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“Current Trends of Internet

Marketing Towards Online Shopping”

MBA (FT) 2022-24


Dr. Richa Darshan Khushi Parmar


This is to certify that Khushi Parmar has undergone project entitled “Current
Trends of Internet Marketing Towards Online Shopping“ towards the partial
fulfillment of her two years Master’s Degree of Business Administration (MBA(FT))
successfully. She has carried out this project with full sincerity and dedication and
the work is original and genuine.

Dr. Richa Darshan



I hereby declare that project entitled “Current Trends of Internet

Marketing Towards Online Shopping” is authentic & I have put in my efforts
meticulously to make this project to come up to the expectations and
pragmatically viable. The data collected is primary, authentic & analyzed by me.

(Khushi Parmar)

This project is not one person’s solitary effort. Its successful completion is the result of many different
people to whom I owe a debt beyond repayment. Unfortunately, I cannot acknowledge my
indebtedness to all these people, so I must necessarily limit my thanks to those who have helped me
directly in making my project work an incredibly pleasant task and to give final shape.

First of all, I express my deep gratitude to Dr. Umesh Mandloi (HOD, Management
Department), who initiated this study and also helped me by giving their valuable comments at
every stage of my project.

I also express my sincere gratitude towards my project guide Dr. Richa Darshan for giving me the
opportunity to work under her/his guidance on Major Research Project report on “Current Trends
of Internet Marketing Towards Online Shopping” I am thankful to respondents to give their
precious time and co-operation.

I am also thankful to all the faculty members who guided and helped me very kindly at each and every
step whenever I required as they supported me with full interest. I also acknowledge & convey thanks to
the management department of Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology, Indore for their kind and
valuable support.

Khushi Parmar


Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology.

Table of content (Index)




Introduction of study
Chapter 1 Conceptual


Chapter 3

Chapter 4


The Research
The study.
Tools for data collection.

Tools for data analysis.


Chapter 1
Online marketing also known as digital marketing, web marketing, and internet marketing or e-
marketing is the marketing of products or services over the Internet. Internet marketing is
sometimes considered to be broad in scope because it not only refers to marketing on the Internet,
but also includes marketing done via e-mail and wireless media. Management of digital customer
data and electronic customer relationship management (ECRM) systems are also often grouped
together under internet marketing.Clearly, marketers are adding on-line channels to find, reach,
communicate, and sell. I-marketing has at least five great advantages. First, both small and large
firms can afford it. Second, there is no real limit on advertising space, in contrast to print and
broadcast media. Third, information access and retrieval are fast, compared to overnight mail and
even fax. Fourth, the site can be visited by anyone from any place in the world. Fifth, shopping can
be done privately and swiftly.Internet marketing and e-commerce has marked its place in the world
of technology. The success of any business at present strongly depends on Internet marketing .
Below gives a graphical view of how online marketing can effectively be planned .

There are many sources of online marketing or Digital Marketing as described below:
Web Marketing:
Web marketing includes Web sites, Affiliated marketing Web sites, promotional or informative
Web sites, online advertising on search engines, and organic search engine results via Search
Engine Optimization (SEO). Internet marketing is sometimes considered to be broad in
scope because it not only refers to marketing on the Internet, but also includes marketing done via
e-mail and wireless media

Web Marketing

Social Media Marketing:

Social media marketing involves both advertising and marketing efforts via social networking sites
like Face book, Twitter, YouTube and Digg. This has come with a most useful source of marketing
as there are billions of people reach out these media and thus make possible to reach the people
anywhere in the world with , simple broadcasting of the product advertisement takes no time to
reach the consumers .Internet, but also includes marketing done via e-mail and wireless media.
Management of digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management (ECRM)
systems are also often grouped together under internet marketing. Clearly, marketers are adding on-
line channels to find, reach, communicate, and sell. I-marketing has at least five great advantages.
Social Media Marketing

Email Marketing:

Email marketing involves both advertising and promotional marketing efforts via e-mail messages
to current and prospective customers. Email messaging has made possible to send promotional
messages to the email users acting as a quick mode of online product broad cast over internet.
Digital marketing for ecommerce applies traditional marketing principles to a multichannel, data-
driven environment. Digital marketing for ecommerce applies traditional marketing principles to a
multichannel, data-driven environment. Studying collaborative research and the accessing of
external sources of technology, Hummel found that in deciding on business partners, it is important
to make sure that both parties' business models are complementary

Email Marketing
E-commerce Marketing:
E-commerce marketing is the process of driving sales by raising awareness about an online store's
brand such as Amazon, flip kart, snap deal and many other online product services, product
offering companies. Digital marketing for ecommerce applies traditional marketing principles to a
multichannel, data-driven environment.

