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Online writing refers to any text created with a computer, smart phone, or similar digital device
and is intented for online viewing. Online writing formats include texting, emailing, blogging,
tweeting, and posting comments on social media sites such as Facebook.

There are various advantages of online writing which include some of the following;
1. It is a source of income.
Just like any other job, online writing gets you paid.
2. Work when you want.
As an online writer, you are able to manage your own time. It enables you to select the the jobs
you want to do and when you want to do them.
3. Work from any where.
Online writing has no geographical limitations. it allows you to work from any where, for
example you could choose to complete an assignment from home or any other place of your
choice. You do not have to be confined to an office.
4. Income depends on your hard work.
Online writing recognises the effort and time one puts in accomplishing a task. The number of
jobs you can accomplish within the least time determines how much you earn. This is not like in
the traditional working system where hard working employees and those that fail to meet their
targets earn the same salary.
5. Expand your knowledge.
it allows you to learn new ideas and concepts since you are always attending to different tasks,
some of which could challenging.
6. Easy to learn.
As compared to other free lancing jobs such as programming, videography and graphic design,
online writing is much easier to learn. Most learners at least study composition writing in English
right from primary to Secondary school. I highly doubt online writing could be hard for such a
student to learn.
7. A good supply of jobs.
There is always an adequate supply of jobs online because of an increase in the number of clients
who need small tasks completed at an affordable cost.
I think it's important for for learners and job seekers to embrace the idea of online jobs, online
wrting being one of them.This is a way one can be able to earn their own income in a pure
manner and it can also reduce on the high rate of unemployment especially in developing

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