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COMPARISION OF VARIOUS INTERNALS e SULZER ‘Suizer india Unites Ie bottle Colin, Wal Wr or pode Pefemery brduairy : Aelh wh affeels i iar Cenedivcl mented ol SELECTION : TRAYS OR PACKINGS Sr. Description Trays Random Structured No. Packings Packings 1 _| Pressure drop High Low Low? 2_| Effect of scaleup Predictable Difficult to predict_| Predictable 3_| Fouling Service Yes No, No |_4_| Feed Point Fie» Yes [Difficult Difficult 5 Yes 7 Difficult Difficult 6 Considerable | Small ‘Small [7 | Uquid 7 gas ratio (ow [Can handle low | Can handle high | Can handle high | gas rates) _| values values values | Corrosion ‘More costly tower | More economical | More economical options, plastics, | options, plastics, | | _| etc | etc. i 3 | Cleaning [Frequent cleaning | Cleaning dificult | Cleaning difficult easy (inspection | (entire batch | (entire batch traywise is | might require to | might require to | possible) be removed) be removed) 70_| Cost —_ Low Low / Medium | High /sege de ae) oye oa foucin Tire ei-2e SULZER ‘Sulzer ina Limited COMPARING TRAYS AND PACKINGS ‘Any separation can be carried out with either with trays or with packings , either random or structured. The points discussed below influence the choice between trays and packings. Each point has its importance depending on the paticular situation being considered. Also , since many of these factors are to be considered at the same time it is not possible to have a clearcut method to decide on any single intemal to use. Many times the previous experience and comfort with a particular kind of operation will decide SULZER Sulzer India Limited FACTORS FAVORING PACKED COLUMNS a Vacuum Systems: Packing pressure drop is much lower than trays. In a tray tower, the open area of each tray is around 5 to 10 percent of the column cross-section area. This gives a high velocity and a high pressure drop. Further, each tray holds 1 to 2 inches of clear liquid, through which the vapour must pass, and which results in further pressure drop. Tray pressure drop is typically of the order of 0.15 psi per theoretical stage. On the other hand, the open area in @ packed tower is usually greater than 50 % of the column cross-section area, and liquid resistance to gas flow is relatively small. This leads to @ typical pressure drop of 0.04 psi per theoretical stage with random packings and about haif of that with structured packings. For example a vacuum column with 10 theoretical stages, operating at 1 psi top pressure , the bottom pressure will be 2.5 psi with trays, but only 1.4 psi with packings. The packed tower will have a much better relative volatility in the lower parts, thus reducing reflux and reboil requirements and bottom temperature. This means less product degradation, more capacity, and smaller energy consumption. This is a major adventege for packings. Low-pressure-drop applications: By virtue of their low pressure drop compared to trays packings are favored in any application where it is economical to minimize pressure drop. A typical example is an atmospheric or low-pressure column whose overheads are compressed and a lower compression ratiomeans a lower cost Revamps: Packings also offer manipulation between capacity and separation. Going to smaller packings converts spare capacity in the tower into separation stages. Larger packings can overcome capacity bottlenecks at the expense of loss in separation. {f both of these can be performed in different sections of the same coiumn both can be improved . In SULZER Sulzer india Limite other situations, a separation loss due to revamping with larger packings can be ‘compensated by a slight increase in reflux. In tray columns, changing tray spacing will give similar results, but is more dificult to do. ‘Small-diameter columns: When column diameter is less than 3 ft, it is difficult to access the column from inside in order to install and maintain the trays. "Cartridge" trays are often installed, or an oversized diameter is used. Either option is expensive. Packing is normally a cheaper and more desirable alternative Corrosive systems: The range of packing materials is wider than that commonly available for trays. Ceramic and plastic packings are cheap and effective. Trays can be manufactured in nonmetals, but packing is usually a cheaper and more desirable altemative. Foaming : The foaming tendency is greater on trays than with packings due to the higher vapour and liquid velocities and the more violent vapour-liquid contact. The advantage of Packings with foaming systems is small, but offen appears exaggerated due to poor downcomer sizing practices. Low liquid holdup: Packings generally have lower liquid holdup than trays. This is often advantageous either for reducing polymerization and degradation or as a safety measure aimed at reducing the