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1. (Problem 1.

7 of Lord, Gately, Evenson Page 34) What is the change in sound pressure level
from a uniformly radiating source if:

a) The intensity is doubled?

Lw = LI – 10log(4πr2) = 10log(2*I1/Iref) – 10log(4πr2) = Lw + 10log(2) = Lw + 3

Lp = Lw – 20log(r) – 11 so a 3dB increase

b) The r.m.s. pressure is doubled?

Lp = 10log(Prms2/Pref2) = 10log((2Prms1)2/Pref2) = Lp1 + 10log(4) = Lp1 + 6

c) The distance from the source is doubled?

Lp = Lw – 20log(r2) – 11 = Lw – 20log(2r1) – 11 = Lp1 – 20 log(2) = Lp1 – 6

d) The sound power is doubled?

Lp2 = Lw – 20log(r) – 11 = 10log(2*W1/Wref) – 20log(r) – 11 = Lw1 + 10log(2) – 20log(r) – 11

= Lp1 + 3

e) Two more identical sources are added in locations equidistant from the measuring point?

Lp = 10log(10Lp1/10 + 10Lp2/10 + 10Lp3/10) = 10log(3*10Lp1/10) = 10log(3) + Lp1 = 4.771 +

Lp1 so 5 dB increase
3. A proposed design for a lawnmower was tested in a semi-anechoic chamber. A hemispherical
array of microphones was utilized to take measurements that were then used to calculate an LPave
value of 88 dB in the one-third octave band with a centre frequency of 800 Hz. Estimate:

a) The sound intensity level in the 800 Hz one-third octave band at the 2.5 metre radial

DI = 3
Lw = Lp + 20log(r) + 11 – DI
Lw = 88 + 20log(2.5) + 11 – 3 = 103.96
W = Wref*10103.96/10 = 0.025 W
I = W/2π*r2 = 0.025W/2π *2.52 = 6.34E-6 W/m2
LI = 10log(I/Iref) = 10log(6.34E-6/10-12) = 88.019 = 88 dB

b) The sound power level of the lawnmower.

From above Lw = 104 dB

Round down to
Question 11.

63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Sum

Lw (dB) 90 90 88 84 79 73 69 64 95 dB
A‐Weighting Corrections ‐26.2 ‐16.1 ‐8.6 ‐3.2 0 1.2 1 ‐1.1
Lw (dBA) 63.8 73.9 79.4 80.8 79 74.2 70 62.9 85 dBA

Distance to Receptor 10.5

Directivity Index (DI) 3 Fan is located on the façade of a building (hemi‐spherical)

At the Noise Sensitive Receptor Location (10.5m Away) Sum

Lp(dB) 71.8 71.8 69.8 65.8 60.8 54.8 50.8 45.8 77 dB
Lp(dBA) 45.6 55.7 61.2 62.6 60.8 56.0 51.8 44.7 67 dBA

Note: The A‐Weighting correction factors can be applied before attenuating for distance, or after, with the same ANSWER

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