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e-Polymers 2022; 22: 108–124

Review Article

Hengels Castillo*, Humberto Collado, Thomas Droguett, Mario Vesely, Pamela Garrido, and
Sergio Palma

State of the art of geopolymers: A review aluminosilicate source and an alkaline reagent. The poly-
received August 06, 2021; accepted December 14, 2021 merization process can be induced and/or catalyzed by
Abstract: Geopolymers emerge as an ecological alterna- the application of heat.
tive for construction materials. These consist of a mixture Geopolymers have been studied largely as building
of aluminosilicate sources and an alkaline solution that materials. It is a technology being developed in order to
dissolves the silicon and aluminum monomers that come find a more eco-friendly option compared to Portland
from the source to generate a gel called N–A–S–H that cement that forms concretes, bricks, etc. Their great
will control the main properties of the geopolymer. The advantage is that they can be generated through by-pro-
geopolymer stands out for having good resistance to ducts from other industries. The best known example is
compression, as well as good resistance to high tempera- fly ash from coal-fired power plants.
tures and corrosive environments. They have great poten- Geopolymer precursor materials, both in natural and
tial as a replacement for classical technologies such as by-product forms, are required to be rich in alumina
(Al2O3) and silica (SiO2 ) because the elements present in
concrete, however, require further applied research to
these compounds play an important role in the hardening
determine their feasibility on an industrial scale.
of geopolymers, since together with other elements they
Keywords: geopolymers, gel N–A–S–H, aluminum, silicon, form the N–A–S–H gel, which is responsible for pro-
sodium viding the characteristic strength of the material.
To produce a geopolymer, an alkaline reagent is also
needed, which is responsible for the dissolution of the alumino-
1 Introduction silicates present in the raw material. There are different reagents
for the activation of geopolymers, the most used are silicate
A geopolymer is a semi-crystalline amorphous material solutions and alkaline hydroxides. The use of different reagents
formed through the polymerization reaction between an produces geopolymers of different characteristics, so the choice
of reagents depends on the properties sought.
During dissolution of the raw material, aluminum
* Corresponding author: Hengels Castillo, Department of (Al) and silicon (Si) are released, which, preceded by a
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Complex Fluids polymerization process, generates an initial Al-rich gel.
Laboratory, Federico Santa María Technical University, Santiago, Subsequently, the Si in the solution reacts with this gel,
San Joaquín 8940572, Chile; JRI Ingeniería S.A., Department
which forms the final Si-rich gel. The main product of this
of Geotechnics, Santiago, Ñuñoa 7770445, Chile,
reaction is the N–A–S–H gel.
Humberto Collado: Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Geopolymers have been investigated in the construc-
Materials, Complex Fluids Laboratory, Federico Santa María Technical tion area because of their good compressive strength,
University, Santiago, San Joaquín 8940572, Chile; JRI Ingeniería S.A., good volumetric stability, low permeability, and good
Department of Geotechnics, Santiago, Ñuñoa 7770445, Chile resistance to high temperatures.
Thomas Droguett: Department of Metallurgical Engineering,
Current studies are focused on understanding the
University of Santiago de Chile, Santiago, 9170022, Chile;
Sustainable Mining Research Center CIMS-JRI, Santiago, operation of the activation of aluminosilicate sources by
La Reina 7850000, Chile alkaline means to generate these geopolymers. Many
Pamela Garrido: CIMS-JRI Sustainable Mining Research Center, authors have participated in these investigations, even
General Manager, Santiago, La Reina 7850000, Chile managed to generate compilation texts (1) that allow
Mario Vesely: JRI Ingeniería S.A., Technical Management, Santiago,
updating and providing a basis for future studies.
Ñuñoa 7770445, Chile
Sergio Palma: Department of Metallurgical and Materials
This article seeks to compile the studies carried out on
Engineering, Complex Fluids Laboratory, Federico Santa María geopolymers, especially on their formation, and also the
Technical University, Santiago, San Joaquín 8940572, Chile most influential variables and the properties they possess.

Open Access. © 2022 Hengels Castillo et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
State of the art of geopolymers  109

1.1 Definition was involved, the study of flammable plastic materials

became paramount. In 1972, Davidovits founded a private
The concept of geopolymer is a composition of the prefix research company “Cordi S.A.,” later renamed “Cordi-
“geo,” which corresponds to “earth” in Greek, referring to Géopolymère.” Davidovits was intrigued that simple hydro-
the content of Al and Si both of which are highly present thermal conditions controlled the synthesis of some organic
in the earth’s crust (2). The “polymer” reference corresponds plastics in alkaline media, such as feldspars and zeolites.
to its structure made up of various Al and Si monomers. On the other hand, kaolinite aluminosilicate reacts
Geopolymers are formed by the reaction of an alkaline with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) at 100–150°C and poly-
reagent with a source of aluminosilicates (2). This process condenses into hydrated sodalite.
can occur at room temperature and at high temperatures From the studies covering the synthesis of zeolites
(e.g., 90°C). The material with aluminosilicates (fly ash, and molecular sieves (essentially in the form of powders)
metakaolin, calcined clay, among others) reacts with an it was determined that this geochemistry had not been
alkaline activator that contains alkali hydroxides, silicates, investigated to produce mineral binders and mineral poly-
aluminates, carbonates, and/or sulfates (Figure 1). mers. As a result, Davidovits proceeded to develop a 3D
Sometimes, geopolymers are related as zeolitic precur- material of aluminosilicates between amorphous and semi-
sors. They are so called because they have a three-dimen- crystalline which he baptized as a geopolymer in 1988.
sional (3D) tetrahedron structure formed by aluminates
and silicates. However, they differ in that zeolites have
an ordered crystalline structure and geopolymers have
an amorphous one. In addition, higher pressures and tem-
2 Raw materials
peratures are used to form zeolites (over 100°C and around
For the formation of geopolymers, the following variables
200 kPa, respectively) to achieve the formation of the crys-
must be taken into account, which have repercussions on
talline structure. The reaction process of geopolymers
the final properties of these materials:
oriented to the formation of cementitious materials can
− Si/Al,
be considered as a zeolitization where the crystallization
− Si/M+ (M+: alkaline ion such as Na+, K+, etc.),
stage is not achieved (3).
− Water/solids.

