. How to arrange the fire main pipe line? (4)
49. What is freeboard of a ship? What is the purpose of freeboard? (4)
50. What is meant by longitudinal centre of floatation (LCF) ? (4)
51. What is Water plane area coefficient Cw and write down formula for Cw? (4)
52. What is Midship section area coefficient Cm and write down formula for Cm? (4)
53. Describe the Margin plate. (4)
54. What is meant by ‘Racking’? (4)
55. What is meant by trimming lever? Draw a sketch showing location of trimming lever. (4)
56. With respect to Bilging: What is meant by Permeability? What is the permeability of
completely empty compartment? (4)
57. Define camber, Tumblehome, rise of floor and half siding of keel. (4)
58. Defines the Camber, Tumblehome, Rake and Sheer. (4)
59. For small angle of heel, define the Transverse Matacentre. (4)
60. Lists the parameters of a screw propeller and state formula to calculate ship speed in knot. (4)
61. What is the stringer and where they are fitted? (4)
62. Lists the various type of rudder and explain them. (4)
63. With respect to Hull structure, list at least 10 numbers of structural components. (4)
64. What is ‘keel’ of a ship? Describe types of keel used in ship construction. Sketch one type of keel.(4)
65. What is meant by the term “ Cross Flooding”? (4)
66. With respect to double bottom construction what is rising tank? (4)
67. With respect to load line, explain fresh water allowance. (4)
68. Describes and illustrates standard steel sections: (4)
(a) Offset bulb plate, (b) Unequal angle, (c) Channel bar, (d) Tee bar.
69. What is MCT1 cm and write down the formula for MCT 1 cm. (4)
70. Defines Forward perpendicular, After Perpendicular, Moulded Depth, Moulded Draught. (4)
71. What is Breast-hooks? Where is it located? How is it constructed? (4)
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72. Where are following parts fitted at sounding pipe in engine room? (4)
(a) Sounding cap, (b) Weighted cock, (c) Striking plate, (d) Close pipe arrangement.
73. How to construct the bow framing? (4)
74. Describes the hold drainage systems with sloping margin and flat margin plate. (4)
75. States that each section of bilge system is fitted with a screw-down non-return suction valve. (4)
76. Describes the bilge strum box. (4)
77. What is LOA and LBP ? (4)
78. Describe the construction of Samson post. (4)
79. Describes the rudder trunk. (4)
80. How many fire pumps are fitted on ships? Where is location of emergency fire pump and how
to drive it? (4)
81. How many types of cranes for ship are available and where are they used? (4)
82. Identifies structural components of frames, deck beams, knees and brackets. (4)
83. What is wash bulkhead and purpose of it? Where are they located? (4)
84. Define the Moulded Depth, Moulded Beam, Moulded Draught and Extreme Draught. (4)
85. Describe the ship’s masts. (4)
86. Describes the use of an anchor chain stopper and the construction of one type. (4)
87. What are the purposes of a stern tube? (4)
88. Describes a ship’s propeller and defines Boss, Rake of propeller. (4)
89. Explain how to secure anchor. (4)
90. Describe the Roller fairlead, Multi-angle fairlead, Pedestal fairlead and Panama fairlead. (4)

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1. What is meant by tonne per centimeter immersion TPC? Explain why TPC varies with different
draught. (4)

Tonne per Centimeter immersion

Tonne per 4xidizing4 immersion (TPC) of a ship at any given draught is the mass required to
increase the mean draught by 1cm.



At different draughts variations in waterplane area cause variations in TPC.

Values of TPC may be calculated for a range of draughts and plotted to form a TPC curve, from
which values of TPC may be obtained at intermediate draught.

2. What is meant by ‘Hogging’ and ‘ Sagging’ and how to know the ship is afloat ‘hogging’ or
‘Sagging condition’. (4)
1. The buoyancy amidships is increased while at the end is reduced.
2. This causes the ship to hog. It can be known that the ship will curve upwards.
1. The buoyancy amidships is reduced while at the end is increased.
2. This causes the ship to sag. It can be known that the ship will curve downwards.

3. What is meant by ‘Panting’ and state which part of the ship is affected? (4)
Panting and parts of ship affected are
1. The movement of waves along a ship causes fluctuations in water pressure on the plating.
This creates an in-and-out movement of the shell plating, known as panting.
2. The effect is particularly evident at the bow and stem as the ship pushes its way through the
3. Additional stiffening is provided in the form of panting beams and stringers.

4. Write down the Denny formula to calculate the wetted surface area and explain the formula. (4)
Denny formula as follow;

S = 1.7 Ld +
Where: S = wetted surface area in m2
L = Length of ship in m
∇ = volume of displacement in m3
d = draught in m
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5. What is meant by ‘Statical stability’? (4)
1. Statical stability is a measure of the tendency of a ship to return to the upright if inclined by
an external force.
2. In the upright position, the centre of gravity and centre of buoyancy are same vertical line,
the ship is in equilibrium.
3. When centre of gravity G lies below transverse metacentre M, GM is said to be positive, the
vessel is stable.
4. If the centre of gravity G lies above transverse metacentre M, GM is said to be negative, the
vessel is unstable. It will increase the angle of heel.