E-commerce Marketing

Internet marketing is associated to various business models. It comprises of e-commerce business

model where goods and services are sold directly to consumers (B2C), businesses (B2B) or from
one consumer to other consumer (C2C).These business model are described below. Studying
collaborative research and the accessing of external sources of technology, Hummel found that in
deciding on business partners, it is important to make sure that both parties' business models are
complementary. For example, they found that it was important to identify the value drivers of
potential partners by analyzing their business models, and that it is beneficial to find partner firms
that understand key aspects of our own firm's business model ,one being that it often depends on
campaigns' abilities to invoke emotional responses, rather than solely demonstrating value.
Marketers with carefully designed World Wide Web sites are already interacting computer to
computer, with prospective customers or an individual basis, much as ATM does in very primitive
Business-to-customer (B2C):
Business-to-customer marketing refers to the tactics and best practices used to promote products
and services among consumers. B2C marketing differs from B2B marketing in a number of key
ways, one being that it often depends on campaigns' abilities to invoke emotional responses, rather
than solely demonstrating value.

Business-to-Business Model:
B2B (business-to-business) marketing is marketing of products to businesses or other
organizations for use in production of goods, for use in general business operations (such as office
supplies), or for resale to other consumers, such as a wholesaler selling to a retailer.

Customer-to-customer Model
C2C, or customer-to-customer, or consumer-to-consumer, is a business model that facilitates the
transaction of products or services between customers. An example of C2C would be the
classifieds section of a newspaper, or an auction.
Chapter 2
This section aims at exploring detailed information on major domains of the dissertation topic by
reviewing past research, books and related articles. Modern studies and past theories concerning
these domains are presented.
Literature on online marketing:
Online services will drive marketing to the opposite end of the spectrum from “mass” marketing to
customized “one-to-one” marketing. Online marketers communicate instantly and directly with the
prospective customers and can provide instant fulfillment as well. Marketers with carefully
designed World Wide Web sites are already interacting computer to computer, with prospective
customers or an individual basis, much as ATM does in very primitive fashion. Online one to one
approaches while innovative and still glamorous in their pioneering aspects, offer significant new
challenges. The significant aspect is the access with the customers. Communication and
information technology development has encouraged the emergence of new communication
channels that have increased the options available to organizations for building relationships with

How important is Internet marketing to the success of an organization?

There are no exact answers for this question. It depends on the nature of one company business
line. There are many companies currently using the Internet as their main business transaction such
as Amazon,flipkart,snapdeal,Alibaba .However, companies such as UPM, the world’s leading
forest products producer only uses the Internet as a media to introduce the company and its
products to customers via its website.
Besides that, during the whole purchasing decision making process, customers not only use the
Internet in isolation to search for products but other media such as print, TV, direct mail and
outdoor as well. These media still play an extremely important role for the marketers to
communicate with customers, for example, direct or face – to – face marketing more or less helps
marketers build up the trust in customers and encourage them to purchase the products. Therefore,
it is better to use the Internet as part of a multi-channel marketing strategy which “defines how
different marketing channels should integrate and support each other in terms of their proposition
development and communication based on their relative merits for the customer and the company.”
Mohan Nair takes social media as a complex marriage of sociology and technology that cannot be
underestimated in its impact to an organization marketing communication, choice as to when to
engage, how to manage and measure, and whether to lead or to follow is complex but not an
impossible task. These cannot be answered simply by one formula because the context and the
market dynamics are strong variables in these decisions. Even though the interest for social media
is huge, few companies understand what the term social media can mean to their businesses.

According to research conducted by Nielsen, we know that 92% of consumers report that “word-
of-mouth and recommendations from people [they] know” are the leading influence on their
purchase behavior. Only 37% trust search engine ads, and just 24% trust online banner ads. They
trust their friends and family the most when looking for brand recommendations.

