Commonly Asked Ques of Cvs

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LAQ with model answer -

10 marks each

Add note on heart block.

1. Describe origin and spread of cardinc impulse. a

origin of cardiac impulse - Imark

Diagram (Pacemaker Potential)
-3 marks
Spread of cardiac impulse
- 1 mark
Diagram - 3marks
Description - 2 mark
Applied (heart block)
& pressure volume
2. Define cardiac cycle. Describe different phases of cardiac cycle
changes in left ventricle. - 1 mark
Enumeration of different phases -2 marks
- 4 marks
Left ventricular Pressure &volume changes description
-2 marks
Diagram - 1 mark

3. Define heart rate and give its normal value. Describe regulation of Heart Rate.
- 1 mark
Definition with normal value
Description -2 marks
Role of cardiac innervation
- 1 mark
Role of Medullary cardiovascular centre in regulation 2 marks
- 3 mark
Role of cardio vascular retlexes
- 1 markk
4. Draw a neat labeled diagram of ECG in leadI. Explain various waves, intervals & their
2 marks
Diagram - 6 marks
Description - 2marks

5. Enumerate Blood Pressure regulatory mechaniss.

Discuss Baroreceptor (Sino-aortie ) mechanismn in detail.
Definition - I mark
Enumerate marks
Deseription -3 marks
Baroreceptor rellex
- 1 mark
Applied 2 mark
6. Enumerate Blood Pressure regulatory mechanisms.
Describe short term regulatory mechanism in - 2 marks
Enumerate -3 marks
Baroreceptor reflex - I mark
Chemoreceptor reflex (flow chart) - 1 % mark
CNS Ischemic response (tlow chart)
I mark

cardiac output.
index. Describe factors regulating
7. Define cardiac output and cardiac - I mark
Definition - 2 marks
Heart rate
Factors regulating
Stroke volume
Heterometric Regulation -2 % marks
Homometric Regulation -2 % marks

-2 marks

8. Define & Classify shock.

of Hypovolemic shock
Describe Compensated (Non- Progressive) stage
Definition & Classification 2 marks
Hypovolumic shock (cause) l mark
R. CNS Ischemic R. Renin Angiotensin.
Compensatory stages ( Baroreceptor Chemoreceptor
stress relaxation with flow chart & brief description wherever
role of Hormones, role of kidney,
-7 marks

9. Define & Classify shock.

Describe Non-Compensated (Progressive) stage of Hypovolemic
basis of treatment of shock.
shock. Add a note on Physiological
Definition & Classification -2 marks
- 1 mark
Hypovolumic shock (cause)
5 marks
Non-Compensatory stage
-2 marks
marks cach
SAQ with model answer-5
1. Heart sounds
and lInd heart sounds 3 mark
Difference between Ist
1 marks
Brietly on llI&IV Heart sounds

2. Deseribe origin and spread of cardiac impulse. 2% mark

Origin of cardiac impulse
2% marks
Spread of cardiac impulse

of bloodflow through vessels.(2marks)

3. a) State poiseuille's law
factors determining the blood flow through
vessels. (3 marks)
b) Explain
tissue fluid formation? (2 %marks)
4. a) What are starling's forces for
b) What are the causes of odema? (2 %marks)

5. a) Draw a diagram of ECG. (2 marks)

neat labeled

b) Explain bipolar limb leads. (3 marks)

What peculiarities of coronary

circulation? (3% marks)
6. a) are

b) Add note on Angina pectoris. (1% marks)

shock ? (l mark)
7. a) What different stages of hypovolaemic
of shock? (4 marks)
b) Describe the features of progressive stage

stroke volume. (1% marks)

8. a) Define cardiac output and
Describe the factors
affecting stroke marks) (3%
9. Factors affecting venous

10. a) Define cardiac cycle. ( volume changes during cardiac cycle. (4mark)
ventricular pressure &
b) Describe left
moderate exercise.
1. Describe cardiovascular changes

12. Oxygen debt

Fick's method in detail
13. Enumerate methods of
measurement of cardiac output. Explain

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