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Michelle Don't remind me. I know I look terrible.

It was
Everything went like clockwork !!! an awfully long flight.
Lindsay We have work to do, but if you need a day to
recover from jet lag, we can start tomorrow.
Mary I've just popped in to thank you very much for
Michelle I can start immediately. Fill me in on the task.
organizing last weekend's trip to the seaside for the old
Lindsay OK. I need you to brief me on our new item
Julia That's very kind of you. They all seemed to enjoy it. PUR038 before we make a presentation to
Topcraft Co. The deadline is next Monday. You
Mary They certainly did. Everything went like clockwork, in get to pick your own team.
fact I don't think you could have done it better.
Michelle I'll get right on it.
Julia I'm not sure about that, there were one or two things
that could have been improved. Lindsay Good. Keep me posted.
Mary In a perfect world perhaps, but as far as I'm concerned
it was a great success. So thank you again.
Explanation :

Explanation :
Fill sb in - to give someone extra or missing information

If you say that something happens like clockwork you mean that it
happens without any problems or delays, or happens regularly. Example : I filled her in on the latest gossip.

On the verge of !!!

I am through working overtime !!!

Daniel I heard that you performed very well in this program. You
are going to be one pillar of our company in the near Dan It's quitting time. I'm gonna clock out now. See you, guys.
Tony Wait, Dan. Did you work on all the papers and documents
Megan It's my duty as an employee to carry it out. I receive help
we need for tomorrow's brainstorm meeting ?
from several departments while the whole matter was on
the verge of failure. Most importantly, we didn't lose Dan Not yet. But I can finish those tomorrow.
heart, but believed we could succeed at last.
Tony No way ! We need those materials and numbers first thing in
Daniel Never give up, then we can defeat our rivals, no matter
the morning. You got to finish them tonight.
how strong they are. Stick to your faith, we can overcome
adversity successfully. Good job, Megan ! Dan Ugh, I am through working overtime !

Megan Thanks for your praise. I will believe in myself as I did this Tony This is business. We have a deadline to meet. And you wont'
time and keep on my work. Moreover, I realized be the only one under pressure. We've all got to crank out
teamwork is the key to success. this project tonight.

Explanation : Explanation :

On the verge of - Close to I am through working overtime - I don't want to work overtime

Example : I was on the verge of calling the doctor when he

suddenly got better. Example : I am through with him. [ Do not want to have any
dealings with him ]

Fill me in on the task !!! The numbers didn't add up !!!

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 1

Max These are just some rough ideas I have. Maybe we can Cut-throat competition !!!
try this out.
Michelle Good points, Max. But we should take a look at the
figures Dan got for us. Dan, what are these figures Michelle Now if you'll take a look at this line graph, you'll see the
based on ? And how solid are they ? sales of our new item PUR083 has been going up
Dan The figures are based on first quarter's profits. I substantially this quarter. And if you'll refer to the
believe they are very solid. numbers on page ten in your handouts, you'll find out
the profits have increased by 25 percent. The statistics
Michelle But these figures do not support Max's argument. And show that sales could stand out in the third quarter even
I noticed the numbers didn't add up. Anyway, I want more.
you to go over these numbers once again. We can't
use them before they prove to be right. Lindsay However, what I'm concerned about is our competitors.
They are still out there and even stronger than ever. Do
Dan Got it. I'll go through all the materials again. you think we need to pursue an aggressive approach in
order to remain competitive in the global market ?
Michelle OK, guys. We've been sitting for 3 hours. we'd better
get up and stretch our legs. We'll discuss it further Michelle I don't think so. The price of our product is very
later today. competitive on the market. And we are well-known for
supply goods of high quality. I don't believe we should
get involved in the cut-throat competition as they do.
Explanation : Lindsay I'm impressed by your briefing. Now go and get in touch
with Topcraft Co.
Michelle Noted. I'll get right on it.
If a situation does not add up, there is no reasonable or likely
explanation for it.

Explanation :
Example : Why would she disappear the day before her holiday? It
just doesn't add up. Cut-throat competition - Destructive competition, not worrying
about any harm caused

Give me the rundown !!!

Example : The advertising world can be a very cut-throat business.

Renee We need to book a meeting room. But the meeting

rooms are almost booked out. I'm still working on that.
See the work through !!!
Michelle Please try your best to get us a room. Your know we
cannot reschedule the rehearsal.
Renee I'm proud of working with you and delighted to assist all
Renee I'll do my best. And I'll make sure all the presentation of you in work.
slides are ready on the computer.
Michelle Well, we are going to make a product presentation to
Michelle Good. And don't forget to give me the rundown on the Topcraft Co. I think it's about time for you to be in
rehearsal. charge of a case like this.

Sam No problem. Renee and I will see to it. Renee But I don't think I'm qualified yet. I'm not much of a
Michelle Then that concludes our meeting today. Let's roll. Michelle I know this might be a rather giant step for you, but you
have to grow into this. You don't want to do the chores
or run errands for somebody all your life, do you ? Think
Explanation : about that.
Renee Maybe you're right. OK. I'll take this job and do my best
to see the work through.
Rundown - A detailed report
Michelle I'm happy for you. Welcome to the real world. It's not
perfect, but you're gonna love it.
Example : Here's a rundown on/of the activities of our ten biggest
Explanation :

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 2

See sth through - To continue doing a job or activity until it is
finished, especially when it is difficult
Explanation :

Example : The course would take me three years to complete, but

I was determined to see it through. Sought-after - wanted by many people and usually of high quality
or rare

Example : At the age of seventeen she is already one of

Hollywood's most sought-after actresses.
It is feasible !!!

Sells like hot cakes !!!

Harbor Please have a seat. Let's start with where we left off last
Lindsay Let's get started. Today we're deciding which items will
be the key products that we are going to promote this
Renee Honestly, what you mentioned last time will be a real quarter. Any ideas ?
challenge for our company. That's more than a technical
Michelle I think we can keep promoting our item PUR038. It sells
issue. Can't we do it our own way ? We'll do whatever we
like hot cakes! We can make it hotter in the
Harbor That's all very interesting, but not good enough. We want
Max I don't think that's a good idea. We still have a lot of
something more original and concrete. Any ideas ?
competitive items on standby. There are good products,
Renee Hmm, I think I think I got one. But I have to make sure if it too. Since PUR038 sells like hot cakes, it can speak for
is feasible. I'll let you know ASAP. itself. We can put our effort into other products such as
Harbor OK, sounds good to me. I look forward to a favorable our cutting board series.
result. Now, let's go through the details again. I don't want Sam I agree. The cutting boards have been sought-after on
any last-minute changes, you know. the market recently. We are supposed to plan a big
Renee I understand your concern. We won't let you down. promotion for our CB series.
Lindsay That's a good point, Sam. Any objection ? If not, then CB
series will be our key items this quarter. That's all for
today's meeting.
Explanation :

Feasible - able to be made, done or achieved

Example : With the extra resources, the scheme now seems Explanation :
feasible. Sell like hot cakes - to be bought quickly and in large numbers

Example : His new video game is apparently selling like hot cakes.
This item is sought-after !!!

Renee Besides, as you can see from this pie chart, our model Look it up !!!
PUR038 is very competitive on the market. If you'll refer
to the figures in your handouts, you'll see that this item is Michelle We're now discussing the promotion plan on CB series.
very sought-after and there is a big market for it. Everyone of us will get a new assignment today. Before
we decide on how to market our products, I want to
Harbor Please give us some good reasons why we should hear your thoughts about this.
purchase this item.
Dan We need sponsors. I can look it up on the computer files
Renee One good thing about this item is its high technology. And and find out our previous sponsors. I'll visit them and try
its high tech leads to durability. It can save time and to win them around.
money, which I know is your company goal. Therefore,
this product is just right for your needs. we highly Michelle Good idea. Dan. Then you will be in charge of this. Any
recommend this item for your company. other thoughts ?

Harbor Your presentation is very impressive. We do have great Renee I volunteer to visit all of our suppliers and see if they are
interest in this item. But we'd like to try it out before we interested to support us. If our promotion succeeds,
place an order for it. they will also benefit by it.

Renee That's for certain, Mr. Harbor. Here is a sample for your Michelle Great. And this will be your assignment. I'm looking
company. And we look forward to receiving your order in forward to a favorable result. OK. We will be discussing
the near future. how to market CB series after I got your feedback. Let's
roll !

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 3

Renee I know I wish someone could help me with this.

Explanation : Dan Hey, you're talking to him, Renee. Don't worry. I'll help
you out.

Look it up - To try to find a piece of information by looking in a

book or on a computer
Explanation :
Example : If you don't know what the word means, look it up in a
Lucky out - to be very lucky

Got it all planned out !!!

Example : The Giants really lucked out in last night's game.
Sam We're going to discuss how to market CB series real soon.
Did you work on your project ?
Max Absolutely, I've sorted out all the materials we need and Speak your minds !!!
sifted three great ways of marketing from our previous
Sam Oh, that's good. That way, we can learn from our experience Michelle Thanks so much for your hard work. I'm so impressed by
and avoid the same mistakes. your feedback. We got our sponsors now. We have won
over several suppliers supporting us and everything.
Max You've got it. We can discuss them carefully over the Good job, everyone.
meeting and choose the best way to promote our key
products. Sam That's part of our job. We're glad we helped.

Sam Seems you've got it all planned out. Now I can finally stop Michelle Good. And it's time to discuss how we should promote
worrying and get back to work our key items. There's plenty of information in your
Max Why were you worried about my work. handouts. Now speak your minds.
Sam We definitely need to choose Internet as a means of
Sam Because I was worried about your bad cold affecting your job marketing. It's the current trend.
performance. It seems like I was worried for nothing.
Michelle That's right. We can create a promotion page with
attractive banners, and so our company website can stay
unchanged but we can still attract buyers.
Explanation :
Sam Then the decisions are made. Let's do that.
Plan out - to think about and decide what you are going to do or
how you are going to do something

Example : I've planned out the day - train to town, some shopping,
then a slap-up meal and a show. Explanation :

I've lucked out !!! Speak your mind - To say what you think about something very
Dan I've won over three sponsors for our promotion plan.
They've promised to support our plan no matter how we
would market our items. I think I've lucked out ! Example : He's certainly not afraid to speak his mind.
Renee Oh, I envy you ! I'm out of luck. No suppliers so far would
like to support our plan.
I am on top of that !!!
Dan How come ? What's the problem ?
Michelle Renee, did you talk to our suppliers about our promotion
Renee Beats me. Maybe it's because I'm not much of a talker. I details ?
tried so hard to chat with them about anything I could
Renee Yes, I did. I've asked them to insert fliers into the
think of, but I just couldn't be enthusiastic about
shipments to our customers. That way the customers
who never bought our CB series can also receive the
Dan I see what you mean. You used to work with papers and information and know about our promotional products.
documents. you are not so used to dealing with our
Michelle Do you need someone to help you send messages to
suppliers. You've still got a lot to learn about how to be a
customers by email ?
sales representative.
Renee No thanks. That's my job. I am on top of that.
Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 4
Michelle Oh, and did you discuss the exhibitions we talked about Secretary Mr. Martin's office. May I help you ?
last night with our channel ?
Renee Oh, hi, Miss Wood. This is Renee. How are you ? I'm
Renee Of course I did. And they've promised to help us with
calling again to discuss the exhibitions with Mr. Martin.
Is he available ?
Michelle Wow, I'm impressed. Renee. You've improved a lot as a
Secretary Sorry, Renee, Mr. Martin can't come to the phone. He's
sales representative.
all tied up in the staff meeting. But he said he would be
free tomorrow morning and you two could discuss it
over brunch. What do you say ?
Explanation :
Renee Perfect ! Thanks so much for your help. I owe you one.
Let's do lunch sometime. My treat.
On top of sth - To be able to control a situation or deal with it Secretary That's great. We'll talk later then.

Example : The stock market has been unpredictable, and you

really have to stay on top of your investments. Explanation :

We spread out the news !!! Tied up - Busy

Example : I'm afraid we can't meet till Wednesday - I'm tied up on

Renee What are we going to do with the prices ? There must be
Monday and Tuesday.
a discount or how can we compete in the marketplace ?
Dan I got an idea. We can use e-coupons.
Keep an eye on !!!
Michelle Please explain your idea, Dan.