6. What is dead light and where it is fitted? (4)

Dead Light
1. Dead light is to cover the day light for resting.
2. It is steel or alloy cover plate fitted internally to port holes for protection against water
ingress in case of glass failure.

7. What is slack tank? Describe the effects of slack tank. (4)

1. A tank that is neither completely full nor completely empty.
2. When a ship is in motion, the liquid in a slack tank moves around.
3. It can cause stability problems as the weight of the liquid is constantly shifting.
4. It is called free surface effect.

8. Defines the Rise of floor, Flare, Parallel middle body and Entrance. (4)
Rise of floor: - The rise of the bottom shell plating line above the base line.
- This rise is measured at the line of moulded beam.
Flare: - The outward curvature of the side shell above the waterline.
- It promotes dryness and located at the fore end of ship.
Parallel middle body: - The ship length for which the mid-ship section is constant in area of ship.
Entrance: - The immersed body of the vessel forward of the parallel middle body.

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9. Lists the Anchor handling arrangement from hawse pipe to spurling pipe. (4)
Anchor handling arrangement from hawse pipe to spurling pipe is as follow:
1. The anchors are housed against the forward side shell.
2. The anchor cable passes through the hawse pipe, cable stopper, windlass cable lifter drum.
3. Then it drops vertically down through the spurling pipe into the chain locker below.

10. Describe reserve buoyancy and explain importance of reserve buoyancy. (4)
Reserve buoyancy
1. Watertight volume of a ship above the water line is called the reserved buoyancy. (Water
plane area x freeboard)
2. In case of damage to main hull, the ship is called the loss of buoyancy.
Importance of Reserve buoyancy is
1. to meet loss of buoyancy, in case of hull damage.
2. to provide enough freeboard, to make the vessel seaworthy.

11. Explain the six degrees of ship motion. (4)

Linear motions are:-
1. Vertical movement: Heaving
2. Horizontal transverse movement: Swaying
3. Fore and aft movement: Surging
Three rotational motions are:-
1. Rolling about longitudinal axis
2. Pitching about transverse axis
3. Yawing about vertical axis

12. Describe the purpose of bilge keel and how they are attached to the ship’s side. (4)
Purpose of bilge keels:
1. Reduces the ship rolling.
2. Gives longitudinal strength to bilge strake.
They are attached to the ship’s side as following.
1. A flat keel is welded along the bilge radius at both side of the ship and nearly half of ship’s
2. The bilge keel is fitted at right-angles to the bilge radiused plating.
3. The outer joint of bilge keel may be riveted or lightly welded. So that outer joint is easy to
break and leave the hull undamaged.
4. A doubling plate should be welded to both ends of the bilge plating and tapper at both ends.

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13. With reference to stability at large angle of heel What is meant by righting lever? Draw a sketch
Showing location of righting lever (4)
Righting Lever
1. When the ship is inclined by an external force to an angle θ, the centre of gravity remains in
the same position but the centre of buoyancy moves from B to B1.
2. The buoyancy acts up through B1 while the weight still acts down through G.
3. Creating a righting moment = ∆g × GZ
4. GZ is the righting lever

14. What are the functions of watertight bulkhead? (4)

Function of watertight bulkhead
1. To divide the ship into watertight compartment.
2. To restrict volume of water entering into ship if the ship is bilging.
3. To protect against fire.
4. To increase the transverse strength of ship to resist racking stress.

15. What are the functions of the stern frame? (4)

Functions of stern frame
1. It prevents the serious vibration at the after end of ship.
2. There must be enough clearances between the propeller and stern frame.
3. It provides for propeller shaft with stern tube seal.
4. It will locate the right direction for rudder and propeller.

16. What are the purposes of constructing cofferdam and state where they are located? (4)
Purpose of cofferdam and its location
1. It is to separate different contents such as LO and bilge water.
2. It prevents from leakage between adjacent co0mpartments.
3. They are narrow void space and located between two transverse bulkheads or floors.

17. What is meant by ‘Pounding’ or ‘Slamming’ and state which part of the ship is affected? (4)
1. In heavy weather, when the ship is heaving and pitching, the forward end leaves and re- enters
the water with a slamming effect. This slamming down of the forward part of ship on to the
water is known as pounding.
2. Additional stiffening must be fitted in the pounding region to reduce the possibility of
damage to the structure.
Parts affected
The ship is effected the pounding at 25-30% of the ship length from the aft of forward

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18. What are the load line mark? (4)
The load line marks
Deck line = Top of Deck line is same level with the top surface of the freeboard deck.
S = Summer load line in sea water
F = Summer load line in fresh water
T = Tropical zone load line in sea water
TF = Tropical zone load line in fresh water
W = Winter load line
WNA = Winter North Atlantic load line (For ship length of 100m or more).

