Develop Inner Awareness

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4/14/2017 Develop Inner Awareness

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Develop Inner Search
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by Catherine Pratt

A huge number of
people don’t know
who they really

Yes, they know

they work at a
certain job and live
in a certain
community but deep down they have lost the awareness
of who they really are, what they’re truly feeling and what
their purpose is.

A sign that this may have happened to you is when you

start to feel a sense of helplessness or feel that you’re not
actually in control of your life.

In an attempt to deal with this inner powerlessness, you

may also become:

- very goal oriented and determined to accomplish

something Administrator cladire si parc auto Manager depozit - ParmaFrost ×
- attached to obtaining
Bucuresti certain things or being around
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- feel like you’re constantly struggling

Life With Confidence
- try anything and everything to feel like you're in control
of your life.
- feel that you absolutely need a certain amount of
money, or be around particular people or own specific

 things to be happy; that without them, you have nothing.

 Follow On

These actions stem mainly from feeling that something is

missing in your life. You don’t know exactly what “it” is but
you just feel that there’s something. You feel unsettled
and as you struggle to fill that constant hole within you,
you may feel tense, anxious, or stressed.

As you continue to remain unaware, you'll mostly likely

find that you can’t move forwards in your life or feel that
you're just going around in circles. Any success that you
do achieve won’t bring you the inner happiness you so
desperately crave.

You may also stay in unsatisfying relationships because

you can’t really connect to others and you basically live a
one dimensional life never quite understanding why your
life has gone the way it has. You just feel that there has to
be more to life but you have no idea what or how to find

By being able to develop inner awareness, you become

Administrator cladire si parc auto Manager depozit - ParmaFrost ×
much more involved with life because you’ll suddenly
Bucuresti Bucuresti
understand yourself and others with a new and exciting
clarity. The stories you tell yourself and others are­with­­inner­awareness.html 2/8
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suddenly no longer necessary. You accept and love reality

exactly as it is. You’ll become open and attentive to each
moment of your life and you let go of the thoughts and
suffering that you’ve held on to from your past.

With awareness, the emptiness inside you finally

disappears. You fill that hole simply by becoming
conscious instead of living your life on auto pilot. You also
cease to look for the answers "out there". You allow the
real you to emerge and people start to notice a new A Powerful Mind - FAST!
radiance and calmness about you. You’ll find that you Save 1

love to share your joy of life with others and you gain a
sense of spiritual power.

So how do you develop inner awareness? Recent Articles

Question Your Feelings Inspirational quote

by RVM
Apr 13, 17 11:37 AM
Real Estate Manager



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Whenever you
Our Life is like a Boat that can
notice that you’re Float. Some Row and Go! Some
feeling bad Blink and Sink!!
which could be Read More
things like angry,
resentment, Inspirational quote
jealousy, or frustrated, question
Administrator cladireyour feelings.
si parc auto For by RVM
Manager depozit - ParmaFrost ×
example: Bucuresti Bucuresti Apr 12, 17 10:03 AM­with­­inner­awareness.html 3/8
4/14/2017 Develop Inner Awareness

• why am I so angry
• why am I feeling depressed?
• why am I feeling hurt?

Share that people don’t make you feel a certain way
(angry for example), they’re just a trigger for your
 emotions. It’s your reaction that you need to figure out.
 Those feelings are trying to tell you something. You just
 need to listen and gain an awareness of what it means.
 Money is important, no doubt
Question Your Thoughts it is. But is it everything? That's

 the question we miss when we

make our Choices in Life.
Become a witness or an observer of yourself. See how
your thoughts cause you to react and also act in certain Read More


• Are your actions a result of limiting beliefs or just habit?

• Are you trying to gain approval or manipulate others?
Inspirational quote
• Why are you doing what you’re doing? What is your true
by RVM
Apr 07, 17 10:01 AM
intention behind your actions?
• Do you believe that you “have” to do things in a certain
way? (example, you have to keep doing this job you
dislike in order to pay the rent)
• Are you letting thoughts from the past rule your future?
• If you were able to let go of one of your beliefs, how
different would your life be?