Dan Here's what I thought: We spread out the news that we

Lindsay How did we do ? I heard our CD series are selling like hot
got e-coupons on our promotion page. Buyers using e-
coupons through Internet can buy three get one free.
Mix & Match is acceptable. Michelle Not selling like hot cakes. They are selling like crazy !
Look at these sales figures !
Renee Ooh, that's a major selling point. I'm willing to buy more
if I can Mix & Match things. People might buy them for Lindsay Very good. I'm glad that CD series have taken off so well.
themselves or as gifts.
Michelle It was a group effort I couldn't have done this without
Dan But if they buy through our distribution channels, we
my team.
don't offer "buy three get one free" because the prices
are comparatively lower already. Lindsay All of you are a great asset to our company. By the way,
do you think sales will keep going up like this ?
Michelle Fair enough. So we all agree to this plan, right ? Then it's
finalized. Michelle The quality of our product is superior to others and our
prices are very competitive. so it looks promising. But we
still need to keep any eye on the market saturation
Explanation : factor.

Spread out - Move outward, distribute over an area Explanation :

Example : We spread our papers out on the table. Keep an eye on - To watch or looking after something

He's all tied up !!! Example : Will you keep your eye on my suitcase while I go to get
the tickets ?

Renee Hello, this is Renee Chang calling from Alpha Co. Please
I was stuck in traffic !!!
get me the extension 41.

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 5

Michelle Thank you for inviting me to your dinner party. I'm sorry more sales in this competitive market.
to have kept you waiting. I was stuck in traffic. I hope
you started without me.
Time is ticking away !!!
Harris No worries. I'm so glad you could make it, Michelle.
Come on in. Just drop your coat here and make yourself
at home.
Michelle Dan, did you inform APR Co. that we are having a
Michelle Thank you. Here's a little something for you. I hope you promotion for CB series.
like it.
Dan Not yet, but I'm working on it right now. I'm organizing a
Harris Oh, my favorite whiskey ? You shouldn't have. Thanks complete price list with pictures so that they can get all
for the gift, Michelle. I do love it.
the information and specifications at a time.
Michelle How are your wife and your lovely twins in Australia ? Michelle OK, that's a good thought. But please finish it ASAP.
Time is ticking away.
Harris Oh, they are all well. I just flied home last month. Jane
and Dick are fifth graders now. Ah, kids are growing up Dan Sure, I'll finish the list and end it to APR Co. by today.
so quickly.
Michelle Good. Keep me posted.

Dan Noted. I'll let you know if I have any information.

Explanation :

Stuck - unable to move, or fixed in a particular position, place or Explanation :

way of thinking

Tick away - If time ticks away/by, it goes past

Example : Seven of us were stuck in the lift for over an hour.

Example : With the final seconds ticking away, Chelsea scored a

Pricing and samples !!! goal.

We talked on the phone !!!

Lindsay Kate just called and left a message. She wanted to know
whether we received her email.
Lindsay Did you receive any feedback from Kate about pricing and
Michelle I just received her email ten minutes ago. Due to their samples we sent last week ?
current factory discontinuing item GSL, she wants to
know whether we have a source that can produce this Michelle Yes, we just talked on the phone. She has received our
item. samples and she thinks they look good. But ...

Lindsay We do have a source who can produce this item, don't Lindsay But what ? What's her concern ?
we ?
Michelle She thinks both our pricing and minimum order quantity
Michelle Right. She wants us to provide pricing and samples for are too high. She needs to know if we can requote the
their approval ASAP. price.
Lindsay Does she mention what size and color she requires ? Lindsay If we could requote the price, could she accept the current
MOQ ? [MOQ] = minimum order quantity
Michelle Yes. She requires size "10x12x1" inches in blue, red and
brown Michelle She didn't confirm, but she said she would try her best to
convince her boss.
Lindsay Send her our pricing today and tell her we can send
samples no later than this Friday. Lindsay OK, fair enough. Tell her we'll send out the revised pricing
by today.

Explanation :
Explanation :

Pricing - To establish a selling price for a product

On the phone - To be using the telephone

Example : The pricing has to be attractive enough to generate

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 6

Example : That son of mine is on the phone all day! Drive a hard bargain - To expect a lot in exchange for what you
pay or do
Example : It's more than I planned to pay, but you drive a hard
I need to think it over !!!

Max I'm here to talk to you about your new purchase order. Long-standing support !!!

Reiner What seems to be the problem ? Reiner This is Reiner speaking.

Max As you know, there is a global shortage of plastic raw Max Good afternoon, Ms. Reiner. I'm calling to tell you the
materials. We have tried our best to offer the best price good news.
for you. However, our supplier insists on increasing MOQ
Reiner Oh, is this regarding the price.
to 1,000 dozen or they will have problem processing your
order. Max You're right. After negotiating with our supplier, we now
Reiner 1,000 dozen ? That's a large order. I don't think we can can offer you $15 per dozen.
accept this. Reiner That's perfectly wonderful ! Thanks for trying so hard.
Max Please understand that we offer you the very best price. Please increase the quantity to meet the requested MOQ,
And, we are willing to separate the whole batch into three which I believe is 1,000 dozen. [MOQ= Minimum Order
shipments to benefits your company. Quantity]

Reiner Hmm. Sounds fair. But I need to think it over. I'll let you Max I'll get on it immediately. Thank you for your long-standing
know by this Friday. support.

Max Thank Ms. Reiner. I'm looking forward to your favorable

Explanation :

Explanation :
Long-standing - Having existed for a long time

Think it over - To consider an idea or plan carefully before making a

Example : The two high-tech companies are involved in a long-
standing copyright infringement lawsuit.

Example : I'll think it over and give you an answer next week.
Production lead time !!!
She's driving a hard bargain !!!

Moore I'd like to know what would be your production lead time
Max Ms. Reiner said she will accept 1,000 dozen on the for a new order of 10K forks.
condition that we lower the price to $15 per dozen. Sam We can prepare 10K forks for you in 2 weeks.
Michelle She's driving a hard bargain. How much per dozen now ?
Moore Could you please check if you can ship earlier ? This is top
Max urgent. This order is for one of our customers.
The current price is $18 per dozen.
Sam Let me check the production schedule .. I believe we can
Michelle Will we make any money on this order if we agree to her ship the good by air freight in 10 days if we work overtime
price ? three days in a row.
Max Definitely. Not a large profit, though. Moore That would be great ! I will be sending you a new purchase
order in no time.
Michelle What do you think we should do ?
Sam Thank you. We will proceed with your order as soon as we
Max I think we should make it $15. After all, she is one of our receive it.
best customers and she's been loyal to us all these years.

Michelle OK. Make it to $15. The price is for Ms. Reiner only. Got to
fill her in on the good news. Explanation :

Production lead time - Period between receipt of an order and

until when it is available for packing or shipment.
Explanation :
Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 7
Example : The introduction of high-tech machines in the process Example : Something needs to be done to expedite the process.
will shorten production lead time.

Defective goods !!!

In no time !!!

Moore Did you receive my purchase order ? I sent it by fax a

Moore Sam, we recently received a complaint from a customer
minute ago.
about the spoons.
Sam Yes. The fax came in just now. we got both your order and
Sam Oh, what's the problem ?
sales contract.
Moore Good. Please confirm my order of 10K forks and sign the Moore It's about the poor plating. Can you replace them ? Or
contract by return. they'll hand-inspect and remove the defective ones and
charge you back.
Sam Before we sign the contract, I'd like to reconfirm a few
things Sam I'm sorry for the defective goods. The replacement will be
prepared and shipped by sea in three days.
Moore Sure, Go ahead.
Moore This is not acceptable. They need the goods very urgently.
Sam Stop me if I'm wrong. The goods should be shipped to L.A. You gotta air-freight them.
by air. The freight term is FOB CKS airport. The payment
Sam But the air freight would be too expensive to afford. After
will be made by T/T. No barcode required.
all, we're making little money on this item in order to
Moore Correct. We will make the payment as soon as we receive support your customer.
the goods. Please process our order immediately.
Moore I understand. Airship the replacement anyway. I'll ask
Sam Sure. We will send the signed contract over and proceed them to share the cost.
with your order in no time.

Explanation :
Explanation :

In no time - Very quickly or very soon

Defective - Describes something that has a fault in it and does not
Example : The children ate their dinner in no time. work correctly

Expedite your payment !!!

Example : I think that theory is defective.

Max Hello, Reiner. How are you ? Work wonders !!!

Reiner Oh, hi Max. I'm good. Thanks.

Lindsay We are very satisfied with our several latest lines of
Max Sorry to bother you, but I'd like to know when we can receive
products, and we want to promote them into the global
your payment. It's a bit late since it's supposed to be made a
month ago.
Michelle Just thinking about it makes me excited
Reiner I'm sorry about the delay. This simple job gets complicated
because we are switching bank accounts. We've got tons of Lindsay You would be more excited if you knew who would be
paperwork to work on and need another ten days to finish all assigned to attend the fair.
the procedures.
Michelle Oh, my goodness ! Are you serious ? Do you mean it ?
Max Is it possible that you pay it earlier by the end of this month ?
Lindsay Of course I mean it ! You will be responsible for the
Reiner The next payment run we're doing will be ten days later. This exhibition this year. You've been working so hard trying to
is when the invoice will be paid, not earlier. Please promote the new lines, and you did great. You deserve
understand. this.
Max We understand. But still, please expedite the payment as Michelle Thank you so much, Lindsay, for supporting me all the
soon as possible. Thanks you time. I'll do my best ! I believe our products will work

Explanation :

Expedite - To cause to be done more quickly; to hurry Explanation :

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 8

Dan Actually, we went online and collected lots of fair related
materials. We also referred to some photos of previous
Do / work wonders - To have a very good effect
exhibitions on the computer.

Example : Doctors have discovered that keeping a pet can do

wonders for your health. Explanation :

Get in contact with !!! Blush - To become pink in the face, usually from embarrassment

Example : I always blush when I speak in public.

Michelle Guys, we are going to participate in the Home Product
Fair in Boston. And I will be responsible for the
exhibition this year.
Keep you updated !!!
Sam Oh, that's wonderful ! Congratulations, Michelle ! We
are so happy for you.
Michelle Thanks, everyone. Today each of you will get a new Max I have got in contact with the show management and
assignment. Any volunteers ? received the application form for the fair participants.
I'm going to send the application form over by today if
Max I'll get in contact with the show management and collect
all the application forms and papers we need. I'll also
check the daily event schedule of the show. Michelle Good. Anything else ?

Sam I'll have the catalogue of our products ready and will Max I've also got the information about move-in and move
prepare fliers for the show. out hours and the show hours.
Renee Dan and I will work on the design of our booth. Michelle What about the exhibition space ? Do we know where to
set up our booth ?
Michelle Great ! You guys are excellent. Oh, I forgot to mention
that one of you will be going to Boston with me. I'll let Max According to John, you know, our temp sales
you know my decision next week. Now that's all for representative in Boston, the exhibition space is very
today. Let's roll. spacious. And Renee and Dan have completed the
design of the booth. They will keep you updated.

Michelle Great. Anything else I need to know ?

Explanation :
Max Oh, I'm trying to say hello to some of the co-organizers
of the show. I see some familiar names on the list. You
Get in contact - Communication with someone know, just in case.

Example : Get in contact with the management if you should need Explanation :
any help.

Update - To give someone the most recent information

You're making me blush !!!

Example : We'll update you on this news story throughout the day.
Michelle Designers, how are booth design going ?
Filled him in !!!
Renee Oh, Michelle ! Don't call me a designer. You're making
me blush.
Dan Sam I've prepared five cartons of our catalogues and flier's
But I like that title. You can call me a designer, Michelle.
ready for the show.
Michelle Haha. OK, joking aside, how are the things going ? Michelle I believe you've made sure that four lines of products are
printed on the catalogues and fliers, right ?
Renee We've designed the booth in three sizes because we're
not sure how large our space will be. Here you are. Sam Of course. You can count on me !
Michelle These are excellent. You two must have put a lot of Michelle Thank you, Sam. By the way, when is the application
thoughts into this. deadline ? Max said he'd like to send out the form as soon
Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 9
as possible. Dan Yes, Ma'am. Let's go. Maybe we can grab a bite on the way
to the fair. I'm hungry.
Sam The deadline is this Friday. I've filled him in on the product
Michelle What are you hungry for ?
lines and exhibition cost as well. he can send the
application form anytime now if you okay it.
Dan A hot dog, the works, would be great.
Michelle Good. Tell him to proceed immediately. Let me know if he
needs copies of my I.D. Michelle Ah, here comes the shuttle buss. Come on, let's move.