19. What is freeing port and state purpose of it? (4)

Freeing port and its purpose
1. Freeing ports is large openings and cut in the bottom of the bulwark.
2. It purposes for allowing the water to flow off the deck.
3. The lower edges of the ports must be as near to the deck as possible.

20. What is free surface and explain adverse effects on ship? (4)
1. The liquid is not filled full and remaining some free surface in the tank.
2. When the ship rolls, partial filled liquid in the tank will move side by side of ship and it is
called free surface effect.
3. Sometime this liquid movement can be coincided with ship’s roil and lead to capsize the

21. How many types of keels are used in ship construction ? Explain duct keel. (4)
Types of Duct Keel
(1)Bar keel, (2) Flat plate keel, (3) Duct keel.
Construction of Duct keel:
1. A duct keel consists of twin centre girder and extends from the engine room length to the
forward hold.
2. The duct keel allows oil and water pipes to be carried beneath the hold spaces and thus
protected against cargo damage by leakage.
3. A watertight manhole door is usually provided at forward end of engine room as an entrance.

22. What is sheer and state purpose of providing sheer in a ship? (4)
Sheer and its purpose
1. Curvature of the deck in fore and aft direction, rising from mid-ship to a maximum at the ends.
2. The sheer forward is twice than aft.
3. Sheer makes the ships more seaworthy by reducing the volume of the water coming on the deck.

23. What is collision bulkhead? (4)

Collision bulkhead
1. It is the foremost major watertight bulkhead
2. It is located at a distance of L/20 from forward perpendicular of ship.
3. It is stiffened by vertical bulb plates spaced about 600 mm apart inside the peak.
4. It is purpose for strengthening of the ship fore end structure to resist the effect of panting and

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24. Explains where the deck line is marked. What is freeboard deck? (4)
Deck line
1. Deck line is marked at both side of amidships.
2. The top of the deck line is level with the top surface of the freeboard deck.
Freeboard deck
1. Freeboard deck is the uppermost continuous deck exposed to weather and sea,
2. It has permanent means of closing all openings.

25. What is the floor? State how many type of floors are used in ship construction. (4)
Floor and its type
1. The floors are transverse vertical plates those run across the bottom of the ship from the
centre girder to the bilge.
2. The floors are connected to side frames with tank brackets.
3. Water tight or oil-tight floors are used to divide the double bottom space into suitable tanks.
4. Non-water type floors are used for supporting the tank top.
5. They are solid floor, water tight floor and bracketed floor.

26. Describe dead weight, light weight and displacement of a ship and state how they are related?(4)
1. Lightweight: The weight of the empty ship without stores, fuel, water, crew or their effects.
2. Deadweight: The weight of ship carries such as cargo, fuel, water, stores, etc.
3. Displacement: The weight of the ship and everything it contains.
4. Displacement (ton) = lightweight (ton) + deadweight (ton)

27. Explain function of deep tank? What tanks are called deep tanks onboard? (4)
Function of deep tank
1. Deep tanks are fitted to use as ballast tanks, improving the draft with little trim, when the ship
was light.
2. It is also reducing the stresses in the ship when the loaded condition with the deep tank is left
3. These tanks were also used for carrying general cargoes and the liquid cargoes.
4. The deep tanks are suitable for liquid cargo heating purposes such as FO Centre tank.

28. What are the functions of wing tank? (4)

Function of wing tank
1. To increase the transverse and longitudinal strength of ship.
2. To store the fuel and dry cargo.
3. To store the ballast water for stability of the vessel.
4. To use as the anti-rolling tanks.
5. To prevent from water entering into ship due to ship’s shell damage.

29. Explains why the shaft tunnel must be of watertight construction and how water is prevented
from entering the engine room if the tunnel becomes flooded. (4)
1. Where a ship’s machinery space is not aft of ship, a tunnel is provided to lead the shafting to
the after peak bulkhead.
2. The tunnel must be watertight construction to provide incase of leakage from the shaft seal.
3. The forward end of the tunnel is fitted with a sliding watertight door to prevent from water
entering into engine room if the tunnel becomes flooded.

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30. How do you understand the terms ‘tender ship’ and ‘stiff ship’? (4)
Tender ship
1. A vessel is said to be tender if she has an abnormally small metacentric height.
2. Such a ship may have a long period of roll but may list excessively in a strong wind and
may be dangerous if a hold is flooded following a collision.
Stiff ship
1. A vessel is said to be stiff if she has an abnormally large metacentric height.
2. Such a ship may have a short period of roll and therefore will roll uncomfortably.
3. In extreme case may result in structural damage.

