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What is a high-value woman?

A high-value woman is described as someone who knows her

self-worth.When she walks into a room, she radiates feminine energy,
and everyone wants to know who she is; she’s the type of woman that
people want to be (or be with). A high-value woman is confident,
ambitious, respectful, and compassionate, so she isn’t afraid to go
after what she wants and deserves.[1]
 In pop culture, a high-value woman is often considered “marriage material,” or
one of the most desirable partners for men. Most men are attracted to high-value
women because they recognize their own value and don’t seek validation from
Traits of a High-Value Woman

A high-value woman has high self-esteem.According to pop culture, one of
the most telling traits of a high-value woman is that she’s incredibly
self-aware. She knows her own worth and respects herself, so she sets
high standards in all of her relationships. If someone treats her poorly,
she’s perfectly capable of walking away from them without any second
 Even though a high-value woman has high self-esteem, it doesn’t mean that
she’s entitled or arrogant. A high-value woman understands that she makes
mistakes just like everyone else, but she focuses on learning from her
experiences so she can move forward.[3]

She embraces her femininity.A high-value woman recognizes the power of
feminine energy and knows how to use it to her advantage. She’s
intuitive, nurturing, creative, and empathetic, and she doesn’t need to
wear revealing clothes to attract men—her personality is enough to
capture everyone’s attention and leave them in awe.[4]
 Part of embracing her feminine energy is being mysterious. A high-value
woman chooses her words wisely and speaks with intent. By minimizing the
amount of information she shares about herself, she appears even more alluring
and intriguing.
A high-value woman possesses a growth mindset.While the average person
might be discouraged by a challenge, a high value woman uses it as
motivation to work harder. A high-value woman sets clear goals for
herself and doesn’t let anything get in the way. Once she sets her mind
on something, she’ll work tirelessly until she achieves it.[5]
 If a high-value woman makes a mistake, she doesn't let it define her. She deals
with failure by asking for feedback and viewing the situation as a learning

She’s always learning and growing.A high-value woman is constantly
searching for opportunities to evolve and become the best version of
herself. She’s always looking to expand her skills, whether that means
reading a self-help book, taking an art class, or learning a foreign
language. A high-value woman usually has something exciting going on
in her life, so you’ll rarely catch her chilling at home.[6]
 A high-value woman strives to learn something new every day. Even if she
watches a movie, she’ll probably choose a thought-provoking documentary or
an award-winning film.

She has a high level of emotional intelligence.A high-value woman is self-
aware and empathetic, which means she can process and manage her
emotions. She understands that her words and behavior can affect
others, so she always speaks and acts with purpose. If she does
happen to make a mistake, she always apologizes and holds herself
accountable; you won’t ever catch her playing the victim or blaming
 While some women manipulate or string men along, high-value women don't
have time to play games. They respond to texts and calls normally, stick to
plans, and always express gratitude for other people’s time and energy.

She knows how to establish and maintain boundaries.A high-value woman
isn’t afraid to speak her mind and stand up for herself. She’s upfront
and honest about her feelings, and she lets people know when she
needs space. If someone is disrupting her mental state, she knows she
can distance herself from them, whether it’s a friend, family member,
partner, or colleague.[8]
 A high-value woman is extremely clear and specific about her boundaries so
there’s no question on whether the other person is overstepping them.

She’s kind to everyone.Even though a high-value woman is highly
admired, she treats everyone with the same level of kindness and
respect. She doesn’t look down on anyone, regardless of their social
status, and she’s always willing to help someone in need. A high-value
woman is generous with her time and seeks to uplift those around her.
 You might catch her volunteering at a local shelter, buying a stranger a meal, or
giving someone a random compliment.

She’s independent.A high-value woman is perfectly happy and content
with being alone. She doesn’t crave attention or validation from others
because she’s so confident in herself, and this allows her to shift her
focus to her dreams and goals.[10]
 A high-value woman is the ultimate girl boss. She takes charge of her finances,
trusts her instincts, and aims to be her own role model.

A high-value woman is mature.Even if someone talks badly about her, a
high-value woman doesn’t engage in gossip or childish behavior. She
carries herself with grace and doesn’t stoop down to their level.
Instead of confronting their behavior in an aggressive way, she just
distances herself from people who don’t treat her with respect. [11]
 If she can’t walk away from disrespectful people due to work, she will still be
courteous to them. She is willing to lend a helping hand because isn’t the type
of woman to sabotage other people’s opportunities.
She prioritizes self-care.A high-value woman is committed to improving
her physical, mental, and spiritual self. Since she understands that
taking care of herself is a major component of living a high-quality life,
she eats balanced meals, works out regularly, and gets plenty of sleep.
 She always makes time for herself, whether it’s taking a relaxing bath or
planning a solo trip to destress from work.

A high-value woman has a solid circle of friends.Instead of having a million
friends, a high-value woman prefers a few close ones. Since she’s
selective of the people she hangs out with, she only surrounds herself
with high-quality people—those that support and uplift her.[13]
 If a high-value woman notices that her friend is becoming a bad influence, she
will cut them out of her life or limit contact with them. She might unfollow
them on social media, delete their contact information, and refuse to meet up
with them in the future.

She always remains true to herself.When it comes to dating, a high-value
woman always embraces her authentic self. Instead of filtering her
responses to attract someone, she speaks her mind and sticks to her
values; the other person can simply leave if they don’t like her.[14]
 A high-value woman communicates her non-negotiables from the very start of
her relationship. If she prioritizes religion, for example, she might not be
willing to date someone who’s spiritually incompatible.

A high-value woman has high standards.Since a high-value woman knows
her worth, she isn’t going to settle for just anyone. She seeks men that
are confident, intelligent, assertive, and caring—just like herself. A
high-value woman doesn’t have time to babysit her partner, and she is
very clear about her standards from the first date.[15]
 For example, she might be unwilling to go out with someone at the last minute,
or if they make her drive an hour just to meet them on a first date.

A high-value woman is clear about her relationship goals.Since a high-value
woman is confident in herself, she isn’t worried about scaring away a
potential partner. On the first date, she shares whether she wants
marriage or kids, and she’s upfront about her relationship
 When a high-value woman expresses her goals, she doesn’t display a sense of
urgency when it comes to being in a relationship. She knows she will find the
right partner, and she isn’t going to compromise her values and goals just for
the sake of dating someone.

She takes things slow in her relationship.A high-value woman tends to get
physical slower because she sets high standards for the people she
dates. She’s not going to have sex with just anybody, and her partner
has to earn her trust and respect. A high-value woman sets the pace
for sex in the relationship because she places a high value on what it
means to be physically intimate.[17]
 A high-value woman doesn't let others influence her decisions. If a man tries to
pressure her into sex, she lets him know that his behavior isn’t okay and walks
away gracefully.

