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Testing^ of Nuclear I~_c:.t^•xts, s

1^\^3 st

ir ;Cleaning Systems
ANSI IASME N510-1980
IREVIStON OF N510 -19751

p^C.;-!r:^. r, Ce^mr.!' ^
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sECRErar/ar i^ ^ i^60. ï990




York, N. Y. 10017
United Engineering Center 345 East 47th Street New


(l'his Foreword is not psre of ANS1/ASME Nb10-1980)

This standard covers requiremenb for the field testing of FSF {Engineered Safety Feature) and other
high efficiency air cleaaiag systems for nuclear power plaats and nuclear applications. The standard
was originally developed by the American National Standards Committee N4S on Reactor Plaats. a
. This standard pro' videa a basispmen for the develo t of testP^^
aad detaíled acce P taaoa and surnílr
laac^ test procedures, aad speci8es miaimum requirements for the reporting of test resulta.
, ^
In 1975, tha N4S.8 Subcommittee a ^asi reorganizad into the ASME Committce on Nuckar Air aad Gas
Trestment aad begm operating uader the ASME Procedures for Nuclear Projects which received accredita-
tioa on Jaauary 19, 1976. Tti,s ASME Committee on Nuclear Air and Gaa Treatment was chartend to de-
veloP, review, maiatain, and coordiaau Codes aad Staadarda for design, fabrication, installation, testiag,
aad inspection of equipmeat for gas treatment for nuclear power plaats. ^

Suggestiom for improvement gained ia the use of this staadard anli be welcomed. They should be sent to
the Secretary, Committee oa Nuclear Air and Gaa Treatment, T)se American Society of Mechanical Engi-
neera, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017. -

Thia Standard was approved by tht ASME Committee on rfuclear Air and Gas sreatment aad tb:e ASME
Nuclear Codea and Staadards Committee and was subsequeatly approved by tbe American National Standard
1(ostitute oa March 20,1980 ^
Committes On Nuclear Air artd Gas Troatrnsnt


J. F. FisA, (7iN^+++M D. Witr!<e, Nk+a Griiiimaw

L Q 8erdey, Teaneass VaOsy Authóaty. RaoxvíTe. Tanaesses

R R BN/unl^, Nt^ Re;ulatory Ca®mimon, Warhia=ton. D.C
G A. e^wd^atrd, Oat R3dp Natioml Labaratoty. Oat RidP+ Teaaesaes
K L drnl^, G'bbs • il^, Incorpocated, DaBas, Ts^w
i 7. Collkat, NneJesr Re^ulatosy Commisdoa. Wasbio^to4 D.C -
L R Edwrdt, Clutoosl Sasrioa Carpoatioa, Bath, Nortls Caroñaa
A. ^ Füera^, Fsa Compaay, La Aadda. Caüfomit
f' E:trr^toll, Ebasoo Seria lacorpaated . Nen York. Nsw Yo^
AL NC ffe^ Air ^ I.aboratog. Bastoa. lfaasubusatta
^ f flsA, Amerlaa Air F31tss Compaay, Inoorponted, Loui:rilla, itantnd4
1 IR Gdarda, Westb^housa Elsctric Cacparatbn, Pitnburdr, Pennrylr+nis
^ I,AMriOaw, Air Caatrd Egnipmmt Ca®pany. Bostoa, l^Isasachuaetts
W. f. lad^ner, Gaaeral tublic Utilltiea Servia Co:poratioa, tar^ppaay, Nesr rersh
J. .^n.ia+r, Nnclest ConwltinB Servioa. Coinmbw, Obio
f. 4 l.natb, Nudnr Contaiaments Systams. Cobrmbea, Ohio
w.. K AIt1/er, Jr., Sarpnt ! Lundy E^:>. Càinio, Wioois
1 L Alwrvw, Beehtai towar Corporatiaa, Saa Frsncisoo, Califoraia
MC ^! Neatav, Commanwn(th Edisoa Cam^. Chia^o, IDinois
T. 1 Roabair; Wisconsin 17ecttie Powes Ca®pany. Two Rivets. aiiscomia
IL S^ipilar, Ceneral Efectzie Company. Saa Jass, Calitc^cnia
K.4^ Sn/d^, Dub towror Compaog^, (]udotte, Nortb Camiiaa
K TNII, Electric tow^as Reass:có Institnts, talo Alto, Callfonoia
Q YY/ttk^ Onraha Tablic torw[ District, Omaba. Nebnnts ^


Z w..Awour, NncNat Conwltios Servias. Columbos, Opio


Tbe mambmship of tbL oommittae iacluded tba follo^ iadividuaL dnrir^ ehe deveb^
maat a[ this revisad Staadard. -

K 07Nr^ daJnrwr, Ameriam Air Ffltar Compaaf, Ine:oepurated, Loui:vílM, ICentndcr

1 IR /,Nmrr Vkti a^Nr++rerti Nodest ComaltioL Servioes. IaaorPoramd, Cohuabaa. Oñb
Q NN/aM^, See+esry, SYUD. Sacramento. California
IK Aftm,, Toledo Edisoa, Tolsdo, Obio
L L divww, Anizaoa tirblic Seaáa Compa^^. tAoeni^r, Arizoua
^ fr Giandian^ Filtratioa Te^aobp Inwrporated, RaleiSb, North Carolins
.^ .^ Nalgyan, Air QtWity Tastin^ a Deska. Ineorporated, Yeanestw, Georsia
l W. .Aacour, Nuckar Conar(tirr^ Servioes, Columbus, Obio
AL KaAee; Ontario iiydro, Pickerin^, Oatario, Canada
Q Q. Lea^wd, Fanr Compaay. Los MSeiea, California
' . Page
1. SCOPE ............................................................. 1
1.1 Ux of the Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 L.imitations of the Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ............................................... 1

2.1 The Approved Tecturical Specifications for the Fac^lity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2.2 American Conferenee of Govenunent Industrial Hygienisu (ACGIii) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2.3 Americaa Society for Testing aad Materials (ASTM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2.4 Americaa National Standards lnstitute (ANSn . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2.S Air Movin= and Conditioniag Association (AMCA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2.6 Mílitary Standard (MII.STDj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

3 TERNIa ANO DEfiNIT10NS ...........................................:.. -

3.1 Acoeptar^oe Test ...... ............................... :...:..: 1
3.2 • Activated Carbon (charcoaQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3' ^
33 Air Standard. . . ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
^ 3.4 Adsorbenti . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 3
3.S Adsorb^. ......... ........... .............................: 3
3.6 Aerosol.:...... .... .......................................... 3
3.7 Aerosol Photomeur.• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.8 Cballenlp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . - . : . . . 3
3.9 DOP-DOP Aerosol ......................:...:.......:.............. 3
3.10 DOP Generator, Air Operated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.11 DOP Geneator, Gas-ThermaL . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . 3
3.12 FIIter ................................... ................... 3
3.13 HEPA Filur ....... ...... ............................:........ 3
3.14 lmpregnaud Carboa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 •
_ 3.15 Ia-Piace Leaic Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . : 3
3.16 lnstalled Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1 3.17 Laskin Nozzk ... ............................... ................. 4

' 3.18 Leak-I.eakage . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.19 Penetration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.20 Penetromeur-Particulau Detection Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.21 Refrigeraat-11(R-11, tracxr gas) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.22 Refrigeraat-112 (R-112 or R 112A. tracer gas) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
- 3.23 Scannia^ ... ................................................. . 4
3.24 Surveíllaace Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 4
3.25 System-Air Cleaaing System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.26 Technical SpeciHcatioas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . 4
3.27 Test Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.28 Tracer Gas Deudor (TGD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 .
3.29 Tncer Gas Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . 4
3.30 Traverse......... ..... ......................................... S
331 Unit-AirCleaning Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . 5 ^

4. GENERAL... ................... ................................. S
4.1 Test Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ S
4.Z Test Procedures. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
43 Personnel ......................... ............................... S

ã^ VISUALINSPECTiON...... ...........................................
S.1 Descriptioa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
S.Z Raport ........................................................ ?
53 Recheci^ .................. .................................... ?

á DUCT AND HOUSING LEAK TEST .......................................... 7

6.1 Ptuposa ......................................................... 7
6.2 Preparatlon for Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? r
63 Direct Messuremeat Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? ^
6.4 Presaurs Decay Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . 8
6.5 Bubbk Method.. . .. .............................: ... : 8
á6 DOP Spay Method ..:.................:.......^.............^....... 9
6.7 I3quid Fenetraat Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6.8 Report^ . ............ ..... ................................ . 9- ^^.
7. MOUNTING FRAME PRESSURE LEAK TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 9
7.1 Procedurr ...:. ..:.:.................. .... .... ..:..:....... 9
7Z Descdptióa of Tert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . : . ï . . . 9
_ 73 Preparation for Test. .•. . . . . .: . . . . . : . . . . . ... . . . . . . . , . . . _ . ... . : . 10
7.4 Leat Detectloa . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . l0
7S Di:ed Measunment Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
?.6 Pies:ure-Decay Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . : . 10
7.? Report. ....... ..........:............ ... . ' ... .... 10

>Z AIRFLOW CAPACITY AND DISTRIBUTION TESTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . : . . . . . . . 10

8.1 Furpoae ..... .....................:..............:......... ..... 10
8.Z Apparatus (See Sectioa 9, ACGIIi Iadustrial Ventílation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
83 Procedura . .......................................... .......... 11
8.4 Report ..... .......................................... ........ 1Z

!8 AIR-AEROSOLMIXING UNIFORMITYTEST . .. .... ... .... ... ....... . ... . ... .. 1Z ^IJ_[^^)^ : .
9.1 Arrpoae ...........:...........................................:. 1Z S^ N -^ ^:
f M thod o e . ...... ................ ..............5
... 1Z
93 Apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . : . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
9.4 Pmcxdurt ......... ...... .. ... .... ...................... 13 .
9S Report. ..:........ ... ................ .....:.......:.. 13
. ^
1a IN^LACE LEAK TEST, HEPA FILTER BANKS .t` : . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . : . . 13 T N ^ ^ ^• ^ :
10.1 Purposa . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 ' ^ ^ ?^ T ^ ^.-:
10.2 SummatSr ef Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 s
103 Prerequisites for Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
10.4 Apparatua . ............................... ...................:. 14
l0ã Procedure ..: ............... ..............................:.. 14
10.6 Report........... . .........^ .................................. 1S
1i. ;^1vLTIPLE SAMPl1NG TECHNIQUE . . . . . . . . . . . .
.......................... 15
11.1 Pnrposs............ .....................
11 . 2 Apparatu:. ................................ ............... 1S
11 . 3 Prerequisites for Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1S
. . . . . ... . . . . . . . • 1S
11 . 4 Proadure . . . . . ... .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . ..... . .. . . .. .. .
^ . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 15
................................ 16
121 Putposs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
................ ............ 16
12 . 2 Summaty of Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
................. ............ 16
12.3 Prerequisites for Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.............................. 16
124 Apparatus ....... ................
............................... 16
^ 12S Frocedut+^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................ 17
12.6 Report ......... . .............
, ............................... 17
......................... 17
13. 1 A up°ss .:.................... .....
............ ............... 1T ^
13 . 2 Sunplint ......................
... .... . . ... . . ... . .. ... .... 1T
13 . 3 PsooedutM .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. . .
........................ . IT
13 .4 Repod' ......... ....... .. " •
^• .,. _. .......................... 17
...............................:... 18
14.1 ^ Purpose . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.............................. 18
14Z Summary of Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
............................. 18
143 Rep°rt .. .. ......................
................... ........ 18
APPENDIX A^SIGNIFICANCE OF IN-PLACE L.EAK TESTS , , , . . . . , . . , , . , ^, , , , , , , ,
^ ^


