Cor 002 Persuasive Essay

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Ageism Exists Because of

How People Think

Ageism is a kind of discrimination, also common in our society nowadays.

Discrimination generally is not an instinctual thought. It is a learned belief. We’d all learn in
depending on the people surrounding us, it maybe from watching our parents, or we pick it up
from our friends, neighbors, and could be strangers. We live in a world with people from
different age groups. The origin of ageism is that the society tends to view the older group people
who are less capable. This kind of discrimination is like a double edge sword and leaves those
between 30-60 years old in the middle. On the other side, you have the younger generation of
young kids up to those in their late 20’s. Our society has this notion that if you are young, they’d
assume you know nothing and that you’re incapable of doing anything.

In our report, we have discussed that Ageism in Work, Ageism in the Way of Living, and
Ageism in Relationships are the most common types of ageism. I have been discriminated by my
own family for the reason that I couldn’t do chores or basic house doings. Being told by some
people that I’m too old to watch cartoons. I think those are part of Ageism in the Way of Living.
Based on my experience, young workers also have a difficult time doing their job because of
how their customers see them. One example would be students who’re doing a part time job in
fast-food restaurants. If a customer doesn’t like the answer the young waiter gives to them they
assume that the waiter doesn’t know what they’re doing and that they’d think that they’re
inexperienced. In relationships, the youth are often scolded that they’re too young to be in a
relationship. Though it’s true that maybe it’ll be a distraction, but at the right age of 18 the
parents should let their children decide what’s best for them especially their love life. Another
problem would be the age-gap problem, it is a problem. However, some people doesn’t get
concept, it only applies on underaged with legal age people. If both are legal aged already, they
shouldn’t mind as there’s nothing wrong about what they’re doing.
With all the problems mentioned. The only way to combat those problems is to form
thought of our own. To form our own points of views. The only way to truly form our points is if
we gain life experience and draw from that. If you’ve experienced a lot of situations regarding
this problem and hasn’t noticed that it is wrong and think that it is normal, well it is not. We as
an individual need to see what else is out there and decide for ourselves. As we’ve stated: It is
important that action must be taken into combat. In our time, both the youth and elders must be
open-minded that as age increases, our society evolves and changes. We should dedicate
ourselves into building a society that every individual is respected from the cradle up until their

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