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Threats to Aquatic Habitat

The condition of aquatic resources, and the habitat they provide for species in the Neponset
River Watershed, is affected by a variety of factors and activities in the landscape.

lutants; low water levels; direct removal of habitat; disturbance of vegetation and soil at the
water’s edge; exotic, invasive species; acid precipitation; obstructions (dams); and degradation of
fish spawning habitat all impact the watershed.

We’re here to help!

 Is there a waterbody in your neighborhood with low water levels or pollution issues?
Please contact Environmental Engineer, Sarah Bounty, at 781-575-0354 x302 or

 Is there a small, deteriorating dam on your property or down the street that could be
removed? Contact Executive Director, Ian Cooke at 781-575-0354 x305 or


Pollutants can enter the water from the surrounding landscape, from precipitation, from
groundwater, or from upstream in the water, and can directly kill wildlife or cause them
hardship. High nutrient levels from untreated sewage can spark dense aquatic plant growth in

Water pollutants may include lawn care chemicals, sewage, motor vehicle oil, ice-melt
chemicals, and historical pollutants that can leach into waterways from old spills, or release
into the water from old sediments, like PCBs – the manufacture of which was banned since
1979, and DDT -use banned since 1972.

Low water levels

As water withdrawals continue to increase – pulling from groundwater and surface water
resources, instream water levels drop, yielding “low flow” conditions that concentrate aquatic
pollutants, increase water temperatures, decrease dissolved oxygen levels, leave fish, fish
eggs, and aquatic plants high and dry, and block fish passage.

In addition, the increased periods of drought associated with climate change yield low in-stream
water levels.


Water joining the waterbody can cause bank erosion and siltation, which can kill fish eggs and
block fish passage.

Direct removal of habitat

Removal of riparian habitats and buffers reduces the ability of a waterway to maintain cooled
water, to provide food and wildlife habitat, and to avoid pollution from surface water and

Channelization and hardening of river channels (with cement, riprap, seawalls, etc.) also simplify
river structure and reduce instream habitat. Boat moorings can remove submerged aquatic

Disturbance of vegetation and soil at the water’s edge

Bank disturbance can cause siltation in the waterbody, warming of the water via removal of
bank vegetation that shaded the water, and water pollution.

Presence of exotic, invasive species

Exotic, invasive species can change the characteristics of the waterbody, the aquatic food web,
wildlife dynamics, and food availability, making the waterbody less suitable as habitat. Learn
more about exotic, invasive species.

Acid precipitation

Acidic rain and snow occurs as a result of pollutants that have been released into the air via
burning coal and smelting metal sulfide ores to obtain zinc, nickel and copper, as well as
via volcanic eruptions, organic decay, and ocean spray.
An acidic rainstorm or snowstorm can cause temporary high acidity in waterbodies and also
cause aluminum to leach from the surrounding landscape, into the water.

Aluminum is toxic to aquatic wildlife. The more acidic a waterbody becomes, the fewer
species can live in those waters. However, it is also true that different aquatic species can tolerate
different pH (i.e., Frogs withstand more acidity than can clams. If water becomes too acidic, fish
eggs won’t hatch, and some fish can die.).


Waterway obstructions, such as dams or large debris, can modify waterflow, thereby raising
water temperature, decreasing dissolved oxygen, reducing fish and other wildlife passage,
and causing sediments and contaminants to settle.

Some aquatic species cannot tolerate the warmer, more polluted water, with less available
oxygen, nor can they tolerate not being able to migrate. Low water levels, inadequate culverts
and fish ladders, and accumulation of sediments can also obstruct waterways.

Degradation of fish spawning habitat

Pollution degrades migratory fish spawning grounds, as do lack of water, lack of appropriate
substrate and damaged habitat.

Other spawning habitat threats include: removal of riparian habitats, erosion, sedimentation,
hardening of river channels, decreases in submerged aquatic vegetation, increases in algae,
and acid precipitation. Environmental changes due to climate change compound these issues.

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