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s FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE CosiMISSION oe ConPettitive EXAMINATION Sta Fort HECHULTMENT. $6 posts IN BSH) UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PART-A (MEQ mt NOTE: Uh First alicmpt PART=1 ( after 30 munutes. ngses MAX IMMUNE RL ‘Amiwer Sheet which shall be taken back ng of the optionya: marking AM PART Hewers Will not be given cred NCQs must be attempted _ —-—-— Conti Angwer Sheet BOR EA ZOY considered) QW ect the hes uptiow answer and fill in the appre te eles sttocs hans OMI ANNH ET S “ status offense despite repeated intervention Dy ¢ family, school, aaivist (BD) None of these ecearia hea writen thea on “evinced pene ia et an a7ae (1) None of these guardian of every child |. The Anat speetatlzed correction: (AY Borstal tna s. (C) Travis Hinchi 6. A philosophy af punishment based on society's Moral outrages (AD individual justice” (D) Uiiluarian philosophy 7. Sota Dissrganisation Theory was propeced by!” (BD) None of these (A) Wien & Retin (Gy Rover Ke Menton (C) Edwin Sutherland (D) None &. Many of the rules preseribed severe penalties which apply the dictum ” hides ; ‘a tooth.” was related to: Peaiaier meme mcie cere semen ce (A) The code of severe punishment (B) The Code of (C) Societal laws of UK = aaa According to Strain theo: duals who have traditional success zoals, but substitute deviant means (A) Conformists [B) Innovators (C) Rebeles one of the: 10. colned the term Crimin« So eareenunete) TH) Cesare Beccaria (B) Cesare Lombrose {C) Becker (Dr None of these 11. Who Is considered the father of Criminology? oor (A) Cesare Becearia (B) Jermy Bentham (C) Cesare Lombrose(D) None of these 12. Is a malicious software that inserts Itself into other programs. i: () Worms (B) Malware (Dd None of these 13. damages data, __ steals sen : A) Virus. Spyware (8) Views, Amaivisus AD) None of these hing Is a form of: Prishing &® (B) Spammi y thent AD) None ot these Impersonation i eemgenation of the prebiem 1 f led during which w ¢ of the SARA problem-sotvin (0 Analysis {C) Response (DY None of these recommends ____, with less reliance on the patrol car and mc app’ (A) Assessment munity pollel 16. Ce sm phasis on [ace-to-face Interact 5 {Ry reventon ans eae (C)Both(A)& (1) (D) None of these ____ Is when a company er per sends unwanted email to another person. TH Stuimming (B) Spoofing (C) Spamming, Foe 18, A person who frequently has been convicted of intel einieeea econ eae Aeron Tonal Caminals (B)Habitsl Ciinals (C) Profesional Criminals ¢D) None ofthese 19, ____ applied a positivist approach In stalyzing crimes. Sete Ty Cesare Lombroso (B) R-K. Merton (C) Cesare Beccaria oN 20, eseribes repeat offending by those "he have been in prison. (D) None af these (Ay Repetition (B) Receprocal ()Recidivism (D) None of these Page FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Roll Number COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION - 2024 ‘ FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (CRIMINOLOGY) ' TIME ALLOWED: — THREE HOURS PART-I (MCQS) "MAXIMUM MARKS = 20 PART-I(MCQS): MAXIMUM 30 MINUTES PART-IL ‘MAXIMUM MARKS « 80 NOTE: (i) Part-Ilis tobe attempted on the separate Anwer Book, (il) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-IL by selecting ONE question fonn EACH SECTIONALL question cany EQUAL mks, (ii) All the pasts (if any) of each Question nus be sttempted at one place instead of st different places. (iv) Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q No. in the Q. Paper. (8) No Page’Space be left blank berween the ansivers. All the blank pages of Anvwer Book minst be crossed. (v1) _ Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted questioa will not be considered. PARTI SECTION.A Q.No2. Explain the concept of crime as a social problem. How does the perception of crime as a social problem (20) vary across different societies? Q.No3. Explain Labelling Theory. Critically elaborate its effects on youth and suggest remedies also. 0) SECTION-B Q.Nod. Explain juvenile delinquency. What are the socio- economic, demographic and environmental factors (20) lead to juvenile delinquency? QNo.