It is important to understand the relationship between digital communication and traditional

communication in the old media; for example, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and billboard
ads, the communication model was and is one-to-many compared to one-to-one or many-to-many
communication model in digital media like blogs, social networks, wikis and other social media
(Chaffey, 2003).

Foux (2006) suggests Social media is perceived by customers as a more trustworthy source of
information regarding products and services than communication generated by organizations
transmitted via the traditional elements of the promotion mix.

Johnson and Greco (2003) explain that desires and different hopes from different clients can
sometime require certain unique information and contact strategies. Communication channels and
strategies now differ broadly from the ones in former times or offline times.

Online marketing is today seen by many practitioners as the new arena for market communication
and on top of the list of users of the different mediums is Face book, Blogs, Twitter, YouTube and
LinkedIn (Steltzner, 2009).

Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) define social media as ―a group of Internet-based applications that
build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, which facilitates the creation
and exchange of user-generated content. It consists of different Internet applications such as blogs,
social networking sites, content communities, collaborative projects, virtual game worlds and
social worlds. Russell S. Winer (2009) affirms that many companies today are using some or all of
the new media to develop targeted campaigns that reach specific segments and engage their
customers to a much greater extent than traditional media.

Mangold&Faulds (2009) argue that marketing managers should comprise social media in the
communication mix when developing and executing their Integrated Marketing Communication
strategies and they presented the social media as a new hybrid element of promotion mix.
Forbes Magazine reports retail is down and e-commerce is up. One clear example of the power of
e-commerce comes from Macy’s recent returns. Forbes reports the 154-year-old retail chain saw
online sales rise 40% in 2015 while same-stores sales grew just 5.3%. Maybe you’re not a billion-
dollar business like Macy’s, but the numbers don’t lie. Online sales are overtaking retail sales. Safe
to say e-commerce is trending upward more and more each year. It’s not too late to jump onboard
the e-commerce train.

The internet has become a mass media vehicle for consumer sponsored communication. It now
represents the number one source of media for customers at work and the number two source of
media at home. Customers are turning away from the traditional sources of advertising: radio,
television, magazines, and newspapers. Customers also consistently demand more control over
their media consumption. They require on-demand and immediate access to information at their
own convenience. Customers are turning more frequently to various types of social media to
conduct their information searches and to make their purchasing decisions.
Nowadays, the concept of Internet marketing has expanded and
brought more opportunities for companies to approach their customers. In the past, the Internet was
only used as a tool to contact customers, part of direct marketing. Nowadays, the Internet,
particularly websites has been becoming a popular media for any firms to introduce their products
and services. The Internet is considered as an independent and effective marketing tool. During
eight years, from 2008 to 2015, the number of Internet users has increased by 4 times from about
361 millions to more than 1, 46 billion ( ), in which,
Asia, the continent with the biggest population accounts for 39.5% of World Internet Users. Thus
reaching such huge population in a quick time efficiently online marketing media and online
shopping organization had proved themselves as a major source. Integrated Marketing
Communication strategies and they presented the social media as a new hybrid element of
promotion mix. The internet has become a mass media vehicle for consumer sponsored
communication. It now represents the number one source of media for customers at work and the
number two source of media at home.. Thus reaching such huge population in a quick time
efficiently online marketing media and online shopping organization had proved themselves as a
major source. Customers are turning more frequently to various types of social media to conduct
their information searches and to make their purchasing decisions and the communication mix
when developing and executing their Integrated Marketing Communication strategies and they
presented the social media as a new hybrid element of promotion mix proved to effective way to
communicate with digital world.
Internet Marketing in its simplest terms refers to the marketing and selling of goods and services
using the Internet as the sales and distribution medium. The current project on innovative
marketing strategies aims to understand the concept of online marketing; study as to how much
online marketing has penetrated in the market place; gain insights about functioning of online
marketing; study the benefits of online marketing for the businesses as well as the customers and
explore the future prospects of online marketing.
The report concludes that internet has opened up new avenues for reaching the consumer. It is true
that there is never a fixed way or strategy that a marketer can use to market its products and
services on the internet but it is still very much an arena where creative thinking can take the
company reach new heights. Thus we can say that marketing has not changed its shape. It is the
same, unpredictable, unusual and creative field that needs constant change and open inputs that can
work wonders for the company,study the benefits of online marketing for the businesses as well as
the customers and explore the future prospects of online marketing.

