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Spring . Summer




8 cm 21 cm
17 cm

Spring . Summer
18 cm

33 cm

37 cm

YARN Work in 1x1 ribbing:

4 skeins of BIO LOVE by Rosários 4, in colour 02 (100% organic Row 1 (WS): P1, (sl1p,K1) x 2, pm, P1, (K1, P1) repeat to 5 sts
cotton, 50g/175m). from end, pm, (K1, sl1p) x 2, P1.
Row 2: sl1k, (K1, sl1p) x 2, slm, K1, (P1, K1) repeat to marker,
GAUGE slm, (sl1p, K1) x 2, sl1k.
25 ms and 41 rows - 10x10 cm in stockinette stitch with 3 mm Row 3: P1, (sl1p, K1) x 2, slm, P1, (K1,P1) repeat to marker, slm,
needle, washed and blocked (it is important to wash and dry the (K1, sl1p) x 2, P1.
sample as the stitch count may change with the first wash).
Work the buttonhole:
Row 4 (RS): sl1k, K1, P1, yo, P2tog, slm, K1, (P1, K1) repeat to
NEEDLES marker, slm, (sl1p, K1) x 2, sl1k.
Circular needles of 2,5 mm and 3,0 mm (if necessary, adjust the
Row 5 (WS): P1, (sl1p, K1) x 2, slm, P1, (K1, P1) repeat to marker,
needle number to obtain the sample value).
slm, K1, P1, K1, sl1p, P1.

NOTIONS Repeat rows 2 – 3, 6 more times (12 rows in total).

Markers, tapestry needle. Repeat rows 4 – 5, to work the buttonhole again.

Change to 3 mm needles and work the body in the stockinette
SIZE stitch and work a buttonhole every 6 repeats of rows 2 and 3
(12 rows):
Row 1 (RS): sl1k, (K1, sl1p) x 2, slm, K1, Chart A, K27 , pm, K93,
pm, K27, Chart A, K1 slm, (sl1p, K1) x 2, sl1k.
[185 sts in the body; 46 sts in each front; 93 sts in the back]
This cardigan is knitted seamlessly, knitting the back and the front
together, which are separated when knitting the armholes and Row 2 (WS): P1, (sl1p, K1) x 2, slm, work the sts as they appear,
up to the shoulders. Resume the stitches for each shoulder on (K1, sl1p) x 2, P1.
the circular needle and pick up stiches along the shoulder. The Row 3 (RS): sl1k, (K1, sl1p) x 2, slm, K1, Chart A, K27, cmarc,
sleeves are knitted from top to bottom. K93, cmarc, K27 , Chart A, K1 slm, (sl1p, K1) x 2, sl1k.
Row 4 (WS): P1, (sl1p, K1) x 2, slm, work the sts as they appear,
INSTRUCTIONS (K1, sl1p) x 2, P1.
Continue to work the pattern until you complete 4 repetitions of
the rows in Chart A. Don’t forget to work buttonholes every
Tubular cast-on 12 rows!
Rua das Grutas, 13 - Apartado 123 2485-059 Mira de Aire - Portugal

With the 2.5 mm needle and waste yarn, cast on 92 sts. Change Continue working in established pattern until you complete the
to working yarn and work as follows: 15th row of the 5th repetition of Chart A.
Row 1: P to end.
In the next row, work the decreases to form the armholes (continue
Row 2: K to end. to work the buttonholes whenever necessary):
Repeat rows 1 - 2, one more time. Separate fronts and backs
Row 5: (P1, pick up 1 st from the provisional cast-on and K1) Knit the 46 sts on the right front and put the 93 stitches of the
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repeat to last stitch, P1, pick up 1 st from the provisional cast on back and the 46 stitches of the left front on hold.

and P1 – total of 184 sts on the needles.

