IntroductiontoRobotics October2017 B E Withcredits RegularCGPAPatternBE 6C16ED06

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Seat Number

ÔãâãäÞã¦ã - 053


Introduction to Robotics
P. Pages : 1
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to Candidates :
1. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2. Graph or diagram should be drawn with the black ink pen being used for writing
paper or black HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. Solve any two questions from each unit.
5. Use of non programmable calculator is allowed.
6. Draw neat sketches wherever necessary.

1. a) What is Automation? Give classification. Also explain How Robot differs from 8
Automated machine.
b) List & explain different types of joints used in Robots with neat sketches. 8
c) List & explain all the types of configurations used in Robotic system with neat 8
2. a) Explain the need of Industrial Robot. 8
b) Explain Lagranges Analysis of manipulator. 8
c) Write short notes. 8
i) Forces encountered in moving Co-ordinate system.
ii) Motion conversion.
3. a) Give classification of actuators. Explain electric actuators in detail. 8
b) List & explain different elements of power Transmission system used in Robots. 8
c) Explain the two types of position sensors with neat sketches. 8
4. a) What are end effectors? Explain mechanical Grippers with neat sketches. 8
b) List the different types of sensors used in Robots. Explain tactile sensor in detail. 8
c) Explain briefly the Robot vision. 8
5. a) Draw & explain the block diagram of Robot language structure in brief. 8
b) Explain WAIT, SIGNAL & DELAY commands with examples in brief. 8
c) List the methods of Robot programming. Explain any one in brief. 8


ÔãâãäÞã¦ã - 053 1 P.T.O

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