Sam Oh, one more thing, the fair attendants should wear the Dan We are not far from the fair. The map says it's the first
badge. And our banners and signs can only be displayed in turning on the right after the library.
and around our own booth, not in aisles.

Explanation :
Explanation :

Grab a bite - To get something to eat

Fill sb in - To give someone extra or missing information

Example : I need a few minutes to grab a bite to eat.

Example : I filled her in on the latest gossip.

The bottom line is quality !!!

I'll see to it !!!

Michelle So you think our quality give us an edge over our

Michelle Today we'll discuss how we should highlight our competitors ?
exhibition and decide on the focus of our show. Any
ideas ? Dan That's right.

Max The man point of our show is to promote our latest Michelle What do you think about TG Co. next to our booth ?
products into the global market. So I think the
demonstration is the most important part of our show. Dan I must say I'm quite impressed by their approach to
Renee I agree with Max. I'm convinced that our products will
sell pretty well if we can draw buyers' attention to our Michelle I feel the same way. Their way of doing business is quite
demonstrations. they will be amazed at what they see. aggressive.

Sam After all, our products are the results of the latest Dan But I don't think they'll go very far if they don't improve
technology. They are high-tech items. the quality of their products.

Michelle Good point. Then demonstrations will be the highlight of Michelle So the bottom line is quality.
our show. By the way, Dan, I'll confirm our daily
schedule during the fair later today. And you need to
book our flights first thing in the morning.
Explanation :
Dan Sure. I'll see to it.

The bottom line - The most important fact in a situation

Explanation :

Example : The bottom line is that we need another ten thousand

dollars to complete the project.
See to it - To deal with a task that is waiting to be dealt with

They are high-tech items !!!

Example : Please see to it that no one comes in without

Grab a bite !!! Salesperson Hello, Ma'am. Would you like to take a look at our
products ? They are high-tech items.
Michelle Hmm, they look interesting. Can I have a copy of your
Michelle The show is tomorrow. But today we need to check our brochure ?
booth an make sure all our products are in good condition.
Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 10
Salesperson Sure. Do you have a minute ? Why don't you have a Thomas Sure Sit down. What is it ?
seat and let me show you how to operate this item ?
Kevin I would like to discuss with you about my job.
Michelle Ok. Go ahead
Thomas Is there any problem ?
Salesperson You see, if you press this red button, the helmet
becomes an umbrella. And it's not heavy at all. You Kevin No, not at all. Well, I've been working really hard during
can try it yourself. the probation period and I would like to know if I'm
Michelle It is very light. How amazing ! qualified for this position and if there's any possibility for
a salary raise.
Thomas I know you've been working really hard these three
Explanation : months and you have certain abilities that are required
by our company. Furthermore, I can see that you do fit in
with the company. I will sure put your request into
High-tech - Very modern looking or made with modern materials consideration.

Example : This weapons system is an affordable, hi-tech solution. Explanation :

Our lead time is 14 days !!! Fit in with - Be suited to, belong

Customer When will I receive the goods ? Example : I just don't fit in with this group.

Dan Normally our lead time is 14 days.

Have a word with you !!!
Customer Can you ship it any sooner ? Can the goods arrive no
later than this month ?
Dan We'll do our best. we'll proceed with your order first Thomas Kevin, I would like to have a word with you. Have a seat.
thing in the morning.
Kevin Thank you.
Customer Thank you, young man.
Thomas After our last discussion, I decided to give you a salary
Dan No problem. We will inform you of the shipping details increase. Starting next month, there will be a 3,000 yuan
before we ship the goods. Thank you for your order, raise to your salary. Although your first raise might not
ma'am. sound considerable, but the company believes that with
Customer I've been looking for a product like this, and now I your ability, sooner or later you will have a better raise.
found it at last. Hope we will have a good and long- Kevin Thank you very much, Mr. Thomas. As a newcomer of the
term business relationship. company, I understand that you have your consideration
and I am satisfied with the raise.
Thomas It think you deserved this.
Explanation :
Kevin I will continue to do my best and contribute to the
Lead time - Interval between placing an order and receiving

Explanation :
Example : This video will give you the insights on how to reduce
the lead time of building a website.
Have a word with - Speak with, discuss with

Fit in with !!!

Example : I must have a word with Bryon about the repairs.

Kevin Good morning, Mr. Thomas. Do you have time now ? I am flattered by your praise !!!

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 11

Thomas Stanley, recently I did a careful estimation on your Explanation :
performance of work. I am satisfied with your capability,
efficiency and decisiveness.
Stanley I am flattered by your praise. Well begun is half done - The beginning is the half of every task

Thomas As a result, I decided to promote you as the Sales

Manager. Example : Well begun is half done, The early bird catches the
Stanley You can be assured that I acquired all the requirements
for this job. I am well familiar with the department's duty
and goals. I am just a workaholic !!!
Thomas I am glad to hear that. nevertheless, we need to discuss
about your new responsibilities. Are you clear about your
duties as a Sales Manager ? Stanley Hey, Cesar, we are going to hold a party in our company
tonight. Would you like to join us ?
Stanley Yes, a Sales Manager should make great efforts to
achieve a higher goal himself. other than that, he should Cesar Oh, really ? What's the party for ? A donation or to
help the department to define its goals and assist each celebrate someone's promotion ?
individual to achieve their personal target. as a leader of
Stanley Are you a fortune teller or something ? I will be promoted
the team, he should also keep the team motivated and
as the Sales Manager next month.
Cesar Congratulations. I think you deserved that. You tried
really hard to increase a 40% earnings for your company
Explanation : this year. It's a great achievement.
Stanley Thanks. In fact, I am just a workaholic. I'll see you tonight.

Be/feel flattered - To feel very pleased and proud because Cesar Can I bring my wife and daughter along ? I'm afraid that I
someone has said good things about you or has made you feel will feel bored.

Explanation :
Example : They were flattered to be invited to dinner by the
Workaholic - A person who works a lot of the time and finds it
difficult not to work
Well begun is half done !!!

Example : A self-confessed workaholic, Modric can't remember

Thomas Well begun is half done. Let's start talking about the when he last had a holiday.
company's expectation on you and the Sales Department.
Stanley I will try my best and I promise not to let you down.
Give me a hand !!!
Thomas Well, actions speak louder than words. Please put in
mind that you should be responsible for every decision
you make. Rachel Listen, everyone. I have a short announcement here. We
have a new recruit today. Simon, would you like to
Stanley Yes. I understand. with greater power, comes the greater
introduce yourself ?
Simon Hello, my name is Simon. I graduated from the FuJen
Thomas Good. The company hopes that sales of this year should
Catholic University, and I major in Mass Communication.
have a raise of at least 5%. In addition to this, I observed
that some of the employees in the Sales department Albert I'm Albert, the Specialist. Welcome to the Public Relations
seemed to lose interest. I hope you can inspire them with Department.
new stimulations. Sarah My name is Sarah. I graduated from the FuJen as well.
Stanley I got it. I will start to working on a new sales plan right
away. I will have a meeting with the co-workers. Simon What a coincidence ! It's nice to meet you.

Thomas OK. I expect to see a new and energetic team. Rachel Starting today, Simon will be assisting Albert with his new

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 12

Albert That's fabulous. I really need someone to give me a hand. department. Polly, please keep track of today's meeting
and send it to everyone by today.
Rachel Albert, could you explain to Simon about his daily routine
Polly OK. I will post it on the Internet as well.
first ? And then you can proceed with your project
Stanley Thank you. You're very thoughtful. Let's get into the
subject matter now. The company hopes that sales of
Explanation : this year should be raised.
Raymond How
Give someone a helping hand - To help someone
Stanley I did some analysis on all the factors and I've come up
with some solutions. In the following months, I expect
each of you to have at least five new clients every
Example : These tax cuts will give industry a helping hand.
month. Is there any problem ?
Nancy No. We will try our best to achieve the goal !
You reap what you sow !!!

Explanation :
Rachel As you all know, our client, Royal Company Limited, is
planning to hold a product release press conference next
month. They're impressed with our proposal and decided Keep track of - To keep a record of something, or make certain
that we shall organize the activity. that you know or remember what has happened
Sally That's terrific ! We did everything we can on this proposal,
it's lucky that we didn't waste our breath on the
presentation. Example : His job is to keep track of all the shipments going out to
Simon Albert, congratulations.

Albert Well, you reap what you sow.

It's my treat !!!
Rachel Our first progress meeting with them will be next
Wednesday. We should now make certain arrangements
for your duties. Albert, you will be in charge of invitations Stanley You look tired. Would you like to have a cup of coffee
and brochures. Simon, please send an invitation to every with me ? It's my treat.
journalists and reporters on our contact list. Give them a Nancy OK. Caffeine is exactly what I need right now.
call and confirm their participation.
Stanley How is every thing going ?
Simon OK. Should I prepare name tags for each of them ?

Nancy As usual, I keep visiting clients, working on proposals and

Rachel Absolutely. You're getting into the swing of things. As for
making phone calls.
you, Sally, please contact the hotel and deal with the
venue issue. Stanley Yes. I am glad to see that you hold on to these routines.
Most the people think that the work can be tiresome and
they started to lose interest.
Explanation : Nancy I agree. Sometimes the clients' refusals cause me great
distress and I found it difficult to deal with it.

You reap what you sow - Everything that you do has Stanley I can totally understand. Still, I hope you can keep up the
repercussions. It comes back to you one way or another. good work. Where there's a will, there's a way.

Example : Watch the way you live your life because you reap what Explanation :
you sow.

Treat - Pay for something for another person

Keep track of !!!

Example : No, you paid for dinner last time - this is my treat.
Stanley Good morning, everyone. Let's start our meeting now.
We shall discuss about the annual sales target of our

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 13

A tight schedule !!!
Example : You're not having second thoughts about getting
married, are you ?
Rachel Is Albert there ? I want to talk to him. I need to know if the
brochures will be ready on Friday.
I've made up my mind !!!
Simon Hold on, please.

Albert Rachel, this is Albert speaking.

Stanley I received your email just now. You can't imagine how
Rachel Albert, I just received a call from Royal Company Limited. surprise I was when you mentioned you decided to
They want to know if the brochures will be sent to them resign.
on Friday.
Raymond Yes. I've made up my mind.
Albert Well, the printing has been delayed because the printing
factory had a power failure the other day. The electricity Stanley Why do you want to leave ? Is it because I'm incapable
had been cut out. ?

Rachel Albert, we're having a tight schedule here. Please give Raymond No, you're not incapable. It's not about you, I found the
them a call instantly. we need to get the brochures done job tiresome and my income unstable. Not to mention, I
and sent to our client on Friday No delay. Ask the printing dislike having to fawn on clients for contracts.
company to try their best and solve the problem. Stanley I am sorry to hear that. Are you sure you don't want to
give this a second thought ?
Raymond Yes. There's no need to reconsider.
Explanation :

A tight schedule - very busy Explanation :

Example : I am on a tight schedule. Can you help me out with this Make up your mind - To decide
project ?

Example : I haven't made up my mind where to go yet.

Have a second thought !!!

Fire away !!!

Stanley Are they interested in working with us ?

Raymond Not for now. They said that they would love to accept
Nancy Stanley, I've got something to tell you.
our deal if the price was negotiable.

Stanley Stanley Fire away, I am listening with open ears.

I see. What's your opinion ?

Raymond They don't have enough budget, we can find someone Nancy I just came back from Sunrise Limited, and they decided
else. I don't like to work with people who bargains over to sign a one-year contract with us. Furthermore, I have
prices. talked Manfield Corporation into extending the contract.

Stanley Raymond, I think you're a good salesman but you Stanley Excellent ! I told you so. Where there's a will, there is a
haven't show any passion with your job recently. You way.
give up easily when someone turns you down. I believe Nancy Yes. I'm glad that I listen to your advice.
if you show enough aggressiveness to your clients, they
would have a second thought. Stanley I'm pleased with your ability and strength.
Raymond OK. I will pay them a visit tomorrow.