7 P'S Of ONLINE Marketing are presented below diagrammatically with description

7 P'S Of Internet Marketing are as described below:-

1. Product:

Product on the Internet usually changes form online, and the user experiences it electronically, in
the form of text, images and multimedia. Physical goods are usually presented in the form of a
detailed online catalogue that the customer can browse through. Technology allows the user to
virtually touch and feel the product on the Internet - rotate it, zoom in or zoom out and even
visualize the product in different configurations and combination. It will rather be on the
uniqueness of the product. To be able to attract the customers and retain them, the company will
have to provide nouvelle and distinct products that forces the net users to purchase and come back

for more.

2. Price:

Price has been drastically changed over the Internet. It lets the buyer decides the price. Also it gives
the buyers information about multiple sellers selling the same product. It leads to best possible deal
for the buyers in terms of price. Pricing is dynamic over the Internet.Many Internet marketing firms
don’t provide Internet marketing pricing on their websites. At Webpage, we believe our clients
deserve a detailed listing of what our prices include. No games. No hidden fees. Accurate pricing
for our Internet marketing services based on years of experience.Whether you’re looking for SEO,
link building, or social media pricing, our website offers Internet marketing pricing options in a
range of plans to suit your specific marketing approach. Internet marketing prices are intended to
match your needs so that you get what you pay for and maybe a little more.
3. Place:

Place revolves around setting up of a marketing channel to reach the customer. Internet serves as a
direct marketing channel that allows the producer to reach the customer directly. The elimination of
the intermediate channel allows the producer to pass the reduced distribution cost to the customer
in the form of discounts.

4. Promotion:

Promotion is extremely necessary to entice the customer to its website, as there are currently more
than one billion web pages. Promoting a website includes both online and offline strategies. Online
strategies include search engine optimization, banner ads, multiple points of entry, viral marketing,
strategic partnership and affiliate marketing. Presently, the cyberspace is already cluttered with
thousands of sites probably selling similar products. The report concludes that internet has opened
up new avenues for reaching the consumer. It is true that there is never a fixed way or strategy that
a marketer can use to market its products and services on the internet but it is still very much an
arena where creative thinking can take the company reach new heights
5. Presentation:

The presentation of the online business needs to have an easy to use navigation. The look and the
feel of the web site should be based on corporate logos and standards. About 80% of the people
read only 20% of the web page. Therefore, the web page should not be cluttered with a lot of
information. Also, simple but powerful navigational aids on all web pages like search engines
make it easy for customer to find their way around.

6. Processes:

Customer supports needs to be integrated into the online web site. A sales service that will be able
to answer the questions of their customers fast and in a reliable manner is necessary. To further
enhance after sales service, customers must be able to find out about their order status after the sale
has been made.
7. Personalization:

Using the latest software it is possible to customize the entire web site for every single user,
without any additional costs. The mass customization allows the company to create web pages
products and services that suit the requirement of the user. A customized web page does not only
include the preferred layout of the customer but also a pre selection of goods the customer may be
interested in.

How can companies use this model?

Companies can use the 7Ps model to set objectives, conduct a SWOT analysis and undertake
competitive analysis. It's a practical framework to evaluate an existing business and work through
appropriate approaches whilst evaluating the mix element as shown below and ask yourself the
following questions:

 Products/Services: How can you develop your products or services?

 Prices/Fees: How can we change our pricing model?

 Place/Access: What new distribution options are there for customers to experience our product,
e.g. online, in-store, mobile etc.

 Promotion: How can we add to or substitute the combination within paid, owned and earned
media channels?
 Physical Evidence: How we reassure our customers, e.g. impressive buildings, well-trained
staff, great website?

 People: Who are our people and are there skills gaps?

 Partners: Are we seeking new partners and managing existing partners well?.

The 7Ps helps companies to review and define key issues that affect the marketing of its products
and services and is often now referred to as the 7Ps framework for the digital marketing mix.

An example of a company using the 7Ps strategy

Take a look at Hub Spot as an example, which was founded in 2006; Hub spot has 8,000+
customers in 56 countries and sells software. What does their marketing mix look like?