How to Be a High-Value Woman

1. Boost your self-esteem.Instead of letting other people determine your worth, create a
positive attitude about yourself so you won’t have to rely on others to feel worthy and
beautiful. Being confident in your own skin can help you command respect from others
and improve your relationship with yourself.[18]
 Every day, write down 3 things that you love about yourself and repeat
them out loud. By acknowledging your best qualities, you might see
yourself in a more positive light and increase your self-confidence.
Learn how to establish boundaries.Being a high-value woman is all about
standing up for yourself so work on setting healthy boundaries in your personal and
professional life. Identify who is making you feel stressed or drained, then try to limit
your interactions around them as much as possible. Establishing boundaries protects
your well-being and helps you manage your emotions.[19]
 If a coworker keeps ignoring your schedule, for instance, you might
say, “I’m only available to work until 8 PM tonight. If we don’t finish
everything by then, I will have to leave.”
 Remember, you don’t need to provide an apology or explanation for
saying “no” to people. The people that are worth keeping around will
respect your boundaries no matter what, even if they don’t necessarily
agree with them.

Hold yourself accountable for your actions.If you tend to blame others for your
problems or victimize yourself, reflect on your behavior and write down things that you
could work on. A high-value woman is incredibly self-aware, and she’s always looking
for ways to improve herself. If you had an argument with someone, for instance, ask
yourself how you could have approached the situation differently, or ask a trusted friend
for their opinion.[20]
 Part of holding yourself accountable for your actions is learning how
to apologize when you’re in the wrong. Instead of trying to justify your
actions, own up to your mistakes and express your remorse in a genuine
way. You could say, “I’m so sorry for the mean comment I made
earlier. I feel terrible for making you upset, and I wish I could take it
4. Schedule time to take care of yourself.One of the hallmark traits of a high-value
woman is practicing self-care, so make sure to set aside time to focus on your well-
being. Take a warm bath, listen to peaceful music, paint your nails, read a book…There
are so many ways to relax and unwind at the end of a stressful day![21]
 Giving yourself a mental break at least once a day can improve your
focus in the long run. Even if you just have 10 minutes, try to step
outside and get some fresh air, or take a quick snack break.
 Make sure you get at least 7 hours of sleep every night, and eat healthy
and balanced meals filled with fresh fruits and vegetables.

How to Attract a High-Value Woman

1. Let her know that you’re attracted to her from the start.A high-value woman
doesn’t rely on others to define her worth, so playing games won’t win her attention.
Instead of waiting to text her back or canceling plans at the last minute, be respectful of
her time and energy. Tell her that you’re interested in her, and only her, and be honest
about your feelings.[22]
 To show a woman you’re attracted to her, make a genuine effort to get
to know her. Ask her about her goals, hobbies, and interests, and keep
the conversation going by asking engaging follow-up questions.
 If she mentions that she used to be a dancer, for example, you might ask
her what age she started, what style of dancing she performed, or what
her favorite part about dancing was.

Show her that you are a high-value man.A high-value woman wants to be with
someone who elevates her, so demonstrate that you are independent and assertive.
Being a high-value man means setting goals for yourself, practicing self-care, and
improving your confidence.[23]
 Hone in on your strengths, and let her know exactly what you bring to
the table. Are you funny, hard-working, ambitious, and/or responsible?
Be confident in your abilities to boost your own attractiveness.
 To build your self confidence, spend time with people who make you
feel good about yourself and use positive self-talk. When you wake up
in the morning, repeat 3 things you love about yourself out loud.

Give her space to make her own decisions.If you’re interested in making a high-
value woman your partner, avoid pressuring her into a relationship. A high-value
woman is self-assured, so she doesn’t need anyone telling her what to do. Be
vulnerable about your feelings towards her, but don’t make her feel bad if she doesn’t
 When you’re ready to officially ask her out, you might say, “I’ve
developed strong feelings for you over the past few weeks, and I would
love to go out with you. I understand if you don’t feel the same way,
and I totally respect your decision.”

High Value Woman: 20 Traits that

Make Men Respect & Be in Awe of
All men want a high value woman. The problem is, a lot of women aren’t sure
how to be that. Sure, you see these confident, powerful women around but
usually, you don’t see any men accompanying them.
So how do you become a high value woman that men will never want to leave?
It’s not as easy of a process as you think but it’s also not hard, either. A lot of
the time, being this type of woman comes naturally the older you get.

What is a high value woman?

A high value woman is someone that all people admire and respect. She is kind,
respectful, and loving to everyone – including herself.

And because of that, she won’t let anyone in her life who doesn’t do the same.
She has very high standards. However, just because they are high standards
doesn’t mean they are unreasonable.

If someone in her life can’t – or won’t – behave in the high-quality way that she
knows she deserves, then she has no use for them in her life. And this doesn’t
mean that she’s conceited. Actually, it’s the opposite.

She wants other people to be the best they can be, just like she does. Her
example to the world is something that other people admire and should strive to
become themselves.

High value vs. low value women

Obviously, all men are different. Some like certain types of girls while others like
the opposite. However, there are a couple of girl types guys just can’t stand.

Those are the whiney, helpless girls that walk around needing to be saved. In
other words, they are low value women.
You might think this is cute, and perhaps some guys will even find it alluring at
first, but after a while, it’ll get really annoying. Girls who can’t do anything for
themselves aren’t exactly attractive. Guys don’t want to spend all their time
helping their women instead of loving their own life.

So, if you need to know how to be a high value woman, we have all your

How to be a high value woman all guys dream of dating

If you’re ready to turn your life around for the better and attract guys all the
time, these tips will help you do just that. Being a high value woman is beneficial
for more than just getting guys, too. Here’s how to know your value and show it
to everyone.

1. Know your worth

You’re far more valuable than you’re giving yourself credit for already. Because
you’re here, reading this, you think you’re not valuable enough. This mindset is
exactly what’s holding you back from being this high value woman.

So know your worth. You have so much going for you and so many men would
be lucky to have you. Once you realize that and start to own it, you will be the
type of woman all guys want.

2. Demand respect
Don’t just accept it, demand it. As women, you’ve had to work a bit harder to
gain the respect of others. Instead of working for it, just demand it.
If someone doesn’t respect you or what you stand for, get rid of them. You don’t
need those types of people in your life and if you don’t have them around,
people will start to value you more.

3. Have confidence
This is key. If you don’t have confidence, being a high value woman won’t be
easy. You can only fake it until you make it for a little while.

In order to show people how great you are and become this woman men highly
value, you have to believe you’re amazing.

4. Settle for nothing less than what you deserve

Ever. If someone is being bad to you and you know you deserve better, then
leave. This isn’t something you can really give chances for.

If a guy treats you with disrespect even once, drop him. That type of person isn’t
someone you want, anyway. He can’t respect you right off the bat, then he
doesn’t deserve you.

5. Set your standards early

You really have to let your standards be known. What are you expecting from
your man? What are you expecting from everyone? When people don’t meet
your standards, get rid of them. It’s really that simple.

If you only keep people around you who respect your standards, you’ll only have
people who truly value you. Set those standards and don’t let anyone fall
beneath them.
6. Have your own life
Your significant other is not your life. Your job isn’t even your life. You have to
be your own person and have your own hobbies and interests.

Engage in a fun and adventurous life and maintain that even when you’re with a
guy. He’ll value you far more for it.

7. Be passionate
Passion is very powerful. And this has nothing to do with being in bed together.
Having passion in everything you do is far more likely to make people see you as
a high value woman.