Explanation :
Explanation :

Fire away - Start to talk

Have second thoughts - To change your opinion about something

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 14

Example : You've got more questions? Well, fire away. With flying colors - Complete success

It's no bother at all !!! Example : They passed inspection with flying colors.

That's really wasteful !!!

Kathy I'm calling to inform you that I'm resigning at the end of
this month.
Rachel Really ? What a surprise. Nerys Look at all the waste paper in the waste bin next to the
Kathy I know. As a matter of fact, I'm getting married next
month. My husband made a new investment in Shanghai Rolf There is rather a lot but it's the same with all the
which turns out to be a remarkable success. So we photocopier.
decided to relocate to Shanghai. Nerys What do they do with all that waste paper ?
Rachel congratulations ! I am happy for you. I would like to send
Rolf As far as I know they just throw it out as trash.
you a floral basket. Should I send it to your office ?
Kathy No, its OK. Don't bother. Nerys That's really wasteful. There's a better way of dealing
with it than that.
Rachel It's no bother at all. I insist on sending my regards to
Rolf Well we should try to recycle all our waste paper. That
you. It's nice working with you.
would save the company a lot of money and help the

Explanation :

Explanation :
Bother - trouble or difficulty

Wasteful - Action that is wasteful uses too much of something

valuable such as time, money, or energy.
Example : It will be an awful lot of bother going by bus.

Example : This kind of training is ineffective, and wasteful of

With flying colors !!!
scarce resources

Polly Wow, the restaurant is awesome. I can hardly recall the It's very temperamental !!!
last time I actually dined in a restaurant.
Nancy I couldn't agree more. We worked like hell for the past
few months, yet, I am happy with the result. We achieved Billie Why has the photocopier stopped ?
our goals with flying colors.
Lesley Oh, it's probably because the paper has jammed.
Stanley Everyone, may I have your attention, please ? First, I You'll have to open the door and look inside the
would like to thank all of you for devoting yourself to the machine to check.
job and achieving the company's goal and I would also like
Billie Oh yes, I can see where a sheet of paper has got
to show my great appreciation to you. You guys make an
outstanding team. You're the best. Give yourself a round
of applause. Lesley You need to follow the instructions printed inside the
door to remove it and restart the machine.
Peter An outstanding leader makes an outstanding team. Your
strong ambition and executive power have made an Billie That wasn't too difficult. Well, I'll restart the machine
influence on us. and hope for the best.
Stanley Thank you very much. at last, I have good news for you. Lesley You'll need a lot of hope for that machine. It's very
All of you will be rewarded an extra bonus. Now, let' toast temperamental and really needs replacing.
and celebrate our glory !

Explanation :
Explanation :

Temperamental - If you describe something such as a machine

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 15
car as temperamental, you mean that it often does not work
Example : Silk was used with wool for contrast.

Example : I first started cruising in yachts with temperamental

Double-sided printing !!!
petrol engines ........

Cary Have you seen the e-mail from the supplies

It doesn't collate !!!
department ?
Bud No, I haven't. What does it say ?
Lucas I've got this 32-page report and I need to make 40
copies. Cary It says that in future when photocopying we should use
double-sided printing wherever possible.
Elyst Well you can't do that on our photocopier.
Bud Well I suppose only using one side of the paper is
Lucas Why not ? There's nothing wrong with it, is there ? wasteful.
Cary Doing this should cut out paper bill by 50 percent.
Elyst No, but it's a basic model and doesn't collate.
Bud Yes. And think of all the trees we'll save by using
Lucas Where can I find a photocopier which does ? double-sided.
Elyst Try the Project Department. They're always producing
reports so I'm sure they must have a machine that does
the job. Explanation :

Explanation : Double-sided printing - To print on both sides of a paper

Put the document face down !!!

Collate - To collect and arrange the sheets of a report, book, etc.,
in the correct order

Ginny I want to make some A4 copies but I've never used a

photocopier before. Could you please help me ?
Example : The photocopier will collate the documents for you.
Heather Of course. First of all lift the lid and put the document
you want to copy face down on the glass.
You need to increase the contrast !!!
Ginny OK. What do I do now ?

Heather Make sure that it's straight and within the A4 lines
Roy My copies have started coming out a bit faint. marked on the glass. Then lower the lid.
Sadie Let me have a look. Yes they should be a bit darker Ginny There, done that. Now what ?
than that.
Heather Enter the number of copies you want using these
Roy How can I do that on this machine ? button and then press the big green button to start.

Sadie You need to increase the contrast by pressing this Ginny That's a breeze !
button here. You've got a choice of five levels. Try the
third one. You'll need to press the button three times.
Roy The copies look fine now, just what the doctor ordered. Explanation :
Thanks a lot.
Sadie Don't mention it.
Face down - In a position so that the face is down

Explanation : The copies are faint !!!

A contrast is a great difference between two or more things which Terry That's annoying. The copies are suddenly coming out
is clear when you compare them. very faint.

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 16

Yuri Let's have a look. Yes, you can hardly read the text. the queue. But people weren't standing in line at the
Terry What should I do ? Friend That's true, but there actually was still a queue in the
sense that the rule is " first come, first served " and he
Yuri Well you could try taking out the toner cartridge, giving
must have been at the bar before you.
it a good shake, and putting it back.
Terry Foreigner Where I come from, it's every man for himself.
It worked. The copies are much clearer. Thanks a lot.
Friend But not here I'm afraid, so it's best to follow the local
Yuri No problem. That trick will work a couple of times.
rule if you want to avoid such unpleasantness.
After that, the machine will need a new toner

Explanation :
Explanation :

Has a go at - If someone has a go at you, they criticize you, often

in a way that you feel is unfair.
Faint - A faint sound, color, mark, feeling, or quality has very little
strength or intensity.

Example : Some people had a go at us for it, which made us more

Example : He could see faint lines in her face .....

He stood us all a round of drinks !!!

Run out of !!!

Nick You missed a treat last night.

Belinda Oh no ! It's always the same.
Jonas Why, what happened ?
Henry What's the matter ?
Nick Well, Benny came into our local, told us that he'd just
Belinda The photocopier's run out of paper. played a round of golf and scored a hole in one at the
Henry 18th.
Have you looked in the store cupboard for more ?
Jonas So what ? Everyone gets lucky now and again.
Belinda Yes, of course. But that's out of paper as well.
Nick Ah, but he stood us all a round of drinks.
Henry That's really bad luck. If your job's really urgent, I
would go to the copy bureau across the street. Jonas Now that's what I call a real sportsman
Belinda Thanks. It is and I will.

Explanation :
Explanation :

Stand - If you stand someone a meal or a drink, you buy it for

If you run out of something, you have no more of it left them.

Example : You can stand me a pint.

Example : We are running out of time ...........
Is this just a one-off ?

Have a go at you !!!

Kenny You must come to my local tomorrow evening.

Foreigner That man at the bar got really annoyed with me just Brendon Why, what's on ?
Kenny It's darts night. Our pub's team is playing against the
Friend Yes, I could see him having a go at you. What was the
team from the " Lord Nelson " across the park. I'm in the
reason ?
team and we need all the support we can get.
Foreigner I wanted to get drinks for us and he said I had jumped

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 17

Brendon Is this just a one-off ? May Good idea, I think I'll do the same. Our systems need to
Kenny Oh no. We're in a league of 20 pub teams and there's a
game every week.
Brendon Where does your team stand ? Explanation :

Kenny We're second in the league and could go top if we beat

the " Lord Nelson " tomorrow. Tipsy - If someone is tipsy, they are slightly drunk.

Explanation : Example : I am feeling a bit tipsy.

One-off - Something that happens or is made or done only once Are you a regular ?

Example : Will you be doing more talks in the future or was that Stranger Ah, great taste ! They certainly know how to keep beer
just a one-off ? 1 here.

Stranger Yes, the publican's very fussy about how it's stored and
2 at what temperature.
Let's go to my local !!!
Stranger And the variety of beers seems to be much greater
1 than in your average pub.
Jeff Well, we've got through a pile of work and it's past Stranger That's true. He's very keen on beers from small,
opening time. Let's go for a pint. 2 independent breweries and we've got quite a few
Doug around here.
Good idea, where shall we go ?
Jeff Let's go to my local, it's just around the corner. Are you a regular ?

Doug I think I must have passed it on the way here. Is it the " Stranger Oh yes, I've been coming here once or twice a week for
Rose and Crown " ? 2 years. Can't keep me away.

Jeff That's it. It's a really old place with lots of atmosphere.

Doug Explanation :
Great stuff, lead on MacDuff.

Regular - If you are a regular customer at a shop or a regular

Explanation : visitor to a place, you go there often.

Local - In British English, your local is a pub which is near where Example : She has become a regular visitor to Houghton Hall.
you live and where you often go for a drink.

He's down the pub !!!

Example : Black Horse is my local.

Alf Where's Paul ? I've been looking for him everywhere.

You were really tipsy !!!
Ted I don't know, haven't seen him all day.

Myrtle Lulu's hen party last night was really wild, wasn't it ? Alf What's the time ?

May Yes, look at the horrible bags under our eyes. Ted It's just gone 7.

Myrtle I really had a bit too much to drink. No wonder I feel so Alf Well, what a silly question !
Ted What do you mean ?
May Yes, you were really tipsy by the end.
Alf Well he's down the pub of course. He's there every
Myrtle I think I'd better keep off alcohol for a bit. night.

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 18

Explanation : Short - A short is a small, strong alcoholic drink of a spirit such as
whisky, gin, or vodka, rather than a weaker alcoholic drink like
beer or wine that you can drink in larger quantities.
Down - If you are down at a place, you are at that place.

It's my round !!!

Example : People are down the pub, getting drunk ...........

Dave Fantastic shot.

Fancy another ?
Greg Yes, he really did bend it like Beckham.

Dave This is a great pub for football, they've got such a big
Jock Have you enjoyed the evening ?
Tracy Oh yes, you've taken me to places I never knew Greg Yes, it's almost like actually being at the match.
Dave Would you like another drink ?
Jock Well you're pretty new here and I've been working in
this area for almost five years, so I know most of the
Greg I certainly could, but stay put, it's my round.
good places by now.

Tracy And this is one of the nicest pubs I've been in.

Jock Explanation :
It is very attractive. Fancy another ?

Tracy I'd better not. It's time to go and I really need my

beauty sleep as I've got to get up very early in the It's my round - It's my turn to buy drinks.

They hold a referendum !!!

Explanation :

Clive I've been working in Switzerland for some time now

Fancy - If you fancy something, you want to have it or to do it. and I find their political system very interesting.

Ben Isn't it very similar to ours ?

Example : What do you fancy doing, anyway ? Clive Not really, there is much more direct democracy there.

Ben How does it work ?

He only drinks shorts !!!
Clive If there is an important question to be decided, at
national or local level, they hold a referendum so that
Henry the people can decide for themselves.
I was out on the town with Ollie last night.
Ben That's quite different from our representative system.
Vince Where did you go ?

Henry Oh, lots of places, but we ended up in the " Queen's

Head ". Explanation :
Vince Have a good time ?

Henry Oh sure, but Ollie's a rather expensive drinking Referendum - If a country holds a referendum on a particular
companion. policy, they ask the people to vote on the policy and show
whether or not they agree with it.
Vince Why's that ?

Henry He only drinks shorts and he can certainly put them

Example : Estonia said today it too plans to hold a referendum on
away. independence.

Explanation :
Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 19
Won by a landslide !!!
Ronnie I think the result of that election was really unfair.
Fay You look pretty depressed, what's the matter ? Quentin Why do you say that ?
Craig I've just come from our party's headquarters. Everyone Ronnie Well, there were three candidates and the total votes
there feels the same. the two losers got were more than the winning
Fay You must have lost the election then ? candidate received.

Quentin But he did get more votes than either of them got
Craig We did, and after all that hard work, canvassing for
days on end.
Ronnie Maybe, but this first-past-the-post voting system is
Fay Is it really that bad ? not genuinely democratic because someone can win
without getting an absolute majority of the votes.
Craig It is. The other side won by a landslide. It's our worst
defeat in ten years. Quentin Well, a proportional representation system would
solve that problem.