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á`•. s..,.I^,^^^w^..
ANSI/ASME N510-198




t. SCOPE- 2.2 Ameripn Co^snma of Govemment Industriat

This standud covers field testing of F.SF (En^- Hy^ienisb (ACGIHI.
aeered Safety Featun) and other high efficienry air 1 Sth Edition, Indiutrial Ventílatioa
. cleaniaE systems for aucleu power plants and other
aucleu applicatioas. The standard provides a basis for 23 Ameriaa Society- fos Testin^ and Materials
the developmeat of test pmgrams and detaíled accep- (ASTM^. '.
-- tanca aad surveí`Ilaace test procedura, aad specifip ASTM E 165-1975 Standard Methods for liqlúd
minimintn requiremeats for the reportin` of test re- . Penetraat Inspectioa
su1b. Tha staadud does not iadude accxptanae crite-
ASTM D3803-1979 Staadud Method for Radio-
.. - Iria ea:cept whe:• tbe resulb of one test iaIIuences tba
iodia^ Testia^ of Nucleu
performance of othiet testt.
. i Grade Gasphaae Adsorbents
1.t Uea of tM Standard • _. --
24 Miírican National Standu+ds Instiwte (ANS11.
The standud is arranged so tbat the user may select
those portions (tesis) which ;<re rekvaat to his applia- ANSI B79.1-1968 Number Designation of lLe-
tioss. Tests iacluded in the standard, together with ibe
rscommended minimum fnquenry of ustiag, arte ANSI/ASME N4S.2.6-1978 QualiScations of la
listed ia Tabls l. The user must specify wbich tests arrf - spectton, Eínmiz+ation, aad
_. to be employed, and the acceptance criteria for thoatt TeaünB Personnel for Nuclear
- tasts„ in bis teat prograta or job speci$cations. Ths Power Piants
noamaadatory appendicxs of the staadard diacuss t11e ANSI/ASME N509-1980^ NuclEgr Power Plaat
si8ai$canee aad applicabílity of the priacipai tesb AirLleania` Units and Com-
aad give reoommeadations for the development of - poneats ^
• test pro8rams based on them.
25 Air Morin^ and Conãtionirp Assoeiation
..^ 12 Llfnitstiot» of tlw Standard ' (AMCAI.
'I'Ba standard covers post -deüvery testin8 of tha in- AMCA-S00-1975 Test Methods for Louvers,
. ^_ •sta^d-aii c[éanmg syitém aãd 3óe=; nót covri pre= Dampers, and Shutters
delilréry teatia8 of individual componenb.
28 Mititary Standard (MILSTDI
It i: tba iatent of ihis standard that it be rigorously
• applied only to rystema designated aad butlt to ANSI MIL^ I'D-282 Filler Units, Protective Cloth-
NS09; ho^rever, sectioas of thi: standaid may be used inj, Gae Mask. Componenb
fotr techaical guidános for testin8 of non-N509 sys- and related products; Perfor-
ttsztos. manae-teat methods. .

1ba foIIowinf docuraenta are a part of this standud 3. TERM3 AND OEFINITIONa
to the extent iadicated where they are cited in ths 3.f A^ Tat
text. The edition of the refecena in effect at the time
this standard is invoked shall apply. A test made upon completion of fabrication, instai-
lation, repair, or modification of a unit, component,
at Tho Approved Techni^al Specification: For tM or rystem to verify that ii meets specified require-
Faeitiq. ments.


TabN 1 Tab and Racommandad Tat Fneauanry

Saation o! R^eannlaed^d Tat

Taet ' ' S>,andard Frqeweey 111

V iwal Irnpaction S e.foe. any

ouet and t(ousitp L.^k Tat s Aa•oo^o. ts^
Moundno FrsrrN Ptisun Lnk Tat l A^D^ Isi
Airf(ow Capadty and OisWbutlon a Aoapfanp (^
Ak^Aaraol iNikiep ueNo^lr Tut !
'^^^va+o• IZ?
(n-P(^ca L.ade Telst, MEPA Fi(t^ts . 10 Aaoapfae^, •fe^r weh NEPA fllta
1 chanq^, and at ^ ona MrY opw^
n^s eyda _ •
fn^ L.ak TMt, Adprbwtl 12 Aoopnna, •ftrr McA sdsorbat
ehaly^, and sit st IaR ona aewry
aDwstieg eyd^ (4, 3, ái
Labasltory Tatllp of Adsorbrnt, ^ 13 Axelpw+o^, bsstor^ a^dl adaoel^^
^. and st IaaR ona ^Y cDr ^
a^+i eyd^ 12,1, ãl.
Ouet FMaar heiannano TMt 14 /^apano^ and aK 4-yar intarvab Il!
In^faaP Tatb, IlAoistursi Saparatoes Not raquin^
b+^laa T^t, PMit>ses ^ Not raquireld

NOT><S: ( 1) f=lald taastl of enoaxt„ sralsra arsd danspar aeaeatoe*, and fln Prosyetlna sya^wssa nro not indudad ie slsia
(2! Aeeww+ eo saasa 1e bo enada afar oaenpladon of inklM eoesavuedan and star anll enajw walrn enadt-
ftoadorl ar rapaM.
(31 Mora fraquant ( wa., • enondsa) trdM enay ba nquirad fotlowNsa Inhfal s>aritip of tha wsaen ue^ a
WtlNL1 N aaeablbhad. Taaa e++w ba n+ada durino ^ sehadulad sahusslown, aeW can ottaes bo mada witA-
oot rhuttMy down dsa andn ak daaniesa sysans tf peopar faeUidaa for taR ;a.a. PrMoeatad tnjaetíow
and vaat Porai aea prosridad.
(a) Adwrbansa n+wt ba tprtad bafora inaalladors or raPlae«nant of adwrban t0 aatabihh saeitability.
aaessplaa tw laboratory taatin4 dsould ba takan f ^pe tha syrtans at sha Pena dma ar roudna In-plagio
ZaadnE of 1M inadlad ryatwn to varify tlsa erondkion of d+a adsorbant
(6) parledN in^lap laak tws of calN tor 700% raeireuladep syasaena laeatad wishin ^aaato^ eontainnsaess
an nvt nac^aary M tho foitiwM' ara eoenpliad wish: .
a In aoeordanoa whll ZhN StandaM, parlodle riwsai inapaction and Pe+owea-drop daareninsdon ot
, HE!•A fllsaea and adaorWra ara enada durlna sehadulad rfsutdowe;
b^ Adaorbant la aansplad and laboratory taaa sra enada Uo eonflrees Parfexenanea at sehadulad raiual-
lesa ahutdowns ot at insarvah esot axeaadina 720 houn of syaans oparation fo ^ intarenittaesdy opar•
aad tayataens or for anY w:^ imenaditaly followina tnadvareant axpaaun vo wivant. Patne, w
OfAar oryania fuenaa ar srapon whials eouW da'rada tM Parfornsanp of sha adwrbanb

32 Ac^raRad Carbon (eharooal ^ light-scattering mena dropkt-size distnbution aa foi-

An adsorbe^ of porous structure maaufactured by lows:
carboniution of organic material and treated by con- 99+96 less than 3.0 paa
trolled oxidation to increase ^ ib microporosity, con- 50+961ess than 0.7 pm
sisting mainiy of the element carboa ia a charcoal-typ^ 10+961ess than 0.4 pm
pOIOUa SárUCturO. NOTt^
T!w PdYdi:parn. DO! aerosd ussid fcr m^laa lesát
3.3 Ak Standard testiaa of systems must not ba coafuaed witb th^ O.á
µm inonodisperss 1)D! aerosol used for efficinnc.7r test-
Dry air at 70°F aad 29.92 in. mercury barometric i^ o[ iadividuai HEPA filters by manuficturers. Thi
latter semsd i s p rodnced bl very ]trae equipmeat tt^st
pressura. This correspónda to aa air density of 0.075 cannot be used fot fieM testing.
lb/R ^ .
3.10 OOP G^rnratw, Air Oparat^d
3.4 AdsorbMt
A device for producing DOP aerosol for field test-
A material for removing specific substanas from a
ing, operated by compcesxd air at room temperatura,
tluid by meaos of preferential physical condensation
equipped with Iaslán nozzks to produca the dropkt•
aad retention of mokcules on a solid surfaa.
J 3.5 Adaorbat ^
sine distnbution specified in Par. 39.
3.11 DOP Garnrator, GarTMrmal •
A devke ar vestal containing an adsorbeat. A devioe for produdng DOP aerosoi for field test-
ing, operated by vaporizirtg ñquid DOP aad thea coa-
3.a A.^osd deasing it by compressed iaert gaa to produce tha
A suspeasion of sataIl particks, solid or liquid; is dropiet-siz^ distnbution specifiad in Par. 3.9. Ga:•
air. The diameter or major dimension of the particlea tharmal generaton are desigaed to produoa sufficient
mry vary from 100 ian down to 0.1 pm or kse. aerosol for testing rystema of aa mudl al< 50,000 cfm
(NOTE: 1 pm ^ l micrometer x 1¡ZS,000 inch). installed capacity.
3.12 Fílter • .
3.7 Auvsd Photomaar -
A deviw which ^.rt+^.+hsny removes particulata
A photometric light-scatterla^ maiaconantratioa
matter fram a fiuid by tha mechartista of impaction,
detector used far determining the coaantration of
xttliag, screeniag, inertia, diffuston, or any combina-
partir•1a in a"v or gasa.
tion of these. .
3.5 t2a11^ 3.13 HEPA Filter
To eapoee a fiiter, adsorber, or other air cleanictg A higlt efficienry particulate air Atec having a
J devic^ to aa aeroad or gaa of lrnown chancteristia,
untkt apeci&d conditions, for tha purpose of testing.
fibroua medium which produca a particla removal ef-
ficieacy of at lea^ 999796 for 03 micrometer par-
Tha tat aerosol or gu is tha chaQe>ut aa^oavl or clwl- ticla of DOP when tested in accordanoa with 1NIIr
lertfe gat, respectí,rely. STD^282.
3A DOP-DOP Aerosol . 3.14 Imprpnated Carboo
]Diocryt phthalata (di-2ethyi hexyi phthalate). A Activated carboa to which ate or more chenlicab
ohalleage aerosai for testing HEPA ñlters generated has beca added to improve retention of radioactiva
by biowias compraaed air througlt fiquid DOP at indina compouada fnxa air or gas.
room temperature, or by vaporiz;ag liquid DOP aad ^
thaa condaasing ü under controikd coaditiona to 3.15 IsFPlaa l.eak Test ^
produee a dropkt-aize distnbutioa of icnown charac- A test of an iastaIIed component or banlt of conr
teristics. The DOP uxd for ia-place testing of installed poaenb, as opposed to a pre -delivery or pre-installa-
IIEPA filter rystems ia accordana with this standud tion test of iadividual componenb. In-place Ieak tesb
b a polydisperx liquid aerosol having an approximate 1
of filters aad adsorbers are of two types: ( 1) a 4nvss


