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Although there is not so much unanimity about the beginnings of democracy

in Colombia, the election of José Vicente Concha in 1914 as president is part

of this evolutionary process, as well as the use of popular suffrage from 1974

for the election of the maximum president.

after the process carried out in the period from 1958 to 1974, known as the

National Front pact (this occurred between the two traditional parties, Liberal

and Conservative). On the other hand, there is consensus on the impact that

the issuance of the Political Constitution of 1991 has for our democratic

history, the great constitutional advances that it represented compared to the

previous constitutional text and the implications that it brought in the political

system when wanting to propose a representative democracy. with various

popular participation mechanisms.

The Colombian democratic system has come a long way since the time of the

establishment of the Republic, from the 1991 Constitution to the present. To

identify the current relationship between democracy, the Armed Forces and

citizenship -in the framework of the social State of law- the process of

consolidation of the democratic system throughout the history of the

Colombian State is analyzed.

The concepts of democracy, State, and sovereignty (represented by the

citizenry) are explained, and the complexities and challenges involved in the

participation of sovereignty and civil control around the Military Forces

(constitutionally recognized legal institution) are presented.

In Colombia, the term democracy is part of the constitutional text enacted in

1991: from this date there is a record of both representative and participatory

democracy. then, from the emergence of the new politics, the Constitutional

Court gave great importance to democracy, especially participatory (which is

later called participation). This participation has effects not only in the

political (electoral) field, but also in the economic, administrative, cultural,

social, educational, trade union or trade union field of the country, as well as

in some aspects of people's private lives. Its primary objective is to promote

and stimulate the intervention of citizens in activities related to public

management and in all those processes that will affect the destiny of the

country and the orientation of the State and civil society.

In this way, and thanks to the evolution that has taken place in our country, the

principle of democratic participation expresses not only a decision-making

system, but also a model of social and political behavior. The concept of

participatory democracy is not simply that citizens can temporarily make

decisions and participate in decision-making in the country, but rather, as the

High Court has pointed out, it implies that citizens can permanently participate

in the decision-making processes that will affect significantly in the direction

of their quality of life. Thus, the aim is to strengthen the channels of

representation, democratize them and promote a more balanced and less

unequal pluralism.

For me, democracy is the best form of government for our country, however

throughout history, the rulers and politicians have led it astray, that is why

young people, adults and older people want a change and they do not see it

through this form of government because of the bad administrations

it is a pity that corruption has reigned for so many years, and we as citizens

pay for the broken dishes of bad governments

That is why as citizens we must and have the obligation to go out and vote, to

obtain a conscientious change, I personally believe that the people who do not

vote are indirectly contributing and supporting the continuation of corruption

many people sell their vote to corrupt politicians and believe in false promises,

but this is also the fault of bad governments, because if people did not have so

many needs in their daily lives this would not happen


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