1.2 History 2.1 Aluminosilicate sources

The chemical studies of Joseph Davidovits focused on the According to previous research, there are a variety of
chemistry of organic polymers. After several catastrophic sources of aluminosilicates for the manufacture of geo-
fires in France between 1970 and 1972, where organic plastic polymers, these are classified as follows:

Figure 1: Diagram of the process of creating a geopolymer.

110  Hengels Castillo et al.

− By-products from other industries, such as fly ash,

average (g·t−1) average (g·t−1)

low calcium slags (4), and mining wastes (5–7) (e.g.,
copper tailings).




− Natural reagents: volcanic glass, silica gel diagnosed

from acidic environments (8), and clays (9,10).
− Heat-treated aluminosilicates: heat-treated clays or




These materials share the characteristic of having

Table 1: Percentage by weight of chemical compounds present in different tailing deposits in central Chile (based on data from the Sernageomin cadastre)
large amounts of silica and Al. Some of the materials
that have been most researched will be described in the

following paragraphs.





2.1.1 Tailings

average (%)
Tailings are flotation discards performed for crushed and




ground sulfide processing. In Chile, most tailings come
from copper mining. These are mostly deposited in dams,

average (%)
because of the large surface area they use due to the high
quantities (in tons) that are handled. Between 1949 and




2017, 2.4 billion tons of tailings were generated; however,
in 2013 China alone generated 319 million (11).
average (%)

The tailings are advantageous for having a great

variety of mineralogy and chemistry, with the prominent





presence of Si, iron, and aluminum oxides. Table 1 shows
the average data for the most relevant chemical species in
tailings deposits located in central Chile. The high pre-
average (%)

sence of silica can be clearly seen, which covers at least

half of the tailings by weight. It also accounts for between




10% and 20% of aluminum oxides. Iron oxides are on

average below 7%, except in the case of Atacama Kozan
average (%)

where it is seen that iron corresponds to more than 20%

of the tailings deposit.





2.1.2 Fly ash

average (%)

Fly ash is a waste from coal combustion in power plants.






The composition of coke defined the fly ash composition.

As stated in the ASTM C 618 standard, there are two
average (%)

classifications for fly ash: Type F, low in calcium and type

C, high in calcium. F-type fly ash is relevant for the pro-



duction of geopolymers.
The coal burning process and the rate of cooling of
the combustion gas influence the phase formation in fly
Las Cenizas Cabildo
Los Bronces (Anglo
Candelaria (Lundin

El Soldado (Anglo

Minera San Pedro

Andina (Codelco)

(Nittetsu Mining)

ash. The ashes consist mainly of an amorphous phase of

Atacama Kozan

aluminosilicate glasses, considered as the reactive phase

Minera Valle
Central S.A.


(12). However, some of the molten contaminating minerals


crystallize or separate during cooling, which causes small

amounts of quartz and mullite to form, in addition to
State of the art of geopolymers  111

phases rich in iron and calcium. The aluminosilicates solution affect the extension of the reaction to a greater
that make up these phases are considered to be non- measure (16).
reactive (13).
According to its composition and structure, fly ash is
a non-homogeneous material. Because there are different
phases in a fly ash particle, in addition, each fly ash 2.2 Alkaline activators
particle has a different composition. Finally, each plant
produces fly ash of different compositions; moreover, As mentioned above, an alkaline reagent is also needed,
within a plant, fly ash of different compositions is pro- which is responsible for the dissolution of the alumino-
duced due to the low homogeneity of natural carbon. Due silicates present in the raw material. There are different
to this complexity in its composition, it is difficult to use reagents for the activation of geopolymers, the most
for a specific geopolymer design; however, it is sought to used are silicate solutions and alkaline hydroxides. The
use it equally due to the positive environmental and eco- use of different reagents produces geopolymers of dif-
nomic impact that is brought by reusing this waste. ferent characteristics, so the choice of reagents depends
on the properties sought (17). There are currently studies
that analyze the performance of calcium hydroxide as an
2.1.3 Metakaolin activator.