Let Go
Relax and stop struggling, stop trying so hard, stop trying PEP up your Life with Positive
to manipulate things to go your way, just stop doing and Energy Power; a Power that
comes from choosing emotions
let yourself just “be”. Accept things as they are. You need
of Love and Faith, Hope and
to find that gentle flow of life and go with it not against Courage, Confidence and
the current. This doesn’t mean that you stop taking Compassion.

responsibility for your life. It’s more guiding your life in Read More
the direction you want instead of trying to force it.
Administrator cladire si parc auto Manager depozit - ParmaFrost ×
Another part ofBucuresti
letting go is releasing all your beliefs Bucuresti
people or things “should” behave in certain ways. “She­with­­inner­awareness.html 4/8
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should appreciate what I’ve done for her”, “he should give
me a Valentine’s Day card”. Let go of all the “should’s” in
your life.

Practice inspiration

It’s important to keep reading books and utilize other
ideas that not only inspire you but motivate and teach
you new ideas and concepts. You may also want to try
things like meditation, yoga, or pilates. Also, try to find a
friend or a group that you can learn from but also lean on
for support when you’re first learning to change your

Monitor Your Actions

Pay attention to where you’re spending your time. Are
you caught up in doing “busy” work or distractions like tv,
movies, socializing in an attempt to relieve those
unsettled feelings you have. The feelings won’t go away
until you deal with them.

Also, do you have a general direction you're heading? This

isn’t do you have a specific goal. It’s more do you know
what general direction you want to go? Do you have a
vision of what you want to do with your life? This doesn’t
even need to be exact as it could be simply that you know
you want to explore certain things more, that you want to
buy a house, or that you have a list of places you want to
visit. It’s understanding what excites you about life and
knowing what your values are. By having this direction,
you cease to drift through life. You instead start to guide
yourself in the direction you need to go.

Along with monitoring your actions comes listening to

your inner voice. Listen when it tells you you're getting
distracted and going down the
Administrator wrong
cladire path.
si parc auto It will tell Manager
you depozit - ParmaFrost ×
but you have toBucuresti
be willing to listen. Bucuresti­with­­inner­awareness.html 5/8
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Develop an understanding of true

Forgiveness is an often
misunderstood emotion.
 True forgiveness is very
 much an awareness of
 how you have grown,
 learned and benefited
from a situation. It’s

about you and gaining a deeper understanding of
 yourself. I have a much more detailed article on this
coming in the next few days.

Summary - Develop Inner Awareness

There is this mistaken belief that if you get more money
or a better career or better friends, then you will be able
to do more of what you want to do which is supposed to
finally lead you to happiness.

The truth is that the required steps are in the wrong

order this way. If you develop inner awareness of who
you are, why you act the way you do and know what you
really want, you'll discover the meaning of being content
and happy. You’ll also be able to accomplish what you
need to do in order to achieve what you desire. You’ll just
naturally start to focus on goals and actions that are the
most fulfilling for you and others.

You’ll also discover that you’re able to connect with

people on a much deeper level than you ever could
before. Your whole life will suddenly look and feel
completely different and all you’ve done is develop inner

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Need More Information On How

To Develop Inner Awareness?
My book, "3 Questions That
 Will Change Your Life" will
 provide you with a much more
 detailed approach in an easy
step by step process. Quickly
 you'll gain awareness and also
 more control over your life.
 Going with the flow will
suddenly just be a fact of life.
It's a very simple process but it
works brilliantly. You'll be amazed at a what a difference it
suddenly makes for you. 70 pages. Ebook Version ONLY.
PDF Format

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 How To Deal How To Deal How To Stop How to Deal

With Negative With Needing With Blamers
 People Frustration Approval

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