31. How many minimum numbers of bulkheads are required for a ship? (4)
Minimum numbers of bulkheads
1. The ship with aft machinery room requires minimum 3 numbers of bulkhead.
2. They are collision bulkhead, forward machinery room bulkhead and aft-peak bulkhead.
3. The ship with mid machinery room requires minimum 4 numbers of bulkhead.
4. They are collision bulkhead, forward & aft machinery room bulkhead, and aft-peak
5. Additional bulkheads needed depends on the ship’s length.

32. Describes how to get the corrosion onboard. (4)

Corrosion onboard
1. When steel is exposed to oxygen and moisture, the 10xidizing or rusting will take place.
2. A ship is always in sea water, an electro-chemical reaction take place on unprotected steel
surfaces and forming a corrosion cell.
3. The electrical potential difference between two metals in sea water, occur the current flow.
4. This current flow results in metal being removed from the anode metal or positive electrode.
5. Such the wastage is called corrosion.

33. With respect to local stress, explain the “Panting”. (4)

Panting and local stress
1. The movement of waves along a ship causes fluctuations in water pressure on the plating.
2. This creates an in-and-out movement of the shell plating, known as panting.
3. The effect is particularly evident at the bow and stem as the ship pushes its way through the water.
4. Additional stiffening is provided in the form of panting beams and stringers.
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34. What is ‘Bulwark’? Describe briefly about its construction. (4)
Bulwark is to protect the personnel or objects falling over board due to ship rolling
Construction of Bulwark
1. It is fitted at least 1 meter high of open rail or solid plate at the deck edge.
2. The upper edge is stiffened by a ‘hooked bulb angle’.
3. The lower edge is riveted to the sheer strake.
4. Freeing ports must be cut in the bottom of the bulwark to allow the water to flow off the

35. State with reasons, what is the main purpose of bulbous bow. (4)
Purpose of Bulbous bow
1. Due to Bulbous bow, A wave is created just behind the sphere and
it interferes with the normal bow wave.
2. That results in a smaller bow wave.
3. Thus the wave making resistance is reduced and the ship speed is increased.

36. Lists the parameters of a screw propeller and state formula to calculate the Slip. (4)
Parameter of propeller
P = pitch in m, the distance moved by propeller in one revolution of shaft
D = diameter in m, the circle or disc cut out by the blade tips.
p = pitch ratio, the face pitch divided by the diameter.
N = revolution per min of propeller shaft.
V = theoretical speed of propeller in knots
Vs= Ship speed in knots

P × N × 60
V =
Slip = x 100 %

37. Explain the principle of screw propulsion. (4)

Principle of screw propulsion
1. When rotated, the screw thrusts its way through the water and giving momentum to the
column of water passing through it.
2. The thrust is transmitted along the shafting to the thrust block and finally to the ship’s
structure. Then the ship moves AHEAD or ASTERN.

38. Explain the purpose of rudder carrier bearing. (4)

Purpose of rudder carrier bearing
1. The rudder carrier carries the weight of rudder.
2. The rudder weight is transferred to the lower bearing surface of the carrier.
3. This bearing pintle is only required to support the weight of the rudder when the rudder
carrier damage.
4. The pintles are guiding the rudder in place and the rudder is turning on pintles.
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39. What is Coaming? What is purpose for it? (4)
Coaming and its purpose
1. It is the vertical plate structure around a hatchway.
2. The coamings are supported by vertical webs.
3. On the weather deck the coamings must be at a minimum height of 600mm.
4. It supports the hatch cover and reduces the risk of water entry to the holds.

40. What is tank top? What purpose of it? (4)

Purpose of Tank top
1. It is the bottom of a hold which is also the top of the double bottom tanks.
2. The tank top increases the longitudinal strength.
3. It is strong enough to act as a platform for cargo and machinery.
4. The plating is 10% thicker in the engine room.

41. (a) What is Pillars and purposes of it? (4)

(b)How they connect to the surrounding structure with the brackets?
(a) Pillars and its purpose
1. Pillars are solid round bars or tubes, of between 60mm and 150mm diameter.
2. They support the deck above them and tie the beams to the bottom or deck below.
3. They transfer the loads between the decks and structure.
(b) How they connect to the surrounding structure
1. If they have the compression load, they are little or no bracketing to the surrounding
2. If they are subjected to tensile forces, they are required the enough brackets at top or

42. State double bottom tank? (4)

1. It is space between the bottom of the ship and the tank top.
2. The transverse watertight floors and centre girder are divided to be individual tanks.
3. In the tank, non-watertight floors and side girders are fitted depend on length and width of
4. Then both sides of tanks are enclosed with watertight margin plates at bilge.
5. Used for the carriage of ballast water, fresh water, bunker oil and strengthen the bottom shell.

43. Describes the fitting of air vent pipes to ballast tanks or fuel oil tanks. (4)
1. Ventilation of double-bottom tanks is provided by means of an air vent pipe.
2. It is situated remote from the filling pipe and usually at the highest point in the tank to avoid
unventilated pockets.
3. The air vent pipe is led up to the weather deck to a gooseneck or patent type of head.
4. Air vent pipes from fuel tanks are positioned in low risk areas and have anti-flash screen.