Kaolins are rocks formed mainly by minerals from the

kaolin group such as kaolinite, dickite, nacrite, and hal- 2.2.1 Alkali hydroxide solutions
loysite, accompanied by impurities of quartz, anatase
mica, rutile, ilmenite, and small amounts of tourmaline, Due to their high availability, the most used alkaline
zircon, and other heavy minerals. hydroxides are NaOH and potassium hydroxide (KOH).
Kaolinite (Al 4Si 4O10(OH)8) structurally corresponds Other hydroxides used in minority are LiOH, RbOH,
to a clay mineral of the 1:1 type, that is formed by a layer and CsOH.
of silicon tetrahedra combined with another layer of alu- NaOH is cheaper than (KOH), but has certain dis-
mina octahedra through hydroxyl groups that are shared advantages, such as lower solubility at low temperatures
between the two sheets (14). (54 wt% at 25°C and 30 wt% at 0°C). In contrast, solutions
Metakaolin (2SiO2 Al2O3) is the product of a structural based on NaOH are more viscous than those of KOH in
transformation of kaolinite when subjected to heat treat- similar concentrations, which affects the rheological prop-
ment. It is an amorphous and highly reactive aluminosili- erties of the mixture (18). The amount of hydroxides is
cate, which when mixed with cement in mortars or concrete mentioned in relation to their molar concentration (M),
provides better resistance to compression and durability which corresponds to the number of moles of solutes (in
compared to using cement alone (14). this case hydroxides) present in 1 L of solution.
From the study carried out by Torres et al. (14), it was Increased activator concentration has been shown to
evident that, at temperatures of 700°C, kaolin samples with lead to increased compressive strength (19).
an amount of kaolinite greater than 50% were transformed Both activators allow the formation of crystalline zeo-
100% to metakaolin, preserving the quartz impurities pre- litic structures, appearing faster with NaOH, which are
sent in the sample. It is also evident that metakaolin pre- usually associated with loss of resistance (20).
sents high reactivity at early ages, based on the index of It should be noted that activation by alkaline hydro-
resistant activity (ratio between the strength of the material xides has risks at the time of use due to their corrosive
and the strength of a standard mortar) (14). nature and the increase in temperature associated with
The synthesis conditions of inorganic polymers based their dissolution when they are to be concentrated (20),
on metakaolin can be controlled to obtain materials with so the use of alkali silicates is preferred. Other disadvan-
certain properties, such as their mechanical resistance, tages are the increase in viscosity with increasing con-
permeability, rheology, etc. The particle size of metakaolin centration (20). On the other hand, the reagent can react
can vary in some orders but is generally less than 5 µm. when it comes into contact with CO2 in the air, generating
Although the dispersion of particles during mixing may precipitation of salts on the surface of the geopolymer
slightly affect the rheological behavior and the degree of (20). This carbonation can be controlled by keeping the
reaction (15), parameters such as the amount of soluble relative humidity under observation during curing, avoiding
silicates and the type of alkaline cation in the activating when working at a humidity of 90% (21).
112  Hengels Castillo et al.

If solutions with high concentrations of NaOH are 3 Composition and synthesis

used at low temperatures, the possible precipitates that
may form must be considered (20).
3.1 Composition

A geopolymer is created from AlO−4 and SiO−4 tetrahedra,

2.2.2 Alkali silicate solutions
each of which is attached at its four (or less) corners to
another tetrahedron by bonding of atoms of oxygen,
Another alkaline activator that can be considered is alkali
forming a 3D structure. The structure of the geopolymer
silicate solution (also referred to as soluble glasses for
is mostly amorphous, although it may also have some
those based on sodium), which is composed of a mixture
amounts of zeolitic phases. The amorphous component
of Si2 O, Na2O or K2O, and H2 O. In these solutions, the
of the geopolymer is called N–A–S–H gel, due to the
silica polymerizes into different species that are difficult
final composition of the geopolymerization product
to distinguish. The usual way to analyze these species is
(Na2O − Al2O3 − SiO2 − H2 O).
by 29Si NMR (22).
Geopolymers are inorganic polymeric materials obtained
The viscosity of these solutions increases exponentially
by mixing a dry solid (aluminosilicate) with an alkaline solu-
as the Si/Na ratio increases. As with hydroxides, the potas-
tion and other reactives. The most relevant component is the
sium variant shows less viscosity than water glass (20).
source material, which must be rich in Si and Al (25).
According to Criado et al. (23), the formation of zeo-
For the solidification of the geopolymer to occur, Al is
litic phases is reduced when the Si/M+ factor rises. His
essential. Mixtures with high concentrations of alkali sili-
work shows the phases present in a geopolymer with
cates are commonly metastable. This is because the silica
different SiO2 / Na2O ratios (N = 0; W15 = 0.19, W50 = 0.69,
tetrahedra are attacked by water, which generates an
and W84 = 1.17). In the study, it was observed that the glassy
adjacent pair of silanol (Si–OH) (Eq. 1) until reaching
phase is decreasing, which is consistent since it corresponds
an equilibrium and forming Si(OH)4 , but being in an alka-
to the fact that the fly ash dissolves and delivers silicates and
line environment, the reaction shown in Eq. 2 occurs,
aluminates for the formation of the geopolymer. In mixtures
which causes the remaining oxygen bonds to weaken
with a higher content of soluble silica, it was observed that
and continue being attacked by water until the silicate
dissolution is slower due to the saturation of silica species in
is completely dissolved (26). Therefore, soluble silica
the mixture (23).
alone is not sufficient to produce a chemically hardened
Provis showed the precipitation isotherms of hydrated
sodium silicates (SSs) based on the proportion of silica and
sodium base (Na2O). It was noted that the vast majority of | | |
commercial SS solutions fall in the region where they pre- O O O
cipitate as Na2SiO3 ⋅ 9H2 O (20). | | |
In addition, Provis in his study presented a ternary − O− Si − O− Si − O− +H2 O⇄ − O− Si − OH HO
phase diagram for hydrated SS solutions (20), where the | | |
most important regions for the synthesis of geopolymers O O O
were indicated. Region A corresponds to the area where | | |
solutions with low amounts of silica behave in a meta- |
stable way (therein, it is not able to maintain its structure O
if there are changes in its environment [e.g., pH] and it |
dissolves again). Region B is where the vast majority of − Si − O−
commercial solutions precipitate. Region C has the poten- |
tial for precipitating metastable phases and region D O
between high viscosity mixtures. |
The combined use of NaOH and SS is the most common
Si(OH)4 + OH− ⇄ Si(OH)3O− + H2 O (2)
practice in terms of cost effectiveness to produce geopoly-
mers with good compressive strength rather than the sole Silicon–oxygen–silicon bonds and silicon–oxygen–
use of alkali silicate or hydroxide. The ratio SS/NaOH can be aluminum bonds are formed due to the bonding of alumi-
a critical parameter for strength development (24). nate and silicate tetrahedra. On the other hand, because
State of the art of geopolymers  113