Passionate people give it their all. They put forth the maximum effort and show
the world they care. If you show people you care, it’ll work well for you.

8. Hold power, but be soft

You can be a very powerful woman while also being soft and feminine. This
stems from having people’s respect. When you demand respect and do so in a
very subtle way, you end up holding a lot more power than you think.

This allows you to be powerful, while also maintaining your soft, feminine side.
This is what a high value woman is all about. Work toward being powerful, but in
a subtle way.

9. Don’t always be available

You can’t always be available for your man. Firstly, because you just aren’t. Don’t
cancel plans just because he wants to do something last minute. No. You have a
life and you’re not free for him whenever he beckons.
This makes you a high value woman because it teaches men to respect your
time and to appreciate the time they get with you. When you’re busy, they’ll feel
like they have to schedule time with you far in advance because they don’t want
to miss out. That’s value.

10. Say no
Don’t always be so agreeable. You can say no. If you truly have a differing
opinion or don’t want to do something, just say no. A lot of women think the key
to getting guys to like them is to just agree with whatever they say.

It’s really quite the opposite. Saying no and standing your ground creates
respect. They’ll learn more about you and admire you standing up for what you
believe in or just doing what you want and not just what they want.

11. Be respectful
It’s not enough to just have respect to be a high value woman. You also have to
be respectful of others all the time. Basically, just be a decent human being.

A lot of girls get this wrong because they assume a high value woman is a
woman in charge. And they think being in charge means being a bitch. That’s
not the case.

Respect everyone no matter what and show guys this. They won’t want to let a
kind, respectful woman go.

12. Have class, but let your naughty side out

You can be classy while also being sexy. It’s not like you have to choose
between them. A high value woman knows how to balance the two seamlessly.

Have class and be respectful of others, but also show a guy you know how to
have a good time. Flirt with him in a “good girl” way so he can see that even
though you’re one classy woman, you’re also naughty and have a devious side.
He’ll value that in you.

13. Have an opinion

High value women have opinions and thoughts about a lot of different topics.
When someone asks them what they think about the state of the world or if they
think that life on other planets exists, they have an answer.

This shows other people that she is intelligent and she has thought about
important things in life. That makes her particularly interesting, and people like
to talk to her about deep topics. They feel comfortable sharing their own
thoughts and opinions too.

14. Don’t be needy

Because a high value woman stands in her own power, she is never needy. She
never has to beg anyone to give her their attention. One of the reasons for this
is that people naturally want to be around her. She has good vibes and doesn’t
pressure people or get negative toward them.

People don’t like it when someone is overly needy. It is draining and they feel
smothered after a while. A high value woman knows this, and she never wants
anyone to feel suffocated because of her. She gives other people the freedom to
be themselves on their own terms.

15. Teaches people how to treat her

People will treat us however we “instruct” people to do it. In other words, if they
treat you badly and you allow it, then they will just keep doing it because you
don’t stop them.

But if you only allow good behavior from other people directed your way, then
they know that’s how you expect them to treat you.

That’s what a high value woman does. She teaches people how to behave
around her. This could be done either directly or indirectly. Either way, people
know that they shouldn’t cross the line into negativity around her.

16. They aren’t dramatic

A high value woman has no tolerance for drama or soap operas. She likes her life
to be normal, calm, and positive. So, She does not put up with any silly dramas
from other people.

In fact, she doesn’t even allow those kinds of people into her life. She refuses to
play that game with other people because she knows it’s unnecessary and
negative. And she certainly doesn’t act that way herself because she’s more
mature than that.

17. Be happy alone

A high quality woman doesn’t “need” a man. She might want a man, but that’s
different. She is happy by herself, so she doesn’t feel incomplete if she’s not in a

This is particularly attractive to men because she won’t put any pressure on him
to be anything that he’s not.

She also likes her alone time. It’s important for her to have quality time with
herself to get in tune with her thoughts and emotions. She has a balanced life
between her social life and her alone time.

18. Love yourself

Loving yourself is the most important thing anyone can do, and a high quality
woman knows this. Some people think that loving yourself means that you are
conceited and are better than everyone else. But that couldn’t be farther from
the truth.

Truly loving yourself means that you are comfortable in your own skin. You are
happy and only surround yourself with positive people because you know that
you deserve it and nothing less.

19. Don’t chase anyone

Because a high quality woman knows her worth, she doesn’t even think about
chasing anyone – especially a man.

She has the attitude of, “If you want to be with me – great! If you don’t –
great!” She’s fine either way because she loves herself.
If someone doesn’t want to be in her life, she lets them go freely and peacefully.
She thinks that they are entitled to their opinion, and it doesn’t bother her.
Instead, she just gets on with living her life.

20. Be willing to walk away

Because she is self-confident, loves herself, and doesn’t chase people, she is
willing to walk away from anyone who doesn’t treat her with respect. She has no
tolerance for anyone that isn’t another high quality person.

She will never, ever stay in any kind of relationship that isn’t good for her.
Because of that, she is always on the lookout for how someone is treating her.

And if it’s not up to her standards, she walks away. It doesn’t matter whether it’s
a friendship or a romantic relationship. She’ll walk and never look back.

Being a high value woman is all about knowing who you are, and
owning it. Let your true colors shine and know your worth. If you know
it, all men will too.

25 High-Value Woman Traits That Set

Her Apart
In contemporary discussions surrounding personal development and the pursuit of
meaningful relationships, the concept of a “High-Value Woman” has gained notable
attention. This notion encapsulates a set of qualities and behaviors that many believe
can set an individual apart in various aspects of life, including personal relationships,
career, and overall self-fulfillment.

The term “High-Value Woman” is subjective, as it can be defined differently by

various people, and it’s essential to approach the topic with a balanced and nuanced

In this exploration, we will delve into traits that are commonly associated with this
concept, acknowledging that their significance can vary depending on individual
values, cultural context, and personal goals.

Understanding these traits can offer valuable insights for personal growth and self-
awareness, but it’s essential to remember that the pursuit of a high-value woman
identity should be a personal journey rooted in one’s own values and aspirations.

What is a high-value woman?

A high-value woman is someone self-conscious of who she is. She knows that she has
an important assignment to positively impact her generation in different ways.
Therefore, she is focused on her goal to ensure that she leaves an indelible mark

A high-value woman is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, irrespective of
everyone’s opinions.

Why is it important to be a high-value woman?

Being a high-value woman is important because it signifies a commitment to self-
improvement and self-worth.

Cultivating qualities associated with high value, such as self-confidence, empathy,

ambition, and integrity, can lead to more fulfilling relationships and personal growth.
This identity can empower women to set healthy boundaries, make better life choices,
and foster respect from others.

However, it’s crucial to recognize that the concept is subjective and should be defined
based on one’s own values and aspirations rather than external expectations.

Ultimately, striving to be a high-value woman is a path to self-empowerment and

contentment, but it should be authentic and reflective of individual goals.

5 benefits of being a high-value woman

Becoming a high-value woman offers numerous advantages. These qualities lead to
healthier, more fulfilling relationships and empower women to achieve their personal
and professional goals.