inventory of hazardous materials Batch distillation: Because of the smaller liquid holdup of packed columns, a higher Percentage of the liquid can be recovered as top product, and the cuts are sharper SULZER ‘Sulter ina Limos FACTORS FAVORING TRAY COLUMNS ‘The following factors generally favor trays compared to either rao oF sti Solids: Trays can handle solids @ fot essier than packed columns. Bo:n ges and liquid ‘3 higher on a tray than through p: high liquid and gas velocities provic’2 a sweeping action that keeps tray openings and perforations clear. Solids tend to accumulate in the voids of packed columns. There are volocities are often: an order of mag fewer locations where solids can be deposited in a tray column. Further, packed towers need liquid distributors, and plugging in these has been a common troublespot. Cleaning trays is easier than cleaning random packings, while cleaning structured packings requires special techniques Large diameter Packings can suffer from severe maldistribution problems in large- diameter columns. These problems are far less severe in plate columns. Complex columns: Interreboilers, intercondensers, co’ coils, and side drawoffs are more easily incorporated in tay than ‘ad co! complexity requires additional distribution and/or liquid colection equipment. In packed columns, every Feed composition variation: One way of allowing for design uncertainties and feedstock variation is by installing alternate feed points. In packed columns, every altemate feed point requires expensive distribution equipment. Performance prediction: There is gieater uncertainty in predicting packed column performance. Greater overdesign is oft ined. SULZER Sulzer nda Limited Chemical reaction/absorption: By using high weirs, trays are capable of providing greater residence time for absorption or chemical reaction than packing, Thus it is possible to provide this extra residence time even in an existing column to adapt it to a change s whereas that would be difficult in packed column Weight: Tray columns usually weigh less than packed columns. This saves on the cost of foundations, supports, and column shell Intermittent operation: When temperature is either lower or higher than atmospheric, intermittent operation repeatedly expands and contracts the shell, This may crush the packings or damage the shell in a packed column, but is easy to accommodate for in tray columns. Trays versus random packings: The following factors generally favour trays compared to random packings, but usually not compared to structured packings. Low liquid rates: With the aid of serrated weirs, splash baffles, reverse-flow trays (400, and bubble-cap trays, low liquid rates can be handled better in tray columns, Packed columns suffer from liquid dewetting and maldistribution at low liquid rates, Tumdown: Valve and bubble-cap trays normally give better tumdown than packings Unless very expensive distributors are used, packed tower tumdown is usually limited by distributor tumdown. With random packings, minimum wetting rate requirement may also limit tumdown. Process surges: Random packings are usually more troublesome than trays in services that suffer from frequent process surges (e.g.. those caused by slugs of water entering a hot oil column, relief vaive lifting, compressor surges). Structured packings are considered to be less troublesome than trays in such services. SULZER ‘Trays versus structured packings: The following factors generally favor trays compared 10 structured packings, but usually not compared to random packings. Material Of Construction: Due to the thin sheets used in structured packings, their materials of construction need to have better resistance for oxidation or corrosion. For a service in which carbon steel is usually satisfactory with trays, stainless steel may be (> required with structured packings. Column wall inspection: With structured packings, it is often difficult to inspect the column wall without damaging the structured packings. Due to their snug fit, structured packings are easily damaged during removal. Washing and purging: Thorough removal of residual liquid, wash water, air, or process gas trapped in structured packings at startup and shutdown is more difficult than with trays. Inadequate removal of these fluids may be hazardous. HIGH CAPACITY INTERNALS & RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Mellrpaele fluo 262: 1 “ ASL OW ta bef Capatil, » Tw \ Sd Peer, piven RO yoy Wreseaee tm Ctinols INSTALLATION ASPECTS Installation of trays and downcomers Tray Parts Downcomer Parts, ‘Support Parts 3.1 Integral beam 3.2 Loose beam 3.3 Lattice Girder Welding Attachments in Column 44 Tray Support Rings 4.2 Boiting Bars 4.3. Support Brackets Clamping and Bolting of trays and downcomers Tray Manway Arrangement SULZER Sulzer india Lites Page 1 of 8 SULZER Sulzer