they are not energetically stable, no aluminum–oxygen– notion of the amount of aluminosilicate that did not
aluminum bonds are formed, which implies that the Si/Al react (16).
ratio can reach a minimum value of 1. On the other hand, Davidovits (29) and Rowles and O’Connor (30) have
the amount of Al must be sufficient so that the dissolution observed the formation of phases described as semi-crys-
of silica does not occur (26). talline or polycrystalline. These crystalline phases are
Due to the alkalinity caused by the activating solu- generally zeolites and their content increases when the
tion, which raises the pH values, dissolution of the alumino- synthesis is carried out under hydrothermal conditions in
silicates present in the raw material occurs. Subsequently, alkaline media with a lesser degree of soluble silica con-
during molecular organization, the Si tetrahedra can be tent (31). The hydrothermal reaction in alkaline media of
replaced by Al tetrahedra, which results in the Al tetra- kaolin, metakaolin, fly ash, and other sources of alumino-
hedron being negatively charged. This negative charge is silicates leads to the formation of zeolites with different
counteracted by the positive charge of the alkaline cations, structures depending on the reaction conditions (tempera-
so that these cations from the activating solution become ture, nature of the alkali cations, Si/Al ratio, etc.).
part of the network (27). A high water content allows the species in the
Regarding the elements present in the N–A–S–H gel, mixture to be fully hydrated, with small interactions
Fernández-Jiménez and Palomo (28) provide the following between ion pairs. Although the silicate and aluminate
information in this regard (the study focuses on fly ash): species depend on the concentration and the Si/Al ratio
− Si mainly participates in the gel based on the zeolitic of the mixture, this dilution of the medium improves
nuclei. It has a fundamental role in the control and the transport of these species and their subsequent
kinetics of the formation of this gel in the early stages, reorganization in the gel. Under these conditions, the
especially if the alkaline activator to be used is water growth of the gel precipitates takes place without
glass (SS), since it undergoes a dissolution in the hindrance.
initial stages of polymerization, due to which the first María (31) presented in his study a diffractogram
monomers are delivered to form the silica-rich gel. If based on a gel with NaAlSiO4 composition, synthesized
this silicate has many dimers in its composition, the at 40°C from metakaolin. Although the material initially
gel formation will be faster, but it will also imply that appears amorphous, the formation of crystalline zeolites
it is more metastable, so the Si/Al ratio cannot be is observed after 7 days, which indicates that their for-
increased indefinitely. mation is favored by the reaction time.
− Al has an active role in the beginning of chemical reac- Duxson (16) showed an X-ray diffractogram of a
tions, if the source has a large amount of alumina, large metakaolin-derived polymer with nominal composition
amounts of Al are released into the solution, which KAlSiO4 , which was cured at temperatures of 70°C, 90°C,
increases the reactivity of the source, otherwise, the con- and 120°C for 24 h. A new crystalline phase could be
tent of Al that is released will be consumed quickly and observed at a temperature of 120°C, showing that even
will reduce the reactivity of the source. It is speculated mild increase in the synthesis temperature leads to visible
that the Al content in the source should correspond to at increase in the crystallinity.
least 20% of this. An excess of Al can lead to the reaction
of the crystalline products. Dissolved Al enters the struc-
ture of the Si-rich gel, which gives it better stability. 3.2 Synthesis
− Sodium plays a role as a load balancer, either to bal-
ance the Al monomers present within the gel, which The synthesis mechanisms that occur from ingredient
accordingly ends up giving greater stability to the gel, mixing to hardened geopolymer are very complex and
or to the Al present in the solution at low Si/Al ratios, remain poorly understood at this moment in time.
filling the pores of mixtures with zeolitic products. The Murayama et al. (32) described zeolitization starting
Na+ coordination tends to be the same in all systems with a solution of Si and Al monomers from the reactant
and binds oxygen and water molecules. aluminosilicate, followed by a condensation of silicate
and aluminate ions where the aluminosilicate gel precip-
When activating the sources of aluminosilicates, the itates and ends with the crystallization of zeolite. The
Al species undergo transformations, the majority being geopolymerization process is similar to that of zeolitiza-
transformed to Al(IV) (or Al(OH)−4 ); therefore, if there is tion, except that the former does not complete the crystal-
still the presence of Al(VI) (or Al(OH)63−), one can have a lization stage (33). In geopolymers, crystallization is mainly
114  Hengels Castillo et al.