Here are some key benefits of being a high-value woman:

1. Healthy relationships
Being a high-value woman often leads to healthier, more fulfilling relationships. This
can include both personal and professional connections, as qualities like self-respect,
assertiveness, and effective communication promote mutual respect and

2. Self-empowerment
Embracing high-value traits encourages self-confidence and personal growth. This
empowerment can lead to a more assertive and assertive approach to life, helping
women pursue their goals and dreams with determination.

3. Improved well-being
The pursuit of being a high-value woman often involves a focus on self-care and well-
being. Prioritizing physical and mental health, stress management, and personal
development contributes to overall happiness and life satisfaction.

4. Stronger boundaries
High-value women tend to have clearer boundaries, which are essential for
maintaining emotional and mental well-being. This results in a better ability to say
“no” when necessary and to protect oneself from toxic or manipulative relationships.

5. Respect and recognition

High-value women often gain respect and recognition in various aspects of life,
including their careers. By embodying qualities like integrity, competence, and
empathy, they tend to stand out and earn the admiration of colleagues, friends, and

What makes a lady become of high value to a man?

One of the qualities that make a lady become of high value to a man is her ability to
be self-sufficient. Many men love ladies who can take care of themselves without any
help. Additionally, she is generally kind, confident, inspiring, bold, truthful,
dedicated, and honest.

Women of high value are attractive to men because they don’t compromise on their
principles by following others blindly. She makes her opinion known and backs her
claims with facts. But she is also open to being corrected when it is the right thing to
25 top traits of a high-value woman
When it comes to what a high-value woman stands for, she is someone who carries
value in all ramifications. She is a woman who aspires to impact her world with every
skill in her arsenal. To know how to identify such women, here are some traits to look
out for:

1. She has high self-esteem

One of the ways to identify a high-value woman is how she carries herself. She
believes in herself and will not allow anyone to treat her less.

Such women have usually spent time working to be the best version of themselves by
maintaining high self-esteem. Hence, they will not allow the words of anybody to put
them down. If she needs to burn the bridge with such people, she will do it.

2. She is kind
Compassion is one of the most potent weapons that high-value women wield. She
does not look down on anybody because she knows what it would be like if she were
in their shoes. Therefore, she uses her kind heart to make ways for people and change
their lives.

3. She is dedicated to learning more

One of the loveable qualities of a high-value woman is she never rests on her

A high-value woman understands that ignorance is a disease and that it is detrimental

to stop learning. Hence, she keeps upgrading herself in different aspects of life. This
makes it easy for her to impact other people with value because she is committed to

4. She is not malicious

When it comes to keeping ill feelings, high-value women detest this because it is a
time-waster. They are focused on getting things done, and they don’t like being held
down by malice.

Hence, they prefer to sort things out to move forward with other aspects of their lives.
A high-value woman knows that malice would be harmful in the long run, so she
avoids it.

5. She is not afraid to speak her mind

When expressing her emotions and thoughts vocally, she does not hesitate. If she
knows that she might offend others, she will be diplomatic while expressing herself.

Similarly, when it comes to requesting something that will be beneficial to her, she is
always bold to speak her mind.

6. Her happiness comes from within

One of the high-value woman traits is the source of her happiness.

Unlike other women who rely on other things for validation and happiness, a high-
value woman usually gets her happiness from within. This is why she is usually self-
driven and motivated to achieve anything she sets out to do.

Her happiness is palpable. It motivates other people to be happy with themselves.

7. She prioritizes self-care

A high-value woman does not joke about self-care because it is crucial to her well-
being. You will find her implementing healthy habits like eating a nutritious diet,
sleeping regularly, working out, etc.

Additionally, a high-value woman likes to take a break from work because she needs
it to re-strategize and come back stronger.

8. She knows how to delegate

One of the signs she is a high-value woman is her ability to delegate duties so that
none will lag. Therefore, she does this meticulously when it is time to delegate tasks.
After the delegation, she doesn’t leave her subordinates to themselves.

She still looks out for them to ensure that everything is done perfectly. Also, she does
not make them feel less of themselves if they make a mistake because she will correct
them in love.

9. She trains people to be of high-value

One of the admirable habits of a high-value woman is her interest in training other
people to be of high value. A high-value woman knows that the world will be a better
place with the joint efforts of other high-value people.

Therefore, she sees this possibility as a chance to right some of the wrongs in her
world. Hence, she is committed to making people become high-value and be the best
version of themselves.

10. She knows she is flawed

A woman with high standards knows how to accept her flaws and make up for them.
She does not create a façade to hide from them. Instead, she allows people to know
that she has some weaknesses that she is working on.
She uses this quality to encourage other people who don’t want to accept their flaws.
Such women are staunch believers that you can fix anything that is broken.

11. She is open-minded

Some people don’t like listening to the opinions of others; they are too fixated on
theirs to notice that they might be wrong. The case is different when being a high-
value woman.

She ensures that even though her opinions are correct, she still listens to what others
say. If she wants to correct them, she does it diplomatically without criticizing or
making them feel bad.

12. She does not give up

When it comes to knowing your worth as a woman, it involves not giving up. A high-
value woman knows that giving up is not an option, especially when living her dreams
or achieving goals. Hence, when she falls, she will rise again strengthened.

She does not repeat the same mistake twice because it would be regarded as a failure.
When she observes her shortcomings, she works hard to correct the mistakes.

13. She values her peace of mind

A high-value woman walks away from anything that would cost her peace of mind.
She knows that her sanity is important to meeting her goals. Therefore, she would
ignore every distraction on her way to the top.

If people are bent on making her lose focus, she is prepared to cut ties with them after
giving them much grace. A high-value woman walks away from anything that
threatens her peace of mind.
14. She is a true feminist
One of the traits of a high-value woman is that she is a true feminist. She is not like
other people who may present herself as something that she is not.

A high-value woman carries herself as a woman of value to motivate other women to

stand up for themselves. She teaches other women not to engage in behaviors that will
sell them short.

15. She spreads positivity

A high-value woman knows how destructive negativity can be. Hence, she strives to
show positivity even amid doubt and negative energy. This is why she avoids negative
people because their energy will affect hers.

Also, A high-value woman spreads positivity so that people around her can do the
same. One of her ultimate goals is for the world to be united in purpose when it comes
to positivity.

16. She is brave

One of the core attributes of a high-value woman is bravery. She approaches with
bravery and caution when faced with challenges threatening to destroy everything she
has worked for. Hence, it would be difficult for her to be put down by anything
because she has learned to be brave over time.

17. Her romantic relationship is healthy

When thinking of how to be a high-value woman, one thing to note is that they always
have healthy romantic relationships. They respect their partners so much and give
them every reason to feel like the luckiest spouse in the world.

Even though they have achieved more than their partner, they don’t use it as an excuse
to be impolite or disrespectful. They give their partner every chance to have an equal
say in the relationship.

18. She makes the right decisions

If you compare a low-value vs high-value woman, one quality that sets them apart is
their ability to make good decisions. You will discover that high-value women are
great at making the right decision.

When they are at a crossroads, they take ample time to decide what would work best.
They don’t allow themselves to be rushed or pressured into making a decision that
might not pan out well in the future.

