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Three syllable character traits

Get from dishonest to impressive by linking all the adjectives which have the pronunciation pattern ​oOo​. You can move
vertically or horizontally but ​not ​diagonally.

dishonest amusing arrogant aggressive romantic observant

popular forgetful positive ungrateful curious persuasive pəˈsweɪ.sɪv

talented determined ambitious successful ignorant creative /kriˈeɪ.tɪv

cynical generous trustworthy flexible suspicious unfriendly ʌnˈ

tolerant difficult confident negative sarcastic innocent

devious brilliant humourous serious impatient impressive


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Extra activities
Sort these adjectives into positive, negative and neutral categories
How many of these traits do you know the opposite of?

dishonest amusing arrogant aggressive romantic observant

popular forgetful positive ungrateful curious persuasive

talented determined ambitious successful ignorant creative

cynical generous trustworthy flexible suspicious unfriendly

tolerant difficult confident negative sarcastic innocent

devious brilliant humourous serious impatient impressive

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