Explanation :
Explanation :

Landslide - A landslide is a victory in an election in which a person

or political party gets far more votes or seats than their First-past-the-post - Using a voting system in which a person is
opponents. elected by obtaining more votes than anyone else in the area that
they want to represent, whether or not their political party
obtains more votes than any other party in the whole of the
Example : He won last month's presidential election by a country

According to the exit polls !!!

A real cliff-hanger !!!

Luke I'm a bit more optimistic about the election than I was.
Jerry This is one of the closest elections I can remember.
Matt I'm surprised, all the opinion polls are predicting that
Natalie Yes, that's true whichever part of the country you look your party is going to lose.
Luke That may be true, but I think they may have got it
Jerry In the west, the candidates have equal support in the wrong ?
Matt What makes you say that ?
Natalie And in the rest of the country there is very little to
separate them. Luke Well, according to the latest exit polls, our party is
doing far better than expected.
Jerry This election is clearly going to be a real cliff-hanger.
Matt Perhaps you have been picking up a lot of last-minute
Natalie Yes, we won't know the result until all the votes have support.
been counted.

Explanation :
Explanation :

Exit poll - The organized questioning of people as they leave a

Cliff-hanger - A cliff-hanger is a situation that is very exciting or polling station (= place at which people vote) about how they
frightening because you are left for a long time not knowing what voted, to try to discover who will win the election
will happen next.

Cast their votes for !!!

Example : Wednesday's election is likely to be a cliff-hanger.

Thomas Have you studied the election statistics ?

First-past-the-post voting system !!!
Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 20
Digby Yes I have. Of the votes cast, 40 percent were cast for Leila I have to agree with you. Both campaign teams have
the White Party, 35 percent for the Blue Party and 25 been spreading nasty rumors and even lies about the
per cent for the Black Party. opposing candidate.
Thomas So, since more voters cast their votes for the White Tim Their television advertising has also been very
Party than either of the other two parties, it's a White negative, attacking the opponent's character and
victory. record.

Digby Under our first-past-the-post electoral system that's Leila It's not really much of a recommendation for
true. democracy.

Thomas How many voters actually voted ?

Digby Seventy percent of those eligible to vote actually Explanation :

voted, which is more than that at the last election.

Hot up - When something hots up, a lot of activity and excitement

Explanation : starts to happen.

Cast - When you cast your vote in an election, you vote. Example : Campaigning is expected to start hotting up today.

Example : About ninety-five percent of those who cast their votes They heckled him throughout his speech !!!
approve the new constitution.

I can't be bothered !!! Jamie That was one of the rowdiest election meetings I've
ever been to.
Alasdair I'm not surprised, I could hear the noise from some
Lenore It's election day today, so don't forget to vote.
distance away. Why was it so rowdy ?
Abby I can't be bothered, what difference will it make ? The Jamie A section of the crowd was very hostile to the
parties are all the same. candidate and they heckled him throughout his
Lenore It took a long struggle to get everyone the right to vote. speech.
You should exercise your democratic right, otherwise one Alasdair What sort of things were they shouting at him ?
day you may find it's been taken away.
Jamie They were attacking his support for the government's
Abby Oh, well all right. What time does the polling station
employment policies.
close tonight ?
Alasdair They were probably dissatisfied or unemployed.
Lenore At 10 pm

Abby I'll go as soon as I get home from work.

Explanation :

Explanation :
Heckle - If people in an audience heckle public speakers or
performers, they interrupt them, for example by making rude
Can't be bothered - If you say that you can't be bothered to do remarks.
something, you mean that you are not going to do it because you
think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy.
Example : They heckled him and interrupted his address with
angry questions.
Things are hotting up !!!

What's her platform ?

Tim Have you been following the election so far ?

Leila Yes and with only two weeks to go things are really Merry Who are you going to vote for ?
hotting up.
Sandra I haven't decided yet. How about you ?
Tim That's true and it's one of the dirtiest election
campaigns I can remember.
Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 21
Merry I'm going to vote for Shirley Day. Gary Well the results of the latest opinion polls are in this
morning's newspapers.
Sandra What's her platform ? Theo What do they say ?
Merry She is promising to introduce much more family-
Gary They show that our party is ahead in all of them by at
friendly policies if she is elected and that's the most
least 7 percent, so we're pretty confident about the
important thing for me.
election result.
Sandra If that's the case, I might vote for her too.

Explanation :
Explanation :

Ahead - If you are ahead in your work or achievements, you have

Platform - The platform of a political party is what they say they made more progress than you expected to and are performing
will do if they are elected. well.

Example : The Socialist Party won a landslide victory on a Example : Children in small classes were 1.5 months ahead in
nationalist platform. reading and 2.5 months ahead in mathematics.

Pasties are very filling !!!

Face to face !!!

Harley I'd like something to eat to go with our beer. Fancy a
pasty ?
Vera My feet are killing me !
Evan Never heard of that, what is it ?
Dan Why ? What have you been doing all day ?
Harley It's minced beef and potatoes baked in a pastry casing in
Vera I have been going from house to house canvassing a half-circle shape.
voters to vote for our party at the next general Evan Sounds good, I'll go for it.
Harley You won't regret it; pasties are very filling and very tasty.
Dan Is that really necessary ?

Vera Oh yes ! Most voters want to discuss the election Evan What's their origin ?
issues face to face with a party representative and to
Harley They say that miners' wives used to make them as lunch
express their own views.
for their husbands to eat in the mine.
Dan Democracy in action !

Explanation :
Explanation :

Pasty - In Britain, a pasty is a small pie which consists of pastry

folded around meat, vegetables, or cheese.
Face to face - If you come face to face with someone, you meet
them and can talk to them or look at them directly.

Time for elevenses !!!

Example : It was the first face to face meeting between the two
Gemma I haven't started work so early in weeks.

Meryl Yes, it's only a quarter to ten and we've been at it for
Our party is ahead !!!
almost four hours.
Gemma Time for elevenses before we die of hunger and thirst.
Theo How has the election been going so far ?
Meryl Great idea. I'll pop out and get some doughnuts.
Gary Very well as far as our party is concerned.
Gemma And I'll put the kettle on.
Theo How can you be sure ?

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 22

Meryl Oh yes, I'm just dying for a cup of tea. you think about it again.

Example : I enjoyed experimenting with colors - it took me back to

Explanation :
being five years old.

Elevenses is a short break when you have a cup of tea or coffee,

Stock up on that !!!
and sometimes biscuits, at around eleven o'clock in the morning.

Granville I've almost finished the preparations for our

We'll be able to dine alfresco !!!
Hector Where are you planning to go ?
Olive Where shall we eat after the show ?
Granville We're going to spend two weeks in northern Norway.
Sean What about that restaurant down by the river ?
Hector That's pretty tough country. You'll need a lot of energy.
Olive Do you mean the one with peacocks running around the
garden ? Granville That's why we're taking lots of Kendal mint cake.

Sean That's the one. It's very traditional and I just love the Hector I'm not surprised. A lot of expeditions stock up on that
atmosphere. before they go.
Olive And it's such a warm and pleasant evening that we'll be
able to dine alfresco on the riverside terrace.
Explanation :
Sean Yes, that would be lovely. And with the sky so clear we'll
be dining by moonlight. How romantic !

Stock up - To buy a large quantity of something

Explanation :
Example : During the emergency, people stocked up on essential
items like candles, medicines and tins of food.
Alfresco - An alfresco activity, especially a meal, is one that takes
place in the open air. I love your tea cozy !!!

Take me back !!! Corey May I pour you another cup of tea ?

Stella Thank you, that's very kind. I must say I love your tea
Jilly This takes me back, I haven't been to the seaside since cozy. The design is very attractive.
I was a child. Corey I'm glad you like it. It's one of many my mother made.
Nicola I haven't been for ages either. Stella Well, she was clearly very skilled with the needle.
Jilly Tell you what, let's go on the pier and get some cotton
Corey Yes, she was; needlework was her favorite hobby.

Nicola But that's for kids and it's pure sugar; it'll ruin your
Explanation :
Jilly I don't care, it was one of my favorite things to have
when we came to the seaside.
Nicola Well, if you're going to relive your childhood, I'm going Cozy - A cozy is a soft cover which you put over a teapot or a
to have to do the same. boiled egg to keep it warm

What beautiful china !!!

Explanation :

Laura Thank you for inviting me to tea, it's really good of you.
Take sb back - If you say that something takes you back, you
mean that it reminds you of a period of your past life and makes

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 23

Melanie Not at all, we're delighted to have you. May I pour you Alan ( To waitress ) A pot of tea for two please.
a cup of tea ?
Josie And I'd like some salmon sandwiches and a cream cake
Laura Oh, yes, thank you very much. What beautiful china !
Alan Watch your figure there. I think I'll just have some toast
Melanie I'm glad you like it. This is part of tea service which my
with strawberry jam.
grandmother left me. I was her only granddaughter.
Laura It's all so artistically decorated.
Explanation :
Melanie It is very fine work and genuine Chinese porcelain.

Laura No doubt that's why your tea tastes so good. Just what the doctor ordered - Exactly what is wanted or needed.
Melanie Thank you. They do say that tea always tastes better
from real porcelain.
Example : Ooh thank you, a nice cup of tea. Just what the doctor

Explanation :

Time for high tea !!!

China - China is a very thin clay from which cups, sauces, plates,
and ornaments are made.

Anne It's 4 o'clock, time for high tea.

What's clotted cream ? Elisabeth So early ? Six o'clock or thereabouts is high tea time.

Anne What ? Tea, sandwiches and cakes at 6 o'clock ? That's

Marie Now we're in the countryside, there's one thing we just a surely far too late.
mustn't miss.
Elisabeth No, no. I think you're mixing up high tea and afternoon
Sean What's that, drinking the local cider ? tea.

Marie Anne Aren't they the same ?

No, it's having a real cream tea.

Sean Elisabeth No, not at all. Afternoon tea means tea, perhaps
What's so special about that ?
sandwiches and definitely cakes around 4.
Marie Well, it's having real clotted cream on your scones with
Anne What's high tea, then ?
home-made strawberry jam to go with your tea.
Sean Elisabeth That's a proper meal, often with meat or fish, but also
What's clotted cream ?
of course with tea to drink.
Marie It's thickest and most delicious cream there is.

Explanation : -

Explanation : -

High tea - ( British ) A fairly substantial meal that includes tea and
is served in the late afternoon or early evening.
Clotted cream - A thick cream made primarily in England by
heating milk until a layer of cream forms on its surface that is then
cooled and skimmed off.

It showed documentaries !!!

Just what the doctor ordered !!!

Giles Have you seen the movie Fahrenheit 9/11 ?

Josie I'm dying for a cup of tea and I'm also a bit peckish. Tony No, what is it, a science fiction adventure ?
Alan What about that place over there. " Ye Olde Tea
Giles No it's a documentary about American politics after the
Shoppe " ?
World Trade Center tragedy in September 2001.
Josie Just what the doctor ordered. It's almost 4 o'clock,
Tony Did you see it on television ?
let's go in and have afternoon tea.

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 24

Giles No, at our local movie theater. It's been on all this Abigail If they bring it out on CD, I'll be the first to buy it.
Tony I didn't know it showed documentaries.
Explanation :
Giles It doesn't normally, but there has been huge demand
to see this one.
Score - The music written for a film, play etc

Explanation :
Example : The dance is accompanied by an original score by Henry
Documentary - A documentary is a television or radio program, or
a film , which shows real events or provides factual information
about a particular subject A movie crew was shooting on location !!!

Example : ...... a TV documentary on homelessness. Lennie You'll never guess what was going on in our town last
Freda Go on, surprise me.
Some love interest !!!
Lennie A movie crew was shooting on location in the town
Sharon I didn't really enjoy that movie at all.
Freda Really ? Why did they choose your town ?
Gareth Why not ? I thought it was really exciting with lots of
action. Lennie Because the square's full of old buildings which were a
perfect background for the kind of historical movie
Sharon Typical man, that's just what you would like. they were making.

Gareth Well what would you have wanted ? Freda I'd love to have been there. I've never seen a movie
crew in action before.
Sharon Some love interest, not just car chases and fights.