19. She leads a balanced life

To be a high-value woman, you need to live a balanced lifestyle. High-value women
know how to balance friendships, work, family, career, and personal time.

High-value women are experts at allotting the right time for each important aspect of
their lives. High-value women are aware that if one of those aspects suffers, it will
affect the rest automatically.

20. She is a great listener

High-value women are great listeners, so they have many people around them. This
means that they would attract the love and respect of people because everyone wants
someone to hear them out.

If you want to be a high-value woman, one of the traits you need to learn is good
listening skills.

21. She detests comparison

A high-value woman does not like comparing herself with anyone because she is
unique. Therefore, she tries her best not to be a copycat or duplicate version of
anybody. She’s always striving to make everything about her unique.

22. She is passionate about her goals

If you have asked questions like what a high-value woman is, one thing you must
know is that she is goal-driven. She might not maintain the same energy level daily,
but she is consistent when executing her plans because she knows that her goal is for
the general good.

23. She loves unconditionally

A high-value woman does not discriminate, as she loves everyone around her. She
does not engage in favoritism because she believes everyone should be given a fair

Therefore, if it were within her power, she would give everyone a fair playing ground.
She would love her people unconditionally and try to ensure that they are taken care

24. She has mentors

One of the reasons a high-value woman would turn out well is mentorship. She is
accountable to some people who she learns from. These people guide her on the right
path, and she makes sure that they are involved in some of her critical decision-
making processes.

25. She is open to corrections

Another way to know a high-value woman is that she is always open to corrections.

If she discovers that she is wrong, she tries her best to make amends for it and learn
from her mistakes. This is one of the reasons why she keeps getting better, and it is
one of the most admirable, high-value woman examples.

Why is it necessary to chase high-value women?

Chasing high-value women will improve the quality of your life. They possess several
wonderful traits that will encourage you to be purposeful about your life.

Generally, high-value women want everyone around them to be successful. Therefore,

if you happen to date a high-value woman, you can ensure that your life is headed in
the right direction.

Commonly asked questions

Here are the answers to some pressing questions that can help you understand the
intricacies of high-value women:

 What is the difference between a high-value woman and a

high-maintenance woman?
A high-value woman is characterized by qualities like self-respect, empathy, and
personal growth, which make her an asset in relationships and life. In contrast, a high-
maintenance woman tends to demand excessive attention, often placing a strain on
others due to unrealistic expectations and needs.

 How can I become more confident?

Building confidence involves self-awareness, setting achievable goals, and embracing
self-improvement. It also includes facing fears, practicing self-compassion, and
celebrating achievements, no matter how small, to gradually enhance self-assurance.

Watch this video to learn some important behaviors that will boost your confidence:

 How can I set ambitious goals and achieve them?

Setting ambitious goals requires clarity, specificity, and a strategic plan. Break them
into manageable steps, stay committed, and continuously reassess and adapt your
approach. Seek support, stay motivated, and learn from both successes and setbacks.

 How can I find a balance between work, personal life, and

Balancing these facets involves time management, setting priorities, and effective
communication. Establish boundaries, delegate tasks when possible, and make self-
care a non-negotiable part of your schedule. Remember that it’s okay to say no when

 What are some ways to show respect for others?

Respect can be demonstrated through active listening, valuing diverse perspectives,
and practicing empathy. Honoring people’s boundaries and treating them with
kindness and courtesy is also essential. Encourage their autonomy, appreciate their
contributions, and avoid judgments or stereotypes.
Final thoughts
The concept of high-value woman traits reflects a societal desire to recognize and
celebrate qualities that set individuals apart. While some may argue that these traits
are a valuable guide for personal growth and empowerment, it’s crucial to approach
this topic with a nuanced perspective.

What constitutes a high-value woman is subjective and varies across cultures and
contexts. Reducing a person’s worth to a checklist can be limiting and dismissive of
their unique qualities. Moreover, these traits should not be used to judge or exclude

Embracing personal growth is commendable, but it’s equally important to

acknowledge that everyone has their individual strengths and qualities that make them
valuable. In a balanced view, it’s essential to appreciate diversity and recognize that
worth extends beyond a predetermined list of traits.
6 Traits Of A High Value Woman (&
3 Habits You Must Avoid!)
Would you like to know the secrets of how to be a high value woman, and
what high value woman traits are?
You’ve come to the right place.
The information in this article is based on research we have done over many
years into mating psychology and evolutionary psychology.
Here’s what we’ll do in this article:

 Learn what a high value woman is

 Learn the general traits of a high value woman

 Learn what traits to avoid

 And then learn the 3 key areas that make you a high value
woman to men (these are important! So stick around til the end)

The reason you want to exhibit the traits of a high value woman is that
women who perpetually show up low value will receive crumbs in life, as
well as repel high value men.
Women who tend to show up high value will easily stand out from
the crowd and attract good quality men into their lives.

Table of Contents

What Is A High-Value Woman?

A high-value woman is someone who has intrinsic value, rather than being
that person who is trying to trick others into thinking she has value.

Intrinsic value means that she is naturally valuable in all the three areas that
are typical for a high value woman.
What Are The Traits Of A High Value
There are 6 general traits of a high value woman.

1. She seeks understanding of men rather than defaulting to judgment

2. She’s comfortable in her own skin – in all different parts of herself, (dark
and light feminine personalities).
3. She has multiple ways in her life through which to feel like she is ‘enough’.

4. She is generous – thus she invests in relationships.

5. She seeks to take responsibility for her life and her relationships.

6 She seeks to add value.

(If you love watching videos, here is a video I made on the topic of
how to be a high value woman…)

Humans Are Sensitive To Where The

Value Is…
The reason that women who show up high value will stand out easily from the
crowd is that humans are sensitive to where value is – as well as who has the
real value.
So when we wonder “what is a high value woman?” the easiest answer is that
she is a woman of value.

In the context of dating, it means she’s a woman of value to men.

Here’s why this is important:

It’s because in dating and relationships, it doesn’t matter how we feel inside
(whether we are confident or lacking in self esteem), if we show up with
value, men will gravitate towards us.

This is where your answers lie.

If you allow yourself to present with value, you’ll make your dating life easier.

How To Be A High Value Woman In

To be a high value woman in dating, you need to:

 Lead with value, rather than leading with your desire to ‘take’;

 Be willing to show high value vulnerability.

For women, this act of leading with a desire to ‘take’ usually means she wants
to ‘take’ a man’s commitment and ‘take’ a relationship.

Conversely, for men, they tend to look to take female attention and sex.

So always remember to lead with value, because ultimately this is what is

going to make you fascinating and emotionally attractive to men.

Plenty of women have told me that leading with value has

completely changed their dating life.
This is because in any social interaction as well as in any intimate relationship,
we want to secure the best deal we can get in return for our own effort,
investment and time.
If we didn’t protect our own effort, investment and time when finding a
potential mate or lover, then we’d be wasting our own mating resources.
It doesn’t matter who you are, the only people who want to be with someone
who shows up low value are the ones who are willing to tolerate it.
(Do you know the 7 common signs that a woman is low value in the eyes of
men? CLICK here to discover the 7 common signs that a woman is perceived
as low value in the eyes of men in this special report. (Why is this important?
Because men and women perceive value very differently. And you don’t want
to be making mistakes that would cause quality men to dismiss, abandon or
alienate you.)
So the question is – are you willing to take the high road on this journey to
showing up with high value woman traits?
Do you want to make sure that you have the best chances of feeling good
about who you are and feeling proud in your life?
Perhaps you also want to attract a high value man, and high value people
into your life?
If you do, then listen up, because you need to avoid these 3 traits!