$. Discuss the role of rehabilitation ceaters in the reformative treatment of criminals. How do these centers (20) contribute to the reintegration of offenders into society? SECTION-C Q.No.6. Enumerate and explain the key principles that guide effective criminal investigations. How do these (20) Principles coutribute to the success of an investigation? Q.No.7. Provide aa overview of the International Police Association (IPA). What is its mission, aud Low does it (20) contribute to international police relations? SECTION.D Q.No.8. Define radicalization. What factors contribute to individuals becoming radi societies address these influences? ized, and how can (20) Q.No.9. Discuss the concept of community policing and explain potential benefits and challeages associated with (20) its implementation in Pakistan, How can these challenges be effectively addressed? se tese teres tenets POSTS IN BS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT he FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION £6)} COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION-2024 FOR RECRUITMENT TO ees URDU LITERATURE TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS "ART-1 Me MAXIMUM MARKS: 20 PART-1(MCQs)_:_ MAXIMUM 30 MINUTES PAR’ IAXIMUM MARKS: 80 NOTE: (i) First attempt PART-1 (MCQs) on scparaic OMR Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes. (i) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit. Mil) There is no negative marking. All MCQs must be attempted. = SO! [= (@ Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate Box Mon the OMR Answer Sheet. (20x1=20) {uly Answers given anywhere else, other than OMR Answer Sheet, will not be considered. ted Sal OT MA wien dpe a ) SAR (Dd Suous (or ura dez Ww Te IR Ua er 2 <3 () SO (cr vet} Ost Se aan 3 whee t(D) Hed ( I bape ( ogee Fad SAUL B oon" 4 Se OF Caner Paige wg CA) feelin Mane 0) a oo wre (o) wt Tete R p> 6 trap (Dd brdayt (o) sr areRy (0) Gey A) t AM GLSEC wey SWELL Ks 7 duty (Do) a3 ©) es we oe ORISA 8 var (vy fre) © darrigd, Cn) Dour” un (ad Tee “daa fun rus (Pw Lansieteses 9 7 wo Bigsby (e) avez (B) Ingest (A IPL igs ot LEAS 10 sanz? (Dp) Me” seu (C) Beatie () res WYK Wiser 1 a4 (D) 42S Wade (a) badge Ww WBEP WAL Toco 12 202 (0) Ura (cd CPv wr 72) WEL A antetacdatas 13 CaxeeS? (D) ieee () rtctae (B) WT OT eM NOLL earthing tie ettdSmsnn7 14 FALE (D) we er 2/@) . Ste () ut sos er thas sasir (O7 eres (8) be Rat (Dy bi Ftigx (cy bv mitt (o> t a wegen () aeth T uae (0) Parr A teense Caron \ Sree, Tey © Ady (B) 2a 4c 6A) Seer cor ae ae teal SAWS Fonlel> 20 wed S (BY uve (c) Js (n> wre AD Page lof3 URDU LITERATURE PART-II Book. NOTE: () ~ Part-I1 is to be attempted on the scparie Answer (UW) Attempt ALL questions. . at one place instead of at different places. {ud Ail the pare (any) of each Question must be atempted ot one place isseed (iv) Write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance No. Qanes of Answer Book must be () No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank crossed. bbe considered. (-f)__Extra attempt of any question or any part of the question will not 5 06 PE RIC SEALNS PBI (2747 Psnthoteena? — (2) faduutene gy) yx Peep Prat Sede ee dSS LeGwtiirlLfen a) ALES Fnde o iPbyp Thats Steet Te nt weil npt_ZCS Sabie (ez eASES EIS LES Sr tt brid, AUT Lig LEK Mingle Ht RISA ISS 03 Sxgurmis ier Diet Gi e Sit Pherae ” Pewee bie qe FF sal Dib fr l rao nt belt ‘ ARLES LS NS We IPSS OS as) PASEO URL IY CAL UIML Sohn Hs ‘ BAe 2 Fen BIS nS Lb Dee Cy EAL IP pot So LE SS LS eta iichitun [oo FLEE AM afoot ine Sse Sei cS LP ptLELE img POM MEELIS Lr ag 8 6 SIF LN pirng- Sito Sar Sawin SATIS ae aabadesbe Sire Loo ety mye MAE AM ANS Sot 2k AL LSB HL tn PEOveipSofo We SP paces. ‘ IML ALLIS BLES Suu seh Te SSE ER aD FM MANALI ALE tt Ba sLitpnsibyg aie, Lu, SUvithe Wan DCs seLeid tne Indie Pe ofl Le BT hurs-q rs SL Liges2£, EE LUMA 2 sk Ligel pt nt PAWL BS ML ee SEF PIS ash aisersL nS nea BP GaGa sb See CESS GOTO D Page2of3 Poe LSnSE I Pe ote