Gareth Typical female, you're only interested in romance. Explanation :

Explanation : On location - A place away from a studio where all or part of a film
or a television show is recorded

Love interest - Details about love and romance

Example : The documentary was made on location in the Gobi
Example : Fay Wray was the love interest in the 1933 version of
King Kong.
I had to rely on the subtitles !!!

The score was fantastic !!!

Carl I've just seen the latest movie from China.

Vera Good ?
Zara I haven't enjoyed a movie so much in years.
Carl Oh yes. It was about a family who lived in the late Qing
Abigail Yes, it really was something special.
Zara It had a great story and the acting was absolutely Vera I know you're learning Chinese. Did you understand
fantastic. everything ?
Abigail The score was fantastic too. It really added to the Carl No, not really. They spoke too fast for me to catch
action. much, so I had to rely on the subtitles.
Zara Yes it was really good music and it had such a haunting Vera Yes, they're always very helpful when you're watching
theme. a foreign-language movie.

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 25

Explanation : Explanation :

Subtitles - Subtitles are the printed translation that you can read Flashback - In a film, novel, or play, a flashback to the past is a
at the bottom of the screen when you are watching a foreign film. scene that returns to events in the past.

Example : The dialogue is in Spanish, with English subtitles. Example : There is even a flashback to the murder itself.

Violence is good box office !!! There'll be just a few trailers !!!

Marie That was a really violent movie. Walt Thank goodness the ads are over. They go on for far
too long.
Jean It certainly was. There seemed to be one killing about
Ingo Yes, there'll be just a few trailers and then the movie
every ten minutes.
will start.
Marie I know. I began to get a bit sick of it long before the
Walt I don't mind trailers, at least they're not trying to sell
you anything.
Jean Why are so many movies so full of violence ? Ingo Of course, they are, they're trying to sell you the latest
Marie movies.
It's because violence is good box office I suppose.
Walt Well, I suppose so, but they're a lot more exciting than
Jean You must be right. Well the next movie I go to see will the ads.
be romantic comedy.
Ingo If you ask me, they're sometimes a lot more exciting
than the movies themselves.

Explanation :

Explanation :
1) Box office - The box office in a theater, cinema, or concert hall
is the place where the tickets are sold.
A trailer for a film or television program is a set of short extracts
which are shown to advertise it.
2) Box office - When people talk about the box office, they are
referring to the degree of success of a film or play in terms of the
number of people who go to watch it or the amount of money it Example : .... a misleadingly violent trailer for the film.

Where are you off to !!!

Looking back on his life in flashback !!!

Augus Where are you off to in such a hurry ?

Graham I've just seen a really interesting foreign movie.
Martin I'm just off to the movie theater to see the latest Nicole
Eliza Kidman movie.
Really ? Where was it made ?
Augus I've seen it, it's really good. Have you got a ticket ?
Graham In Iran. I didn't even know it had a movie industry.
Martin No, I'll buy one at the box office.
Eliza Neither did I. What was it about ?
Augus You could have saved yourself a lot of time by buying it
Graham It was about an old man on his deathbed looking back on the internet.
on his life in flashback.
Martin I didn't know you could do that. You must show me
Eliza Sounds a bit depressing. how to do it.

Graham Not at all, he had had a very exciting life.

Explanation :

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 26

Fiona How did it end ?
Off - away from a place or position, especially the present place or
Rosalind The camera zoomed in on the girl's face as her lover
was being forced to leave her, probably forever. Tears
were just beginning to roll down her cheeks.

I got them through my friend !!! Fiona Too gloomy for me I'm afraid. I like comedies.

Melanie You're looking very pleased with yourself ? How come

Explanation :
Jim Look what I've got - two tickets for the premiere of the
latest Tom Cruise movie and the reception afterwards. If a camera zooms in on something that is being filmed or
photographed, it gives a close-up picture of if.
Melanie Wow! How did you get them ?

Jim I got them through my friend. His brother's in the

movie distribution business. Example : ..... a tracking system which can follow a burglar round a
building and zoom in on his face ......
Melanie Are they good seats ?

Jim I'll say. They're in the front row of the balcony, right in They were all dubbed into German !!!
the middle.

Simon I've just come back from a great week in Germany

Explanation : staying with my friend, but there was one thing I didn't
like much.
Martin Don't tell me it was the beer ?
If you do something through someone else, they take the
necessary action for you.
Simon No, of course not; that was great. It was when they
showed English-language movies on TV. They were all
dubbed into German, which rather spoiled them for
I've still got a long way to go !!!
Martin Your German's very good, so what was the problem ?
Shawn Did you enjoy our round of golf ?
Simon It just seemed a bit unnatural to see Tom Hanks in an
Jack I certainly did. It's the first time I've managed to break American scene with German coming out of his mouth.
75 for the course.
Martin But that's done for the Germans' benefit, not yours.
Shawn That's true, so well done ! It shows how much you've

Jack Perhaps, but I've still got a long way to go before I can Explanation :
be really satisfied with my game.
Shawn What aspect of your game do you think needs
improving most ? If a film or soundtrack is dubbed, a different sound track is added
with actors speaking a translation of the dialogue.
Jack Oh, without doubt my short game. I seem to drive
reasonably well but I tend to drop shots around the
green. Example : It was dubbed into Spanish for Mexican audiences.

The camera zoomed in on the girl's face !!! I want to see the credits !!!

Rosalind I've just seen an absolutely wonderful movie, so Vivienne Come on, let's go, the movie's over.
Fiona Zelda No, wait, I want to see the credits right through to the
What was it about ?
Rosalind It was a very sad love story. Vivenne Why, they list everybody including the studio cleaner.
It'll take forever.
Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 27
Zelda My sister's in the movie business and she worked on Becky Well, we'd all like to congratulate you on your
this movie. achievement.
Vivenne Really, what does she do ? Joe I'm just glad to be able to contribute to a good cause.

Zelda She's a make-up artist. Look, there she is, that's her
name just coming up now. My mother will be so
pleased when I tell her. Explanation :

If you say that something is in a good cause, or for a good cause,

Explanation :
you mean that it is worth doing or contributing to because it will
help other people for example by raising money for charity.
The list of people who helped to make a film, a record, or a
television program is called the credits.
Example : The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone
who wants to raise money for a good cause.
Example : The star Marlon Brando wants his name removed from
the credits.
You're the tops !!!

For a time we thought ... !!!

Veronica I'm so fed up with being stuck in the house all day.

Raquel Well you can't expect to be up and about so soon after

Jules Has everything been dealt with now ? breaking your leg.
Marcel Yes, the casualties have all been taken to hospital, the Veronica I suppose not, but it is very frustrating. I can't wait to
electricity supply has been restored and traffic is now get the plaster off.
flowing normally.
Raquel I know, I know, but I've brought something to cheer
Jules What a difference from the chaos and confusion of two you up.
hours ago.
Veronica What is it ? Don't keep me in suspense.
Marcel Yes, for a time we thought we might have to call for
reinforcements, but thank goodness in the end we Raquel It's a bottle of the very latest French perfume.
didn't' have to.
Veronica Oh, how thoughtful of you. Raquel, you're the tops.
Jules Well it just remains for me to express our admiration
for the exemplary way in which you dealt with a
difficult and dangerous situation.
Explanation :
Marcel I was just doing my job and I'm very glad that there
were no fatalities.

The tops = the best

Explanation :
Example : You are the tops, Linda !

For a time = for a short period

You're head and shoulders above the others !!!

A good cause !!!

Walter That's the fifth race in a row that you've won. You're by
far our best driver.
Becky How many kilometers did you run ?
Ryan Well, I think my results are a bit flattering because I've
Joe had quite a lot of luck and our car is always so reliable.
I ran the full course, which is just over 40 kilometers.
Walter Nonsense, you're head and shoulders above the
Becky And how much money did you raise for our charity ? others in your division.

Joe Almost $2,500. People were very encouraging and Ryan Do you really think so ?

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 28

Walter Absolutely. So much so that we are thinking of entering Charlene Oh ! I don't think so, but I'm glad you think it's nice.
you in the next division for the new season.
Ryan That means a more powerful car and longer races. It'll
be a lot tougher. Explanation :

Explanation :
Taste - A person's ability to judge and appreciate what is good and
suitable, especially in art, beauty, style and manners.
If you say that someone or something stands head and shoulders
above other people or things you mean that they are a lot better
Example : Barbara has good taste in clothes.
than them.

Example : I am very impressed by your magazine. It is head and You've excelled yourself !!!
shoulders above any other.

Al That was an absolutely delicious meal.

Your work is absolutely first-class !!!
Isabel I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's a recipe I haven't tried
Greg Do come in and sit down. How are you ? Al Your cooking is always superb but this time you've
excelled yourself.
Heather I'm fine, thanks. Have you had a chance to look at my
proposal ? Isabel Sounds like you want to get something out of me.

Greg Yes, I have, that's what I mainly want to talk about. Al Don't be suspicious, I really meant it.

Heather I wasn't sure whether it was exactly the kind of thing Isabel Well, they always say that the way to a man's heart is
you wanted. through his stomach.
Greg Oh, have no worries. It's precisely what we need and
your work is absolutely first-class.
Explanation :
Heather Well, I must say that's a great relief.

If one excels himself, he does better than what he is regularly

Explanation : doing.

If you describe something or someone as first-class, you mean Example : You have excelled yourself with this feat of courage.
that they are excellent and of the highest quality.

Minimize the capital gains tax !!!

Example : The food was first-class.

Kathleen Have you finished my accounts yet ? I sent you all the
ou have such good taste !!! paperwork three weeks ago.

Damien Well, almost but I've still got some work to do on your
investments and your real estate.
Tracy So this is your new apartment.
Kathleen What's the problem ?
Charlene Yes, I moved in a month ago.
Damien There's no problem, but you sold some shares during
Tracy Well, I have to say it looks fantastic. Did you decorate the financial year at quite a profit and you also made a
and furnish it yourself. lot of money on the apartment you sold. Those were
capital gains.
Charlene Yes, I did. It took me quite a lot of time.
Kathleen So what you are trying to do ?
Tracy Well, I must say you have such good taste in interior
decor. It could have been done by a professional Damien Well I'm working on how I can minimize the capital
designer. gains tax you're going to have to pay on the money

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 29

you made from the sale of those assets. Sandy Too true and what I'm worried about is what would
happen if either of them lost their jobs.
Desmond Yes, if that happened, they would really struggle to
Explanation : keep up the monthly payments on their mortgage.

Capital gains are the profits that you make when you buy Explanation :
something and then sell it again at a higher price.

' To the hilt ' and ' up to the hilt ' mean to the maximum extent
Example : Gains from the sale of privately-owned cars and possible or as fully as possible
household goods are exempt from capital gains tax.

Example : She was in this right up to the hilt.

Cut to the bone !!!

Like there is no tomorrow !!!

Coral Morale is a bit low in our company at the moment,
especially in the HR department where I work.
Shelby I'm not surprised, business hasn't been good at all Libby What's in that bag ? Whatever it is, I bet it was
lately. expensive.

Coral Penny It's a new cocktail dress, absolutely irresistible.

It certainly hasn't and it's forecast to get worse.
Libby That's the second dress you've bought this month and
Shelby What effect will that have on your plans for the next
you've already bought three pairs of new shoes.
financial year ?
Penny A girl needs to look her best at all times.
Coral Well, all departments are being told to economize,
and the HR department's training budget is being cut
Libby But you've been spending like there's no tomorrow.
to the bone.
Shelby That's surely a bit short-sighted. I would have thought Penny Do you want me to go round looking like a tramp ?
that upgrading the skills of its staff should be a high
priority for any company.

Explanation :

Explanation :
If someone does something like there is/was no tomorrow, they
do it very fast, in large amounts and without thinking carefully
If something such as costs are cut to the bone, they are reduced
to an absolute minimum.
Example : After his win on the football pools, he began spending
money like there was no tomorrow.
Example : Profit margins have been slashed to the bone in an
attempt to keep turnover moving.
Say through the nose !!!

They're mortgaged up to the hilt !!!

Teddy Did you have a good time in Thailand ?

