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Model Question Paper – MBA Sem 1


1. Which model embodies a team concept, based on the principle of mutual contribution
by employer and employees?
A. Autocratic model
B. Collegial Model
C. Custodial model
D. Supportive Model

2. Which model believes in the model “might is right”?

A. Autocratic model
B. Collegial Model
C. Custodial model
D. Supportive Model

3. As a manager, one of Mukesh's duties is to present awards to outstanding employees

within his department. Which Mintzberg managerial role is James acting in when he does

A. Liaison Role
B. Figurehead Role
C. Monitor Role
D. Leadership Role

4. Identify the work behaviour by which employee try to usurp other employees' duties.

A. Commander
B. Attacker
C. Pleaser
D. Avoider

5. Identify the job related attitude in which employee actively take part in the job and
consider performance important to self-worth.

A. Organisational Commitment
B. Job involvement
C. Employee engagement
D. Organisational support
6. Identify the personality trait in which individual try to be himself and not being social.

A. Introvert
B. Extrovert
C. Narcissism
D. Machiavellianism

7. What is this power known as: Power of Doctor to decide in an operation theatre?

A. Expert
B. Referent
C. Reward
D. Coercive

8. What is the synonym of Positive conflict?

A. Functional
B. Dysfunctional
C. Diagnostic
D. Systematic

9. They are considered to be critics as a team member. Who are they?

A. Devils’ advocacy
B. Authority
C. Coalition
D. Catalyst

10. Who defined the division of labour?

A. Robert Owen
B. Henry Fayol
C. Adam Smith
D. Edward D Binno

11. Which theory states an organisation as a system?

A. Modern
B. Classical
C. Neo Classical
D. Geo Classical
12. In which country can Albeit organisation be traced early as 2900 BC?

A. America
B. London
C. India
D. Egypt

13. Which structure is also called as entrepreneural organisation?

A. Combined
B. Simple
C. Comples
D. Matrix

14. Which oranisation is known as innovative organisation?

A. Personal
B. Adhocracy
C. Divisional
D. Professional

15. Who is regarded as Father of Strategic Management?

A. Igor Ansoff
B. Adam Smith
C. Webber
D. F W Taylor

16. What refers to the degree of authority in an organisation?

A. Resources
B. Alliances
C. Influence
D. Security

17. Which organisational structure is also known as Flat organisation structure?

A. Horizontal
B. Matrix
C. Vertical
D. Virtual
18. In which of the following sectors, organisations are owned by individuals?

A. Secondary sector
B. Primary sector
C. Public sector
D. Private sector

19. Identify the kind of culture where there is less need for detailed policies and

A. Strong culture
B. Basic culture
C. Weak culture
D. Mini-culture

20. An organization's culture defines and guides the way to behave within the
organization. Which organizational culture is related to individualism?

A. Weak culture
B. Strong culture
C. Dominant culture
D. Market culture

21. A good organizational culture requires a spirit of cooperativeness and an amicable

environment. Identify the name of the process wherein all the employees and owners of
the organization interact with each other.

A. Socialization
B. Openness
C. Consultative process
D. Adaptability process

22. What do we call the process of determining whether the firm will be able to secure
employees with the necessary skills and from what sources?

A. Forecasting availability of resources

B. Market Analysis
C. Supply of resources
D. Social Security
23. What is the other name given to Voluntary Retirement Schemes /VRS?

A. Golden Aircraft
B. Golden Handcuff
C. Golden Parachute
D. Golden Handshake

24. What is the process of ensuring that the qualified person is available to assume a
managerial position once a position is vacant called?

A. Human Resource Planning

B. Career Planning
C. Succession Planning
D. Organization Planning

25. Identify from the options given the internal factor where remuneration can be decided
on the basis of employees ‘performance, experience in a particular area, skills, knowledge,
and competencies.

A. Productivity
B. Cost of living
C. Effectiveness
D. Employee capability

26. There are various ways by which organizations try to motivate and engage employees.
One such is the Stock Options which can be also called as:

A. Retirement benefits
B. Bonus
C. Perquisites
D. Co-partnership

27. Provided by businesses over and above the monthly wages of an employee, often of
a non-monetary type is termed as the following:

A. Productivity
B. Perquisites
C. Cost of living
D. Balance of Work-Life
28. Which of the following is not a characteristic of trade union?

A. Voluntary association
B. Common goals
C. Intermediary
D. Individual actions

29. Which kind of union is focused on making the skills of its members valuable and not
easily replaceable in the organization?

A. Industrial union
B. Occupational union
C. General union
D. White-collar union

30. The International Labour Organization (ILO) was established shortly after the First
World War in which year?

A. 1935
B. 1930
C. 1929
D. 1919

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