Trait To Avoid #1: Being An Entitled

Value Sucker
When dating, and even in a relationship, it does not make you high value to
feel entitled to a man’s resources.
Remember that we are trying to be high value, not low value.
Entitlement is not a trait of high value women.
Men don’t owe you anything.
Women don’t owe men anything.
We prove our value to each other in the dating stages.
By doing this, we earn our rightful place in each other’s lives.
As a woman, I ‘get’ the psychology behind feeling like men ‘should’ provide or
‘should’ do this or that.
But just because I think they should, doesn’t mean I’m somehow high value
for thinking that.
Men Are More Generous Towards The
‘Right’ Woman
You see, just because many of us women assume that men “should”
technically be providers for women, doesn’t mean men will want to or feel
good providing for you.
They’ll feel good (and 10 x more generous) to the women who aren’t entitled
value suckers.
Because it doesn’t feel like they got the short end of the stick, you see.
It does not make you show up higher value if you claim to have a bunch of
standards for how men should be for you (from a place of hurt, pain,
resentment or insecurity.)
If you want to learn more about this topic, see this article “Your
resentment for men.”
Of course, as a high value feminine woman, you want to avoid the low value
However, by having what I call ‘fake standards’ (which is defined as having
a fancy name for a bunch of expectations you have for value from the world),
you’ll do nothing but show up low value.
In turn, you will repel the generous and smart masculine men (who always
get snapped up super fast by women).
If you want to show up high value, give value first. Make that your
primary focus.
If you can come from that place, you will become intrinsically valuable,
because you’ll build your own value in the process.
Now, you might be thinking “isn’t it good to be selfish sometimes?”
Of course it is.
Yet, this isn’t so much about being selfish or not selfish.
I don’t think those words are the right words to use here.
Be Emotionally And Spiritual Generous
This is about being emotionally and spiritually generous.
But in the process of being emotionally and spiritually generous, you don’t
have to be blind, deaf or dumb.
You don’t have to be oblivious when men are just using you.
By being generous, you actually become more capable to finding out whether
the other person is willing to give to you, too.

You don’t find out much about others but holding right back and expecting
them to do all the work.

Generous women can still be aware of whether others are able and willing to
reciprocate and give value back.
For example: let’s say you give value by being gently playful with a man while
dating. (in fact, this is the no.1 trait of dating profiles that men fall in
love with!)
Suppose he is not at all interested in your playfulness, and he ignores it,
because he just wants sexy times.
Fine. You found out what he’s like.
Now you say…
By the way, if you want to weed out the low quality, narcissistic and low value
men while in person dating or in online dating, I really recommend you check
out this article on dark feminine art of high value banter and start
using it like many women in our community have.
Another example: let’s say you give value first by giving your understanding.
You meet a man where he is at. You are able to offer him a listening ear
and make him feel understood.

Take The High Road

By giving value first, you get to take the high road.
Taking the high road allows you to be sensitive to whether he is
capable of reciprocating or not.
Being an entitled value sucker just leaves you fighting for resources like the
next woman (or man) who have the exact same approach to life.
It doesn’t make you stand out to the right people.
Have a generous spirit! But still, it’s ok to be sensitive and aware of whether
other people just want to keep taking from you or not.
Believe me, if you’re feeling, listening and watching, you’ll know. You’ll feel it.
If they reciprocate your generous spirit (which some men will), you’ll know
they’re worth a second date, and more of your precious time.

Trait To Avoid #2: Being Invulnerable

High value women are naturally vulnerable.
What does it mean to be invulnerable?
It means that you’re trying to look like you have everything under control.
Yes, so many of us are trying so hard to be worthy that we lose touch with
our vulnerability.
Also, if you expect things from the world, if you’re entitled, then you’re not
vulnerable to life.
If you’re not vulnerable, then you’re insensitive.
This insensitivity passes on to your love life.
Men will pick up on it.
Sensitivity is required to be feminine and to connect.
Without connection, there really is no depth of value in a
relationship. Without connection, a man will never fully attach to you and be
emotionally connected to you.
And of course, you’d want a man to emotionally connect with you so that he
falls in love and forms a lasting emotional attachment to you (and to the
relationship you build together).

It’s OK To Be Invulnerable In The Right

It’s ok to be invulnerable to people who have (or are trying to) hurt you, or to
people you don’t know, or have never spoken to.
Yet, once you begin to form any kind of social relationship or intimate
relationship with anyone, vulnerability is the cornerstone of how to be high
What does it mean to be vulnerable?

Vulnerability doesn’t mean that you try to virtue signal about how invulnerable
other women are. And it doesn’t mean that you need to over-reveal
information about yourself.
Vulnerability could simply mean to just be.
Let yourself be.

Vulnerability = Going ‘FIRST’

Vulnerability also means that you’re willing to ‘go first’.
Huh? Go first? What does that mean?
It means…
Give your playfulness first.
Give your understanding first.
Give your joy, your humour.
Give someone the opportunity to hear what you believe in, rather than
letting them hear all about what you expect.
Specifically in dating, or when getting to know men, it should not often be
about what you expect.
It should moreso be about what it is in life (perhaps also what it is beyond
yourself) that you believe in and have faith in.
If you want to understand the difference between being vulnerable and being
needy, here’s an article for you – How To Be Vulnerable Without Being

Trait To Avoid #3: Being A Blind Man

…(ie: Don’t Blindly Chase Men)

If you want to be a high value woman, and have high value traits, then avoid
blindly chasing men.
There are very few things I would suggest that you never do.
Except this one. Don’t blindly chase a man.
(In fact, if you’re really interested in this topic, you should see the article Do
Not Chase Him. Initiate in High Value Ways Instead.)
We have all made the mistake of chasing what seems valuable to us in the
past. Man or woman. We’ve all done it.
But it’s one thing to chase, and then it’s another to blindly chase.
Why? Because blindly chasing means you’re off in your own little la-la land,
completely oblivious to the feedback he’s giving you.
It means you’re in it for yourself only.
If a man isn’t interested in you, he’ll send you signals one way or the other.
When someone blindly chases, they miss these ‘signals’ because they are
completely unaware that the other person is even sending them any signals!
If you prefer men to chase YOU instead, read my article on How To Get Him
To Chase You [High Value Women Secrets].