india Utes Tray Parts Trays consist ofthe following parts which are all designed to pass through the manhole opening size. *+ Under downcomer flow plate (uaf plate) The plate or plates that come directly under the downcomer of the tray above. The liquid builds upon the uf plate and then flows through the ciearance below the downcome- of the tray above before travelling across the tray + Tray panels ‘The plates that contain the sieve holes valves/ bubble caps through which mass transfer ocurs. + Outlet Weir The angle that creates the hold up of the liquid on the tray. The liquid flows over the outlet weir to the downcomer below. + Anti-jump baffles These baffles are used for centre downcomers of two pass trays and off-centre downcomers of four pass trays to avoid liquid from one side of the downcomer to cross over to the other side of the downcomer. Downcomer Parts Downcomers are split So as to allow passage through the manholes of the column. Downcomer parts are attached to each other by bolting Support Parts 3.1 Integral beam Tray panels and downcomers are ts: § 2am the strength of the panels and do» ieene refer Fig. 4 3.2 Loose beam Channels or loose supporting members are sometimes used to support the trays to reduce the unsupported spans of tray panels, Please refer Fig. 1 3.3. Lattice Girder (Please refer-Fig. 2) Lattice girders are for large column diameters to take high loads of trays. Lattice girders fened by vertical and are made up of an assembly of horizontal primary members sti diagonal members. Sometimes, the lattice girders are used to sucnort two trays - ane ‘tray supported on the top primary member and one tray en the bottom primary member. Page 2 of 9 SULZER Sulzer India Lied 4 Welding Attachments in Column ‘Trays and downcomers are installed on attachments welded on the inside of the column, These attachments include the tray support rings, Solting bars, support brackets, draw-off sumps, etc. 4.1 Tray Suoport Rinas Trays are installed inside the column on circular tings called tray support rings. The wieth of this ring is dependent upon the column diameter and varies from 40mm to 80mm. The thickness of the tray support ring depends uoon material of construction and the corrosion allowance. Tray support rings are welded to the inside of the column at the required elevations. These Support rings are supplied by the column vendor based on the information provided by the tray vendor. Trays are clamped to the tray support rings inside the column. Wherever there is a need for zero leakage from the tray, the tray is seal welded to the tray support ring. Please refer Fig. 3 for typical details 42 Bolting Bars Downcomers are installed inside the column on plates called the bolting bars. These belting bars have holes or slots on them at distances that match the slots of the downcomers Please refer Section DD of Fig. 3 for a typical view. When there are lattice girders, then the downcomers are spit. In such cases, the «MOTsLLdO “Aspuownjonst HL oyinados anonouer so21A1es pun synpoud “£B0jouy>0} Payaqbyorosnonen ave, ‘pen yu med 80 pm 08 auyots Guten ABojoUNpa1 ome ‘Noyme puo Sun so2yuos stvotshs “1u|g 3 S 5 © 2 8 3. a Mixing Systems @ SULZER a = wv Sd Suyoousouz uuupsBo1g ABojouypaL, suroisks Bupay pup uoypsndes, ABojouypay Tan Spl Sind duing 10H Ausnput sousojd ays w suowonnly ss0204d 8S ABojouypay BuPaw suoaut -uphy winajosiad yo Asono20u pup wouyoo. 506 jsno\ duo uondiosqy Aq 44900304 Juoajos pup yuou ~4pad] SBD ASNDYXY HDa1W3HD e 43Z1nNS uo Npod |1O epnaD pud SoHUljoy [IO 40} uouidinbg pup ABojouysa) ssa201q susaisks pup BuyoouBus ‘suouoduion ABojouypay Buruyoy ut 02091j923, uownpedd 10 2pn4> 2037049 105 20M04 WADA somos ayoydsouny seinguisia pinbr jopeds sosseroid Bupjopip JOU puP BUl}{o> voy Oy oupunyinsopouphe, a soumy Yum Buywoyooms Oa uoyezunydinsog toavraw anovnaw ‘s10u wane py mouse shou BmDIOW syuouodwioy aayDAouuy * susueduio oayonouyy uo 59105 SPI PHOM S4aulojsn9 04 S9>1A105 ZO y Woy suoyDryddy jouysnpul HOaIW3HD @ 4aZInNSs sessosoid uoudiosqo 404 ABojouYr94 ULUA|OD Buyssor01g SPD ‘op 01 ponwony segs Aq poucreninas? tyes ose en 470 g 08) mP00| EN N+ seqoat ‘eta sounssond io « i suuanj> uowdorep pur voyeorge 000 Hows o0W voven0 +++ sBuppod painisnil sBuppod posnjonajs jo seanqoaj oust sta yey poo ie peo, “you psy wy suowoniny swore yo ose> at won oowuoson6 m aouousojiog Anwapcois 99416 suophytot yim 506 jounjou yo Buykig suwinjo> uyspee yo BuypouBen ee mgs dvayTiaW 01 shou kypodo> yBxy wus utinjo> wendiesqe £09 0 40 worssoates Barnuouss oy expe ek sewn wane) te ut yy ‘Wo 18 © oy ny ond Buyuo9 ne sooty 2Bupy>xo 1004, vousdiorqe spAyopjoutiog a evn nore yao moze PPi008 484081 sno oyqora60a 30 owpz9pes0 uissoBSp uo naiS! ‘pmmoqoW J07}95 wosy ‘shout uiunjen, TSaUS HDi ouusnpyy uazzins uoupoydde Aup 404 skoay 21005 Pre. 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