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44. Explains compensation for loss of strength at hatch openings. (4)
Compensation for loss of strength at hatch openings are as follows:
1. At the hatch openings, the changes of plating material should be gradual and well radius.
2. Any sharp corner can be crack by stresses.
3. Well-radius corners must be used at the hatch corners.
4. The corners of openings are fitting the doubling plates or thicker insert plates.
5. If the elliptical corners are used no need to fit the doubling plates

45. How many types of bulkhead to be found on board? (4)

Types of bulk head
1. They are (i) watertight bulkhead, (ii) oil tight bulkhead and (iii) non-watertight bulkhead.
2. The transverse watertight bulkheads subdivide the ship into a number of watertight
3. Oil tight bulkheads form the boundaries of tanks used for the carriage of liquid cargoes or fuel.
4. Non-watertight bulkheads are used for engine casing, accommodation partitions or store

46. Explains why transverse bulkheads have vertical corrugations and longitudinal bulkheads
have horizontal corrugations. (4)
Corrugations for transverse and longitudinal bulkheads
1. In corrugations, the troughs are purpose for carry the load as stiffeners and no stiffeners at
corrugation bulkheads.
2. In transverse bulkheads, vertical stiffeners are fitted for vertical strength. In longitudinal
bulkheads, horizontal stiffeners are fitted for longitudinal strength of the ship.
3. Therefore the troughs are vertical on transverse bulkheads but no on longitudinal bulkheads.
They must be horizontal to get the longitudinal strength of the ship.

47. Describes the construction and use of a anchor cable stopper. (4)
1. The chain stopper is not to stop the moving cable, but only hold it in place.
2. It consists of the heavy plate with a roller which the cable passes over.
3. A hinged bar is designed to fall between two vertical links and hold the cable in place.
4. The chain stopper is welded or bolted on to a heavy insert plate in the deck and is
additionally stiffened by brackets.

48. How to arrange the fire main pipe line? (4)

Fire main pipe line arrangement
1. Fire mains of sufficient diameter to provide an enough water supply for the simultaneous
operation of two fire hoses must be connected to the fire pumps.
2. An isolating valve is fitted at the machinery space fire main to enable the emergency fire
pump for supplying the deck lines, if the machinery space main is broken or the pump is out
of action.
3. Relief valve are fitted at either end of main to ensure that working pressure is not exceeded.
4. Additional lines are led to the hawse pipe for anchor washing.

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49. What is freeboard of a ship? What is the purpose of freeboard? (4)
Freeboard is the distance measured from the waterline to the top of freeboard deck measure at
the ship side amidships.
Purpose of freeboard:
1. To ensure that ship can not be loaded beyond her strength.
2. To get the enough Reserved Buoyancy.
3. To keep the deck high enough from water.

50. What is meant by longitudinal centre of floatation (LCF)? (4)

Centre of floatation (LCF)
1. Centre of floatation (LCF) is the centroid of the waterplane and is the axis about which a ship
changes trim when a mass is added, removed or moved longitudinally.
2. If a small mass (m) is added to a ship at the centre of flotation, there is an increase in mean
draught but no change in trim.
3. A large mass which is more than one twentieth of the displacement, will cause a considerable
increase in draught and hence a change in waterplane area and centre of flotation.

51. What is Waterplane area coefficient Cw and write down formula for Cw? (4)
Waterplane area coefficient
Waterplane area coefficient Cw is the ratio of the area of the waterplane to the product of the
length and breadth of the ship.

Waterplane Area
C =
Length × Breadth
C =

52. What is Midship section area Am and write down formula for Cm? (4)
Midship section area
Midship section area Cm is the ratio of the area of the immersed portion of the midship section to
the product of the breadth and the draught .
Midship section Area A
C = C =
Breadth × draught B×d

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53. Describe the Margin plate. (4)
1. At the bilges the tank top is bended down to the shell by means of a tank margin plate.
2. It sets at angle of about 45’ to the tank top and meeting the shell almost at right angle.
3. Margin plate is a continuous watertight and attached to side frames with brackets.
4. It provides a collecting well for bilge water.
5. There has also flap margin plate which connects to side shell without bending.

54. What is meant by ‘Racking’? (4)

1. When a ship is rolling it is accelerated and decelerated, resulting in forces in the structure
tending to distort it. This condition is known as racking.
2. Its greatest effect is felt when the ship is in the light or ballast condition.
3. The brackets and beam knees joining horizontal and vertical items of structure are used to
resist this distortion.