attributed to the low water content and high alkalinity of to generate dimers (28). These particles grow in many direc-
the systems. tions, generating colloidal particles.
Davidovits (29) proposed a nomenclature to describe
the connections of the structure through polysialates, based
on the following empirical formula: Mp{(SiO2 )z AlO2 }pw H2 O, 3.2.3 Third stage: condensation–crystallization
where p is the degree of polycondensation; z is between the
values 1, 2, and 3; w is the water contained; and M corre- For the condensation–crystallization stage, in addition to
sponds to the alkali ion. the microparticles formed from the condensation, the
Despite giving clarity on how the geopolymer structures particles of the solid phases from the source indicate
are formed based on the monomers from the aluminosili- the precipitation of products dependent on the miner-
cate source, it assumes that the construction is two-dimen- alogy and chemistry of the initial phase, as well as the
sional, with the geopolymer structure being 3D. nature of alkaline component and curing conditions.
Subsequently, a more suitable annotation emerged to Duxson et al. (36) made a model where he considered
characterize the 3D structure of aluminosilicate systems, the formation of zeolite: (1) the stage of formation of the
including glasses, gels, zeolites, and minerals (16). Tetra- zeolite precursors (the first two Glukhovsky stages) and
hedral structures are designated Q n , in which n is the link (2) a stage where the zeolite nuclei reach a critical size
to other tetrahedra. In the case of aluminosilicates, a and begin to crystallize.
component is added to indicate how many of the bonds The process, albeit though it seems linear, occurs
are attached to Al tetrahedra (Q n(mAl)) (20). simultaneously. The initial contact between the solids
Polymerization can be represented schematically as and the alkaline solution causes the dissolution of the
follows (34): amorphous components, releasing silicates and alumi-
nates generally as monomers. Monomers interact to form
w Na2O ⋅ x SiO2 ⋅ y H2 O + Al2O3 ⋅ SiO2
< 100 °C
(3) dimers, which interact with other monomers to create
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ w Na2O ⋅ Al2O3 ⋅ (2 + x )SiO2 ⋅ z H2 O trimers, then tetramers and so on (monomers should be
Glukhovsky (35) proposed a polymerization model understood as low molecular weight compounds that can
consisting of three stages: (1) destruction–coagulation, bind to other compounds, so a dimer would be two mono-
(2) coagulation–condensation, and (3) condensation– mers joined and so on with the other cases). When the
crystallization. solution is saturated, the first gel rich in Al is formed
because this element is concentrated in the initial stages
3.2.1 First stage: destruction–coagulation of dissolution (first 4–5 h) (31). As polymerization occurs,
more Si reaches the solution, increasing the concentration
The high amount of OH ions causes the dissolution of the of Si in the solution and in the gel phase of the zeolite
aluminosilicates in the raw material and, more specifi- precursor. The system continues to reorganize itself and
cally, breaks the bonds that form these aluminosilicates the connectivity of the gel network increases accordingly.
(28). The appearance of the ≡Si–O−–Na+ bonds prevents The result is the formation of a 3D network of alumino-
the Si–O–Si bonds from being reformed again. The afore- silicates. The final stage of polymerization and hardening
mentioned alkali silicate bonds can contribute to the determines the microstructure and pore distribution of the
exchange of ions and types of complexes such as hardened geopolymer, which is crucial for the physical
≡Si–O–Ca–OH. With the Al–O–Si bonds, the same type properties of the resulting mixture (28).
of reaction occurs and ends up generating complexes The geopolymerization process is often approximated
predominantly of the type Al(OH)−4 . The –Si–O–Na+ com- by the following highly simplified conceptual reactions: (i)
plexes are stable in an alkaline medium, so they play a the raw materials are dissolved in alkali solutions, such as
transport role and allow the development of a coagulated NaOH and KOH, to release the reactive aluminate and
structure based on the units mentioned above. silicate monomers and (ii) the aluminosilicate oligomers
polymerize in the alkali environment to form geopolymer
gels. Because of the charge deficiency in Al (which has a
3.2.2 Second stage: coagulation–condensation 3+ charge compared to Si having 4+), cations of Na or K are
needed to balance the presence of Al. Water is consumed
In the coagulation–condensation stage, due to the high during the dissolution of raw materials and released in the
pH, the Si–O–Si bonds form a hydroxylated complex, polymerization processes (37) which are schematically
Si(OH)3O− , which condenses to form a new Si–O–Si bond represented by Eqs. 4 and 5 (Figure 2).
State of the art of geopolymers  115

Figure 2: Conceptual design of geopolymerization process.