URDU LITERATURE ; 9) EP Sti etusrlen Agr aan Lye ater ap P ICRP LL oS b ito? oilgr Sib 2 MNLAL ED D5 CASAL WAT SBI 2 Ie Labo te stSP SIM leur Ng alt 4 to Lin Drage A MACE La PLP NG MOS LIL HASAN oT Wat gt Leng terme ASsiiqr eh LES IS, LE SCL Se De i WL Lid Sung I AF ahr Lan OSE LIE AUR EE LE ASE SI bs tLe hha g ct 1S Lrg Hg 1G EL LE WEY Me cL“ URIs nee tp PU SEIEeed grec Sor le eSEOrP gt tte pe SARS EEA nE Ie WeaPepe her WL Ce PISS Aa Mal MAIS sea gL ISM BE LS suid 2 MSALAGP SSS LAW ASA Bip Neve SIFIZ- eet SI LSA LE LoL ELEC Sir a PILES ISO LEA Soa hag ty ig PET Lig LI 0 HSI NSH LIES 20 LS 278 LE Putas? tbs SBI L Nar srt L Sith LIAL LIAS STR RELL I Oa rp tet LOSP LU ORS {tn eS eetNLLF STEEP CAT IILSI ‘ LIAS SPV Lc ROInAL PORT EL Leetnsinig IME Ling ot Loe BML L en Z ermB ZongS lg LOY Lae AIS AS Ti? etn) snnd rs puIn. SE tetera RII LS n Sot nS Pease geek DPC MASSA LS tLit oie be gS Sb nbuS LaF LIAM Mate es n3 Ler oe VU PPI ce ML oH SNF AUP ML op LiL SI INGO SUL POSS AS Lot ONES ENS AND lig ne MMOS et EEN RIAL egrets 6ST Ding leng PES A Loew sinS eS Sf Lof Wnts L Sa fesse EI SP 287-2 Ep PLEAS PURE AVL IIL EAL IAS CL EL Rte Si IMAL L ML of FLasne fost gt mg SLO Sat PILI LOW PL AL MIMD Sees APR 2 Ltd? LP EIS PERG cP 07 HIP ATI LDL IA GS ASIEN eI ett DEMIS aN ope LEAS LIP a PIP EE, Lan coe? or PEL AINE DG FI ASA VP on PLS gt Dail hho l ate S SPLAAL MOLL y @o) or Necker ti” she rirtarert GME GLALANAIA Cp) ei-ulird Lh ind sas om Ch) Page 3 of3 AN ‘UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT i 1 POSTS IN BS-17 (PART-1MCQs) MAXI [ARI MAX! es. ) Overwriting/eutting of the options/answers will not be given credit. {Ud There is no negative marking. All MCQs must be attempted, _ Q.1. (H) Select the best of fill in the appropriate Hoy he OMI Anywer Sheet.(2043=20) {Uy Answers xiven anywhere else, other than OMR Answer Sheet, will nat be cansaderet 1. Who wrote the book that presented the term Reriture femintn f deseribing the female experien writing? (A) Luce Inigaray (UY Helgne Cixous (C) Kate Millet (1D) None of these 2 ihc wee parriers based on attitudinal and organizational bias preventing career growth of women and marginalized nities are called: (AD Glass escalator (B) Glass cl (C) Glass ceiling (2) None of these 4 Whe were excluded from World AnthSlavery Convention and resolved to hold Seneca Falls Convention? (AY Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton (D) Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Lucretia Mott (C1 Lucrena Mont & Mary M’Clintock {D) None of these 4. Butler proposed that render (s «Ad Essentialist (B) Social (C) Performative (D) None of these & Concept of Intersectionality originated from discussions on: (A) Gender and race (B) Gender and class (C) Gender and religion (D) None of these Elaine Showalter coined the term: (Ay archetypal cnticism = (B) Reader-response criticism (C) Gynocriticism —_ (D) None of these ‘The “Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action” was adopted In: KA) 1983 (B) 1979 (C) 1994 (D) None of these ‘8. When was the ‘Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act’ passed? 4A) 2008 (B) 2010 (C) 2015 (D) None of these ©, Which country was the first to grant women suffrage? (A) Finland (B) Germany (C) New Zealand (D) None of these Low many women were in the first constituent assembly of Pakistan? ar (B)3 © (D) None of these 11. The first global policy framework to adopt gender mainstreaming was: (A) CEDAW (B) Beijing Declaration (C) SDGs (D) None of these 12 women In the world face gender-based violence. TA) Sout of io (B) 5 out of 100 (C) tout of 3 (D) None of these 13. 