test which is desigaed to challenge all parts of the io- device (penetrometer) is moved, at a distancx of ap-
staIlation, iacluding posrbk bypasses of the baak; proximately 1 iach from, and at a rate not to excxed
and (2) a siuioude+d test in which portions of the bank 10 feet per miaute, baclc aad forth acros the area to
are shrouded or blanked off'so that only a limited be tested.
portion of the baak ia subjected to the challenge
aerosol or gaa at one time, thereby limiting the total 3.24 Surveillanae Test
quantity of clrallenge aerosol or gaa rekased to tbs An in-place test made periodicalty to establish tbe
total bank. curreat condition of a system, particularly with m-
3.1s lrutalled Capaeitl/ spect tó leak: or damage of filter or adsorber media.
Ths rated airflow capacity of a baak of filtera or A laboratory test made pedodicalty to determine
adsorbers: the product of the number of units in the _ the radioiodine removal characteristia of the ad
baak times the maaufacturen' rated airflow capacity sorbeaL
of the individual units. (See ANSI-N509, Section 43)
3.25 Systsm-Air Clesnirq Systers^
3.17 Lsekin NozzM Aa assembly of uaib (as defined in Par. 331) aad
A naaz1e uaed for the geaeration of IDOP by coro- associated extemal components (fans, dampen, valvea,
presaed air which vvill producx the partick-size distri- md iaterconnectia^ ducting) required to pick up,
butl^ spedfled in Par. 39 whea operated under m convoy, clean and discharge air from a specified iatake
air pressure of S to 30 psig. See "Studies of Portabls point to a specified discbarge poini
Air-Opented Aerosol Ceneratora^ by Wílt. Echob
aad J. A. Youag: NRL Report 5929,1963. 3.29 Teehnieal Speeifiptione
3.18 L.eek-L.eekape . . Thox specificatlons contaiaed in a fací]ity oper-
T6a pasaags. of uatreated air through or arouad m ating licenss which define specifle tecbnical operat-
air cleaaiag device (see peaetration). ing limib aad conditions imposad upon the facility
operatlon; the basis for these limite and conditions,
3.19 PenetratioA ^ md the surní'Daaa requirements which relate to the
The concentration of challenge aerosoi or gas which tesb, calibrations aad inapections aecessary to assure
kaka through or around a filter or adsorber, or baai that the quality of rysteara aad componente la maia-
of filtera or adsorbers, when tested arith a challerrgs tained. _
aerosol or gas of kaown characteristicx under knowa
conditiona, expros:ed as a fraciion of the concentra- 3.27 Test Propren^
tian of aerosd or gae at the filter or adsorber inkL A schedule which specifies tests aad the sequenos
of testa to be malle for tbe evaluation of a total sir or
^3.20 ' lab Det^etioe Ueit gas cleaaing system. Sea aleo Acceptaace Tes, Sur-
An instrumeat with a liaear readout, near forward voíllanae Test.
ligirt scatteriag aerosol phótometer, capabk of inea-
sudng DOP aerosol concentratiom. 3.2i Trsosr Gas Deteator (TGOi

3.21 ReMpsranl`11 1R-11, traoer psei Aa instrument capabk of distiaguishia: tracer gae
from background with a liaear rosponse range from
Tricholoro(mono)fluoromethane. (See ANSi
O.OOlvppm to at kast O.lvppm. The detector shaII ac-
crrrately monitor and contrel the withdrawal of sam-
3.22 ReMpsranF1121R-112 or R-112A, traar paj pks to permit consisteat conversion to volumetrk
concentrations within the accuracy aa^i señsitivity of
1,1,2,2 utrachlorodifiuoroethaae. (Ses ANSI
the detector.
3.23 Seannin^ 3.29 Trsar Gas GenKator
A method for detecting leales in sir clearing devias Any mearas of consisteatly iajectiag a known
or rystema la which the proba nozzle of a detection amount of tratar gas finto a flowing sir stream.

3.30 Traverae prior to the tert, the pnnquisites that have to be met,
equipment lockouts or other precautions necessary
A seriea of ryrtematic velocity or other measure-
for safety of personnel or associated equipment, tha
ments (e.g., aerosol concentration) made at specific
persons who have to be notified pnparatory to the
points within a duct or housing, from which an aver-
tert, the acceptance criteria, the corrective action to be
age, or npresentative vaIue can be ertablished. (see
takea ia the event of nonconformance to the accep-
ACG1H lndurtrial Ventilation, Section ^ . taaoe raquirementa, and the persons to whom copies
3.31 Unit-Air Cleaninp Unit of tert reports murt be sent.
Aa assembly of componenta which campria4 s 4.3 Penon^el
single subdivisioa of a complete air cleaning rysteny
Tests shall be made only by persons who have dem-
including all componeats necessuy to achieve the sir
onstrated their competence to satisfactorily make the
clesning fuaction of that subdivisioa. A uait includes
specific tests in question, as evidenced by experieace
a single housing together with the internal componenta
and training. Certification in accordance with Amerl-
(filters, adsorbeta, heaters, instrumeata, etc.) installed
caa National Standud N45.2.6, Qualificatan ojln-
ia or on that housin= (see definition of ryrtem, Par. sptctiar, Eumninatioe, and Tatrna Penonnd jor ths
3.25). Constsrtcrion P11ase of Nuclear Powo Plents shall be
satisfactory evideace that this nquirement has beea
Field inepection and te„-tin` of the sir cleaniag aya-
tem ara aa iategral part of the owner's tZuality Asaur-
ance Progrun, which b additionai to, but does not re-
phtce, raquirameab for health-physics or iaduatriai- á. VISUAL INSPECTION
hygiene terting aad monitoring. The tests of thia rtan-
dard are of two types: (1) acceptmtcs tests whicA 8.1 Deaerip^oa ^ ^
verify thst companents and syrtema have beea ia- A visuai inspection of the componeab oc sub-
stalled properly and meet the nquirements of project syrtem to be tested, their holding devices, gaslceta,
spec;ificatioas; and (2) a^rves7lanct tests which an used housing, aad all asaociated components (e.g., fana,
to awnitor the coadition of the rystems._ dampers, coatrob, etc.) shall be made befote each test
The classificatioa of tests aa acceptance or surve^ (experienot haa shown that visual iaspection will often
laaoa, and the racomatended miaimum fraquenry of raveal deficiencies that would otherwiae result ia
testa are shown ia Table 1. fatlure to pass the test or iavalidation of its resulta).
Visual inspection shoutd be made under a combination
4.1 Test Proyrams of backgrouad light plus supplementary light which
^l formal acceptance and surnilL^nce testiag pro- providee at leart 100 foot-candles on the surface to be
gram shall be prapand. Thia progtam shaII specify inspected. Corsectable deficiencies shall be ncorded,
whicdt tests are raquired, aad the aecxptancx criteria, together with the nmedisl actioa taken (experience
and time schedule (or fraquenry) of testing. Docu- has shown that a ncord of deficienciea fouad ia visual
mentation speciñed ia Americaa National Standud inspection ia invaluable ià futura maintenanoe of ths
N509 sha11 be made ávaílable as necessary to aid in ryrttm). A list of items that should be checked, as a
developmeat of the test program. miaimum, ia givea ia Table 2. V'uual inspection pra-
paratory to aa acceptance tert should start befora in-
4.Z Teat Pro^oedura atallation of ñlter or adsorbec units, aad should ia-
Detaíled pmceduns shall be praparad for each ro- clude surveíllance of their inrtaIlation, including ths
quirad test, based on the raquinmeata of thia stan- handling of componeats and propez seating of gasketa
dard. Test procedures shall be maiataiaed on fiic and before the filten or adsorbers ara finally clamped to
msde avaítable, on nquest, to persons authoriud to their mounting frame. Certain conditions nsultin`
nceive nports of the teste. The tert proceduras shall from design or construction errors may not be imme-
identify the specific syrtem to be tested, its location, diately correctable, but murt be brought to the attea-
the arraagements or clearances that have to be made tion of nsponsible personnel.

ANSI/ASME N514-198p

TABLE 2 b. All lights lit (replacx if out}

CHECK LIST FOR VISUAL INSPECTION a Penetratioa of mouating frame by power or
Art. Mounti^{B Frames controlconduib.
d. Vapor•tight globe, guard to proted globe from
a. Coatiauol^ seal weld betweea membea of physical damage.
frame and betweea frame aad housing.
b. Structural rigidity. . /H7. Hou:in f
s. Adequate space fot personnd aad equipment
a;. Squareaess of inembers, flataeas and conditioa
for maintenaace, testing.
of eomponent seating surfacea.
b. 13a:a.wnabk acass to housing.
d. Damags to framea. .
t~ Space adjaceat to housing ameaabk to isolatioa
A-2 Fiher pampirp Cwioals or Bolb as a co^amination zone, adequate space for tem-
a. Proper adjiastmenf (SO to 8096 gasket comples- ^porary storage of clean aad oontamiáated ^ ffiterar
sion alI amuad) (tightea if less} (Fos non-self-adjust- during fí^ter dlaage.
ing dampiag systems, aub may have to be reti ghteaed d. Ibocs of rigid oonstruction with adequate seal