n(Si2O5,Al2O2 ) + 2nSiO2 + 4nH2 O concentration to 9 M it was possible to reduce the induc-

Al(−) − O− Si − (OH) tion time, then the time increases again due to the excess
3) (4)
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ n((OH)3 − Si − O− | of NaOH that can lead to precipitation. After this time has
(OH)2 elapsed, all concentrations present a similar gel formation
Al(−) Additionally, it was suggested that the presence of
n((OH)3 − Si − O− | − O− Si − (OH)3) zeolite crystals as nuclei allows it to reduce the induction
(OH)2 time. Provis and Rees (38) showed that this hypothesis is
⎛ | | | ⎞ correct, where the gel formation in the presence of crys-

⎜ Si Al(−) Si ⎟ (5) tals is immediate, and after some time a similar formation
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ (Na, K)(3+) − ⎜ | − O− | − O− | − O− ⎟ ratio is maintained in both cases.
⎜O O O ⎟ Later it was proven that the presence of Al also
⎜ | | | ⎟ reduces this induction time in cases where crystals are
⎝ ⎠
not present (39).
+ ⋯ + 4nH2 O
It is hypothesized that the polymerization process
includes a series of reactions which are intertwined with
each other: (i) aluminate and silicate monomers are first 4 Properties of geopolymers
polymerized to form oligomers with different sizes, (ii)
large clusters and ring structures are subsequently formed
4.1 Mechanical strength
by the gelation of the oligomers, and (iii) cross-linked
structures are finally formed via the condensation of the
clusters and rings (37). The early and final strength depends on the composition
Provis and Rees (38) conducted a study on the kinetics of the geopolymer, more specifically on the ratios that
of the synthesis of geopolymers based on the use of fly ash define the geopolymer mixtures, and the reactivity of
and caustic soda, where it was observed that at low con- the aluminosilicate source.
centrations of the activator (3 M NaOH), the induction time Lahoti et al. (40) analyzed four design variables for
(period in which the reagents come into contact, hence a metakaolin-based geopolymers (water/solid ratio, Si/Al
gel has not yet formed) increases, then by increasing the ratio, Al/Na ratio, and water/Na ratio). Their results
116  Hengels Castillo et al.

revealed a trend, where the highest compressive strengths because it increases the kinetics of the reactions that occur,
obtained were with Si/Al ratios close to 2. It also showed as well as increases the reaction between the alkaline agent
the dependence of compressive strength on water/solid and the raw material. On the other hand, it has been
ratio, while a general trend showed that the strength observed that longer curing times produce higher compres-
decreases with increasing water/solid ratio, strong varia- sive strengths.
tion in compressive strength at the same water/solids is According to previous studies, elevated curing tem-
also observed. The results of the variation in the Al/Na peratures produce increase in the compressive strength
ratio indicated that with a value close to 1, the highest of the geopolymers (43), due to the increase in the speed
compressive strengths are obtained. Finally, the variation of the reactions that occur, in addition to the increase in
in the water/Na ratio showed no trend. the interaction between the components of the geo-
Subsequently, the same author made an analysis of polymer, which favors geopolymerization. This effect can be
the relevance of the reasons previously studied. From this observed in Figure 4, where the variation in the compressive
it was obtained that the most important variable for the strength of the geopolymers with the curing temperature is
formulation of geopolymers is the Si/Al ratio. shown. In most cases, it was observed that the optimum
The general improvement in compressive strength is curing temperature varied between 80°C and 90°C.
mainly due to the improvement in the microstructure of the An important development in the compressive strength
polymer, which becomes denser and less porous (27,41,42). of geopolymers is due to the concentration of the alkaline
A compilation of information on compressive strength activator, within this topic, the SS/NaOH ratio is one of the
obtained with different Si/Al ratios collected from previous most influential parameters in the development of good
research on geopolymers from various sources is pre- compressive strength of geopolymers. Therefore, Figure 5
sented in Figure 3. From this it was observed that most shows a compilation of data obtained from previous stu-
authors used Si/Al ratios between 1.5 and 2 to obtain the dies, which analyzed the effect of the SS/NaOH ratio on the
highest compressive strengths. In spite of this, the com- compressive strength of geopolymers. No trends were found
pressive strength of geopolymers also depends on other when varying the SS/NaOH ratio, because the authors had
variables, such as the raw material used, the type of alka- very different results. It should be considered that the type
line agent, among others. of raw material used for the manufacture of geopolymers is
The curing temperature of geopolymers has an impor- an important parameter, so the variation in the compressive
tant effect on the occurrence of geopolymerization reactions, strength of geopolymers also depends on this factor, within

Figure 3: Graph compiling compressive strength vs Si/Al ratio data obtained from previous investigations (16,40,71–75).
State of the art of geopolymers  117

Figure 4: Compressive strength as a function of curing temperature data obtained from previous investigations (11,76–80).

this, it has been observed that geopolymers created based From the information collected on the variation in
on fly ash have higher compressive strengths than those the water/solid ratio, it was observed that higher values
made based on copper tailings. It should be noted that in of this ratio led to geopolymers with lower compressive
most cases it is preferred to use both alkaline reagents strengths (Figure 6). However, very low values of this
together to obtain geopolymers with denser matrices. ratio, i.e., low water content can lead to lower compres-
Because the initial water content in geopolymer blends sive strengths. On the other hand, it should be mentioned
has an important effect on the compressive strength of geo- that the necessary water content depends on the type of
polymers, data were collected on previous studies of geo- compounds used for the formation of the geopolymer.
polymers that analyzed the effect of water content, more Optimizing the water content is an important parameter
precisely, the water/solid ratio. for the generation of geopolymers, because the

Figure 5: Graph compiling compressive strength data vs Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio obtained from previous investigations (80–82).
118  Hengels Castillo et al.