1m the World Economic Forum's (WEF) Global Gender Gap Report 2023, Pakistan has been ranked of 146 countries. (A) 145 (By 142 (c) 140 () None of these 14. According to social learning theory, violence against women [s: (A) socially constructed _(B) caused by patriarchy (C) innate and natural (D) None of these 15. What are the traits of an androgynous person? (A) Positive feminine (B) Positive masculine and feminine (C) Negative masculine and feminine (D) None of these 16. Which approach takes sexual division of labour for granted? (a) WAD (8) WID (C)GAD (D) None of these 17. Hew euamy seats are reserved for women in National Assembly of Pakistan? r B) 70 60 N these 18. The Feminine Mystique was written by, © @) None of (A) Gloria Steinem (B) Noami Wolf (©) Betty Frieden (D) None of these 19, Which amongst the following is socially constructed? Balan Gender (B) femininity & masculinity (C) Both (A) &(B) —— (D) None of these 20, Who said, “One is not born, but one rather becomes # woman”? (A) Simone de Beauvoir "(B) Luce Irigaray (C) Betty Frieden (D) None of these SED: THREE HOURS , TIRE AEE Oey, MAXIMUM SO MUINETE, AN T=11) __Ms OMR Answer Sheet which 1 not be given credit. i minutes after 30 itingyeucting oF gative marking. All nus PART:! \COs(COMPULSO! ‘Select the best option/answer and fl in the appr nthe OMR Answer Sheet.(20x1=20) D. Answers given anywhere else, other than OMR Answer § , will not be considered, sopseal type has the wnat ratcle size? a eee (ay None af these SRE a for me OT OeT (c) #10 (D) None of these pro He tter Into simpler compounds by microorganisms Ae eee ee ey Resp ration (€) Decomposition (D) None of these Mantes of growing two or more crops In proximity to enhance pest control and nutrient rMierdon Is: (S) Croprotation (B) Monoculture — (C) Agroforestry (D) None of these The cultivation of crops without the use of soll Is known ast A) Hydroponics (B) Acroponics (C) Precision farming (D) None of these The hormone, responsible for promoting cell elongation and bending In response to light, is: A) Auxin 87 Gibberellin (C) Cytokinin (D) None of these The process of exposing seeds to molsture and temperature to initiate germination Is known a: |A) Stratification (B) Scarification (&) Vernalization (D) None of thes The primary role of pheromones in pest management Is: TAY Killing pests directly (B) Repelling pests (C) Attracting pests for monitoring (D) None of these Waich insect order includes pests such as grasshoppers and locusts? (4). Orthoptera (B) Coleoptera C) Lepidoptera (D)_ None of these The primary purpose of backcrossing In plant breeding (A) Creating hybrids with increased heterozygosity (B) Introducing resistance to diseases (Cy Fixing desirable traits in a new genetic background (D)_None of these ‘The primary purpose of sustainable forestry Ist (A) Timber extraction only (B) Maximizing shon-term profits (C) Clear-cutting for quick land regeneration (D) None of these ‘The term "silviculture" refers to: (B> Rearing of silkworm (B) Forest disease management (C) Cultivation of trees and forests (D)_ None of these ‘Which of the following Is a common invasive species affecting forests? (A)_ Oak tree @B) Eucalyptus tree (C) Kudzu vine (D)_ None of these In ne the term “coppicing" refers to; (A) Planting new trees (B)_Pruning branches’ (C) Thinning the forest cano] (1D) None of ‘Which type of forest management alms to rhimic natural lsturbances, such as ananves?™ these (A) Even-aged management (B) Shelterwood cutting (C) Uneven-nged management —(D) None of thes The practice of removing dead or discased trees from a forest is known as: ; (A) Salvage logging (B) Pruning (C)_Clear-cutting Regeneration of a forest without direct human intervention is referred to ai “ Reforestation (®. Afforestation (C) Rehabilitation (D) None of these e primary purpose of riparian forest buffers is: (A) Soil erosion prevention (B) Wildlife habitat conservation (C) “Carbon sequestration (D) Mone ft Which internatio 1 Which international agreement focuses on combatine il (9 gota Protocol (B) Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade (FLEGT) 1m the context of biodiversity the ted) None OF Nee (A) Species that are abundant in nusicy MeYstone species" refers to: GL Species that play a crue CB SPecics that play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem structure are endemic to a specific herald (D) None of these Page 1 of 2 (D) None of these —_—— ; Fete be attempted on thy siete FOUR questions TWO questions from NOTE: () Part from (iy Attempt «carty EQUAL