This is a top level overview; you would take this into greater detail and ask the following

1. Products/Services: Integrated toolset for SEO, blogging, social media, website, email and lead
intelligence tools.

2. Prices/Fees: Subscription-based monthly, Software-As-Service model based on number of

contacts in database and number of users of the service.

3. Place/Access: Online! Network of Partners, Country User Groups.

4. Promotion: Directors speak at events, webinars, useful guides that are amplified by SEO and
effective with SEO. PPC Social media advertising, e.g. LinkedIn.

5. Physical Evidence: Consistent branding across communications.

6. Processes: More sales staff is now involved in conversion.

7: People: Investment in online services.

8. Partners: Companies looks to form partnerships with major media companies such as Facebook
and Google plus.

Everything has a position in your mind, that you give a level of value to and as a marketer it is your
job to develop that position through your execution of these P’s outlined above. Is your brand high
quality and luxury? then it’s priced high, is available only in exclusive areas and that addresses all
these elements and how you are going has exceptional customer service. If your brand is about
value, then its available everywhere, low prices and people will not expect much after sales service.

If you are creating a marketing strategy you need to take these 7 P’s and put together a plan that
addresses all these elements and how you are going to execute the campaigns. Then with this
strategy in place you can go online and dominate whatever market that you want to.

If you think about Rolex, Versace suits or Rolls Royce, you instantly think of a super high quality,
luxury brand that people aspire to owning. And if I talk about EBay or Amazon, you think of
discounts, bargains and low prices
Objectives of Study
It’s really interesting to talk with business owners about the reasons why they want to market
themselves online. When you know your market and whom you serve, it is easier to say exactly the
right things that draw them in. Do not skimp on your image almost everyone will tell you that they
want to grow sales. Few will tell you specifically how they will achieve it, what success looks like
and what the metrics is that set the boundaries. Certainly, we are biased that content is a tool for
achieving success, but when you take a step back, it is important to view the big picture so that you
can plan and execute with intentionality.

Online marketing has following core objectives:

1. Establish a Presence
2. Build Visibility
3. Generate Sales
4. Increase Revenue
5. Build A Brand
6. Improve Local SEO

Establish a Presence

Remember the old adage, “You only get one chance to make the first impression?”There is more
truth in this than many realize. When building a website or a landing page or your Face book page,
consider the fact that your presence online might be the very first impression that people have of
you. How much more then do you want that impression to be the best? From a content perspective,
the words on the page really have to say something. Bring meaning, and resonate like you live in
their closet. When you know your market and whom you serve, it is easier to say exactly the right
things that draw them in. Do not skimp on your image. Invest like you did on that first date.
Remember how upset you got because those five hairs were out of place and would not get in line?
That passion is what is needed to build a great presence.


A great presence doesn’t make you visible. People need to know that you are out there. This often
gets neglected. In talking with our friends at EBWAY, we learned that their number one complaint
from their clients is that their website doesn’t do anything. We have heard similar stories from Matt
Weeden MWDWeb and Rob Riggs at YDO.

It is work to get in front of folks. Blogging is a great example. The more blog posts you write the
more indexed pages that Google creates. This really makes you visible. Also, do not neglect SEO.
Yes, it takes a while, but it pays off in building your brand. It’s a must have. Many people are still
trying to figure out how to use Social Media, and the bottom line is that you simply have to roll up
your sleeves and commit.


Revenue must be there, right? It is amazing how many people do not enter into online marketing
with a plan for growing sales from their efforts. Even establishing goals would be helpful. Once
you set your basic objectives, you can develop a solid plan that includes critical milestones, the
timeframes associated with those milestones and how you plan on achieving it all. This will help
control your spend and allow you to throttle up or down your online marketing efforts.The Internet
is a great tool for building that trust, because it has a wide reach and allows you to directly connect
with individuals. Social media is particularly useful when building a brand, because it allows
companies to create and post with a more personal feel.

Increase Revenues

The primary goal of any marketing strategy is ultimately to increase revenue, and Internet
marketing is no exception. Thankfully, the Internet provides plenty of opportunities for every
business to improve their bottom line.
By combining search engine optimization, or SEO, with pay-per-click ads, or PPC, your company
can improve the chances that potential customers find you online. And with strategies like content
marketing and social media marketing, you can position yourself as an expert in your field who
also cares about your clients.