3 st intervab of two waeks to a moath aRer filter or ad

asnber iastallatloa.)
b. Sufficlent numbat of devi^ ot adequate siza
betweea door aad asing; doors opealing oaatward on
negativa-presaure houaings,
R Adequate latdles on doo^s, with ptovisioa fot
to produca SO to 8096 gasket oompression. opening from inside aad outside of housing aad provi-
a:. ladividual damping of ñlter (adsorber) aIL. aion for bckiaj. Adequate sállt.
d. Proper eonditiaa of damplta= devices (e.g., a$ f. Adequate. atruaxlaral rigidity to resist undua
n1Wl ia plaoe aad tighteaed} . IIexure-reiaforcing memben on outside, preferabiy.
e. Adequata déaialices bei^lreén ffiter (absorber) 1F Acaat to upper tiers with peimaaenl service
blements to tightea damping devIces on aII sides. platform àt approximatdy the 6-foot kvel-adequate,
permaaently instailed laddels. -
C Ful! peaetratioa in welds and freedom from
a>•adl: of damphag devica: ^ - 1>I. Adequate dearances for accdt betweea baaks
of òompoaents with door on esdt side of esch banlr. -
A3 HEPA Fikeas - L I+io back-to-badc instaIIatioa of oompone^^
" a. Damagpr to filo media (tears, cracln, •etc.,- (ie., on. oomponeat mouated diredly to, or
some damape to separators is permissibk } case, aaa mounted adjaceat to aaother ^ witholat accealt apace
between} .
corae:s, oa both fices of ffiiera.
b. Damage to or improper sest3ag ot gasketi, j. Proper loation of tracer injectioa and sampiõ
-- e. Bncas of inedia or asa from cutting or weldiag
^ oa both faces of ffitera. iL Adequ;te guarda on fans loated 'mside bous.
aL Flreessiva dirt badiag (checi gage showing ^E-
Presiure drop accross ffilers} L Houslceeping ia aad around holas;ag.
m. Cóndition of ilexibk oonaedi^ betweea
A^. Prefiftars iwusiag and faa extemal to housing.
n. Fas-shaR seal. .
. a. Damaga to media, ase, or gaskeb.
b. ^va dirt b:ding. o. Adéquate dampers tó prevenf intalCe of áir from
adjaceat housing or plenum during test, aad to pra
Ad. Adsorbers ve^ bypassiag of rystem,
t Damags to {xlb, iaduding burns from welding R Freedom from colridors, pkaums, eledriai
or cutting operations in housiag. oonduib, ekclrinl eonaections, plumbiaE drains or
b. ladividual clamping. other conditioa that oould result in bypas:ing of tha
a:. Condition of dampiag devicxs rystem, maay of which are not iir^tely app^armt.
d. Condition of gaskets. A-A. Dampers
A^ i.i^htinE a. Damage to or distortion of frame or btades.
b. Bent shafts, piwt pins, or operator linkages.
a. Adequate for visual iaspection of housiag and a iNissing seats or blade edging.
oomponeats. d. Condition of resilient seats or edging.
ANSI/ASME N510-1980

52 Repat
eketrical, piping, aad instrument connections shaII be
A written report shall bo furnished to all persona complete aad all permanent seah instalkd before the
specified in the Test Procedure. The report shall ia- test is started. Test must be made before painting any
dude, as a minimum: field welds.
l. Title or iademnitìcation of report.
2. lob number or Parchase Orden.
6.3 Direet AMaaunmeet Method
3.Ideatificatioa of aystem, induding serial num-
bera. This method assuales isothermal coaditiona. See
^ ndix^for discussion.
4. Chedc list used for inspectioa, with items found
atisfactory checkod, and disposition of nonconform- 6.3.1 Apparatus
ing iteal: iadicated. 1. Blower with sufiicient airfiow and pres4rrn ca-
- S. Condusioas and recommendations. pacity to pressurize or evacuate the housing to the
specfied conditiona. The blower sltall be connected
y^ 6. Signatun(s) of iaspectora.
to the housing witlr a coatrol valve in the line.
?. Date of inspectio^.
Z. Maaometer`or aneroid presaure gage (see Section
^ . 8. Diatnbution of report. 9, ACGIH Industria! Vartr?atdon) haviag precision of
at kast 0.1 in. w.g.; pressure iastrlrmeat shall bs
5.S RaelNeic calibnted before atart of test.
A vlsuai duck shall be made on tho compktion of 3. Cover: to seal duct openiags.
afl test opentioaa to verifjr that all test equipmeat haa
4. Clodc or timet.
bem removed, that ail openiags have been seáled, and
tbat no damage to components has resuhed from ths S. Totali^ng gat volume readable to at Ieast O.OS
test opeations. - R' nnd accurate withia at least t 196 of fuII scale read
^. DUCT AND HOUSING LEAK TEST 6. Temperature indicating device accurate aad read-
^ A.1 Purpoee ^ _ abk to t OS°F.
8.3.2 Prooedun ^ . ^ " .
Thia test k used to verify the leak iategrity of
Sher housing>< aad ducts beforo installation of replace- 1. Connect cóntrol valve, gns meter, aad bbwer to
abk oomponenta sudi aa filtera ot adsorbers. T'he housiag. Seal all duct openinga and penetrations. 5eal
^- ^esenoe of leaks la &st diaclosod by a direct measura doors aad other openabk penetrations in the normal
test (Par. 63) or pressun decay test (Par. b.4); manner.
^, preaena of kaks k shown, the kab are then 2. Start blower and run until specified pressure
; klcated by one of the methods listed below and ra (positivo ot negativo) is achieved.
psired, aRer which the housing is retested by the 3. Record initial gas meter reading (GMR^ and
dlrect measurement or pressure decay method. The start timen.
kak-location methoda are, in orden of preferenca:
4. Using control valva , hold pressure withia tlu
1. Igubble method (Par. 6.S). eontained :pace constant vvithin t 0.1 in . w{. for 10
Z. Spray-DOP (Pu. 6.6). minutos.
3. I3quid peaetraat (Par. 6.7^ (applicabk to welda S. Record final gas meter reading (GMR f),
^Y^ . 6. Calculate the kak rafe from tho equation.
ós Pnparation for TaR - GMR^ - GMR^
10 = Leak rate in R'/mia. (1)
Cloae and htch a11 doors and hatches, sesl other
openings (e.g., duct connections) with closures ada
7. ü the leak rate exceeds ihe specified acaptance
quate to withstand a positivo or negative pressuce value, locaie leaks by one of the methods listed in Par.
specified ia the test procedure (see 63 or 6.4). AII 6.1, repair and retest.


8.4 Preswn Det^y Nletfiod 6 ^ 25 Record pnssun at one ( 1) minuto intervals

NOTi . uatil pressun deays to 7596 of desiga pressute, or for
Tìds test wiII bs run at eithet positiw or negatfve pres• a maximum of 15 minutos , and record temperatura
surs to duplicats the actuai rystem opentia^ condi^ alter final pressure reading.
tions. Whea retereace is mads to "rystem design pres•
suce' ot some multiple of rystam desiaa pressure it Calculate leak rafe from the following
slsail always bs interpteted as positiw or aegatiw to M
the same as actual opentiaa8 conditioaa. This soction is
tdea^^^ the desips p^rp^ :<sre wars positiw but b Pr
_ _ !P Y ;
+^Ya P rysiems with propss
sips: used ia the data ard calculations.
Tr Tj RA 0 r(0.075)
8.4.f Apparatus
6.4. f. f Blower with airflow greater thaa the allow^
^= average volumetric leakage rate, SCFM
able leak rate and a pnssure cápacity of at least 1.25
times the rystem desiga pnssure. V= volume of enclosure, F'T'
6.4. f.? Manometer or aneroid pnssure gage (sa Pr = iaitial pressun ia endosure, lb/ft' ABS
on 9, ACG1H Indirstrid Ventí7atiorr) having pnd- Pj = ñnat pnssure ia endosure, lb¡ft= AB3
^of at least 0.1 inch w.s.; pnssure instnunent shaH
Tr = Absolute.Temperature at start of test, °R
be altbrated before ths start of a tetlt serien.
Tj = Absolute Temperature at end of teat, °R
^ R^ 1.3 Covers to sdal ^duct openings.
^t = t f - tr
0.^ 1.4 Clock or timsr nadibk to tOS second.
tr = time at start of test, minutes (initial titae)
â^ 1.5 Temperature indicating device accunte aad
nadabk to t0á°F. • ^ ^ t¡ = time at end of test, miautes (final time)
^.4. f.6 Barometer accurate and nadabk to at lesst R,a = Gas Constant for Air 5335 ^ R
0.1 iacb lis. . °

8.4.2 Proadun 6^ 27 If kak rate exceeds the specified accep-

taace value, loate kaks by one of the inethods listed
ã^ 21 Total leakage i: determiaed from ths
in l'aragraph 6.1, repair aad retest. .
dtange of pressure ia the housiag from beginniag to
end of the test. To calculata the total leakage rate, ths
pt vohima withia tha housing must be kaowa. Sea 8.5 Bubbla Metisad
Appeadix B for diacussion aad derivations.
8.5.1 Apparatua
_.. 6.4 2? Inatafl tempenture sensor to detect tem. .
1. Bubbk solutioa (a commerdal test solution or a
,eratures of eaclosed gas. InstaII closures, latch all
solution consistias of equal parts liquid detergent,
)doors and tighten fasteners in normal manner for tha
gtyceriae, aad water).
J type uf latch or fastenar usad . Connect blower and
opea valve to housìng. 2. Machinists scak graduated ia 32ada of an indi~
^ 6.4.23 Start blower and rua uatíl pnsaure in en- 3. Covets to sesl dljct openings.
dosed spacs is equal to 1.25 times the rystem desiga 4. Bloa+er with sufficient airflow aad pnssute ca- 1,
pressure, but not exceediag unit structural apabílity padty to pnssuriu the housiag to tba conditions
pnssure. This ensures that the requind tesi pnssura speciSed ia tha test procedurs.
is attainabls. .
8.5.2 Proceden
Iaab;lity to attaia the required pressuca is aa ^ l. Seal openiagd, conaect blower, and presstuize
diatioa of groas leakage whids must be eliatitated bé-
fore proceedias. contained spaca to valua speciSed ia tbe test proce-
dure (see Par. 63.2, stepe 1. aad 2). Maintain pnssura '
6.4.24 Record temperatun of enclosed gas. Start for at least 5 miautes befon start of test.
blower uatil test pnssun ia enclosed space achieved.
2. With space under pressun, appiy soap soludon to
Close valve, stop blower aad start timer. -
welds and gasketed joints to be tesxed. A few moments
Read pnssure aad temperaturs of enclosed gas. later, but before the soap solution caa dry, check the
Record barometric pnssure at manometer loations. wetted areas aad mark places a+hen bubbles an being
AN A1fi '` `. ` w.T9 ' ^ °^?NAL STANOARO
ANSI/ASME N510-1980