It’s OK To ‘Initiate’ With Subtle Signaling

Rather than chasing a man, you can find ways to send subtle signals to him
that it’s ok to approach you.
In science, they call this ‘subtle signalling’.
Subtle signalling is a form of initiating, rather than chasing.
It is one of the feminine arts, and I talk more about this in my article How To
Get A Boyfriend.
It’s ok. As a woman, you can initiate! (yes, in online dating, too!) In fact,
there are 3 good reasons why women should initiate in online dating.
It would be weird if a woman never initiated with a man.
That would send all the wrong signals and come off as uninterested and men
would move on.
But how do you initiate or send a man subtle signals?
Is it possible to do such a thing?
Well it’s an art you probably knew a lot about when you were a little girl
(before you grew into adulthood and bought into all these rules people gave
you for what to do and what not to do!)
A Few Suggestions For Initiating In A
High Value Way
Here’s a few quick suggestions:
1: Smile.

2: Drop a hanky. Literally or metaphorically.

3: Ask a man for directions.

It should all be somewhat intuitive to you.
However, it’s not for so many of us – because we’ve lost touch with
our feminine nature.
Now, if you date online, remember one thing. Remember that online dating is
a wonderful way to meet and attract a man (IF you do online dating right).
If you don’t use the right approach, online dating will ruin your sanity, your
spirit, and your innocence.
If you do it right though, you’ll have the right (quality) men asking you out on
dates left, right and centre.

If you are interested in some examples of banter to initiate with, or some ‘ice-
breakers’ you can use to playfully initiate with men (whilst weeding out the
bad ones), then take the free class by my husband D.Shen on high value
banter here.
Rather than chasing a man, consider that it’s ok to initiate – in smart ways
that are innocent and add value.
Here’s a few screenshots from some women in our community who have
initiated by using high value banter and have successfully been
asked out quickly on dates by high quality men!

Now let’s discuss the general traits of a high value woman.

What Makes You A High Value Woman
To Men?
There are 3 things that make you a high value woman to men, but just
quickly before we get into that, it’s important to provide a quick bit of history.
Several years ago, around the year 2010-2011, my husband David and I
started teaching people about what it means to be a high value, high status
This was way back before a lot of people started using the term ‘high value
Since then, a lot more people have been using the term high value, and
they’ve made the term their own, and helped a lot of people, which is
However, with so many more people teaching about the term, I wanted you
guys to have my perspective, to hopefully make the meaning of high value
more complete in your mind.
I feel like the original meaning of high value, at least in the way we meant it,
can easily be lost in a day and age where the term is being increasingly used.
Here is How To Tell If He Actually Likes You.
High Value Stemmed From The Idea Of
‘Mate Value’
A lot of people feel like being high value is about knowing you are worthy,
having healthy boundaries (or high value woman boundaries), and having self
confidence. These factors are all a part of it, but they just scrape the surface.
That’s why I want to give you some clarity around this idea of being high
High Value is an idea that stemmed from mate value.
So being “high value” is related to being high mate value. That’s how my
husband and I came up with the term.
In order to attract a mate, you need to show up high value.
Of course, a lot of us do this naturally anyway, but sometimes we need more
understanding of what it means to be high value, so that you can clearly
stand out from the crowd.
What Does It Really Mean To Be A High
Value Woman?
So, what does “high value” really mean? It means that you are high value in
the eyes of potential suitors, or mating partners.
That is, in the eyes of potential mating partners.
Which is a lot different than just working on having self confidence.
What this means is that how YOU feel inside, and whether you are confident
or not, versus how you are perceived by men, are different things.
You can totally feel confident inside and yet be perceived from a mate value
perspective as low value.
So we need to look at what men perceive as high value.
And certainly, confidence might be one of those things that can be seen as
high value, but that barely scrapes the surface of being high value.
Here is the only thing you’ll need to be confident as a woman for the
rest of your life.
Being High Value For Sex Is Different To
Being A High Value Woman For A
A lot of women can appear high value to men in the short-term, and have
high value for the purpose of attracting a man’s sexual desire.
Plenty of ladies tend to assume that if a man is desiring them, that this means
this is the answer to what makes a high value woman.

And that is why a lot of women (including myself!) put effort into using
makeup and clothing the best way they can. Some women use plastic surgery
to try to signal higher mate value.
But a lot of that is great for first impressions, but it doesn’t keep men around.
Wouldn’t you agree?
And here’s a question for you: do you think those things are the answer to
how to be valued by a man?

Don’t get me wrong, attraction triggers are incredibly powerful. I mean, I

have a whole program on the 17 Attraction Triggers.
There’s nothing wrong with triggering sexual attraction in men, however it
doesn’t get you what your heart really wants with men.

So what I’m saying is, being desired is very different to being valued by a
This is not to deny that every man is unique and different, just as every
woman is different. We all have our personal likes and preferences.
However, some signs of high mate value are universal.
Some signs surpass all social conditioning and modern politically correct
There are definitely general, but important things that make you a high value
woman in the eyes of the male population at large.
And yes, these apply to men in all cultures and races.
So what D.Shen and I have done here is we’ve broken down this elusive
term ‘high value’ into 3 separate categories so that it is easy to understand
and easy to take action upon.

How Can I Be A Higher Value Woman?

You need to learn to add value to men (and to people in general) as well as
build your own intrinsic value.

Here are the three ways you can become a higher value woman to men:

 Develop you radiance value

 Develop your social value

 Develop your spiritual value

What Is Low Value Woman?

A low value woman is a woman whose behaviour in relation to others
constantly strips value and drains others of their resources.

Put simply: her behaviour drains others of their valuable time, energy and

Learn more about the 7 things that make a woman look low value to all
men here.

High Value Vs Low Value Woman

Here’s a quick contrast between high value (highly desirable Vs undesirable)
traits in women:
Value Type #1: Health & Radiance
Let’s talk about number 1, health and radiance value.
Now, all you ladies who are above 50 or 60 years old, bear with me here,
because I know that at that stage of life, you might feel like you are passed
all the “young and healthy” or “reproductive value” stuff and are into a
different stage of life.
However, having health and radiance value or reproductive value isn’t just
about being of reproductive age or being below 50 years old.
Yes, studies show that women with a lower hip to waist ratio have an
advantage when attracting mates. But this is due to health, not just age, and
it can be achieved easily if you just value your inner health over your image.
Having high radiance value is about having bundles of energy, being healthy,
being responsive and alive and being fit.
Fitness and aliveness simply has no age.
And I don’t mean fit like you have to go to the gym 7 days a week, I mean fit
to function, as opposed to being constantly sick and run down.
We actually have a program called the 17 Attraction Triggers which is one
of our most popular programs for many years now, and a lot of these
attraction triggers are based upon improving your health and radiance value.

We’re not going to delve into the nitty gritty here, but I want you to start
thinking about what really reflects a sense of health, energy and radiance in a
I’ll give you an example.
Your posture, your gait or the way you walk, all give little subtle signs of the
health of your body and any potential disease.
Here’s the good news, there’s always something you can do to improve this
area of your life.
You can perhaps start juicing some vegetables, eat less processed foods and
really start to look after your body and mind.
Here’s an article and some videos we made on the 3 steps to instant good
Value Type #2: Social Value
Now let’s talk about the next category of value… social value.
There’s a distinction I want to make first… You can have more superficial
social value, and you can have deeper social value.
What is the more superficial social value?
It is signs that you have people around you who like you or want to hang out
with you.
Now, of course, people can hang with you for all the wrong types of reasons,
so that’s why this is superficial social value. (in fact, having low value
friends is not a good idea for your health and your life altogether).
Having social value is also being able to converse, and generally having the
energy to invest in being a sociable woman.