Row 6 (RS): K2, (P1, K1) repeat to 2 sts from end, P1,M1L, K1.
[185 sts]
Row 1 (RS): sl1k, (K1, sl1p) x 2, slm ,K1, work the 17th row of Chart A
and K to the end.
Row 2 (WS): bind off 4 sts, work the sts as they appear, slm, (sl1p,
K1) x 2, sl1k.
Spring . Summer
Row 3 (RS): sl1k, (K1, sl1p) x 2, K1 ,slm, work the 19th row of Chart A
and then K to 4 sts from end, SSK, K2.
Row 4 (WS): work the sts as they appear, slm, (K1, sl1p) x 2, P1.
Repeat rows 3 and 4, 4 more times, taking care to proceed with
Chart A.
After all the decreases for the armholes are made, continue to work
until the 6th repetition of Chart A.
On the next RS row, put the 5 sts of the border and all the stitches in
Chart A on hold. Bind off the first 2 sts and K to the end. Repeat this
decrease on the next RS row (14 sts). Continue until there are a total of
44 rows (including the armhole decrease rows).
Join a new yarn to the RS of the work:
Row 1 (RS): bind off the first 4 sts, K and then work the 17th row of
Chart A sl1k, (K1, sl1p) x 2, slm.
Row 2 (WS): (K1 sl1p) x 2, P1, work the sts as they appear.
Row 3 (RS): K2, K2tog, work the 19th row of Chart A and hte 5 sts
on the border.
Row 4 (LA): knit the 19th row of Chart A and the 5 sts on the border.
Repeat rows 3 and 4, 4 more times.
After all the decreases for the armholes are made, continue to work
until the 6th repetition of Chart A.
On the next WS row , K until the sts in Chart A, turn and bind off like
the first 2 sts, continue to work P. Repeat this decrease on the next
WS row (14 sts). Continue to make a total of 44 rows (including the
armhole decrease rows).

Join a new yarn to the RS:
Row 1 (RS): bind off 4 sts at the beginning of the row, K to end
Row 2 (WS): bind off 4 sts at the beginning of the row, P to end.
Row 3 (RS): K2, SSK, K to 4 sts from end , K2tog, K2.
Row 4 (WS): P to end.
Repeat rows 3 and 4, 4 more times.
After all the decreases for the armholes are made work in stockinette
stitch (purl on the wrong side and knit on the right side) until you
complete a total of 40 rows after separating the back. Put the 43
central stitches on hold and finish each shoulder separately.
Right shoulder:
(RS): K to 4 sts from end, SSK, K2.
(WS): P to end.
Repeat these two rows 1 more time, put the 14 shoulder sts on hold
(total of 44 rows including armhole decreasing rows).
Left shoulder:
(RS): K2, K2tog, K to end.
Rua das Grutas, 13 - Apartado 123 2485-059 Mira de Aire - Portugal

(WS): P to end.
Repeat these two rows 1 more time, put the 14 shoulder stitches on
hold (total of 44 rows including armhole decreasing rows).


With left shoulders sts on the needles, pick up 15 sts with left hand
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needle (back) and start working the 1st row of Chart A, SSK (1 picked up

st and 1 back shoulder st), turn, work Chart A sts as they appear, P2tog
(1 picked up st and 1 front shoulder st). Repeat these two rows until all
the shoulder sts are joined (row 7 of the 2nd repetition of Chart A). Put
the stitches of chart A on hold.
With right shoulder sts on the needles, pick up 15 sts with left Weave in all tails with the tapestry needle. Sew the buttons on
hand needle (right front) and start working the 1st row of Chart A, the left selvedge, on the opposite side of each buttonhole on the
SSK (1 picked up st and 1 back shoulder st), turn, work Chart A right selvedge. Carefully wash the piece with a mild soap and let it
sts as they appear, P2tog (1 picked up st and 1 front shoulder st). dry horizontally, adjusting the garment to the final measurements.
Spring . Summer
Repeat these two rows until all the shoulder stitches are joined Taking care not to block the ribs.
(row 7 of the 2nd repetition of Chart A). Put the stitches of chart
A on hold. CHART A
SLEEVES (top down) Chart A – written instruction
At the top of the sleeve, we are going to pick up sts around the Row 1 (RS): P2, RC 1/1, P2, Ktbl, P2, RC 1/1, P2.
armhole and work short rows to shape the shoulder. Then with Row 2 (and all WS rows): work the stitches as they appear.
a circular needle (using "magic loop") we work the length of the Row 3: P2, RC 1/1, P2, Kfbf, P2, RC 1/1, P2.
Row 5: P2, RC 1/1, P2, K1, yo, K1, yo, K1, P2, RC 1/1, P2.
We pick up stitches around the armhole, starting at the base and Row 7: P2, RC 1/1, P2, K2, yo, K1, yo, K2, P2, RC 1/1, P2.
moving in a clockwise direction (we do the pick up by adding a
resistant waste yarn to the work yarn), as follows: Row 9: P2, RC 1/1, P2, K3, yo, K1, yo, K3, P2, RC 1/1, P2.
Row 11: P2, RC 1/1, P2, K2, SSK, yo, K2tog, K2, P2, RC 1/1, P2.
Row 13: P2, RC 1/1, P2, SSK, K5, K2tog, P2, RC 1/1, P2.