55. What is meant by trimming lever? Draw a sketch showing location of trimming lever. (4)
Trimming Lever
1. When the LCB will not be in the same vertical line as G and
2. the distance of the LCB and LCF from midship.
3. A trimming moment acts on the ship.
4. This trimming moment is the displacement multiplied by the longituc1inal distance between
B and G. known as the trimming lever

56. With respect to Bilging: What is meant by Permeability? What is the permeability of completely
empty compartment? (4)
1. Permeability µ is the volume of a compartment into which water may flow if the
compartment is laid open to the sea expressed as a ratio or percentage of the total volume
of the compartment.
2. If a compartment is completely empty, the permeability is 100 per cent.
3. The permeability of a machinery space is about 85 per cent and accommodation about 95
per cent.
4. The permeability of a cargo hold varies considerably with the type. Of cargo but an average
value may be taken as 60 per.

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57. Define Camber, Tumblehome, Rise of floor and Half siding of keel. (4)
1. Camber
The transverse curvature of the deck from the centerline down to the side.
2. Tumblehome
The inward curvature of the side shell above the summer load line.
3. Rise of floor
The rise of the bottom shell plating line above the base line. This rise is measured at the line
of moulded beam edge.
4. Half Siding of Keel
The horizontal flat portion of the bottom shell measured to port or starboard of the ship’s
longitudinal centre line. This is a useful dimension to know when dry-docking.

58. Defines Camber, Tumblehome, Rake and Sheer. (4)

1. Camber: The transverse curvature of the deck from the centerline down to the side.
2. Tumblehome: The inward curvature of the side shell above the summer load line.
3. Sheer: The curvature of decks in a fore and aft direction, rising from midships to a maximum
at the ends.
4. Rake: A feature inclined to the vertical in a transverse view is said to have rake.

59. For small angle of heel define the transverse Metacentre. (4)
Transverse Metacentre
For small angles of heel, up to about 10°, the vertical through the new centre of buoyancy B1
intersects the centre line at M the transverse metacentre.
GZ = GM sinθ

60. Lists the parameters of a screw propeller and state formula to calculate ship speed in knot.
Parameter of propeller
P = pitch in m, the distance moved by propeller in one revolution of shaft
D = diameter in m, the circle or disc cut out by the blade tips.
p = pitch ratio, the face pitch divided by the diameter.
N = revolution per min of propeller shaft.
V = theoretical speed of propeller in knots
P × N × 60
V =

Ship speed V = Theoreticalspeed V − Apparent slip speed

61. What is the stringer and where they are fitted? (4)
1. It is the longitudinal and horizontal plates along the ship’s side, inboard.
2. They are together with the frames give strength to the vessel.
3. They are fitted in fore peak as the panting stringers and at transom stern.
4. They are also fitted full width and length of the bulbous bow.
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62. Lists the various type of rudder and explain them. (4)
Types of Rudder
(a) Unbalance rudder, (b) Semi-balanced rudder and (c) Balanced rudder.
(a) Unbalance rudder
A rudder with all of its area, aft of the turning axis is known as ‘unbalanced rudder’.
(b) Semi-balanced rudder
A rudder with a small part of its area, less than 20%, forward of the turning axis is ‘semi-
balanced rudder’.
(c) Balanced rudder
When 25% to 30% of the area is forward of the turning axis there is no torque on the rudder
stock at certain angles and such an arrangement is therefore known as a ‘balanced rudder’.

63. With respect to Hull structure, list at least 10 numbers of structural components. (4)
1. Keel
2. Half Siding of Keel
3. Garboard strake
4. Bottom plating
5. Side plating
6. Sheer strake
7. Bilge keel
8. Rise of Floor
9. Flare
10. Tumblehome

64. What is ‘keel’ of a ship? Describe types of keel used in ship construction. Sketch one type of keel. (4)
Key of a ship
The keel runs along the centerline of the bottom plating of the ship, connecting the stem to
There are bar keel, duct keel and flat keel. For most of ship builds a flat plate keel.

Figure: Duct keel

65. What is meant by the term “ Cross Flooding”? (4)

Cross Flooding
When the ship is bilging, compartment which located opposite cross side of bilging are flooded
to keep the ship to avoid the large heels.
This is termed counter-flooding or cross flooding.
The ship will sink deeper in water but this is a less dangerous than large heeling condition.

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66. With respect to double bottom construction what is rising tank? (4)
Rising tanks
Double bottom spaces in which the inner bottom is higher at centre line than at sides.
This arrangement has the advantage of allowing moisture from the cargo drain into the bilge
pockets on each side.

67. With respect to load line, explain fresh water allowance. (4)
Fresh Water Allowance
It is the number of centimeters by which the mean draft change ( increase ) when a ship passes
from salt water to fresh water, or vice versa, whilst floating at the loaded draft.

Increase in draught = cm
40 TPC
Where, Δ = displacement in tones, TPC = tones per cm immersion
This is known as the fresh water allowance, used when computing the freeboard of a ship and is
the difference between the Sea water line and the Fresh water line on the freeboard markings.