generated. Unles otherwise specified in the tesi prooe- 1. Title or identificatioa of test.
dure, a Ieak iaication is any bubble 1/16 (0.0^ in.
diameter iPtat fecma ia one second, or a bubble 9/32 2. Job number or Parchase Order.
(0.28) ia. that farms ia one minuú. ^ 3. Identification of unit or duct testad.
3. ARer repãr of aIl leaks, retest azeas where leak 4. Test and leak deuctioa methods usad.
indications werefound-
S. Number, location, and dispositioa of leako
6.8 DOP SprayiAethod '
6.8.1 Apparatua 6. iealc rata in final test.
7. Test data.
1. Spray caa of DOP or DOP generator (see Par.
10.4.1). ' ' 8. Instrument calibratlon daL.
2. PeAecrome^e^r ( see Par. 10.4.2). • 9. SIgnature (s) of test personnel.
3. Blovver. 10. Date of test.
'` 6.8.Z Procedun 11. Distnbution of repon.
^^ 1. Wtth ryste:; fan or aubliary blower to provide s
negatfie pressuae inside the contained space and with
the penetrometar iaside the housing, spray DOP along 7. MOUNTINQ FRAME PRESSURE LEAK TEST
outsids of tln ndd oc joint to be tested, moviag tho
spnyr can or gaaerator at a, rats of approximately 3 7.1 Pro^.ydun .
feet per minute. ^
This procedun b used to verify the absence of
2. Oa iaside af housing, match movement of pen^ leab through seal welds betweea members of the
trometer probe ^.th rnovemeat of DOP source and HEPA flter aad adsorber fi•amea, aad betweea the
mark aIl leak ilarñcationo. Unless otherwise specified frames aad housing, before iastaIIation of the flter aad
in the test procainre, : leak indication is aay sustairied adsorber unito. Completion of a satisfactory housing
: aad reproducibie penetrometer readiag of OA1K of ^ kak test is prerequisite to this test. The test is appüed
_ the DOP conceatration aa determiaed ia step l. only to IiEPA filter and adsorber mouating framei.
•_ 3. Repair inãasted Ieaks aad retest. . Mouatiag frame leaka^e b permanent and wíll be n-
flected ia aIl subsequem ia-place tests of the installed
8.T Liquid Pfr^!^a!nt Method filters aad adsorbers (sa Sectiona 10 and 12). IastaIled
8.T.1 Prtreqv^is,^^::., i;^.nd dean aIl weldo to be ia- flten or adsorT^ets may be able to pas: ia-place tesb
spected to rrsnu^ siag, weld spatter, ruat, scale, oí^, of the baak, particularly in large banb, if the filter
^ Tease, water aaf dirt. To asaure that defects are not or adsorbet unib are of above minimum spccitlcatioa
quality; however, later instaIlatioa of a new set of
r^ obscured, do nd pcea the weld. Tests must be made
^befo{e.painting,or paint over welded joiats must b^ flter or adsorber units ia the banlc, of lower but str71
removed. acceptabk quality, may result ia inabílity to pasa the
ia-place test. Repair of frar^ lealcs by welding aftet
B.T.Z Proaedun. Using one of the methods of ASTI1l installatioa of ñlter and adsorber units is certain to
E16S, cleaa weli to be tested on both faces, apply damage those unita; identifying aad repairing such
penetraut and d^eloper, aad iaspect opposlte face of leaks before iastallation of filters or adsorbers will
weld frc^ri ^^¢.;^l;a-..^rrsant was applied, foIlowing tho eliminate this occurrence.
proced^.u^:x cf ^!^ ^:^:^ I'r165. Oa completion of test,
clean bc^h f^cca of weld before acceptance and/or re- 72 Daoription ot Tat _
pait. Openings of the housinng and mounting frame ars
Q.i R^port sealed with blaalcoff plates and then aIl welda are in-
spected by one of the leak detection methods llsted'm
A writtea repr^ri shaIl be fumished to aIl persons
Par. 6.1. Any Ieaks found are repaind, thea the space
specified i$ 1he a5^st procedure. The report shaIl in- formed by the mounting frame and the housing, or the
clude as ^a :a---.<.^`:::^.,.•
space between two mouating frames, is tested by


either the direct measunment method (Par. 63) or the 8. Calculate mounting frame kak rate from the for-
preaaure-decay method (Par. 6.4). The spacx to bs mu1a:
tested ia presatuized to produìx a pnssun drop across G^ f- G^r =
the mouatiag frame of at least 1.25 times the design Leak rate ia Rs /mia. (3)
pres:ure drop acrosa the stage of compoaenta uader
opentional coaditions. , 9. The leak shaII be less thm 0.196 of the desiga or
instaIIed capapty. If the kak rata exceeds 0.196 of de-
73 Pnparatioe for Test sign or installed capactty, iaspect blanlc-0ff plata aad
check for my bypassing or direct kak sources; repait,
When mon tháa oae HFPA ñlter bank or adsorber and ntest. Report final test valus.
stage is instaIIed ia a single housing, they may be tested
xparately or in pairs. Leaks around the blankoff 7.8 Praaurs-0eeay Nled^od
phtes or through tht housiag may lead to erroneous^ 7.8.1 Appsratus
tast resulta, md mems must be fouad to elimiaats
them during the testa 1. Appantua specified ia Par. 6.4.1.
7.3.1 Cioae md ]stch aII doora and hatches, seal other 2. Mountiag frarne blankoff platas sized to fit ths
opeaiags (e.g., duct conaectiom). 51ter openiug^ md capabls of withstaading test pres^
sure. , ` -
T.3^ n^staü móããti- ng Mamé 6lañfc-òñ pfates. Platea
may bs taped over the mouating frame openinga or 7.8.Z Procadure
secured vvith the fiiter clampiag mechaaism. 1. FoIIow stepa^2 through S of 6.42.
7.33 Conaed blower md pressutize housiag, . 2. I.ealc nte shaII be less thm 0.196 of the desigu
or instaIIed capacity. (See 752, atep 7). .
7^ Lsak Dsaeslon
7.7 Report
Iaspect al! frame welds aád seal-welds betweea A written nport shaII be fumished to all persoo:
mouatiag frame md housiag by oae of the methods of speciñed in the test procedure. The r^port shaII ia-
6S, 6.6 or 6.7. leaks discovend. clude, at a minimttm:
1. Title ot identifiation of nport.
7.ã Dirset AAeeaurwnerK Msiltod
2. Job number or Purchase Order.
7.5.1 Apparatus .
3.Ideatification of system, uait, md mounting
1. Appantus sped8ed par. 63.1.
frams. '
^ 2. Mouating-Frams blanlcoñ platea siud to ñt
4. Test appantus aad methods.
^ filter opeainga md capabk of withstmdiag test pres-
^ S. Number, location, md disposition of leaks
, 7.52 Proosdure
6. F'inai kak rate of mouating frame.
"1. Coanect totalizing gas metar to biower.
7. Tèst data.
2. Start blower md run untü housing pnssure
(positive or negative) b equai to ths value specified ia 8. Instrument calibration data.
thr Test Proadure. 9. S'igoatun(s) of test personnd.
` 3. Record temperature. 10. Date of test.
4. Record initial gas meter nading (CMR^ and 11. Disiributioa of nport.
atan timar.
S. Uaiag coatrol valva, hold presaurs within ths 8. AIRFLOW CAPACITY ANO DISTRIBt1T10N
contaiaad volume withia t 0.196 of specified constmt TESTS
for S minutas. 8.1 Purpose
6. Record final gas uréter nading (GMR^). These tests are usad (1) to verify that the specified
7. Record temperatura. volume flowrate of sir can be achieved with the fas as
ANSI/ASME N51a1980

furnished, under actual field conditioas at maximum And then calculate vohunetiic flownte, Q, from the
and minimum fiiter pressure drop, and (2) to verify equation
that airtlow distributioa acrosa each filter or adsorber
ia each stage is ressoaabty uaiform at the designed Q = AV
volumetric flowrates. - where A = cross-sectional orea where velocity traverse
waz made.

8.Z APPr+tw (See Section 9, ACGIH Industrial Vad. S. Compare meazured vohunetrlc flowrate with the
tilstion) value required by project speciflcationa. If necessary,
adjust rystem to achieve the specified volume flow
1. Standard pitot tuhs
rate. If the specified value caaaot be achieved, stop
2.1:10 incliaed manometer ' test and notify Owner. Check for stabk fan operatioa
over a period of at least 15 miautea.
3. Rotating vane, heated-wire, or heated-ihenno-
voupk anemometer having calrbrated accuracy of at 6. ARer successful completion of par. 83.1(3.) or
least 396 of fuD scale reading. Calrbratioa shaII be 83.1(4.), increaae sysiem Ixsistance ar'tificialiy by
veri8ed before start of test. blankiag off portiona of the ñlter bank uatil a prea-
sure drop of at leaat 1.25 timea the design dirry-fllter
pressure drop far the rystem (aa speciñed ia the test
^^ ó.3 Procedutf
procedure or project specificatioas) is achieved. Chedt
8.3.1 Airflow Gpscity Test for stabb faa operation over a period of at least 1S
1. rnstall ali rystem componenb. miautes. Tf the requited dirty -filter rys^ a;^w
canaot be achieved, notify Owne^. ^ .
. 2. Start system fa^,. _
7. Repeat par. 83:1(6 ) usiag sut8cient srtiflcial
3. The preferred procedure is to traverse in accor-
re.tistance to produce a presun drop of about 5096 ot
danoe with Sectioa 9 df IrrdustriQt Verrrr7ation. The. that of Par 83.1(S)>.
traveae should be made at a point ia the dud vrhere
airflow i, steady, velodty is 100 fpm or more, and, if 8. Acceptaace Criterio. Flow shaII be within t 109i
poasrble, where velocity meazurement can be made at of system desiga flow. _
^ 7S dud diameters downstream of any airflow 8.3.2 Air Distributio^ Test .
- distiubaace. Calculate rystem vohrme sirflow la ac-
. NO'rt '
cordance with Section 9 of ACGIH Indlrts^ Ye^rtr7a-
t!YDtR Tàe tasb datcrrõad i o tbe followiog P>^aPósola3.2
at+all ba performad oaity >a acceptaaa taq aad attar
4. When duct or plenum velocity ia below the uaa 'n^^ta0ao^ nrnom^odiScarioa aad tepfaiG^ tesõ at^
firl range of the pitoi tube, one of the other instrw ^g ry odifia^o^ar^ rape ^
meats described in Sectfoa 9 of ACGIH Industrimi
Vmt^7ation aad listed ia paragraph 8.23 must be When duct benda are sharp, airllow may sepante
em^loyed. An alternate procedure is to divide the from the inner wa11 of the bend to form a dead space
cross-aection iato not les: thaa 16 equa! areaz and to io whìch air tends to circulate in a large eddy, the
measurs the velocity ia the center of each. In all cases, directioa of rotatioa beiag forward nesr the main_
enough readinga muat be made that the greatest dis- stream aad backward near the wall. Separatióa may
taace between cxatea does not excxed 12 inches. To also ocxur whea the duct diverges too rapidly, or by
determine total rysteat airflow, colcalate average the shedding of free eddies, or vorticp, downstream
veloczty ia tlu housiag from the equation of obstacla such aa damper bladaa. Thia pattera of
gaa separatioa -aad later reattachment downstream
F." t Vt
^ usually exluõita slow fluctuationa whicl^ may be
vbualized as guats sa^eeprag íirst through one part of
the flow croaa section and then another. Under theae
lr = average airtlow veIocity through the housing; circrrrnstances, measurement of flow is made difficult
Yt = individual velocity readiags; by two factoa: ( 1) the presence of reverse flowa
caused by large scale eddies in some areaz of the crosa
a= number of velocity readings. section aad (2) the inconstancy of the velocity profile

