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23.02.902.858.09.786062.4 BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF PROFESSIONALS | 7vsnu 71" 04 Feb 2026 ‘By order ofthe Vce Chancel, the result of Diploma in Cité Heath (OCH) Exam Dec-2023 (Held in Dee-2023) of ‘Armed Forces Medial Insitute (AFM Is published provisionally on 04 Feb 2024 subject to the appcoval of ‘eademie Coun & Sydieate ‘The University reserves the right tomake necessary amendments inthe published result. Discrepancies regarding the resut must be brought tothe notice ofthe Controle of Examinations, UP through Commandant, AFM within 30 days from the date of pubehng ofthe ez. Result of Diploma in Child Health (OCH) Exam Dee-2023 (Held in Dec-2023) S| Sammon Name Sox [Resale Renae | 2513201 | asmasabbir M_[ Posies 2 [2512202 [ni Fale Rabbi M_[—fallea 3_| 2312703 | mid nabbiossen Mazumder M_| fale ‘4 [2512208 [Tamanna afin Tosh F assed ‘5 [2312205 | n. Rokonozzaman Rebel M_[ Passed 6 [2312206 —[Zern Tarn | Pastee Statistic of Result x Repewed Passed Fale Watra ale ‘ 2 z 5000 Female 2 2 5 900 Tota © ‘ é eer MOHAMMAD MOINUL ISLAM Deputy Controle of Examirations For controler of Eaminatiens Distbton xterra Acton ‘AFM Dhaka Catt Ino: ‘ean Office, Faculty of Mediz Stdies, BUP BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF PROFESSIONALS 23,02.902.858.09.786062.2 “iran opr oe eT 04 Feo2028 by order of the Vice Chancellor, the result of Diploma ln Clinical Pathology (OCP) Exam Dec-2023 (Hel in Dec 2023) of Armes Forces Medial Insitte (AFM) is published provlsionaly on 4 Feb 2024 subject te the approval of Academic Coune 8 syndicate. ‘The University reserves the right to make necessary amendments inthe publishes resut. Dscrepansies regarding the result must be brought to the notice ofthe Controle of Examinations, BUP through Corsmandant, AFA within 30 ays fom the date of publishing ofthe est Diploma in Clinical Pathol S_[ Samael Name Sex [Result Renae 3_| 2312207 | wa winkae Ud | Passed 2 [3312208 [A.M Rafiqueraman Rat m_| Passed 3 [2312208 [Saja sadena | Fale “4 [2517210 [Md Ad Mannan M_|—Failes 5 | 23i2211 | Asa Khatum Mums | Passed 6 [512212 | shamime Nasrin shad =| Passes 7 [2312013 | Mufammad aeafat | Passes satistls of Result Sex ‘Aeveared | Passed [fled | _wofrass Male 3 2 1 56.57 Female 4 3 1 75.00 Toul 7 5 2 7a [MOHAMMAD MOINUL ISLAM Deputy Control of Examinations For Controle of Examinations Distribution cxtemat eon: ‘i, Obata Cantt nfs ean office Faculty of Medical Studies, BUP _—— 2302.902.888.00,786062.3 BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF PROFESSIONALS | (isc =", PES: Sse iif wero 0 Fev200¢ ‘By order af the Vice Chancellor, the result of Diploma in Dermatology & Venereology (DV) Exam Dec 2023 (Held in 022-2023) of Armed Forces Medial Insitute (AFMI) is published provisionally on 04 Feb 2024 subject othe approvalof Academic Counel & Syndicate, ‘The University reserves the right to make necessary amendment nthe published resut Discrepancies regarding the result must be brought tothe notice ofthe Contoler of Examinations, BUP through Commandant, AFM within 20 days from the date of publishing ofthe result. ul of Diploma in Dermatol ere (Held in Dee 2023) | Bamiall Name Sex [Result Remarks a [2512214 | aaitaam M| ase 2 | 2812215 | Leena Rig choudhury | Passe, | 2312216 | Naxma Begum F_| Passed Satie of Result Sex Appeared Passed aed Ratha Male £ 7 30.00 Female