68. Describes and illustrates standard steel sections: (4)

(a) Offset bulb plate, (b) Unequal angle, (c) Channel bar, (d) Tee bar.

(a) Offset bulb plate: A plate has a bulb at one side is called offset bulb plate.
(b) Unequal angle: It is used to join together two unequal plates meeting at right angle.
(c) Channel bar: It is U design steel plate.
(d) Tee bar: It is T design steel plate.

69. What is MCT1 cm and write down the formula for MCT 1 cm. (4)
MCT 1 cm
The MCT 1 cm is the moment required to change the trim of the vessel by 1 cm and can be
calculated by using the formula
MCT 1 cm =
W = The vessel’s displacement in tones
GML = The longitudinal metacentric height in metres
L = Vessel’s length in metres

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70. Defines Forward perpendicular, After Perpendicular, Moulded Depth, Moulded Draught. (4)
1. Forward Perpendicular (FP):
A perpendicular drawn to the waterline at the point where the foreside of the stem meets
the summer load line.
2. After Perpendicular (AP):
A perpendicular drawn to the waterline at the point where the aft side of the rudder post
meets the summer load line. Where no rudder post is fitted, it is taken as the centre line of
the rudder stock.
3. Moulded Depth:
Measured from the top of keel to the underside of the deck beam at the ship’s side
4. Moulded Draught:
Measured from the top of the keel to the summer load line at the midship section.

71. What is Breast-hooks? Where is it located? How is it constructed? (4)

The plate stem is supported at intervals of about 1m by horizontal plates known as breast
They extend from the stem to the adjacent transverse frame.
The breast hooks are welded to the stem plate and shell plating and are flanged on their free

72. Where are following parts fitted at sounding pipe in engine room? (4)
(a) Weighted cock, (b) Sounding cap, (c) Striking plate, (d) Close pipe arrangement.
(a) Weighted cock is fitted at upper open end of sounding pipe.
(b) Sounding cap is fitted above the weighted cock at upper end of sounding pipe.
(c) Striking plate is fitted at the bottom plate of the tank under the lower end of an open pipe,
where the sounding rod falls.
(d) Close pipe arrangement is fitted at the bottom end of sounding pipe if a striking plate is not

73. How to construct the bow framing? (4)

Construction of bow framing
1. It is the forward end of a ship and consists of the solid bar stem and runs from the keel to
the load waterline.
2. At the bottom, the foremost keel plate is wrapped round the bar which is known as a coffin
3. Above the stem bar, the stem is formed by plating which is welded stiffener on the centre
4. The plate stem is supported at intervals of about 1m by horizontal plates known as breast

74. Describes the hold drainage systems with sloping margin and flat margin plate. (4)
1. The sloping margin requires the use of margin plates to connect with the side framing and
provides a collecting well for bilge water.
2. The flat margin must have bilge water collecting drain 'hats' fitted into it. The flat margin is
connected to the side framing by a flanged bracket.

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75. States that each section of bilge system is fitted with a screw-down non-return suction valve. (4)
Bilge system suction valve
1. The Suction valves for the individual compartments must be of the screw-down non-return
type to prevent reverse flow.
2. All other valves must be of the non-return (NR) type.
3. The port and starboard cargo hold bilge valves are usually grouped in distribution chests at
the forward end of the machinery space.
4. Any bilge overboard must be fitted a screw down non-return valve.

76. Describes the bilge strum box. (4)

1. Strum boxes are fitted on all and not fitted at suction pipes of tunnel space and
2. A suction area is made of the plate with perforations of 10mm diameter. The diameter of
suction area is at least twice of the suction pipe.
3. The strum box prevents from the entry of large objects into the pipe line and damage to
the internal parts of pump.

77. What are LOA and LBP ? (4)

Length over all ( LOA )
The extreme length of a ship measured from the foremost point of the stem to the aftermost part
of the stern.
Length between perpendicular s ( LBP )
1. The length of a ship between the forward and after perpendiculars.
2. The forward perpendicular is a vertical line at the intersection of the fore side of the stem and
the summer load waterline.
3. The after perpendicular is a vertical line at the intersection of the summer load waterline and
the after side of the rudder post or stern post, or the centreline of the rudder stock if there is
no rudder post or stern post.

78. Describe the construction of Samson post. (4)

Samson post
The Sampson post is used more specifically for supporting derricks.
Sampson post construction is of tubular steel section, stiffened internally by webs.
Thicker plating or doubling plates are provided where attachments are made to the post.

79. Describes the rudder trunk. (4)

Rudder trunk.
1. The rudder trunk is open at the lower end and a watertight gland is fitted at the top of the
trunk for the entry of the rudder stock into the steering flat.
2. A platform is sometimes fitted midway up the trunk to fit a watertight gland. A watertight
door is fitted at upper side of trunk to access the gland.
3. This trunk is kept reasonably short so that the stock has a minimum unsupported length.