marks. EACH SECTION. ALL, questions cat be attempted at one place instead of at cach Question took in accordance with Q, No. in the Q.Paper. ‘eon the answers, All the blank pr ‘of Answer Book (ui All the parts GE any different —_ places. ; (y) Wate Q in the Answer ()._ No Page Space be left blank hetw must be erasseu. od _Es empl or any part of the question will not be considered. _ yestio SECTION-A No.2. Explore the present situation of oilseed erops. in Pakistan aril identify potential (20) factors contributing to the insufficient production of edible oil. Propose remedial measures aimed at enhancing this situation. No.3. Examine the distinctions betweenCe and copyeotenebslaamiog (20) practices/ Analyze the meri aun impact, yield, and_soil_heal jerstanding of the advantages and disadvantages associated with both a Which would you recommend in Pakistan's ive? Au both epprosches icularly its effect (20) of current practices and @ impact C.D) newt &., proce? No.5. Write short notes on the following: (10 each) i en Ne acl 2 :, (a) Conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources Ossupphe (b) Integrated nutrient management SECTION-B No.6. How can integrated waterst How ex ; shed management address the competing demands_for @0) on watershed health and water availabi lity. "How can we integra science end m wad val al water avs peat can we integrate science and .No.7. How effectively does W effe the Pakistan li How etiectivly 0 Forest Policy int i saa neh raat naar Polcy in arate with the provisions (20) wa se into actionable beak so ip! les that how the policy's sy ae ‘rane! may be st = oe the act. Discuss arcas rengthened ‘OF more coherent 2. No. 8. Write short notes on the following: () Potential of Ecotourism in Pakistan ©) Biodiversity 0 eachy (20) seeeseeees a FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION-2024 FOR RECRUITMENT ‘Boll Number ) TO POSTS IN BS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT —— BOTANY after 30 minutes. (ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit. Gii) There is no negative marking. All MCQs must be attempted. PART-1 (MCOs(COMPULSORY) (Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate Box lj on the OMR Answer Sheet.(20x1=2( (il) Answers given anywhere else, other than OMR Answer Sheet, will not be considered. What is the largest plant family in the world, known for its diverse members such as sunflowers, daisies and chrysanthemums? (A) Poaceae (B) Asteraceae (C) Fabaceae (D) Rosaceae In Pakistan, which of the following Is a common type of gymnosperm? (A) Oak tree (B) Pine tree (C) Maple tree (D) Willow tree Organisms that obtain energy by absorbing and metabolizing rients are: (A) Heterotrophs (B) Auxotrophs (C) Osmotrophs ——(D) Phototrophs Pattern of arrangement of leaves on stem is called: (A) Stipule (B) Adaxial (C) Abaxial () Phyllotaxy How many enzymes are involved in Krebs cycle? (A) Four (B) Six (C) Eight (D) Ten ‘The enzymes of glycolysis are located in the: (A) Cytoplasm (B) Nucleus (©) Lysosomes (D) Mitochondrion ‘Thioredoxin widely occurs in plants is: (A) Lipid in nature (B) Carbohydrate in nature (©) Protein in nature (D) None of them Auxin Is synthesized directly from the Amino acid: (A) Proline (B) Cystein (©) Tryptophan (D) Glycine Triticale is derived by crossing: . (A) Wheat and Rice (B) Wheat and tapioca (C) Rye and Wheat (D) Rye and Rice Which of the following metabolites are implicated in stress tolerance? (A) Proline (B)Betaines (C) Citrate (D) Both (A) and (B) Go Piast transgenic plants expressing engineered foreign genes were tobacco plants produced by the use of: (A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (B) Bacillus thuringiensis (©) Arabidopsis thaliana (D) Streptomyces hygroscopicus _ The most effective temperature range for vernalization Is: (A) 1-5°C (B) 1-3 °C (C) 1-7°C (Dy 4-11°C _ What Is the most economically important mushroom in Swat, Pakistan? (A) Shiitake (B) Oyster (C) Morel (D) Button ‘What Is the botanical name of chia seeds? pm 'A) Cicer arictinum —(B) Salvia hispanica (C) Linum usitatissimum (D) Sesamum indicur addition to Its culinary and medicinal uses, fennel has been historically belleved to poss which of the following properties? (A) Aphrodisiac (B) Hypnotic (C) Anticoagulant (D) Antiseptic 5. is a superior source of protein with all nine essential amino acids. (A) Blueberries (B) Quinoa (C) Avocado (D) Brocco! 