z z 300.00 [MOHAMMAD NOINUL ISLAM Deputy Cantor of examinations For Controle of Examinations Distribution extemat Aeton: ‘FM Dhaka Cantt Info ‘ean office, Faculty of Medical stds, BUP BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF PROFESSIONALS | oT sere Zk Sys 23,02.902.858.09.786.062.4 04 Feb 2024 ee oe ba tanec omee pales ean Dee-2023) of armed Forces Medial Institute (AFM) is published provisionally on O8 Feb 2024 subject to the approval of Academie Counel & Syndicate ‘The University reserves the right to make necessary amendments inthe published result Discrepancies regarding ‘the recut must be brought to the notice of th Controlerof Examinations, BUP tough Commandant, AFMI within 30 ys trom the date of pushing of the est 2003, ec-2023) S_[fam fot Name Sex [__Resat Remarks a [2312217 [anatomy F | Passed 2 [asm “urfaTunazin arn [Passed [2212219 [Jshanare thanom Sonia F_[ Passed ‘42512220 [Nargis alter Mayna [Passed [2812221 | Musarat Parvin F_[ Passed 6 [2512222 [mana inte Yunus [Passed Statistls of Result ‘Appeared Fae Female é vwowsnnead Went si Deputy Controller of Examinations For Contrlle of Examinations Dietrbution fxterna ation AEM, Dhaka ante nt ‘ean Office, Faculty of Medial Studies, SUP ABS SB 23.02902.858.09.7860525 eaten BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF PROFESSIONALS | carvan sen 4 revzors 8 order ofthe Vice Chancellor, the result of Diploma in Otolaryngology (010) kam Dec-2023 [Helin Dec-2022) ‘of armed Forces Mecical Institute (AFM is published provisionally on O8 Feb 2024 subject tothe approval of ‘Academic Coun & Syneate. “The University reserves the right to make necessary amendments inthe published result Discrepancies regarding the resut must be brought to the notice of the Cantele of Examinations, UP through Commandant, AFM within 30 days fom the date of publishing ofthe esl. Result of Dip logy (DLO) Exam Dec-2023 (Held in Dec-2023] S_ [Samat ame Sex | fesuit Remarks | 2513203 | wid Real Haider howahory M | Passed 2 [2312224 | watfur Abed M_|—Faies 3 [2312295 [a Rutsnjon ba Ane M_|—Fales ‘4 [- 2512226 | NaheedFarhana Sigh m_[ ales Statice of Recut Sex Apes Passed Faled Katass ale 4 2 2 2500 MOHAMMAD MOINUL SLAM Deputy Controller of famirations For Contralierof Examinations Dietbuton externa ation ‘AFM, OfakaCantt Inf ‘ean office, Faculty of Medical Studies, BUP BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF PROFESSIONALS 73.02902.858.00-786062.6 ‘of armed Forces Metical Institute (AFM is published provinaly on Os Feb 2028 subject tothe approval of ‘adem Coun & Syste 04 sevaors 8 order ofthe vce Chancellor, the result of Diploma in Ophthalmology (00) Exam Dec 2023 (Held in Dec-2028) ‘The University reserves the right to make necessary amendments inthe published result Discrepancies regarding ‘the result must be brought to the notice of the Controller of Examinations, BUP through Commandant, AFM ‘within 30 ys from the dite of pubiehing ofthe es. ‘Result of Diploma in Ophthalmology (00) Exam Dec-2023 (Held in Dec-2023) S| Bam fet Tame ‘Sex| Revit Remake a [3812227 | Siadmanteraa Buen M_[ fale 2 [3312228 | Md. safayet ami ition M_| Failed 3_[_2312220 [wid gel Hosain M Passed ‘4 [2312236 [Mid Alin Howiadr M_ [Foie Statist of Result Se Appeared Passed alles RotPase ale 4 1 3 5.00 MOHAMMAD MOINUL SLAM Deputy Controller f Examinations For Contaleof Examinations Dictation Eterna ation ‘AFM, Dhaka Cant Ins Dean