Row 15: P2, RC 1/1, P2, SSK, K3, K2tog, P2, RC 1/1, P2.
Row 17: P2, RC 1/1, P2, SSK, K1, K2tog, P2, RC 1/1, P2.
Row 19: P2, RC 1/1, P2, DD, P2, RC 1/1, P2.

K: knit
P: purl

Pick up 4 sts over the bind-off sts of the armhole, pick up and cm: centimeters
knit 20 sts, put the Chart A (including 1 knit st on each side of Rep: repeat
Chart A) sts on hold back to the needles, pick up and 21 sts and approx.: approximately
4 sts over the bind-off sts in the armhole (64 sts, consider only
RS: right side
the 13 sts in Chart A).
WS: wrong side
K24, place marker, work the stitches of Chart A, K1, wrap and
turn, work WS rows, until the stitch before the marker, wrap st/sts: stitch/ stitches
and turn. Work until the next wraped st. Whenever we reach a Rnd/ rnds: round/ rounds
wraped st, we work the st together with the warp and wrap the
pm: place marker
next one, we work in this way until we have 4 repeats of Chart A
and two rows of 1X1 ribbing. From the shoulder joints, we have slm: slip marker
completed 4 repeats of Chart A and 2 of the rib (1X1) at the base Stockinette stitch: knit all right side rows and purl all wrong side
of the sleeve. rows (in the round: knit all rounds)
Switch to 2.5 mm needles and when we have worked all the sts Sl1p: slip 1 st purlwise
in the armhole (we start to work in the round), continuing in 1x1 Sl1k: slip 1 st knitwise
ribbing, 6 more rounds. Work a tubular bind off.
yo: yarn over
NECKBAND M1L: make one left (insert the left-hand needle, from front to back,
With the 2.5 mm needle and RS facing pick up the right front under the strand of yarn which runs between the stitch just worked
stitches: and the next stitch on the left-hand needle. Knit this st through the
back loop)
RS: sl1k, (K1, sl1p) x 2, slm, work in rib (K1, P1), pick up 12 sts
up to the shoulder pattern, pick up 15 sts (one for each stitch of P2tog: purl 2 stitches together
the shoulder pattern), pick up 2 sts (one for each bind off st on the SSK: slip, slip, knit (slip a stitch as if to knit, slip a second stitch
back), place the 26 sts on hold from the back to the needles and as if to knit, insert left needle into the front of the slipped stitches
knit, pick up 2 sts (one for each top stitch in the back neckline), and knit)
pick up 15 sts (one for each shoulder motif stitch), pick up 12 sts, yo: yarn over
place sts on hold back to the neelde and work P1, K1, slm , (sl1p,
DD: double decrease (slip 1 stitch as if to knit; knit 2 stitches
K1) x 2, sl1k (if necessary adjust the number of sts so that before
Rua das Grutas, 13 - Apartado 123 2485-059 Mira de Aire - Portugal

together; with left hand needle pass slipped stitch over)

the edge sts there is a Knit st).
RC 1/1: 2 sts right cable (slip 1 st to cable needle and place at
WS: P1, (sl1p, K1) x 2, slm, work in 1x1 rib to the marker marker,
back of the work, knit 1 st, knit 1 st from the cable needle)
slm, (K1, sl1p) x 2, P1.
Ktbl: knit through back loop
RS: sl1k, (K1, sl1p) x 2, slm, work in 1x1 rib to the marker, slm,,
(sl1p, K1) x 2, sl1k. Kfbf: knit front, back and front again
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Repeat these 2 rows 4 more times, completing a total of 8 rows.

Bind off all sts in ribbing pattern.
Spring . Summer

Notes: Only RS rows are represented in the chart. In WS rows,

work all sts as they appear and purl the yo.




slip knitwise, slip knitwise, knit stitches together

knit 2 together

double increase (knit front, back and front again)

yarn over

no stitch

slip one, knit 2 together, pass slipped stich over knitted stitch

worked in back loop only

SI 1 to CN. Hold in back k1 from CN

Rua das Grutas, 13 - Apartado 123 2485-059 Mira de Aire - Portugal
Tel. +351 244 447 300 Fax +351 244 447 309

BIO LOVE Colour 07

(100% Organic Cotton)

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