Figure 6: Graph compiling compressive strength data vs water/solids ratio obtained from previous investigations (80,83,84).

concentration of the alkaline reagents depends on the CO2 that can penetrate into the geopolymer material and
water content in the mixture. interact with the reaction products. The result is an
altered matrix microstructure and corrosion initiation
which will further lead to degradation of the reinforce-
4.2 Permeability ment (44).
The most important parameter that influences the
In order to assess the durability and enhance the useful water and ion permeability is the material pore structure,
life of alkali-activated geopolymers as a construction particularly the pore volume, pore size distribution, con-
material, the understanding of water transport and its cor- nectivity, and shape of the pores. It was observed that the
relation with microstructure parameters is a crucial step. increase in the total porosity, effective porosity, and pore
Water transport, pore structure characteristics, and diameter produces an increase in the geopolymer perme-
relevant ion transport are closely linked to permeability, ability (44).
especially for reinforced geopolymer concrete structures. Lower porosity leads to a more compact microstruc-
It is well known that water can be a carrier of Cl−, SO24−, or ture, and therefore lower permeability (45). In Figure 7,

Figure 7: Viscosity–hydraulic gradient for a copper tailing-based geopolymer.

State of the art of geopolymers  119

the hydraulic conductivity test by flexible wall is pre- concentration of 8 M NaOH, as a result of the increase
sented for a test piece compacted with a tamper for a in the viscosity of the NaOH solution at high concentra-
sample of a copper tailing-based geopolymer dried in tions (48).
an oven at 90°C and cured for a period of 7 days. The In an analysis carried out in which the composition
mixture presented a behavior like soil, since in the mea- of the alkaline activator used for the production of geo-
surement of the Skempton variable, which measures the polymers based on copper tailings was varied, it was
degree of saturation of the sample that must reach a found that an increase in the SS content produced a
minimum of 95% to carry out the test, it very quickly decrease in the yield strength of the geopolymer pastes.
reached 93% but the remaining 2% took more than a It should be noted that the 100% SS sample showed a
week. The test result indicated that the copper flotation different behavior from the others. Figure 8 shows the
tailings have a permeability of 7.0 × 10−7 cm·s−1. Com- yield stress of a copper tailing-based geopolymer paste
pared to a tailings dam with permeability values of at different times after mixing.
1.0 × 10−5 cm·s−1, it can be indicated that the copper tail- From Figure 9, it can be seen that the longer the time
ings geopolymers is more impermeable than other tailings. after shaking, the higher the yield strength of the geo-
polymeric paste, increasing from 1,140 Pa at time 0 to
1,370 Pa at 4 h after mixing. The sample was dried in an
oven at 90°C and cured for a period of 7 days.
4.3 Rheology

The rheology of geopolymer pastes depends mainly on 4.4 Acid resistance

the raw material used, the amount of initial water, and
the alkaline solution used. SS solutions are generally Acidic media cause damage to the geopolymers, which is
more viscous than NaOH solutions (46–48). due to the proton exchange with the alkaline cations, in
Riffai et al. (48) conducted an investigation on the addition to producing a loss of Al in the initial gel (18).
influence of NaOH concentration on rheology during The resistance of geopolymers under acid condition
the formation of geopolymers from fly ash. From this it depends on multiple factors: the acid solution concentra-
wasobtained that the yield strength of the geopolymeric tion, exposure period, and environmental condition, such
pastesincreased with the concentration of the activator, as pressure and temperature. The acid resistance also
where itwas maximal at a concentration of 8 M NaOH depends on the type of the alkaline activator and the
(49), then decreases to below 4 Pa and increases gradu- mineralogical composition of the raw materials (50).
ally. The viscosity increases to a concentration of 3.5 M. It has been shown that ordinary Portland cement
After decreasing, the viscosity increases again from a (OPC) has a worse resistance to acidic media than

Figure 8: Yield stress for a copper tailing-based geopolymer paste at different times after mixing.
120  Hengels Castillo et al.