whm maldng seriil meastrremenb. In such cases even S. Instrument reading at each test point with iden-
the substantiil airtlow resistance of filten and ad- tificaiion of location, calculated velocity , wad cal-
sorben may be inadequate 'to. redistribute airtlow culated average velocity.
acroee their faca when they an ia close proximity to 6. Total airflow through rystem:
such flow disturbaaas. CarefuIIy placed flow straight-
eniaf baffks may be requind to meet the flow distri- 7. Airflow distribution test resulb.
bution acceptance criterion of paragraph'83.2(4). 8. Nonconformanca discovered during test and
l. T7lnvugh XEPA Filler' Banks For ffiter banla narre of partía to whom reportad.
containirtg tea or moae ffiten, the minimum number 9. Instrumeat cahbration data.
of velocity measunmenb wíII be one ia the anter of 10. Signatura (s) of test personneL
each ffiter. Fot rystema contaiaia= fewer than 10
1l^EPA ffiters in a siagle baak, the mínimum numbet 11. Date of test.
of velocity measunmenb wí11 be tm and will include 12. Distribution of report.
one nadin= la the cmter of every ffiter ia the bank.
Yelocity measunmenb an pnferably made down-
stnam of the ffiters to take advantage of the flow
stnightenins characteristicx of the HEPA ffiter.
: 2. T?vt^lll Adswbo Bankt For bartks containinj_
pkated bed adsarber alb (Type n, the air distnbution 8.1 Purpose
test wíIl foIlow ths same procedurea speciñed foc This test is pnnquisite to the tesb of Sections• 10
iIEPA ffiter banb in pangraph 1. For banks contaia- aad 12, in-place leak tests of HEPA filter and adsorber
ios sdsorber moduhu trays (Type In the air distribu- baalà, nspectively. The purpose of the test ia to verify
ti^ te3t wiII foIIow the same procxdures specified for that tracer (DOP or nfrigeraat gaa) injection and sam-
fiher baala in paragraph l that aII velodty pk ports an located so as to ptovide proper mixiag of
measltremenb witl be made precisaly ia the plaae of the traar ia the air approaching the compoamt sia'e
the facx of the air chanaeb and ia the center of every (HFPA ffiter baak or adsorber stage) to be tested, or
open chaaneL For sIngle uait adsorbers of the deep the sample plane. The test is made oaly upon compk-
bed or gasketkse deaign (Type IIn, velocity measun- tioa of initial rystem installation, modification, or
meab for ths air distnbution test wiII be made ia the msjor npair, and is not nquired each tíme an in-place
aaten of equal areas that cover the entire opea faa test of the ffiten or adsorber: b made. Avalid'm-place
and are not la exass of 12 incha ^ a side. test is not possible. without a uaiform tracer-air mix
3. TTr^ou=/l P^rf:lter and Moïstrtrt SepmatorBmrJEs
Wheaever air distnbution tesb are nquind for these 8.2 Susnmary ot Metlsod
. ^ aif cleaaing devicea, the test procxdures speciñed for
DOP aerosol is introduad into the air stream at a
I^PA filter banb wiII be foIIowed.
pnviously sekcted iajectioa point. Aerosol concentn-
4.Acceptmus CNtai^ AII readíngi shaII be with- tion nadingi an talcea aczos: a plaae paraIIel to, aad
ia t 2096 of ths average velocities measund per 83Z. a short distaace upsiream of the iiEPA ffiter bank;
the uniformity of these readiags establisha the ao•
8.A Repost
oeptability of thé injection port locatioa.
A written nport :hall be fumished to aII persona
spedfled la the test procedura. The repon shaII in-
lt ehe system has more thm oae ñEPA ®tar baak ot
dude » a miaimual: more thaa one adsorber slap, a separas tracsr-igjeo-
tiosr pott i! requirad far each baat snd ffierefore a
t. Titk or idmtiñcxtion of test series. aepaate air-seroaol mixiaS tes is required for each in-
jection port aad ®ter baak. If air-seroso! mixin^ L
2. Job number or Parchase Order. adeqaate fo: the fast baak of HEPA ®tera, it can be
assumad to be adequate for the Srst adsorber stap
3. Test instnuneab employed. dowattream. It the system contains a secoad baak of
HF.PA fittets, the DOP must be iajected at s poittt be-
4. Location wad cross-sectional dimensions of each iwcsa the two HEPA baaiss in orda to introduce suf-
duct of pknum when tests wen marle. ficieat aerwoi to the second bank foz a valid teat.


NOTE 2 9 S RepoK
Ia sonse systems it nray be aecessary to inject DOP up-
stream ot a bani of adsorben in order to challenee the A written report shall be furnished to all persona
HEPA IDtera dowastteam, or to iaject a refrigeraat specified in the test procedtue. The report shall ia-
(fluorocarbon) gaa upstream ot a bank ot HEPA fi7tera
in order to test a bank of adsorbérs. It hu beea showst clude, aa a minimuia:
that 1)OP has no adverx affect on activated carbon, and
that refri;eraat gases have no adversa affect on HEPA 1. Title or identification of test.
2. Job atoaban or Parchase Ordet.
3. Identification of system aad uait testad.
8.3 Appartttw 4. Test apparatus.
1. DOP generator (See Par.10.4.1); . . S. Test data.
2. Penetrometer (See Par. 10.4.2); 6. Siu (atoaban and airflow capacity of cells) of
3. System fan or auxíliary blowet capable of pro- each banlc.
ducing the airíIow aad suction presstue specified ia 7. Volumetric flovv rafe.
the teat procedure. ^
8. Location of porta for injection aad sampling.
9. Contxntntion reading at each sampb point aad
•.4 Procedo average concentratioa.
I. Conaect DOP generator to iajection port, start 10. Relocation of injection or sample port, or meaas
syrtem faa at awtíliary blower. - provided for additional mixing if required. _
2. Coanect penettometer to upstream sample port. 1 I. Concentration readingi aad average concentra-
3. Start DOP injection, adjust generator as neces- tion after rystem modification.
sary. 11. Conclusiona or recommendations.
4. Make coaantration readiagi ia a sample pLuie 13. Signatura (s) of test personal.
paratlel to and approximately one foot upstream of 14. Date of teas.
tLs ffiters. AIIow instruraeat to stabtlize before talszng
resdinga. Record read'mgi. For rystem of less than 10. 1 S. Distribution of repon.
ffiters, divide the sampk plane into tea equsl areas
sad take one readiñg st the center of each ares. This 10. IN-PLACE LEAK TEST, HEPA FILTER BAN
test is not nquired for systems contaiaing a single 10.1 Pucpwe ^
i^PA ffitet. _
The in-place test is a leak test of the installed rysten-
Fas systems with ten or more filtets, take one read aad should not be confused with the efficiency teal o:
iag oppoaite the center of each Ater. iadividual filters. Thia teal ia used during acceptaace
`, S. Calculate average coacentratIon from the equs- testing of the air cieaning rystem, after any 9ter te-
tloa: . placemeat, or after any maintenance activity ia the
filtsr housing to verify ( 1) that the filtera have not
C Ei Ct
_ been damaged, (2) that they have been installed prop-
er1y, (3) that there are no Iealcs ia the mouating frame
tvhere C= average conceritration reading; or betweea the motmting frame and the hottsing, aad
. C^ = iad'mdual concentration readings; (4) that the system coatains no bypassing (e.g.,
through defective or iaefficient bypaas dampers,
^ = ntnnber of readingi talcen.
thmugh adjacent plenums, or through penetratians,
6. lf the tnaximtua and miaimum readingi differ sucit as electrical condtrits, which peaetrate the
by more than t 2096 of tlte average readiag, relocaU mounting frame) which would compromise the func-
the injection port, or provide means for additonal tion of the filters. The test is also made periodically ia
mixíng betweert the iajection port and the samph both operating aad staadby rystems to check on poe•
poiat, or specify multiple sampling ia the procedtues stble degradation of the filters or the filter installatioa
for tba tests of Sections 10 and 12. (e.g., development of cracks ia the mouating frame or

ANSI/ASME N510-1980

mounting-frame-to-housing seal). Thia staadard covers 10.4 Appsratua

only the gross test (see Pu. 3.15) but can be used as a
basis for the development of proceduns for a shrouded 10.4.1 Oop Generator. An aitoperated genentor o[
test. Tàe shrouded test ìs sómetimes used when extea- gas-thenaal generator certified by the maaufactunr
sivs scanning of the bank (and thenfore extended to be capable of produ^ag the dropkt-size distribution
nlease of challeage aerosol or gas) is expected. 'The of Par 3.9. The generator output and/or penetrometer
shrouded test is valid ONLY if a satisfactory pnssure- adjustmeat as specified in the test procedun shall ea-
kak test of the mounting frame has pnviously been sure penetrometer sensitivity high enough to permü
compkted. detection of kaks at leaat two times smaller than the
maximum leak allowed by project specifìcations. Ths
DOP concentration shall not exceed the linear te-
10.2 Summary of M^thod sponse capabílity of the detector.
With the rystem faa or an auxiliary blower operat- 10.4.2 Penetrometer. An instrument with a linear
ing, 1>OP aerosol i: iajected upstream of the filten. read•out, near-forward light -scattering aerosol pho-
Concentratioa messunments ars made upstnam aad tométer having the following characteristics is recom. ^
downatream of the ñlten aad peraat peaetration is mended: ^
caiculated front the ratio of DOP concentrations ia tlm 1. Threshold^ sensitivity to penait detection of test
ñltend air (downstream nading) aad the uafiltend air aerosol in conoeatntions of at kast as low ^ as 10^ :^f
(upstream reading). If penetratioa is greater thaa the per liter of air aad having a minimum nadiag at this
valus speciñe^ in the test procedure, the test is conantratioa of 1.096 when set oa the most sensitiv^
atopped snd tlie system n-inspected for leales or by scale. .
passa: If kaks or bypassa canaot be located visually, Z. Capabí^ity of ineasuring concxntrationa of DOP
the faa aad DOP geaerator are tumed oa agaia aad the
in air of at kast 1 Os tima the threshold seasitivity of
downstream face of the mountiag-frame-to -housing
the instrument used for the test.
seal, the peripheries of the individual ñ lten, and finally
the faaa of the filters, in that recommended order, ara 3. For testing of systea^s largu thap 1000 cfm ia-
tcaaaed. Atter locatioa and correction of kab and staIled capacity, a sampliag rate of at leaat 1 cfm.
bypassa ar, if necessary, replacement of defectivo 4. I.inear response from miaimum detectabk aero-
filten, the in-place test is npeated for ncord: The test sol concentration to maximum upstreazn conceatra-
may bt at the . air fiow measured in Sectioa 83.1 tion.
(which is used to éstablish the uaüormity of air-aerosd
mixin= ia Sectioa 9} or at some other specified am 10.4.3 System fan or auxí^iary blower capable of
flow. producing the airtlow aad pnssun specified ia the test
proadurs. .

