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International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC)

Department of Computer and Communication Engineering

Lab Report # 02

Course Title : Artificial Intelligence Sessional

Course Code : CCE-4804

Submitted By
Abdullah Al Noman
Student ID: E201013

Submitted To
Teacher Name: Dr. Md. Saiful Islam
Adjunct Faculty, CCE, IIUC

Mark & Signature

Experiment Date: 20 Jan, 2024
Submission Date: 27 Jan, 2024
Experiment No: 02
Experiment Name: Brain Tumor Type Detection by reducing the features using ANN Method – Benign
& Malignant.
01. To identify the type of brain tumor effectively.
02. To optimize brain tumor detection by reducing features through advanced ANN methods.
Introduction: The quest for efficient and accurate brain tumor detection has led to innovative approaches,
and one such avenue involves leveraging Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) while strategically reducing
features. This experimental paradigm aims to enhance the performance of ANNs in discerning between
benign and malignant brain tumors by optimizing the input features. Feature reduction involves selecting the
most relevant information while discarding redundant or less informative elements, thereby streamlining the
input data for the neural network. The objective is to create a more efficient and resource-effective model
that maintains or even improves classification accuracy. By systematically navigating through the
complexities of the dataset, this approach seeks to harness the power of ANNs in a more streamlined manner,
potentially expediting the diagnostic process for brain tumor classification and contributing to advancements
in personalized and targeted treatment strategies.

Fig 01: Brain Tumor Classification

13 Features:
➢ Training = 70%, Validation = 15%, Testing = 15%, Hidden Layer = 10

➢ Training = 80%, Validation = 10%, Testing = 10%, Hidden Layer = 15

12 Features:
➢ Training = 70%, Validation = 15%, Testing = 15%, Hidden Layer = 10

➢ Training = 80%, Validation = 10%, Testing = 10%, Hidden Layer = 15

11 Features:
➢ Training = 70%, Validation = 15%, Testing = 15%, Hidden Layer = 10

➢ Training = 80%, Validation = 10%, Testing = 10%, Hidden Layer = 15

10 Features:
➢ Training = 70%, Validation = 15%, Testing = 15%, Hidden Layer = 10

➢ Training = 80%, Validation = 10%, Testing = 10%, Hidden Layer = 15

09 Features:
➢ Training = 70%, Validation = 15%, Testing = 15%, Hidden Layer = 10

➢ Training = 80%, Validation = 10%, Testing = 10%, Hidden Layer = 15

08 Features:
➢ Training = 70%, Validation = 15%, Testing = 15%, Hidden Layer = 10

➢ Training = 80%, Validation = 10%, Testing = 10%, Hidden Layer = 15

07 Features:
➢ Training = 70%, Validation = 15%, Testing = 15%, Hidden Layer = 10

➢ Training = 80%, Validation = 10%, Testing = 10%, Hidden Layer = 15

Discussion:. In this experiment, we employed an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to decrease features
and identify two types of brain tumors: benign and malignant. We were able to simplify data representation
while maintaining accuracy by enhancing the feature set. This technology provides a potential path toward
effective and precise brain tumor diagnosis, while simultaneously boosting computer efficiency and
showing the adaptability of ANNs in medical image processing.

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