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Jantorin Zyzar (Haquar)

Interesting things about Jantorin that make sense with backstory

- Has a painting/drawing from one of his siblings tattooed on his body (shows
connection to zyzar family but hidden to show his shame
- Feels at home on ships (was ferried around to try different art forms to cultivate his
“talent” and also travelled on ship when kicked out from family)
- At some point maybe he defends the zyzar reputation, curses it when drunk

Cool things to talk about with other party members

- Just how long he has spent alone (since he was 16). Fundamentally, Jantorin is
trying to replace the family he was kicked out from with a found family, taking on the
role of the snarky older brother. He talks a big game but fundamentally cares about
the party and will defend any of them.
- Jantorin has this overwhelming desire to fit in, to be liked, and to be useful. These
are all coping mechanisms from his exile.
- Jantorin is a half elf in a family of elves. He is the bastard son of the patriarch of the
family and some human woman. His family thinks he does not have a talent because
his blood is spoiled, and that he is not a zyzar as a result. He has internalised this,
which has given him a poor self opinion that he projects a false air of confidence to
deal with
- When he was little he had a friend outside of the zyzar family who was close with the
family (Garat). When he left they sent letters back and forth, keeping each other
updated on their lives. This is the only person he remains in contact with from his old
- Jantorin was a pirate early in his life post exile, it is where he learned the
fundamentals of swordsmanship and acrobatics

Wei Boss Battle:

Environmental Hazards:
Grasping vines: create difficult terrain and deal 2d4 piercing damage when stepped on (only
applies once when they are there)
Dark Patronage (lair action, every 2 rounds): choose one member of party at random make a
dc 16 wis save or immediately take a move and attack action on an ally
Wei: 35
Wizard: 32 (3 3/day, no lightning bolt, no hold person, no counterspell)

Legendary actions
- Call upon an ally to make an attack or cantrip (1 action)
- Tp 30 ft (2 actions)
- AOE burst of necrotic, 2d6 in a 30 ft circle that hits everyone, con save to take half
damage (3 actions) recharge: 5-6
Statue puzzle

- Yellow: Joy
- Purple: Fear
- Blue: sadness

- Yellow on yellow: paint expands

- Blue on yellow: no effect
- Purple on yellow: smaller

- Blue on blue: nothing

- Yellow on blue: weird movement
- Purple on blue: nothing

- Purple on purple: contract and run away

- Blue on purple: lines and pattern move themselves, doesn’t shift the shape of the
painting on lines within pattern

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