Sandy I'm a bit worried about our son and his wife. Martin We did. We traveled all over the country and saw
some fantastic sights.
Desmond Is their marriage going rocky ?
Teddy What was the accommodation like ?
Sandy No, not at all. But they've just bought a large
apartment nearer the city center and it cost them an Martin Very good everywhere we went. And the people were
absolute fortune. They've both got to be working to very friendly.
afford the mortgage payments. Teddy Sounds perfect.
Desmond So they're mortgaged up to the hilt.
Martin It was, almost. But I had to make a couple of
international phone calls from one of the hotels and I
Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 30
really had to pay through the nose for those. Marlene She certainly is. She needs to learn how to budget.

Explanation : Explanation :

If you say that you paid through the nose for something, you are If you blow a large amount of money, you spend it quickly on
emphasizing that you had to pay what you consider too high a luxuries.
price for it.

Example : Before you blow it all on a luxury cruise, give a little

Example : We don't like paying through the nose for our wine thought to the future ...
when eating out.

Made an absolute mint !!!

Shell out a lot more money for extras !!!

Vera Have you seen Henry lately ?

Billie Did you enjoy your theme park visit ?
Sally Yes, I saw him only yesterday driving around in a
Vaughan On the whole yes; there was certainly a lot to see and brand-new, top-of-the range Mercedes.
we had a very full day.
Vera My sister's in real estate and she told me that he had
Billie You don't sound totally enthusiastic. also just bought a luxury penthouse apartment.
Sally Where does he get the money from for all that ?
Vaughan Well that's because the entrance fee was quite high,
but once inside we had to shell out a lot more money
Vera Haven't you heard ? He's made an absolute mint from
for extras which I think ought to have been included in
property deals.
the ticket price.
Sally He really is a shrewd operator.
Billie What sort of extras ?

Vaughan Well, for example, traveling between the different

attractions on the electric bus. We had to pay for each Explanation :
separate journey.

If you say that someone makes a mint, you mean that they make
Explanation : a very large amount of money.

If you shell out for something, you spend a lot of money on it. Example : He made a mint in the computer industry.

Example : Do you expect me to shell out to gratify your vanity ? Throwing good money after bad !!!

She blows all her money !!! Rudy We're having such problems with our database

Diane Does it crash a lot ?

Terri Hettie was complaining to me yesterday that there's
always so much month left at the end of the money. Rudy It does but it also seems to be full of bugs, which gives
Marlene She's always moaning like that. She just can't manage us inaccurate results at times.
her money. Diane That's bad. What are you going to do about it ?
Terri But she's always dressed like a film-star.
Rudy Well we're thinking of getting a software consultant in
Marlene Well, that's just it. She blows all her money on clothes to get the bugs out of the system.
and shoes and wonders why she's always so short of Diane That could be throwing good money after bad. Why
cash at the end of the month. don't you buy newer and more reliable software ?
Terri I suppose she is rather extravagant.

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 31

Explanation : been basically a zero-sum game.

If you say that someone is throwing money after bad, you are
Explanation :
critical of them for trying to improve a bad situation by spending
more money on it, instead of doing more thoughtful of practical
things to improve it.
If you refer to a situation as zero-sum game, you mean that if one
person gains an advantage from it, someone else involved must
suffer an equivalent disadvantage.
Example : Do you know that he has gambled away the $5,000 you
lent him last time ? If you lend him any more money, you are
throwing good money after bad.
Example : Mahjong is a zero-sum game : others have to lose
money for you to win money.
He really played hardball !!!

Health insurance is the sticking point !!!

Kevin Did you sign the star mid-fielder from Brazil ?

Alex Wensley Haven't you completed negotiations yet ? You're into

We did, but it took hours of really tough negotiation.
the second day already.
Kevin Was he making really big demands ? Marnie I know. I thought they would be over by now, but
we've run into a problem.
Alex It wasn't him, it was his agent. He really played
hardball. Wensley Is it price ?
Kevin So he was after the maximum he could get for the star Marnie No, they want health insurance included in the deal
and himself. and that's something our managing director is very
Alex Absolutely and he threatened to pull out of much against.
negotiations if he didn't get what he wanted. Wensley So health insurance is the sticking point. How are you
going to get round it ?
Marnie We're working on that right now.
Explanation :

Play hardball - Be firm and determined in order to get what you Explanation :

A sticking point in a discussion is a point on which it is not possible

Example : He's a nice guy, but he can play hardball when he to reach an agreement
needs to.

Example : The sticking point in the negotiations proved to be the

It would have been basically a zero-sum game !!! money question.

Jules Did you get what you wanted ? A sense of what their bottom line is !!!

Garfield No, we pulled out of the negotiation after a very short

time. Jean So how are we going to conduct this negotiation ?
Jules I'm surprised. The prospects for agreement seemed
very good at the start. Angus Well, obviously we're not going to put our cards on
the table straight away.
Garfield They did, but it didn't take long before things looked
very different. Jean No, that would be naive. We've got to get a feel for
what their negotiating limits are.
Jules Why was that ?
Angus That's right. We really need to get a sense of what
Garfield Well what they were proposing would have left us their bottom line is.
with almost nothing and they thought our proposal Jean Then we'll know how far we can push them.
would mean the same for them. So it would have

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 32

Angus Yes, but remember they will be doing the same in Keith That's great. We'll start on it straight away.
relation to us.

Explanation :
Explanation :

A win-win situation is one in which an agreement is reached that

The bottom line in a business deal is the least a person is willing to
is beneficial to both sides.

Give me 10% off !!!

Example : She says $95,000 is her bottom line.

Vernon So you want to book ten people in for three nights, 1st
Haggle over every penny of the deal !!!
to 3rd December ?
Elizabeth That's right, what would your rate be for a group of
Virginia Did you get that fashion order from Fashion that size ?
International ? Vernon Eighty dollars per person per night.
Alice Yes, but it was really hard work.
Elizabeth That's only 5% less than your individual rate. Give me
Virginia I'm not surprised. They're known to be a tough bunch 10% off and I'll confirm the booking.
to do business with. Vernon A 5% reduction for groups is company policy. I can't
Alice They certainly are. Their buyer haggled over every offer any more than that.
penny of the deal. Elizabeth So that's your final offer ?
Virginia That's why the company's so profitable.
Vernon Yes.
Alice Too right. Still their order will give us work for the next
three months. Elizabeth Let me think about it.

Explanation : Explanation :

If you haggle, you argue about something before reaching an 10% off - 10% less than the original price
agreement, especially about the cost of something that you are
Example : There's 10% off this week on all winter coats.

Example : Of course, he'll still haggle over the price.

There was no give and take at all !!!

We've got a win-win situation !!!

Paul That was a really hard negotiation.

Jason We'll give you the order if you can guarantee delivery Kate I can see; you look really exhausted. What was the
in three weeks. problem ?
Keith If you confirm the order today, we'll deliver in two Paul They were very inflexible and just stuck to their
weeks. We'll have to because we have an urgent order original position.
that we must start working on in two weeks' time.
Kate So there was no give-and-take at all.
Jason If you can deliver in two weeks, that would give us a
big advantage over our competitors. Paul No, none at all, because they knew they were in a very
strong position.
Keith We definitely can, our workers are very experienced
and we have the latest equipment. Kate No wonder you had such a hard time.
Jason Looks like we've got a win-win situation here. You've
got our order.

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 33

Explanation :

If you beat down a person who is selling you something, you force
them to accept a lower price for it than they wanted to get.
If you say that something requires give and take, you mean that
people must compromise for it to be successful.

Example : Beat down the seller to the price that suits you.

Example : If the dispute is to be resolved there must be some give

and take.
The going rate for my job !!!

They used pressure tactics !!!

Manager So what makes you think you're worth a raise in salary

Gordon You don't look too pleased. What happened ? James Well, first of all I've been responsible for a ten per cent
increase in sales since I joined the company.
Chris They gave us a really tough time and forced us to
Manager That may be true, but the market in general has been
agree to sell at the lowest possible price.
expanding in that period.
Gordon Couldn't you have done better than that if you'd tried
James I've also improved my department's efficiency and cut
harder ?
its costs by seven per cent.
Chris Not really, they used pressure tactics. Manager OK, OK, what are you looking for ?
Gordon What do you mean ? James I want an annual salary that at least matches the going
Chris They said that if we didn't agree to their terms they rate for my job, which is currently $80,000. That means
would take all their existing business with us away. So a raise of $ 7,500.
we really had no choice.

Explanation :
Explanation :

The going rate or the going salary is the usual amount of money
Tactics are the methods that you choose to use in order to that you expect to pay or receive for something.
achieve what you want in a particular situation.

Example : That's about half the going price on world oil markets.
Example : He pressed on in the hope that a few others would join
him. The tactic paid off.
We'll meet you halfway !!!

They beat us down as far as they could !!!

Mr. We can offer you ten thousand pieces for immediate
Armstrong delivery at $500 per thousand.
Guy Which company were you selling to ? Mr. Hawkins Four hundred fifty dollars would be a fairer price.
We could get them from Vortex for that price.
Harry Compexon, it's a number one in automotive
components. Mr. But you know as well as I do that the Vortex
Armstrong company is in no position to offer immediate
Guy Did you get a good deal ? delivery.

Harry Not really. They beat us down as far as they could. Mr. Hawkins Five hundred dollars is considerably more than the
market rate and we're not going to pay more than
Guy That's tough. Where do you go from here ? that.
Harry We'll have to reduce our costs a lot to make any real OK, we'll meet you halfway : $475
profit on the deal.
Mr. Hawkins We can live with that. You've got a deal.

Explanation :

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 34

Explanation : If you put or lay your cards on the table, you deal with a situation
by speaking openly about your feelings, ideas, or plans.

If you meet someone halfway, you accept some of the points they
are making so that you can come to an agreement with them. Example : Put your cards on the table and be very clear about
your complaints.

Example : The Democrats are willing to meet the president

halfway. He was headhunted !!!

You drive a hard bargain !!! Griff Barry's just got the most fantastic job.

Tarquin Lucky devil ! Tell me more.

Mr. Klein This price leaves us with a very small margin.
Griff He's got the finance director's job with the country's
Ms. Johnson It's the best price that I can offer. biggest shipping corporation.

Tarquin How did he get that ? I haven't seen any finance

Mr. Klein What about another two per cent. It's not much to
directors' jobs advertised lately and I check the
appointments pages regularly.
Ms. Johnson No, as I said, that's our best price.
Griff He was headhunted through one of the top
recruitment consultancies.
Mr. Klein You drive a hard bargain.
Tarquin He must have got an outstanding reputation to get his
Ms. Johnson Not hard, just fair. job that way.

Explanation : Explanation :

If people drive a hard bargain, they argue with determination in Headhunted - If someone who works for a particular company is
order to achieve a deal which is favorable to themselves. headhunted, they leave that company because another company
has approached them and offered them another job with better
pay and higher status.
Example : Ukraine was always gong to drive a hard bargain
before signing the treaty.
Example : He was headhunted by Barkers last October to build an
advertising team .........
Put your cards on the table !!!

Think on his feet !!!

Gavin We've put forward a number of possible options for an
agreement. Now we need you to make a decision.
Chairman I thought every candidate on the shortlist was very
Jake None of them seem to us completely satisfactory. impressive.
We'd like to explore other possibilities.
Gavin Look, there's no point in dragging this negotiation out, Agreed. We would appoint any one of them.
member 1
and we need a decision by the end of the day.
Panel Indeed but I thought the last we interviewed had one
Jake We would like to consider all possible options. member 2 outstanding quality.

Gavin We've considered all the realistic ones. It's time to put Chairman What is it that particularly struck you about him ?
your cards on the table and make your position clear.
Panel The ability to think on his feet. He dealt with the most
Jake At this point I think our side had better take some time member 2 difficult and unexpected questions we threw at him
out so that we can discuss among ourselves. very coolly and intelligently.
Chairman That's certainly true and it's not a very common
Explanation :

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 35

Explanation : An in tray is a shallow basket used in offices to put letters and
documents in when they arrive or when they are waiting to be
dealt with.
Think on your feet - To make a quick decision or give an answer
The last candidate seemed outstanding to me !!!

Example : I'd never heard about the firm before, so I had to think
on my feet. Chairman Well we have interviewed everyone on the shortlist.
What did you think of them ?
Panel I thought they were variable. The second and fourth
I've had to do a case interview !!!
member 1 were very strong candidates, the third was average
and the first relatively weak.