Build A Brand

Internet marketing objectives often include building a brand. This means not only establishing your
logo and company name in the minds of consumers, but also what your company stands for. Well-
known brands are typically trusted more by customers, especially when paired with positive
associations. The Internet is a great tool for building that trust, because it has a wide reach and
allows you to directly connect with individuals. Social media is
particularly useful when building a brand, because it allows companies to create and post with a
more personal feel. Organizations have discovered that this kind of brand-building can be fostered
by the use of social media channels such as Face book, Twitter, Instagram and Interest. In addition
to organic posts on these sites, companies can build brand recognition by paying for advertisements
and placements. This takes patience on the part of the organizational leaders, because trust and
loyalty are developed over many months, and sometimes years. The key is to stay focused on the

Improve Local SEO

Many small businesses, as well as companies focused on increasing sales in specific geographic
region, focus much of their marketing efforts on improving their local SEO. This means optimizing
various elements on their sites in order to attract local customers who are looking for the services
they provide.

Although the number of searches that include both your industry and your town or city is
undoubtedly lower than those that just specify a product or business type, those searches tend to
generate much more qualified traffic. If a user is already looking for businesses where you are,
chances are high that they’ll be willing to come to your physical location.


Online marketing refers to a set of powerful tools and methodologies used for promoting products,
business, brandfactory,household businesses and services through the Internet.
Online marketing includes a wider range of marketing elements than traditional business marketing
due to the extra channels and marketing mechanisms available on the Internet.

Online marketing can deliver benefits such as:

 Growth in potential
 Reduced expenses
 Elegant communications
 Better control
 Improved customer service
 Competitive advantage

Research problem

This study focuses on following problems

 Should companies integrate various marketing tools to communicate about its brand?

 How do consumers get awareness about different brands?

 How online marketing plays important role in companies’ marketing strategy?

 What are the reasons for growing popularity of online marketing among consumers?

 How is online marketing advantageous over traditional marketing?

 What are the loopholes in online marketing?

Research Methodology
The first step is to formulate a research design. This means planning a strategy of conducting
research. It is a detailed plan of how the goals of research will be achieved. Research design is
exploratory, descriptive and/or experimental in nature. It is helping the investigator in providing
answers to various kinds of social/economic questions. After collecting and analysis of the data, the
researcher has to accomplish the task of drawing inferences. Only through interpretation researcher
can expose relations and processes that underlie his findings and ultimately conclusions.
Interpretation refers to the task of drawing inferences from the collected facts after an analytical
In the present study, researcher has followed Descriptive research. Descriptive research is usually a
fact finding approach generalizing a cross - sectional study of present situation. The major goal of
descriptive research is to describe events, phenomenon and situations on the basis of observation
and other sources through survey :
Survey Method:
 The survey method is the technique of gathering data by asking questions from people who

are thought to have the desired information. Every effort should be made to state the

objectives in specific terms.

 The survey design can be defined as: “gathering information about a large number of

people by interviewing a few of them

 The definition can be modified by stating that collecting information with other data

collection alternatives available to survey researcher in addition to interviewing i.e.

questionnaire, personal observation etc.

 Surveys are conducted in case of descriptive research studies with the help of questionnaire

techniques in most appropriate manner. Survey type of research studies usually have larger

sample. It is concerned with conditions or relationships that exists, opinion that are held,

processes that are going on effects that are evident or trends that are developing. Thus in

surveys variables that exist or have already occurred are selected and observed. It is the

example of field research.

 The major goal of descriptive research is to describe events, phenomenon and situations on

the basis of observation and other sources through survey :

Data Analysis And Findings.
1. Last time made a purchase over the internet, The study was conducted by the means of personal
interview with respondents and the information given by them were directly recorded on
questionnaire, For the purpose of analyzing the data it is necessary to collect the vital information.

According to survey Last time made a purchase over the internet
9 respondent says that
Last week,17 says last 15days,34says last month and 40 says last year. Items have you purchase on
the internet. The study was conducted by the means of personal interview with respondents and the
information given by them were directly recorded on questionnaire. For the purpose of analyzing
the data it is necessary to collect the vital information.

