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Life may be depressing but at least we’ve got the media

"Well, maybe the destruction of the entire planet isn't supposed to be fun. Maybe it's
supposed to be terrifying and unsettling. And you should stay up all night, every night crying,
when we're all 100% for sure going to fucking die!"

The movie Don’t look up (Mckay, 2021), brings up a lot of questions about the world we live in today,
not just because of the excellent use of satire humor, but also because of the exaggerated way it
brings out common problems you usually don’t ponder about too much. Like the question of why the
media only focuses on seemingly unimportant news, and why people are so quick to dismiss the
reality of a serious situation when it presents itself?

We usually like to dismiss all the big problems the world has to offer, and we never really think that it
will affect us directly. Most people seemingly don’t really care about the bigger problems until it has
to do with them directly. There is so much shit happening in the world day after day, which makes it
hard to know what to focus on. The Moria-camp fire was a perfect example of this during the 2020
pandemic. We looked at them and said, “what poor people”, but did barley anything to help because
we were all too focused on our own problems with a pandemic going on. The media quickly got the
hint and moved on to the next big thing. We barley focus on one problem long enough to solve it
unless, again, it’s affecting you directly.

We could solve hunger, we could solve climate change, we could solve all of these big problems if the
world came together as they did during the pandemic, but the world’s leaders are too focused on
playing chess against each other to care about the rest. It’s easy to get depressed when you are
constantly presented with bad news day after day, and the search for a feeling of happiness or
adrenaline can be easily obtained with following drama of people living better lives than you, you
don’t want to admit that your life is miserable, because it really isn’t and you should be grateful for
all the things you have, because its what society expects from all of us.

It will be fine, and it will sort itself out are things that seemingly play on loop in the background of
people’s heads, as they walk through polluted streets filled with trash towards their desk job at a
company full of corruption, and foul play. Its scary to think that the money you own is more
important to some leaders than the nation they are supposed to lead. A capitalist and cunning
society where the breakup of two people you don’t even know is more important than your own
health and others health. Where no matter what you do and how good you are, more often than not,
if you don’t present what the public doesn’t want, you can be replaced.

But I suppose that’s just how its going to be until the pretty and seemingly fine, perfect, bubble we
live in pops and mankind finally realizes that the problems that we seemingly step away from do
actually concern us and isn’t just something happening to rando’s. The world would be better If
people could get their heads out of their asses, and just look up.

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