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University of Windsor

MECH-8025 Automotive Noise, Vibration & Harshness

Assignment #04

Submitted By:


Submitted to:

Dr. Colin Novak

Winter 2021

Department of Mechanical, Automotive, Materials Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

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Q.1).......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Q.2).......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Q.3).......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Q.4).......................................................................................................................................................... 8

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Q.1) Using your own words. please describe what each of the three figures is
representing. In doing so, identify the difference between the red and green lines.
Also, why is the amplitude of the green line in the third figure lower than the red




Figure – a:

• The graph is the visual presentation of data based between pressure and time
i.e., Pressure (Pa) v/s Time(ms) Graph.
• In the graph shown above, Green sound is played for shorter interval of time
starting way later than red sound and ending earlier whereas red sound is played
earlier and for the longer interval of time.
• In addition, both the graph follows same function which is sinusoidal wave
function within the range of 0.6 Pa to -0.6Pa.
• Therefore, the single difference between both the sound is of time duration.

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Figure – b:

• The graph (figure b) is the representation of the data based on Specific loudness
(𝐵𝑎𝑟𝑘) v/s Time (ms) graph.
• In this representation, initially the red sound starts and travel till certain
amplitude of specific loudness and then remains steady playing till 100ms time
with same specific loudness till it gradually decays away whereas in case of
green sound it begins way too later than red sound, then reaches the same
amplitude as red and finally decays away from the same location as red sound.
• Conclusively, it can be said that both the sound falls at the same time but takes
different path to reach the point from where its collapses.

Figure – c:

• This graph is presentation of overall loudness (sone) v/s Time (ms).

• If the graph a and graph b are integrated then graph c can be generated, where
the integration is area under the curve.
• Red sound remains constant for some period after reaching to a certain
amplitude and finally stops with decaying of sound.
• Here, in this graph, Green sound has the same phenomenon as the Red sound
with short amplitude.
• This shows that Green sound is totally covered by red sound which does not
allow green sound to be audible thereby being masked by the red sound.
• The reason for amplitude of green line to be lower than the red is because of the
integration of the sound, green sound is played for short time than the red sound.

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Q.2) Using a few sentences, describe the different between a constant bandwidth
frequency filter and a constant percentage bandwidth filter.
Constant Bandwidth Frequency Filter:

• It can be said to have same width of the filter once defined it with some value
of magnitude.
• Example:
Bandwidth considered = 50 Hz
Filter is at 150Hz
Next will be between 150 Hz to 200Hz, 200Hz to 250Hz and goes on in similar
Therefore, the bandwidth is 50Hz.
• It follows linear frequency graph.
• It can be utilized for vibration analysis.

Constant Percentage Bandwidth Filter (CPB):

• In Constant Percentage Bandwidth Filter (CPB)

• the width of the bandwidth will always be the same percentage of the central
• The width of filters is defined with respect to their position in the range of
• The Higher the frequency of the filter, wider will be the bandwidth.
• Suppose the centre frequency is 120 Hz and there is 20% bandwidth, so 20% of
120 Hz would be 24 which means that total width of the bandwidth is 24 Hz.
• Thus, lower cut-off frequency would be 110Hz and higher cut-off frequency
would be 130Hz due to 20% of bandwidth.
• It is generally utilized in noise or acoustics.
• Application of this filter is measurement of noise by logarithmic function.

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Q.3) Give 5 methods for attaching an accelerometer; include an advantage and
disadvantage for each.
Stud Mounting:


1. Used to tap drill hole to proper depth.

2. Used for machine monitoring.
3. Ensure flatness, surface texture and perpendicular.
1. When the sensor is not calibrated to manufacturer specifications but is
characterized for a specific mounting condition.
2. Cannot be preferred for testing of the engine block.

Thin double adhesive tape:

1. his method is useful when the measurement which is to be considered is far
below resonant frequency.
1. Surface should be spotless prior to utilizing. Too thick glue, these tapes
regularly cause damping interface relying upon the tape utilized.

• Cementing stud
1. They can withstand high vibration as they are very strong in tension.
1. Cement is required to be mixed with gel and there is very limited amount of
time around 10 minutes to fix otherwise its needed to be thrown away.
2. It has foul smell.
3. The bond between sensor and surface can break if there is horizontal vibration
as the bond is weak in shear.

• Stud Mounting

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1. Most of the stud mounting will have a tight hole in the bottom and a little stud
which can be screwed into both the surfaces which makes this method the best
method of mounting.
2. It is used for machine monitoring as a permanent solution.
1. Test on engine block or on any new vehicle design cannot be performed by this
method because drilling is needed on the surface to fix stud which is not

• Handheld Mounting
1. When there is spot measurement or quick measurement in less period, this
method is preferred.
1. When testing for the vibration, these accelerometers have to be placed vertically
unlike in any angles for the accurate measurement and also it must be
maintained well while using otherwise they may be slammed or damaged during

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Q.4) Identify the different components of the middle ear and describe its purpose.
1. Oval Window
a. It serves the purpose of seal between inner and middle ear.
2. Eustachian Tube
a. It provides connection between middle ear and back of human throat
under the nasal cavity.
b. It is usually closed but when there is requirement to equalise the pressure
between inner and the outer ear to atmospheric pressure, the jaw opens
when yawning or chewing.
3. Malleus, Incus and Stapes
a. These connected with oval window in series.
b. They are utilized to boost or amplify the signal.
c. Mechanical leverage is provided by them to amplify the signal.
4. Ear Drum (tympanic membrane)
a. It reciprocates in and out when exited by the sound as same as in
speakers when being played.

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