According to survey 80% respondent has purchased ticket while 8% preferred clothing. Other like
Books 10%, Video games 25%, electronic equipment18%Computer& software12% and music

3. Mode of payment

According to survey 27 respondents make payment through Credit cards, 10 Debit cards, 8
Online Bank transfer and 55 online cash payment out of 100.

Factor affecting online shopping:

4. Information about product and Services

Average Score of respondent = (10*1+16*2+3*18+4*24+5*32)/100=352/100=3.52

According to all score, it can be interpreted that information about product and service is a
Important factor while using online shopping.

5. Time saving

Average Score of respondent = 350/100 =3.50(same as early calculate)

According to this score, it can be interpreted that time saving can be consider as an important factor
while using online shopping. The study was conducted by the means of personal interview with
respondents and the
Information given by them was directly recorded on questionnaire. For the purpose of analyzing
the data it is necessary to collect the vital information.
6. Convenience

BumAccording to this score, it can be interpreted that convenience in online shopping is an
importantfactor.The study was conducted by the means of personal interview with respondents and
the information given by them were directly recorded on questionnaire.For the purpose of
analyzing the data it is necessary to collect the vital information.
6. Delivery time and mode of payment
The main research question that guided the study was as follows: How can small business owners
develop and implement a successful Internet marketing strategy? I used semi-structured
interviews to gain an understanding of how small business owners developed and implemented
an Internet marketing strategy. In addition to semi-structured interviews, I reviewed companies’
online marketing presence such as social media pages, company website and search engine
rankings. I also evaluated their online marketing materials such as ads and email templates as well
as web analytics. I scheduled the 62 interviews in participants’ places of business in a private
meeting room. Interviews lasted approximately 60 minutes. Following the compilation and
analysis of data collected through semi-structured interviews and a review of company
documents, five themes emerged. The five main themes encompassed, (a) unstructured planning,
(b) limited Internet marketing knowledge and expertise, (c) use of Internet marketing channels
and tools, (d) lack of systematic approach to the management of Internet marketing, and (e)
inadequate measurement of Internet marketing efforts. I will provide an overview of each case
before describing the five themes. Each small business evaluated in this study operated in a
different industry, had varied Internet marketing goals, and possessed distinct resources. The case
overviews include description of the business, owner’s experience, target audience, Internet
marketing goal, marketing budget, channel mix, management of online marketing, Internet
marketing tools, and Internet marketing performance. The conceptual framework of this research
project was RBV. RBV helps to understand how firms leverage their investments in online
marketing to develop capabilities that are valued, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable (Barney,
1991). Internet marketing capabilities and resources can provide a competitive advantage to the
firm and positively influence the firm’s performance. I will discuss the findings as they relate to
the conceptual framework and the presentation of the emergent themes.


 Consumers should be educated on online shopping procedures with proper stepsto be

following while online shopping.

 Transactions should be safe and proper security should be assured to the people
making online purchases.

 Government should play a pivotal role in encouraging online shopping

 E-marketers must give a thought to secure, time saving, information about product
and services factors when they design there online product strategy.

 The study highlights that convenience, accessibility, scope, attraction, reliability,

experience and clarity are the important factors considered by the online shopper.

 Usage of internet includes the consumer’s purchase of product as well as

theconsumer intention to secure for product related information while experiencing
the new technology.

 Banking should promote Debit card, Credit card facility in online shopping.

 The most preferred product of online buying is travelling tickets and

clothing remains the least preferred choice of online shoppers.

 Among the payment options, Payment on delivery through cash in the

safest choice of payment, while credit card are next preferred choice,
online bank transfer is least preference choice.

 Online shoppers seek for clear information about product and service,
timesaving, convenience, security and delivery on time are all important
factor for online shopping. The offers with punch lines “Attractive
offers” do not attract online shoppers.

 Most of the consumers who have experienced online shopping are very


 Book: The Art of Digital Marketing by IAN DODSON

 Book: Digital Marketing by VANDANA AHUJA

 WILLIAM G. ZIKMUND,(Business research method) , published by THOMSON, SOUTH


 S.A. CHUNAWALA , (Foundation of advertising), Himalaya publishing house , 2008 7 th


 The Michael Jordan phenomena, journal of advertising research. Indian streams research

journal- Dr. G.l.pedhiwal.


www.flipkart .com

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