Office, Faculty of Medial Studies, BUP BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF PROFESSIONALS | ow stim wererr 23.02,902,858.08,786.062.7 Cal Feb 2024 {by order ofthe Vice Chancellor, the recut of Diploma in Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics (D Consenative) tram Dee-2023 (Held in Dec-2023) of Armed Forces Mecca institute (AFMI) is published provisionally on 04 Feb 2024 subject ta the approval of Academic Counc & Syedieate ‘The University reserves the ight to make necessary amendments nthe published result Discrepancies regarding ‘the recut must be brought to the notice of the Controller of Examinations, BUP through Commandant, AFMI ‘within 20 days frm the date of publishing ofthe rest 12 n Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics am Dec-2023, [Held in Dec-2023) S_ [Samael Tame Sex [Result [Remar a_| 2512250 | a Seki Hassan Dipu M_[—fallea Staite of nest Ser ‘appeared Posed Failed oir] ale i 5 7 000 1 — [MOHANMAD MOINULISLAM Deputy Control of Examinations For Contraleof Examinations Distbaton: xem tion ‘AF, Dhaka Cant tof ‘ean Office, Faculty of Medical Studies, BUP 23.02.902.858.09.786062.8 BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF PROFESSIONALS one OF reo 2028 ‘ay order of the Vice Chancelor, the resuit of Diploma in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics (0 Orthodontics) Exam Dec2023 (Held in Dec-2023) of Armed Forces Medical institute (AFM Is publshed provisionally on 04 Feb 2024 subject to the approval of Academic Counc & Syndicate. ‘The University reserves the right to make necessary amendments inthe published result Discrepancies regarding the recut must be brought to the notice ofthe Cantroler of Examinations, UP through Commandant, AFM within 30 ays from the date of publishing ofthe resi. dontics) xam Dee-2023 of Diolomsa in Orthodontics and Dentofa (Held in Dee-2023] S_[__Bamnot Name Sex] Result emails] a [312231 [Romana rox | Passed 2 [2312252 [ Mestofa Mujahid AT Hussain wm] Passed Statistic of Rest 3a Appeared Pased Tale otras ale 2 ri 0000 Female a F 100.00 Total rma 2 : 100.0 MOHAMMAD MOINULISLAM Deputy Controle of Examinations For Contrale of Examinations Bistrbution external ation ‘AEM Dhaka Cantt Infos ean office, acuity of Medical Stsies, UP BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF PROFESSIONALS 2302802.858.09-7860525 ene RE 0 Fevze ‘By order ofthe Vice Chancel, the result of Diam in Prosthodontics (0 Prostha) Exam Dec 2023 (Held in Dec- 2023) of Armed Frces Medial Instute (AFM is publhed provisionally on 4 Fb 2024 subject tothe approval of AcidemicCounel & Syndicate, The Univers reserves the right to make necessary amendments inthe published resut. Discrepancies regarding the result must be brought tothe notice ofthe Controle of Examinations, BUP through Commandant, AFR within 30 days fom the dat of publishing othe resutt. tof Diploma in Prosthodontics (0 Prostho) Exam Dec-2023 (Hel S| fam fot Tame Sex [Result Remar 1 | 2512233 | Wl Sele Aiomed Rabbi M_ | Passed 2 [2312234 | TaranaSutana | Passed 3 [2312235 [saci Mshnums elm | ales Statistic of Rest Sex ‘Appeared Passed Failed Salas Male 7 1 300.00 Female 2 i 2 50.00 otal 5 z z a7 MOHAMMAD MOINUL SLAM Deputy Controller of faminations For Controle of aminations Distribution externa ation: ‘Ar, Obaka Conte ean Office, Faculty of Medical Studies, BUP

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