Wayne That's the first job interview I've had where I've had to Chairman That was also my impression. To be fair to the first, he
do a case interview. had rather less experience than the others.

Derek What did it involve ? Panel The last candidate seemed outstanding to me. She
member 2 answered all our questions very confidently, and was
Wayne Well the interviewing panel described a business very well qualified.
problem their company had, asked me to analyze it
Chairman On the other hand the second candidate was also well
and suggest how I would go about solving it.
qualified and had rather more experience.
Derek That must have been really tough. Panel It's going to be very difficult to decide which of them is
Wayne It certainly was, but happily I've got a business studies member 1 going to get the job.
degree and that included case studies.
Derek So at least you had some sort of preparation for the
Explanation :

If you describe someone or something as outstanding, you think

Explanation : that they are very remarkable and impressive.

Case interview - An interview that requires the interviewee to Example : He is outstanding at tennis and golf
give detailed information about how to solve a business problem.

We had to do an in-tray exercise !!! I made a good impression !!!

Irene How did your job interview go ? Rory You look relieved, what have you been doing ?
Simon It was actually pretty tough because it wasn't just an Barnaby I've just been interviewed for a reporter's job on the
interview, we had to do an in-tray exercise as well. evening paper.
Irene Is that where they give you an in-tray full of Rory How did it go ? Did they go through your resume in
documents like memos, letters, requests and ask you detail ?
to prioritize and deal with them in a fixed time ?
Barnaby Yes they did, especially where I'd worked for their main
Simon Yes, that's it. We only had 30 minutes to sort it all out competitor.
and decide on what to do and in what order.
Rory What's your overall feeling about how it went ?
Irene Did you manage to deal with everything ?
Barnaby Well I think I made a good impression. But I'll only
Simon Not quite. I still had a few things left when the time know for sure when they write to me to give me their
ran out. decision.

Explanation : Explanation :

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 36

If someone or something makes an impression, they have a are one of a small group of people who have been chosen from a
strong effect on people or a situation. larger group. The successful person is then chosen from the small

Example : He has told me his plans and he's made a good

impression on me ... Example : If you've been asked for an interview you are probably
on a shortlist of no more than six.

I made a good impression !!!

I'm still working on my career portfolio !!!

Rory You look relieved, what have you been doing ?

Greta How is your job hunting going ?
Barnaby I've just been interviewed for a reporter's job on the
evening paper. Orlando I haven't really started yet because I'm still working on
my career portfolio.
Rory How did it go ? Did they go through your resume in
detail ? Greta Is that the same as a resume or c.v. ?
Barnaby Yes they did, especially where I'd worked for their main
Orlando It's similar but it's more detailed. It will give potential
employers a complete picture of my qualifications,
Rory What's your overall feeling about how it went ? experience and capabilities.
Greta That will be quite a folder.
Barnaby Well I think I made a good impression. But I'll only
know for sure when they write to me to give me their
Orlando Not only a folder. I'm planning to upload it to my
Greta Wow ! That sounds really impressive.
Explanation :

Explanation :
If someone or something makes an impression, they have a
strong effect on people or a situation.
A portfolio is a set of pictures by someone, or photographs of
examples of their work, which they use when entering
Example : He has told me his plans and he's made a good competition or applying for work.
impression on me ...

Meet the criteria !!!

Make the shortlist !!!

Valeri Look at the job ad. What do you think ?

Eva Victoria's done ever so well, hasn't she ?
Darrel Let's see : HR manager; at least ten years' experience
Loretta Yes, to make the shortlist for a manager's job in our preferably in at least two different industries;
biggest bank is a real achievement. experience of change management; ability to deal with
Eva When's the interview ? the unexpected.
Valeri They're asking for quite a lot.
Loretta Next week. She told me that it's not just an interview,
but a whole day with tests and exercises as well. Darrel Well, maybe, but I know your resume and you
Eva Sounds really tough. Rather her than me. definitely meet the criteria for the job.
Valeri So you think I should apply ?
Loretta Yes, but she's very capable and pretty resilient, so I
think she'll do well. Darrel Of course, Have a go. You'll be a strong candidate.

Explanation :
Explanation :

If someone is on a shortlist, for example for a job or a prize, they

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 37

Meet the criteria - Meet the standard
It seems to have been heated !!!

Joseph We're having a really big battle inside our party at the moment.
Beth Yes, I've seen the newspaper headlines. It seems to have
That's one of my favorites !!! been heated.
Joseph It's always the same when we are trying to write the
party's manifesto for the next general election.
Jeff Well, it's almost lunch time, what would you like to eat
? Beth What were the arguments about ?
Danny Oh, I'd like some really typical city food. Joseph One of the main ones is about whether we are going to
promise lower taxes in the manifesto if we win the
Jeff Well, for that we'll have to go to the east side of town. election.

Danny What sort of food can you get there ? Beth That's always one of the most controversial topics.

Jeff The sort of food the locals really like.

You don't look a day over forty !!!
Danny Like what ?

Jeff Pie and mash, that's is one of my favorites too and I

Jean So you're Mary's friend. I'm very pleased to meet you.
know one of the best places to get it.
Marion It's a pleasure to meet you too. Mary has told me that
you also working in marketing.
Splashing his money around !!!
Jean Yes, but as you know, she is in shoes, while I'm in
Scot That's the third round of drinks that Melvyn has bought
Marion Were you at school together with her ?
in the club this evening.
Kyle He was doing the same the day before yesterday. Jean No, no, I'm ten years older. We met much later.

Scot He's not normally so generous. What's going on ? Marion What ! I can't believe it. You don't look a day over
Kyle He's not, but he's trying to get elected to the club
committee. The elections are next week at the AGM.
She sounds really star-struck !!!
Scot So that's why he's splashing his money around. I'd call
that attempted bribery.
Kyle I wouldn't worry. He's not that popular and it'll take Jack My teenage sister really gets on my nerves at times.
more than a few drinks to buy members' votes.
Bill Why's that ? Does she spend hours making up in the
bathroom ?
You could do just as well !!!
Jack No, it's not that, she just keeps going on and on about
how wonderful Leonardo Di Caprio is.

Jack Those watercolors are really beautiful. Bill Well, a lot of girls really go for him.

Caroline I'm glad you like them. I painted them last year. Jack But she's got dozens of his picture all over her
bedroom wall and she watches his movies over and
Jack You painted them yourself ? I can't believe it, they're so over again on her DVD player.
Bill She sounds really star-struck.
Caroline They're not that good, but I'm glad you like them.
Jack That's putting it mildly.
Jack You're so talented, I wish I had your skill.

Caroline You should try your hand yourself, I'm sure you could
Go in for a pie and a pint !!!
do just as well if not better.
Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 38
John What do you mean ?
Leslie Punting's thirsty work and it's almost one o'clock. Vera Well, it was largely your guidance that made it
Alastair Talk about thirsty, I'm pretty hungry as well.
John Well, I'm sure that wasn't the most important thing.
Leslie Do you see what I see ?
Vera Yes, it was, and I can't praise the quality of your advice
Alastair You mean that pub just on the next bend in the river ? too highly.

Leslie Right first time. Are you thinking what I'm thinking ?

Alastair Yes, let's tie up there and go in for a pie and a pint.
A light supper wouldn't do us any harm !!!

Let the teapot stand !!!

Robbie It's some time since we've eaten. I'm quite hungry,
what about you ?
Frank Teach me how to make a pot of tea. Gayle I'm a bit peckish too, but it's quite late and we don't
want anything too heavy before we go to bed.
Brian Well, first of all you need a china teapot. Tea doesn't
Robbie What do you suggest ?
taste so good from a metal one.
Frank What next ? Gayle Well, a little light supper wouldn't do us any harm !

Brian Rinse out the teapot with very hot water to make it Robbie Such as ?
Gayle I could make a cheese and potato salad.
Frank Then boil the kettle ?
Robbie That'll do nicely.
Brian That's right. Then put two or three teaspoons of tea
into the teapot, take the kettle to the pot and pour the
boiling water over the tea.
Frank Can you drink it straight away ?

Brian No, you have to let the teapot stand for a few minutes
and then the tea will be ready to drink.

The dish is too hot !!!

Rita I'd like to order the special please.

Waiter I'm sorry you can't do that. The dish is too hot.

Rita Please don't tell me what I can or cannot eat. I love

spicy food. I can eat it so bring me the special no
matter how hot it is.
Waiter It's not spicy, I meant it's a hot item tonight and we've
sold out. The special is unavailable What is he aiming for ?

Rita Ah, sorry.

Henry My brother has decided to go into politics.

I can't praise the quality of your advice too highly !!! Una Really ? Why is that ? He's such a successful
Henry Well, he's gone as far as he wants to go in business and
John Did you get the result you were hoping for ?
is looking for a new challenge.
Vera Yes we did, and largely thanks to you. Una What is he aiming for ?

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 39

Henry The city hall. He's going to run for mayor at the next
mayoral election.
Una Well with his reputation and money, he should What's it for ?

Brenda What's that above the bar ? It looks like a long glass
Change hands !!! trumpet with a glass bulb at the end.
Jim It's a yard of ale, that's to say it's a bit less than a meter
Vernon This pub's just changed hands you know.
Brenda What's it for ?
Perry Is that right ? Who's got it now ?
Jim It's for a traditional beer-drinking competition.
Vernon The publican wanted to retire so he sold it to one of
the big breweries. Brenda Who wins ?
Perry ( Rings bell ). Last orders, please ! Jim The person who can drink a pint of beer from it fastest
without spilling a drop. It's very difficult. The record in
Vernon Oh no, the saddest words a man will ever hear. One
this pub is 9 seconds.
more before we go ?
Perry Yes please, but be careful you don't get trampled in the You must be starving !!!

Hanna You've been working on that file for almost five hours
without a break. You must be starving.
Explanation :
Lenore Yes, I am a bit peckish, especially as I didn't have
anything for breakfast.
Change hands - To go from one owner to another Hanna Well the only place you can get food around here at
this time of day is the " Dog and Duck " across the
Example : That Italian restaurant is nowhere near as good since it
changed hands. Lenore What's the food like there ?

Hanna It's not bad. They don't do hot food but their
ploughman's lunch is really tasty. The bread and
Draught or bottled ? cheese are always really fresh and they make their
own pickle.

Lenore Sounds good. I'll shoot over straight away. Care to join
Laurie I've worked up a bit of a thirst after all that walking and me ?
this looks like a really nice pub. Shall we go in ?

Marge Why not ? We could do with a rest.

A3-sized copies !!!
Laurie ( At the bar ) Now what can I get you ?

Marge Quentin This document is A3 size and I've got to make three A3-
I'd like a half of lager please.
sized copies.
Laurie Draught or bottled ? Vicky That's no problem on this photocopier as it's got an A3
paper tray.
Marge Bottled please. I prefer German beer and they don't
seem to have any on draught. Quentin I've put the document face down on the glass, what do
I do next ?
Vicky Open the door and check that there's paper in the A3
Explanation : paper tray.
Quentin Yes, it's almost full.
Draught ( draft in American English ) - Beer that is on draught is
Vicky Close the door, select the A3 paper tray on the control
kept in and served from a barrel rather than a bottle.
panel and then press the green button to start copying.

Example : They drink bitter on draught in the local bar.

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 40

You've done a fantastic job !!!

Gordon I've just been reading through your last project report.

James I hope you didn't find too much wrong with it.

Gordon On the contrary, you've done a fantastic job.

James Well, I'm not sure about that.

Gordon You're too modest. It's really well organized and

written and offers some very well thought out
James Well, I'm glad you like it and hope it proves useful.

Reducing and enlarging facility !!!

Walter I have to photocopy these two documents. I need a

copy of this one smaller than the original, and of the
other larger.

Dawn Well you'll need to use the reducing and enlarging

facility on the photocopier.
Walter The copy of this one should be half the size of the
original, and the other twice the size.
Dawn Lift the lid and put the first document on the glass face
down. then press the button marked 200% and you'll
get a copy twice the size of the original.
Walter OK. What about the other one ?

Dawn When you've copied the first one, put the other one
face down on the glass, press the button marked 50%
and you'll get a half-size copy.

Idiomatic Dialogs (Upper-intermediate) page 41

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