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November 18

1.What is Ur favorite color?

2. What kind of car do u drive and what color is it?
3. Would u want to get married again or even have another child?
4. When is your birthday? you like to play with the heart of a man?
6.What are Ur favorite types of food?
7. Do u attend church?
8. How tall are you?
9. What type of music do u listen to?
10. Are u right handed or left handed?
11. Do u take showers or bath?
12. If you were giving three chances ti make a choice in life what would you
13. Are u an affectionate person?YES Do u like to kiss?
14. Do you have any tattoos or body piercing?
15. Are you a handy woman?, for example if I bought a ceiling fan can u put it in?
16. Do you like to cook? YES Can u cook?
17. What would Ur ideal mate be like in terms of education, body type, and overall
18:wold you ever apologies to your husband when ever you at fault or your prefer
him apologies?
19. If you and I were a couple and we have a disagreement, how would u handle it?
unresolved and act like nothing happened?
20. When was the last time you had sex? Are u what Americans call a freak in bed?I
enjoy the physical part of a relationship .freaky??
21. what is your favorite -place to go?
22. Is there any male (s), beside myself, that Ur trying to get to know or want to
23. Do u wear jewelry?
24. Where were you born?
25. What made u decide to reply to my messages at American singles?
27. Are u a night or morning person?
28.what is your favorite -movie?
29 .What was your most memorable childhood moment?
30.What's the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
31.What was your most embarrassing moment?
32.What was the single most significant turning point in your life?
33.What things do you feel passionate about?
34.Do you believe in love at first sight?
35.What's the difference between love, romance and sex?
36.Do you believe it is proper for people to express their feelings in public?
37.What is your idea of a dream... ?
38.If you had three wishes, what would they be?.
39.What do you want most from life??
40.What do you do when you feel sad or depressed?
41.What do you do when you feel angry or upset?
42.What three words best describe you?
43.What is your idea of a perfect date?
44.What is your favorite romantic gesture?
45.What are the top ten gifts you love would like to receive?
46.What is your idea of the perfect romantic gift?
47.What is your idea of the perfect romantic vacation?
48:would you ever spend fund on assisting your partner when in need or in
trouble ??

My favorite color is blue.....once in a great while it is red, if I'm feeling


2. I drive a 2003 Cadillac CTS

3. Married again, if I found the right woman, and everything was good yes. Me
having a kid again it will depend on my partner .. and but not sure for now ..

4. My birthday is march 13, and I will turn 40years

5. I don't play games, I had my heart played with another woman and i wouldn't do
that to anyone, I've been hurt before and I don't wish that on anyone.

6.I like most foods, I cook anything i want to eat weakens is potatoes with

7. I don't attend church regularly, I was raised Catholic, and had to go to church
daily, I feel that religion is to hypocritical so I'm spiritual and believe in the

8. I'm 5' 7"

9. I listen to all types of music, I like R& B old school stuff, I'm a big Patti La
belle fan, don't listen to heavy rock, heavy country or Rap

10. I'm right handed

11. I do baths at nights, almost every night ritual, i love hot water and shower in
the AM

12. My three choices in life would be me .. my kid and my partner ..

13. I'm very affectionate and i like kissing matter here i am even if in
public .. but with
the right person.

14. No tattoos .. i don't like them

15. I'm very handy,

16. Yes I can I said ..

17. My ideal mate, education as long as we can communicate, no requirements on body

type, personality wise, someone honest, truthful, with integrity, with a sense of
humor, someone devoted to the relationship, someone to be my equal, someone who can
be passionate, someone who only wants to love me (other than the family)..that a

18. When I'm wrong I will be the first to admit it, I'm not perfect, i do make

19. when as a couple we fight I expect to work the problems out, usually by
talking, from my past I found if you let things go unresolved they never go
away ... so i will talk to you and will understand you and make sure we understand
each other.

20. last time I had sex was about 3years ago , only been with 1 woman in the last
years, in my younger years I'm very physical with my man and hope he is the same,
if I'm freaky only she will know it. Sex is an important part of a relationship and
it's natural.

21. My favorite place the beach ...

22. A female I'm getting to know, I have been emailing to other women, do I think
it will develop into anything no, have I met them-no. they are very informal emails
not relationship driven ...and will love to get to know you .

23.yes I wear jewelry... gold once .

24. I was born in Norway..and have been in the state for some years now ..

25. well i wrote you cos I liked your profile and wanted to hear more,

27.I'm more of an afternoon person, I don't like getting up early unless for
something special. and I usually go to bed late

28.My favorite movies is HITCH by Will Smith .it all about love....
29. Christmas time would be the most memorable,as i surely know i will get some
sweets and candy's..
30. Funniest thing.... a cab ride in La Vegas, it was with a wild driver, when we
got to the destinations we actually fell on the floor laugh ting.. I will tell you
more about it late
31. Most embarrassing , Right after I posted my profile online I was at a work
location and one of the female employees told me he seen my pic & profile, he now
always mentions it when I visit that location.
32. Turning point in my life, my fathers death, it made me realize you really only
have yourself, it made me a strong independent man
33. What do I feel passionate about, my kid, my job, my life the Almighty, someday
a Woman , I hope.
34. Love at first sight, YES I believe love at first site
35. Love is feeling deep into your soul, willing to give your all, romance is the
act of being in love, the attitudes, the things you do or say, sex is physical
gratification, sex can be different than making love, you can have sex but not be
in love..
36.. To a certain degree, not to explicit
37. MY idea of a dream, finding that true love, that fairy tale love, Happily ever
after..and be with her ..
38. Three wishes, good health for all myself and my kid, Being able to help all
those I love financially, and finding my soul mate
39. To be loved truly & honestly, to be able to be true to my self and to live each
day to the fullest and for my kid to find the same
40. When i' sad or depressed I watch movies or try to play with my kid and talk to
my friends on the phone ..
41. Same as the above
42 Organized, Happy, Reliable
43. Someone I truly care about and feels the same about me, don't have to do
anything special just being together.
44. Having my partner give me a massage or me giving the massage- Or letting me be
45. Trust, honesty, love unconditionally, sense of humor, communication, then comes
flowers , chocolate for my kid , jewelry(for men ), Gift card and any other thing
form the heart of the giver
46. Romantic gift all the above...
47. Perfect Romantic vacation, being with the true love, on a private beach
watching the sun see or rise as we chat ..
48. When I'm in a committed relationship I feel we share everything, what I have
they have, I'm not selfish and expect the same

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