70á Procedun
10^3 Pnnquishss for Teet
1. Ensure ductwork and plenum an fne frórn dust
- Sections 8 and 9 are prerequisita for this test. Tht
and debris which may damage filter elements.
downstr+eam sampla poiat should be Iocated, if pos-
szble, at a point whete a singk-point sampk, repnsen- 2. F.stabIish air IIow. Measun and record resistance
tative of the downstream conoentration, caa be taken; across bank, using rystem instrumeat or temporary
this may be a poiat downstream of the fan or awriliary manometen.
blower, or a point downstream of a tlow disturbaaos 3. Connect peaetrometer sampling line to upstream
whids will provide adequate mixiag of the DOP-si; sampling port.
mixtnre emittiag from the filten in the bank. Whele _
4. Chect the background dust concentration up•
iït b impasdbla to obtain m adequate siagk-póiat
stream aad downstream of the HEPA ®ten. The
downstream sampls, a multiple sampling techaique, baclcground dust concentrdtion should not iaterfere -
io aocordanoe with Section 11, is nquind. There must with the penetrometer's capabíYity to detect leaks at
be adequata room aad safe workiag conditions for test least two tima smaller than the maximum leak
personnd aad equipment. Vetify that DOp shaII be
allowed by project specifications. If the baclcground
injected at a poiat far enough upatnam to disclose dust concentration is too high and/or unstable,reduce
any posabk system bypasses. it to an acxptabk level.


S. Connect DOP genentor to injection port, start 70.i Report

injectioa, and adjust genentor u necesaary.
A writtea report shall be fumished to all persons
6. Connect penetrometer to upstream sample specified in the test procedure. The report shaII ia-
poiat, allow to stabílize. itécórd upstream readins, clude, as a minimum:
and diaconaect sampk lina. 1. Titk or identification of test.
7. Tnasfer samplins liae to downstream sampls 2. Job number or Purcllase Order.
poiat, alIow photometer to stabílizs, and record
dowrutream nadias. 3. Identitication of rystem, unit, and baak tested.
8. ltepeat steps lOS.6 and lOS.7 until readings 4. Test apparatus aad method of test (gross or
are withia t 59G. Uss final nadings for calculatini shroud}
kakags. S. Ferceat penetntioa.
9. Calculate perceat penetntion from the equa^- 6. Test data ('nscluding readings and calculations
tion: for multiple sampling, if used}
C 7. Location (s) of excesáva leakage, if discovered,.
r =^ l oo -° (7) and method of repairing or alleviating leab.
8. Signature (s) of test penonneL :
where l = percentage penetratioa;
9. Date of test.
Ca = dowa^trzam concentration, from pha
10. Distnbutioa of report.
. tometar readiags; .
Cu = upstnam conoentntion, fiom photom-
10. ff peaetratioa is gnater than the specified value,
scaq ths^ downstream face of tha baak as follows: 11.1 Purpose

sl. Conned samp^s^ Iiae to downstream sampL . This technique is used for estabñshias a représen-
port, adjust penetrometar m zero when set to ths tative valua of DOP penetntion for in-plaoa tests of
most seaaitive scals. HEpA fffter banks when single-point sampk s npresea-
tative of the tracer-air concentration cannot be ob-
b. Disconaect sampk lina from downstream sam- tained (see Sectioa 9}
ple port, attach scaaning probe, tnvene downstream
side of baiak with the probe held about 1 to 13í iaches 112 Apparaeus '
from the sectioa to be checlced. B i: recommended DÕP generator and peaetrometer ss speciñed ia
thad ths seal between the mountin= frame and the Section 10.
housia= ba scaaned first, thea the peripheries of the
ia^ividual fitters, aad finally the cores of the iadivid- 11.3 Prenquisites for Test '
ua1 fi$ea In soma cases, shrouding individual filten 1. Scaa pezimeter of mountiag frame(s) noting
(or groups of filte::) and subjecting only that portion ka]cs.
of tha baatc to ths DOP test may facilitate kak isols-
tioa la large rystems. . 2. Scan filler gaskets aoting leales. ARer leales, if
aay, are npaired, repeat stop I, abone.
a A leak is indicated by a sustained aad reproduo-
IbIa deflectioa of tha meter n.adiag (whea the probe 3. When no firtther leales are fouad proveed to
i; held at the poiat ia question} 11.4.

d. Marlt iãdicated leaks; after repairs or filtet re- i1.4 Proadun

pLcameat, as nec^ry, retest rystem ia acoordaace 1. Subdivide a sarnpling plane through the sekcte^d
with steps 1 to 9.
sampk point and perpendicular to the duci (or
11. F# tha HEPA. f1i ter rystem contains more thaa housing) into a travecse pattem in accordance with
one banlc of filtera, in series, each bank must be tested Fig. 93 or 9.4 (whichever is applicable) of ACGIH
iadividualtlr. Indnstrra! Yentilatiort
•. t'


ANSI/ ASME N510-1980

2. Scaa each traverse area for maximum radia=. 12 IN-PLACE LEAK TEST, ADSORBER STAGE
Ths maximum reading shall be takea as the readin^- 121 Purpose
for-record for that traversa poínt . Identify each real
This test i: used for both acaptance and sur•
ing for-record as Xi, X= . . . X,r. (Sea Tablas 9-1
veíDance leak-testing of the installcd adsorber stage.
thsou^h 9-3 of ÃCG1I^IndustriaT Veatílatioñ for se-
if sampla of adsorbeat are to be taken for labontory
lection of traverse points} .
testing (see Section 13} re^ve such sampla pdor
3. Taks coacentntbn samples at each traverse to this test, aad reston stage to opentiag conditbn.
bcatbn and identify them as Xt, X1, . .. X^. (See
12.2 Summary of Method
Tabla 9-1 through 9•3 of ACG1H Lldustrial Venrr7a-
tioR (eleventh edition) for tnverse poiats for rouad A refrigerant tracer gas ia injected iato the air
dud} stram upstream of the adsorber bank, tncer conan-
trations are determined downstream and upstream
4. Calculate avenga coacentratioa la the sampL of ths ^baak, aad penetntion (percent leakage) is
plana from the equation: determined from tha ratio of downstream to up-
stream coaceatration at time zero.
12.3 Praequisites tor Test
Secibns 8 aad 9 are prerequisites for this test.lhe
ere X= avera8e concxntration, percent; tuu scau
downstreara sample point should be bcated at s.
penetrometer nnge
poiat where a single poiat sample, representative of
JC^ = iadividual concantrations, perceat; füII
the downstream concentration, can be taken; thia
. snle penetrometer nage
may be a point dovvnstream of the fan or auxiliary
iR = numbec of nadings ia tnverse.
blower, or a point dowastream of a tlow disturbaacs
S. Calculate the standárd error of ^ from the which wí11 provide adequate mixing of the tracer-air
mixture emitting from the adsorber stage. There musi
equition: ^ ^ ^ -
be adequate room and safe workiag conditions for
_ ^ (x^ - a^j' 'h te:< personnel aad equipment. Verify that tracxr gas
S^ R(e-1)
(q) wíll be iajeded at a poiat far enough upstream to dis-
cbse aay posatible system bypassa ia accordana with
Section 9.
where S= ' the standard error of ^, where ^ Xt, aad
n bave the same meaning >s ia equatba 124 Appaatua
^} 124.1 Traca Gas. R 11 L pnferred; lt 112 (or
R 112A) is an accxptable aItemate. ^
. 6. Calculate the _ 9596 confideace level of coa-
céntntion from the equatba: 124.2 Traar Gas Detector. The traar-gas detector
shaII have demonsinble apability to distinguish the
tracer gas from baclcground.
whare P,s givea the 9596 con$dence level of% X and 124.3 Traca Gas Generator. Tbe tracer gas output
S: Nave the same m'eaaing as in equation (9} sban be at last 4 tima the Minirnum Workabb
_ = a vaIue found fmm: Threshold Sensitivity (MWTS) of the tncer gas da
tedor divided by the maximum acaptabk leak nte,
.R t
expressed as a fraction of total system airflow. Tht
lo-ls 2s è[1VT3 is the eonceatratioa of tracer gs whidi wí11
1o-20 2.I produoe response on the readout of the tncer gas
ovar 20 2A
detector. 'Ihe generator output shall be held withia
t2096 of the pre-set value.
7. RepoR both avenge concentntion aad the 9596
confdence level of the ooncxntration. 124.4 System Fan or Auxiliary Blower.


12.5 Proadun 12.6 R^port

1. F.stablish MWTS of the tracen gas detector, coa A writtea report shall be fumished to all persona
nect generator to injection port. specified in the test procedure. The report sbaII in-
clude, as a miaimum:
2. F.stablish airtlow through 3he bank.
1. Title or identification of report.
3. Connect sampk fines to upstream and down- 2. Job number or Purchase Order.
stream sunple points, estabIish detector operatiai
oonditions usad la caHbration, establish upstream aad 3. Identification of system, uait, and banlc tested.
downstream sampk flows , and set upstream d^lutioa 4. Test apparatus and refrigeraat gas used.
sir ratio to producx an upstream concentration at the
tncxr gas detector which is withia the linear response S. Percent penetration.
ranga. . 6. Locatioa of any leaks discovered, aad remedisl
4. Take upstream backgrouad samplea and dowa
^ream background samplq (S miaimum for noa 7. Tesf data and instniment calibration data.
contiauow detectors} Tf these show no background 8. Signature(s) of_test personneL
oontaminanto that might interfere with test resuha.
oo^iaue with tes^.- If downatream iaterferencs k 9. Date of test.
iadicated, purge tl>^e baak with rystem airflow uatil 10. Distribution of report.
interfereacx is reduced to an acceptable leveL
S. Stsrt irgection;. Detedor responss times, sample 73.1 Purpos<e
ñne delay aad tracxr traasit times must be accouated
for to iasure accurate plota to time zero ('ia the ^ These teats are used to establish the coñditioa of
olY alternatinf sampling detectoro) or simultaaeous the adsorbe^ in the adsorber syrtem. Tests are made
comparisona of upstream aad dowastream halide of samplea withdrawn periodicaIIy from the adsorbero
values (for coctinuously monitóring detedoro^. of ^the instaIled system. Tast results from subsequent
tests, made at periods specifled in the test procedure,
á sampling aheraately or coatinuousiy, take at are compared with the initial poiat and with each
kaot fom upstream samples aad íive downstream other, aad curves showing the vuiation of adsorbeat
ssmpks as rapidly as the instrumeat response permits. oondiüon with time are prepared.
Reoord the time aad concxntration for each readin5.
13.2 Samplin^
iâr watinuously monitoring detecton, monitor and
record ^ upstrean aad downstream tracer gas conaa- Representativ^e sampka for adsorbent surveíllance
tration for Hve minutea. testittg sbaII be taken from the adsorbers or sampkro
of the installed rystem.
^`I.' Calculate penetration
13.3 Proeedun

P=100Çd Teat adsorbent sampleo in accordance with the

^ ' procedures ia ASTM D3803. Test oonditioris shaIl be
where P = penetration, percent; ` in acoordanoo with plant techaical specificationo.
Cd = downstream tracer concentration;
13.4 Report
: C,r = upsiream trdcer oonantration.
A writtea report sbaII be furnished to the agency
Care muot be taken to acxount for posatbk tracer
desorption during the oourse of the test. performing the leaic test per Section 12, and to aII
persom specifled ia tbe test procedure. The report
8^ If the penetration obtained from par. 12.5.7 shall iaclude as a minimum:
b gnater than the value speciñed in the test pro- 1. Title or identification of report.
ozdurts, locate leaks: repair, and retest. 2. Job number or Purchase Order.