7. In the photosynthetic electron transport chain, which photosystem has a higher energy level and functions first in capturi: light ene: ? re} Photosystem I (PSI) eh ny (B) Photosystem 1 (PSID 2, bots eve qual energy y levels (D) Neither has a distinct energy level e function of JA helicase di lication? {Q Joins Okazaki fragments turing DN/ 5) Unwinds and separates the DNA strands 19. Where DNA strands (D) Proofreads DNA for errors (A) Ril transcription, the first step in protein synthesis, occur in cukaryotle cells? . 20. Whiten pre (B) Nucleus (C) Cytoplasm (D) Mitochondria of evol Adaptation to sean on results In the development of similar traits In unrelated species duc “A lronmental Convergent evolution (B) Diverternuention (C) Parallel evolution (D) Adaptive evoluti Pann tnt? BOTANY PART-II OTE: ; Nore an Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks. Part-ilis to be attempted on the ‘separate Answer Book. (iii) All the parts (if any) ‘of each Question must be attempted at one place instead of at different places. (iv) Write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q.Paper. (w) No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be crossed. (vi) _Extra attempt of any question or any part of the question will not be considered. Q.No. 2. Q.No. 3. Q. No. 4. Q. No. 5. Q.No. 6. Q.No. 7. QNo. 8. Evaluate the potential advantages and challenges of using algae for biofuel production, taking into account ‘environmental and economic factors. Explain the ecological importance of gymnosperms. How do they contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem functions? Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of using plant tissue culture techniques compared to traditional methods of plant propagation. Discuss the principles and methodologies used in biosystematics for the classification and identification of plant species. Provide a labeled diagram of the Krebs Cycle in plants, highlighting key intermediates and enzymes involved. Explain the significance of each step in the cycle. Analyze the role of plants in phytoremediation. Discuss how certain plant species can help mitigate soil pollution by absorbing and detoxifying contaminants. Briefly describe any TWO of the followings: (10 each) (@) Role of Cytokinin in Plant Senescence (b) Parthenogenesis vs Apomixis (©) Hardy-Weinberg's Theorem seeeeeeses Qo) 20) (20) (20) 0) 20) (20) 2 Fr FEDERAL PUBLIC SE! z = S RAL SERVICE COMMISSION Holl Number £@)> COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION-2024 FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS . S IN BS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ZOOLOGY TIME ALLOWED: TITREE HOURS A E PART-1 MCQs) MAXIMUM MARKS: 28 Fane @ICQs)_:_ MAXIMUM 30 MINUTES. PART-I MAXIMUM MARKS: 3 = (I) First attempt PART-I (NICQs) on separate OMR Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes. (i) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit- (ill) There is no negative marking. All MCQs must be attempted. ‘ _I Q.1. (i) Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate Box ne 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17, 18. 19. 20. PAI ™ Ci ULSO! ‘on the OMR Answer Sheet. (20x1=20) (i) Answers given anywhere else, other than OMR Answer Sheet, will not be considered. ‘The specialized region in protozoa that Is analogous to mouth is: (A) Vacuole (B) Cytopharynx, (C) Food Vacuole (D) None of these Organisms In this super group move via temporary extensions called lobopodia: (A) Chromalveolata (B) Rhizaria (C) Amocbozoa (D) None of these Qeolutionarily, members of this phyla are considered the most primitive animals; (A) Porifera (B) Cnidaria (C) Ctenophora 1D) None of these A few turbellarians have a free-swimming larva termed as: (A) Miracidium (B) Planula larva {(C) Oncomiracidium — (D) None of these This s the largest and most varied molluscan ¢l (A) Gastropoda (B) Polyplacophora (C) Bivalvia (D) None of these The specialization of body regions in a segmented animal ts called: (A) Cephalization (B) Metamerism (C) Tagmatization —_(D) None of these The sclentific name of the common pork roundworm Is (A) Wachereria bancrofti —_ (B) Ascaris lumbricoides | (C) Trichinella spiralis (D) None of these {tervestmen or daddy longlegs are members of the order: (A) Scorpionida (B) Opiliones (C) Acarina (D) None of these se tight collecting area of a compound eye that converts light enerky Into a nerve Impulse Is called: (A) Rhabdome (ByPigment cell (C) Retinula cell (D) None of these (e mouth-up" feeding posture Is found In members of the class: (A) Ophiuroidea (B) Astervidea (C) Crinoidea (D) None of these eo eivelopment of sexual maturity In a Inrval body form Is called: (A) Coevol 1B) Morphogenesi (C) Parthenogenesis _ (D) None of these (A) euler network that allows gases to move from the blood stream Into fish's swim bladder Is called the: (A) Glomerulus (B) Rete mirabile Regions of the skeleton of an amphibian tha vertebral column Is: (C) Ovale (D) None of these { Is the point of attachment of the hind limbs to the (A) Cervical (B) Caudal (C) Sacral (D) None of these ‘The class Reptilia Is: (A) Paraphyletic (B) Polyphylatic (©)Tetraphyletic (D) None of these ‘The refractory period of a neuron Is also known (A) Polarization (B) Repolarization (C) Both(A) &(B)__ (D) None of these ee etlle receptor mechanism for hormone action Involves hormones that ares (A) Amines (B) Polypeptides (C) Steroids (D) None of these ‘The pacemaker of a mammalian heart is the: (A) AV node (B) SA node (C) Purkinje fibres, (D) None of these Vitamin B9 Is also known a (A) Riboflavin (B) Pantothenic acid (C) Niacin (D) None of these ‘The hormonal triggering of heat production Is called: (A) Nonshivering thermogenesis (B) shivering thermogenesis (C)Panting = (D) None of th aecnaniccaite that la mate during its early life and female iver tn Ute is called ee (A) Protogygous (B) Protandrous (C) Polygynous (D) None of th ese Page 1of2 OLOGY PART-II (OTE: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answ Book. ' (ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks. 1 Gi) All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at one place instead of at different places. A (iv) Write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q.Paper. (¥) No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be crossed. oo, * (vi)_ Extra attempt of any question or any part of the question will not be considered. ' Q.No.2. How does homology contribute to mapping phylogeny through a nested (20) hierarchy of characters, and how do scientists usc it to understand the evolutionary history of organisms? Q.No.3. Explore the varied lifestyles of unicellular eukaryotes, emphasizing their roles as (20) disease agents, endoparasites, and vital components of the food chain. Assess the impact of these organisms on human health and ecosystems. Q.No.4. Describe the early evolution of chordates. Also, discuss the functional anatomy (20) of tunicates. Q.No.5. Describe the key features of the molluscan body plan. Subsequently, explain the (20) biological and economic impact of ocean acidification on mollusc growth and harvest. Q.No.6. Describe the role of the hypothalamus in endocrine function in vertebrates. (20) Furthermore, explain how the pineal gland directly or indirectly regulates circadian and annual rhythms in animals. Q.No.7. Discuss the key postulates of Darwin's evolutionary theory and analyze the contributions of Mendelian genetics and the chromosomal theory of inheritance ee in reshaping the evolutionary theory. Q.No.8. Describe the factors involved in regulating digestive system function. Also, (20) ras bes types of motilities in each digestive tract segment and the controlling seseescese FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION

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