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80. How many fire pumps are fitted on ships? Where is location of emergency fire pump and how to
drive it? (4)
Fire pumps fitted on ship
1. All passenger ships of 4000 gross tons and above must have at least three power-driven fire
2. All cargo ships of above 1000 gross tons must have at least two independently driven fire
3. An emergency fire pump must be located away from the machinery space.
4. The emergency fire pump must be independently driven by a compression ignition engine or
emergency power supplied electric pump.

81. How many types of cranes for ship are available and where are they used? (4)
Types of cranes
1. Three basic types of cranes are available as (a) general cargo cranes, (b) grabbing cranes and
(c) twin-crane arrangements.
2. The general cargo crane is for use on cargo ships and bulk carriers.
3. The grabbing crane is for use with a mechanically-operated grab when handling bulk
materials. It requires a multiple-wire arrangement for the operation of the grab.
4. Twin cranes use standard cranes which can be twinned or operated in unison to lift heavier
loads such as containers.

82. Identifies structural components of frames, deck beams, knees and brackets. (4)
(a) Frame:
A transverse structural member which acts as a stiffener to the shell and bottom plate.
(b) Deck beams:
The decks may be supported either by transverse beams in conjunction with longitudinal
girders or by longitudinal beams in conjunction with transverse girders.
(c) Knees:
A triangular plate which is used to connect a deck beam and side frame.
(d) Brackets:

83. What is wash bulkhead and purpose of it? Where are they located? (4)
Wash Bulkhead
1. Wash bulkhead is the non-watertight bulkhead.
2. Its purpose is to reduce the free surface effect.
3. They are located in fore peak tank, deep tank and liquid cargo tank such as tanker

84. Define the Moulded Depth, Moulded Beam, Moulded Draught and Extreme Draught. (4)
1. Moulded Depth: Measured from the top of keel to the underside of the deck beam at the
ship’s side amidships.
2. Moulded Beam (Breadth moulded): The greatest breadth of the ship, measured to the inside
edges of the shell plating.
3. Moulded Draught: Measured from the top of the keel to the summer load line at the midship
4. Extreme Draught: Measured from the underside of keel to the summer load line. Draught
marks represent extreme draught.

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85. Describe the ship’s masts. (4)
Ship’s Mast
1. The ship’s mast acts as a lookout platform and a mounting point for navigation equipment
such as lights, radar, aerials, etc.
2. Access to the upper platform is by a ladder which may be fitted externally or internally.
3. The upper platform is additionally supported by brackets to the outer plating of the mast.
4. The mast is fully welded to the deckhouse on the forecastle deck and to the upper deck.
5. A solid round bar is used to stiffen each of the free edges of plating.
86. Describes the use of an anchor chain stopper and the construction of one type. (4)
Anchor chain stopper
1. The anchor chain stopper is used to hold the anchor cable in place while the ship is riding
at anchor or the anchor is fully housed.
2. It consists of the heavy plate with a roller which the cable passes over.
3. A hinged bar is designed to fall between two vertical links and hold the cable in place.
4. The chain stopper is welded or bolted on to a heavy insert plate in the deck and is stiffened
by brackets.
87. What are the purposes of a stern tube? (4)
Purpose of Stern tube
The purposes of a stern tube are:
 To prevent the entry of sea water into the machinery spaces.
 To support the tail shaft.
 To carry the some potion of propeller weight.

88. Describes a ship’s propeller and defines Boss, Rake of propeller. (4)
1. A ship's propeller:
It is a combination of concentric helices, or rather a multi-thread screw, rotating in water
with its axis parallel to the direction of the ship's motion. It is placed at the after end of the
2. Boss:
Solid cylinder located at the center of the propeller. It is bored to pass through the engine
propeller shaft.
3. Rake:
Rake is the degree that the blades slant forward or backwards in relation to the hub. Rake can
affect the flow of water through the propeller.
89. Explains how to secure anchor. (4)
Securing of Anchor
1. The anchors are usually of the stockless design in order to enable the shank to be drawn
fully into the hawse pipe.
2. The bow stopper is fitted on the forecastle deck in line with the run of the anchor cable.
3. It is used to hold the anchor cable in place while the ship is riding at anchor or the anchor
is fully housed.
90. Describe the Roller fairlead, Multi-angle fairlead, Pedestal fairlead and Panama fairlead. (4)
1. Roller fairlead: A roller fairlead is one or more vertical rollers on a steel base which may
fasten directly to the deck or to the deck and bulwarks.
2. Multi-angle fairlead: A multi-angled fairlead consists of two horizontal and two vertical
rollers with the wire passing through the hole between the rollers.
3. Pedestal fairlead: A pedestal fairlead consists of a single horizontal or vertical roller
mounted on a raised pedestal or seat.
4. Panama fairlead: The panama fairlead is an almost elliptical opening formed in a casting
which is fitted into a suitably stiffened aperture in the bulwark.
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