^^r..^^ >^-, t..' _ _ •- «y -- ' __ .c ..._ ._

ANSI/ASME N510-1980

3. IdentiScation of system, unit, and bank front 14.2.2 Povver-0ff Electripl Tests. Make ohmmetet
whicA samples wen taken, oc serisl number of check to verify that there v continuity ia all dreuits
and that there an no grouading faults. Report deH-
samples . ^ ; ^
deades aad rechedc after making corrections
4. Maaufactunrs grade desi.gaatioa.
14.Z.3 Povrer-0n Electrial Tests. With power on,
S. Test data aad nsulta. check all power dreuits with clampon ammeter; bal-
6. Condusioas or recommendations aaoz betweea phasea of s dreuit shall be vvithia 596 of
oae another. Operate heater dreuits a^ith faas oper-
7. Instntmeat calibration dats. ating, to verify operation. Reduos airtlow by damper-
8. Identification óf testing labocatory. ^ ing u requind to vetify proper operation of thenno-
static controls.
9. Signatun(s) of test personneL
14.2.4 Power-0n Mechanial Tests. During pówer^oa
10. Date of test. eledrial tests, check values of enterlag aad leaving
11. Daú of sampl^ iasertion iato adsorber bank. temperature (wet aad dry buib) aad relative humidity
to verifj^ confonzlance vcitL projed spedíicationa.
12 Date of sampiie extraction from adsorber banlr.
, Verify all temperature and relative humidity reading,t
- 13. Distribution of nport. by oomparison with cxlbrated standard sensors
14.3 Report
- A writtea nport shaII be furaished to aII persons
14. DUCT HEATER PERFORMANCE TEST specitied ia ths test procedure. The nport shall ia-
14.1 Purposa clude, u a miaimum: .
1. Title or identificatión of nport.
TlLS test b used to verify that iuatiag equipmeat
in the air deaning system vYi1I meet requiremeats of 2. Job number or Purchass Order: ^
tLa spedfiatioa under operating oonditions 1hr 3. Identitication óf system and uai.t.
test i; made u part of the acoaptance tests of the sys-
tems folbwiag iastallation, modi8cation, os npair 4. Test apparatus
of the heatets, and once every two years S. Teat nsults and dats
á Nonconformancxs fouad and nmedial actioa
142 Summery of Tesb ^ taken. .
--- 14.2.t Visual Inspeetion. i;nsped all heatiag elemeats 7. Instrument alibratioa data.
and powes oontrol dreuits for loost oonaectioas,
^ parts ot iastilatioa, aad missiag parts, using 8. Signatura(s) of test personneL
s wíriag disgram of sufñdent detaiL Report de& 9. Data of test.
dendea found during iaspedion aad recheck aRet
repaiir. 10. Distribution of npoR.



A-t Genera! with air and flowed through a sample bed of the
same thidtness as the beds ia the rystem, at the same
$ is one purpose of this standard to verify that
airflow rate as the airflow through the beds in ths
thero is no sigaificant leakage through the air cleaninf
rystem. Zbe amouat of challenge gaa retained over a
rystem. •
spedHed period of time (usually 2 hours^ oompazed
_ A•2 HEPA Fikers to the quantity ia the unfiltered air establishes the
etïidenry of the adsorbent for that particvlar con-
Tests of aa iadividual HEPA (high eftidenry per
taminaat gas (adsorbats^ Becauae of the difflculty of
^ ait) Htter are of two types. Zhe test by tlu
handlio= radioactive materials, thia typs of test is
faciory ar quality asiuraace statioa h m eíïldency
geaerally not made ia the field.
deùrmiaatioa usiug a. monodisperse cballenge aerosol
o[ 03 t OA3 ^rm diamet^ dropleb. The minimum • Fadory tesis of full size cells and la-place üeld
speciñcatiost valw ibr HEPA filter effìdenry b iests of iastalled rystems, uaing a refrigecant-gas, an
999796 efHcienry (where efHdeary equals 100 miaus leak tests only. 1bs tests are designed to determias
perceat penetration^ Moat ñlters today rua about only the amouat of leakage through or around the
999796 éffidenry. ta the effideary tesi, the totai adsorber^t ia the or.II (factory test) or thmugh or
Hltet h drallenged st oae time aad a single reading of around the installed bank of cells (field tests} Poor-
pKnetration L obtaraed. • • perfonaanoa adsorbent b nvt dr•teded by thess tesis.
In-phce He]d tests of instatled i^PA Hlten ars Penetration values shown on iadividual cells by ths i
made with a polydisperse DOP aerosol, and do not maaufadurer, urilire the peaetration values shown on ^
show the effidenry of the filters but oaly reveal the HEPA filtes, do not indicafe oontaminant-removal z
preseace ot leab ín ths rystem-scaaaiag may be efHdenry, but only leak-tightnesa lberefore, the wn-
used if necesaary to locate the lealrs. If the peaetratioa taminant removal efSdenry of aa instaIled adsorber t
. observed ia ths tast h equivaleat to the peaetratioa rystem caanot be inferred from the penetration values ^
,-„established during faciory testiaa , hewever, it aa bs shown on the individual alb, ^ can bs done with
aferred that ths partido-removal eHidenry of th^ HEPA ñlten.
^ -=-rystem if equivaleat to that of the individual flters.
1be efixcienry of the individual cxlls aad of the ia-
fhis is ths basis fot maay persom identifying the ia-
stalled system caa be assumed to bave a given valw
place test as an effideary test. 1lrs in-place test is
ody on the basis of tlu tests made on representa
not an effidenty test aad should aot be so considered.
tive samples of the adsorbent used ia those cells and
A•3 Adsorbsr Systaw rystena. Aa instalkd rystem caa be assumed to bave
aa efñcieacy equivaleat to that of the sample only if:
Ef$deary, ia ths usual sease, caaaot be measured
for adsorption systems. Adsorption is time depeadeqt 2. 'Ibs sampk is actrrally representative of all of
and therefore iastaataaeous ooatamiaaat-removal sf- tiu adsorbeat in all of the cxlls in the rystern.
Hdeacy is meaniagiesa. Trua eíüdenry tesis are run 2. AlI of ths cells are filled properly in acoordaace
oa smaS, represeatative samples of ths adsorbeat ' with a qualified filliag procedure which wrll ensure a
using s radioactively tagged traaer baviaE sirrrr7ar ^tight padc'.
properties and compositioa of these of the contam- 3. There are no leaks or bypasses in either the ia-
iaaat of iaterest (e.g., rddioactive elemental iodiae or ^ dividual celh (factory tests) or the installed rystem
methyl iodide). 1be tagged challeage gas is mixed (fielá tests}



LEAK TESTS ( Nonmandatory}

one to one coaelation of temperatura chango versus

Thia appeadi^t discuses the background, problem
areas aad equation derivation for housing aad ûame error.
leaic testing. In genetal the sarne problems of pazam- Derivation of equatioa
eter sensitivitv app^^ to any test method designed
P^ 1 Y
to detenaiae a quaatitatiw mensure of leakage acrose
the syatem boundary. This discusion applies to low Q Tj Tf^ R,tAt (0.075)
pressure systems, operatiag at about plw or minw
oae psi& Aa the absolute pressure increases sigaifl-
caatly, tño sensitivity of the teat method to a given (11 NOMENCLATURE:
parameter will dsange sigait3caat1l ^•
Q _ Average volumetric leak rafe basad on density
Analysis of the f6Ilowing variables lb
of standard air - 0.075 ^ average density
Temperature SCFM - 3
Itelative Humidity
Density . ' Y = Vohime of eaclosuce - fts
^ Berometric Pcessure - ^ Pj : Initial pressure of gas (air) in enclosure - lbJft'
Test Pressure rs Design Pressun absoluto
Time (duration) of test .
. $eoondary ileat Source Fuial presura gas (air) in enclosure - lb/ft1
:boas that these parameters are either 1) of no sit
nific^ace to the calculated leak rate, 2) takea into T = Ambient temperatura of gas (air) in enclosure
' at tíme of test - °R
acoount in tir equation for ths presaure decay
method or 3) of signiñcaacx and therefore criticnL i = Average mas: flow Ieak rete - lb/min.
(Of no sigaificance is having an effed of less thaa a
Mi = Initial masa of gas (air) in enclosure - lb
ftsw peroeat of tbe calculated leak nte for the woat
ooriceivable srtuation.) Of the parameters listed, M^ F'uial masa of gas (air) la enclosure - lb
lielative Humidity, is of no significance, Teat Prez :
O t IIapsed time for proseare to chango from Pi to
^, Density, Barometric Ptcsure and Timo aze
Pf - Minaren
taken into account ia the equation. Thia leaves
Sooondary Iieat Souroe and Temperature. S3ncx a tr =Time at which final pressure is recordad,
heat source wiII change the temperature they may be minutos
oonsidered aa haviag the sa^e effed and are of
t^ = Tuve at which initiai presura is recordad,
aiticai siEnit3caace. Ia aay method used to measure
or caiculate gas Ieakage iato or nut of a rystem near minuto:
atmoapheric presure, the- rystem must be either ^ Average density of gas (air) at test conditíons
iaothermai or the temperature muat be measu:ed dur- - lb/ft' •
ing the test. ft lb
A chaage of 1°F inay have a sigaiñcant effeci on R,e = Gaa constant for air - 5335 ^'R
the leak rate. 5tnce the volume of the housiag is ia-
cluded in the equation ít is not possíble to have a Note: 1 in w .g = 5.2041b/ft'

(2) ASSUMPTIONS: ^ Mf= R (2)
A. Barometric presaure must bs determined if
absolute pressures are to be computed from
gage measuremeats. ' . ^ Tire changa la masa is equal to tha total lealtage:
B. The enclosure aad íts gas (air) contenta must
be at the surroundiaf ambient tempezature. dK=Mf -M^ =(Ti - (3)
C. The eaclosed volume muat not changa signi&
cantly with pressurization or evacuation. The average masa flow rata is obtained by dividing the
D.TI^e Pi and Pf of the test are chosen so thát total leakage by the elapse la time:
their average h the operating pressure (posi- m = ^M/^t (4}
tive or negative) for which a leak rate ia being
determined. This easures that the fora effects Therefore, the average mass flow leak is:
on leakages CA ara averaged aad ia the proper
direction. _ P^ P ^ i+ (S}
m=( --^
Tj Tj R^et
(31 DERIVATION: ,; ` ;
Applyina the perfect gas 1aw (assuming compressibit- Convert to SCFM, based on air density of 0.075
ity fidor Z =1 k lb/ft', ps
P^Y - i Pj P^ Y
M^ _- (1) Q=-= - - (6)
T^R ps Tt T^ R,t^t (OA75}


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