Figure 9: Rheological curves of a geopolymer paste based on copper glues with different compositions of alkaline activators.

geopolymers (51). This was also observed in a study car- of sodium silicate [NSH] in the activator solution and that
ried out by Neven et al. (52), where it was estimated that expands when more water is absorbed) and the crystal-
the degradation rate of geopolymers in acidic environ- lization of zeolite (51).
ments is at least half of that of OPC.
In order to obtain greater durability, studies of geo-
polymers in recent years have been based on studying 4.6 High temperature resistance
the addition of different natural aggregates in order to
improve resistance to acids, forming more compact matrices, Geopolymer is a novel material that has a wide range of
which prevents these acids from penetrating the structure of applications, including its use in structures. Protection of
the geopolymer. structures from fire is of extreme importance, this is why
many studies have been carried out lately to analyze the
properties of geopolymers after being exposed to high
4.5 Resistance to alkali–aggregate Different authors have found several ways to improve
reaction (AAR) the strength of geopolymers after exposure to high tempera-
tures. Geopolymers activated with KOH showed improve-
Previous studies have shown that the basic reaction of ments in compressive strength (30–40%) in contrast to
silica is due to the calcium present in the aluminosilicate those activated with NaOH (54). Geopolymers created with
sources, for this reason, in fly ash-based geopolymers 50% metakaolin and 50% fly ash have shown that this
this effect is rarely seen. composition is optimal for obtaining better bending and
In one of the studies (53), the authors compared the compressive strengths both at room temperature and after
expansion of Portland cement mortar prisms (OPC) with exposure to high temperatures (55). Other authors have
fly ash cement activated with NaOH and soluble silica. added natural aggregates to obtain geopolymers with better
Soluble silica-activated fly ash and Portland cement properties after exposure to high temperatures, such as
prisms exceed the 16-day expansion limit (this limit indi- sand plus glass powder (56) and dolomite (57).
cated by ASTM C1260-94 indicates that if it exceeds 0.1%
expansion within the first 16 days of the mixture there is a
potential detrimental effect caused by the AAR). In con- 4.7 Retention of hazardous and radioactive
trast, the NaOH-activated fly ash geopolymer exceeds the waste
limit at around 4 months. The expansion of both the
geopolymers can be attributed to an “alkali–silica reac- Because polymers are compounds of amorphous alumino-
tion” gel formation (a gel that is formed by the hydration silicates similar to zeolites and thus possess similar
State of the art of geopolymers  121

cation-exchange properties, geopolymers have been suc- their volumetric stability under different circumstances,
cessfully used to remove toxic metals and organic dyes such as high temperatures, high humidity, aggressive
from aqueous solutions. chemical environments, etc.
Geopolymers have been shown to be capable of A study by Lahoti et al. (65) showed that the variation
retaining hazardous wastes such as lead, boron, copper, in the Si/Al ratio of geopolymers based on metakaolin
arsenic, and ammonium (58,59). The first two cannot be presents different properties in geopolymers affected by
stabilized in Portland cements as they tend to inhibit the high temperatures. It was observed that a Si/Al ratio of 2
hydration process of the cement. However, chromium is the optimal one for obtaining good resistance and volu-
cannot be retained in fly ash-based geopolymeric matrices metric stability after heat treatment.
due to the formation of soluble salts. Luhar et al. (66) also obtained improvements in the
In addition, geopolymers can retain radioactive ele- volumetric stability of geopolymers by varying the com-
ments, such as cesium, molybdenum, and strontium position of the raw material. In this case, the addition of
(60–62). 20% of glass wastes produced a significant reduction in
Geopolymers appear to act like zeolites by retaining the weight loss of the geopolymer when it was subjected
certain cations (60). to sulfate attack, compared to the case without the addi-
tion of this aggregate.

4.8 Carbonation and corrosion

4.10 Ecological advantages
Geopolymers can passivate the steel structure of con-
crete. The duration of this passivating layer depends on
The action of reusing waste from other industries for the
the activating solution used (51).
generation of geopolymers and thus avoid their deposi-
Carbonation at early age is expected to reduce the
tion in landfills is an ecological advantage.
extent of reaction by limiting the availability of alkalis,
Duxson et al. (67) and Komnitsas and Zahraki (68)
which are needed for the reaction process to continue,
contrasted the generation of CO2 for the production of
and so this may be damaging to the performance of the geopolymers with the generation of CO2 for the genera-
material. The influence of carbonation on the mechanical tion of cement, where it was obtained that the emissions
integrity of the binder phases also needs to be examined, of this greenhouse gas are reduced to 20–80%.
as there are indications that a loss of strength may take However, in order to reach a verdict on the ecological
place during carbonation (21,22,63). advantages of geopolymers, more in-depth studies must
Carbonation can also induce a loss of strength and an be carried out to analyze variables that have not yet been
increase in pore volume in alkali-activated concretes (60). taken into account.

4.9 Volume stability

4.11 Applications
Kuenzel et al. (64) investigated the amount of water in
moles necessary to avoid a chemical contraction by altering Geopolymers have been manufactured for the production
the Si/Al ratio, therein observing that the mixture became of different materials and uses, among which the fol-
more sensitive on raising the Si/Al ratio. There are possible lowing stand out (2) (69):
reasons to explain this increase and the greater gel forma- − Geopolymer cement molds.
tion, and again a possible increase in porosity and/or − Thermal insulation materials.
changes in the ion pairs Na+:AlO−4 due to changes in Al − Coatings to strengthen structures.
content in the gel (64). − Cement-like construction material.
Increasing the Na content dramatically increases the
amount of water needed to prevent shrinkage. This implies Despite the wide range of uses in which they can be
that the hydration of Na+ cations has an important role in used, they have only been applied on a large scale as
the stability of the mixture (64). construction materials, such as:
On the other hand, when geopolymers are used as (1) Geopolymer cement was produced on a large scale
construction materials, they are expected to maintain using the name “Pyrament.” The production lasted
122  Hengels Castillo et al.

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