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Ministry of Education and Youth

State Pedagogical university „Ion Ceangă”

English Philology Chair

Lesson Plan
on the Topic:
” A Song of Seasons”

Performed by:
Costin Victoria
Directed by:
Sagoian E.
Ph.D., associate professor.

Chișinău 2023
Teacher’s name: Costin Victoria
Date: 21.11.2023
Grade: 6th Grade
Number of students: 15
Topic: A Song of Seasons
Type of the lesson: Mixed
Goal: The pupils will be able to discuss and comprehend the concept of seasons, describe each season
using specific vocabulary, utilize Simple Present tense with prepositions (at, for, into, till), and engage in
activities related to listening, reading, speaking, and writing about seasons.
1. Linguistic competences. The pupils will be able to develop the following sub-competences:
1.1. to pronounce correctly the sounds [d], [t], [id];
1.2. to use the new vocabulary in defining and explaining the terms,building sentences;
1.3. to use the Present Simple Tense in correct way, to make the sentences, to discuss about the topic
using this tense ;

2. Discourse competences. The pupils will be able:

2.1. Listen to a seasonal narrative or song and identify season-specific information.
2.2. Summarize orally the characteristics and attributes of each season.
2.3.Describe their feelings or emotions associated with different seasons.
2.4. Write a descriptive narrative about their favorite season.

3. Sociolinguistic competences. The pupils will be able:

3.1. Discuss the characteristics and values associated with each season.
3.2. Use appropriate language for different social situations related to seasons.
3.3. Write a personal letter to a friend describing their favorite season.
3.4. Role-play situations in different seasons to understand behaviors within families.

4. Strategic/Pragmatic Competences. The students will be able to:

4.1. Substitute informal terms with formal synonyms related to seasons.
4.2. Demonstrate quick problem-solving skills during role-play activities.
4.3. Relate their personal experiences to different relationships within their family.

Materials and Equipment:

 Visuals depicting each season (pictures, videos)
 Worksheets with vocabulary exercises about seasons
 Audio recordings or songs related to seasons
 Worksheets for listening activities about seasons
 Envelopes for writing activities (e.g., letters describing a favorite season)
 Paper, pens, markers for writing tasks
 Any relevant online resources about seasons

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