ML Exp 01

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International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC)

Department of Computer and Communication Engineering

Lab Report # 01

Course Title : Machine Learning Sessional

Course Code : CCE-4830

Submitted By
Abdullah Al Noman
Student ID: E201013

Submitted To
Teacher Name: Dr. Md. Saiful Islam
Adjunct Faculty, CCE, IIUC

Mark & Signature

Experiment Date: 20 Jan, 2024
Submission Date: 27 Jan, 2024
Experiment No: 01
Experiment Name: Fruit Type Detection using ANN Method - Orange, Green Apple, Blackberry.
01. To develop an ANN model for accurate fruit type classification.
02. To evaluate ANN performance in distinguishing among orange, green apple, blueberry.
Introduction: The application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in fruit type detection stands as a
contemporary and promising approach for automated classification. In this experimental pursuit, the focus is
on distinguishing among three distinct fruits: orange, green apple, and blueberry. ANNs, inspired by the
human brain's neural architecture, are adept at learning complex patterns and features from diverse datasets.
The primary goal is to develop a robust ANN model capable of accurately classifying these fruits based on
their unique visual characteristics. Through the utilization of advanced machine learning techniques, this
study seeks to contribute to automated fruit recognition systems, offering potential benefits for agricultural
processes, inventory management, and quality control. The intricate interplay of neural network algorithms
and fruit image datasets presents an exciting avenue for creating efficient tools that can positively impact
various sectors relying on accurate and rapid fruit classification.

Fig 01: Orange, Green Apple, Blueberry

Features Used in Fruit Detection: Color, shape and texture are fundamental characteristic of fruits
which provides strong statistical values for its detection, segmentation and classification.
➢ Training = 70%, Validation = 15%, Testing = 15%, Hidden Layer = 10

➢ Training = 80%, Validation = 10%, Testing = 10%, Hidden Layer = 25

Discussion: The goal of this study was to classify oranges, green apples, and blueberries using an
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method to fruit type detection. We acquired high classification accuracy
by training the ANN with a range of features extracted from fruit photographs. This study demonstrates the
efficacy of ANNs in image-based classification tasks for the agricultural and food processing sectors, with
real-world applications in automated fruit sorting systems.

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