Deeper Social Value Lasts Long-Term

Deeper social value is the social value that really lasts long term.
It’s the good stuff. Deeper social value is that regardless of whether you have
anyone around you or not – it’s your consistent, genuine desire to connect
with people.
A lot of people have a lot of friends around them, but some of those friends
may actually be low value friends.
Not only that, but some of those “friends” are only in a mutual “friendship” to
further their agenda or to look good and seem high status.
They are not really close friends.
It’s rare to have truly close friends, at least in the traditional meaning of the
word “close”.
As long as you have a genuine desire to connect with others, it doesn’t matter
whether you are paralysingly shy, or have intense anxiety.
What matters is that your heart and actions are in the right place: to
If you have a desire and intention to connect, and are not just in it for
yourself, then you will learn along the way about how to socialise and you will
calibrate as you go along.
There’s no right or wrong when you have the best intentions.

Hold Yourself Like You ‘Matter’…

Also, the more you feel capable to connect, the more you will hold yourself
like you matter.
When you hold yourself like you matter – the way you speak, stand and walk
– the more you’ll send signals to the world that you are a high value woman.
How do you not just act like you matter, but actually matter in a social
You add value to others.
Stand tall and proud to be you. Standing tall with good posture, and holding
yourself like you matter is also one of the principles of how to be a classy
If you do not feel much pride or confidence, then do one thing that scares
you every day.
Are you scared of something but you should really do it?
Then DO IT.
You only get to truly hold yourself like you matter, when you develop depth of
pride and confidence by making yourself do difficult things.
When you internally know what you’ve made yourself do, you naturally feel a
sense of pride and confidence and self respect. It’s that internal pride that
you’re looking for.

Value Type #3: Spiritual Value

Lastly there is Spiritual value. And this is not about sitting in a quiet corner
and meditating, nor is it about acting morally better than others.
It is about your ability to give outside of yourself.
Spiritual value is all about you having a desire to want to meet a man at his
It is your ability to get out of yourself and understand and relate to and
connect with him (but also yourself and other humans of course).

Spiritual Value Is About US

Spiritual value is not about taking for yourself – it is about us.
It’s about being generous. It’s about the team, it’s about caring deeply,
outside of yourself.
Of course spiritual value includes all the traditional images of what it means to
be spiritual: like having compassion.
However, it’s really one dimensional and not to mention frustrating and
restricting to try to keep up with an image that you are a compassionate
person all the time. So that’s not what Im talking about here.
Being spiritual is also about respecting, deeply appreciating and connecting
with humans and life at all levels. This means that what you fear, you can
also appreciate.
Being A High Value Woman Is About
Acting From The Heart
To be spiritual also means to be able to fluidly connect with and act from your
heart whether you are being so called slutty with a man, angry with a man, or
being loving and nurturing with a man.
Just because you are angry doesn’t mean you can’t be angry from the heart.
Do you understand what I mean?
So it’s about becoming and accepting every part of yourself so that there’s
more of you to give.
Here’s a video I made on the 3 Undercover Ways to be More High Value
Over Other Women & Get Him to Choose YOU.
Every part of you has incredible value to give…and when you can access more
parts of you, then there will be a wider range of value you can offer.
Now obviously there’s a lot more we can talk about on these 3 areas of value.
The 3 Areas Of Value Continued…
We’ve been teaching these 3 areas for the last 11 years now in a few of our
programs. In that time, we’ve found that once we are able to break this
elusive concept of high value down into these 3 actionable categories, then
things become TANGIBLE.
If you want to learn more about showing up as a high value woman, I
recommend you delve deeply into our program ‘Commitment Control’,
which helps you easily inspire emotional commitment from men.

Frequently Asked Questions About How

To Be A High Value Woman
What Is A High Value High Status
A high value voman is a woman who has intrinsic value in relationship with

A high status woman is a woman whose behaviour and values show to

others that she is internally resourceful.
What does it mean to be internally resourceful? It means that she has these

 Energetic resourcefulness

 Physical resourcefulness.

 Emotional resourcefulness.

How Do You Show A Guy You’re High

You show him your high valued by building your value in the three core areas:

 Radiance value

 Social value; and

 Spiritual value.

There are no short cuts to showing a guy that you’re high value, because any
short-cuts like plastic surgery, multi dating (to try to look “popular and
“sought after”) – or even heavy use of make up – only work in the short-

The real key to being high valued is to build intrinsic value within yourself,
and have real value to offer a man in a relationship with you.

What Is Low Value Woman?

A low value woman is a woman whose overall behaviour in relation to others
constantly strips value and drains others of their valuable time, energy and
attention. Learn more about the 7 things that make a woman look low
value to all men here.
What Is A Low Value Person?
A low value person is someone who is always taking more value than they
give. They see the world and the people in it as things to extract attention,
approval and financial or physical resources from.
Moreover, a low value person is someone who has no capability to attune to
others and their desires, feelings and actions.
How to Be a High-Value Woman

Studies show that, more than ever, “high-value” women are choosing
their well-being over a relationship and are happier because of it. With
this happiness comes power and autonomy. A high-value woman is
admired and respected, yet kind to everyone. She knows that she must
respect herself to be respected by others. While assertive, confident,
and successful, she never loses her love of life and free-spiritedness.

Do you think she’s too good to be true?

She’s not. She’s you. And if she isn’t, these ten steps will get you to
where you want to be.

10 Qualities of a High-Value Woman

1. Value Your Self-Esteem

A high-value woman understands her worth beyond her appearance.

She regularly takes inventory of her successes and strengths and never
engages in negative self-talk. Learn to respect yourself and settle for
nothing less than what you deserve. Be comfortable in your skin,
spend time in your own company, and don’t be afraid to end a
relationship that is going nowhere. A high-quality woman stands for
her values and expects the same of others. When people don’t meet
her standards, men or women, she gets rid of them.

2. Speak Your Mind

She has opinions and thoughts and speaks up if she doesn’t agree
with someone. While well-mannered, she doesn’t worry about
displeasing people. She understands that what she has to say is as
important as the next person. She’s not afraid to say “no” as she
knows that standing for what she believes in commands respect.
3. Be Compassionate and Empathetic

A high-value woman is inherently warm. Be courteous and generous,

and emotionally invest in quality relationships! Try being more
altruistic and helping others improve their lives. A high-quality woman
is a patient and active listener that doesn’t pass judgment and accepts
people as they are.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Vulnerable

Know that vulnerability does not equal weakness. In fact, the ability to
be honest and vulnerable are cherished traits. She can be emotionally
fearless in order to connect with a man on a deep and intimate level –
even when it might bring pain and disappointment. When she does
connect, she has no problem setting healthy boundaries.

5. Live With Passion

A high-value woman knows she’s in charge of her happiness and will

pursue what she loves with energy and passion. Any challenges she
might face only motivate her to do better – to rise to the occasion
with gusto and joy. She will never give up the things she loves to be
with a man!

6. Have Your Own Life

She’s her own person with her own hobbies, interests, and friends. She
isn’t needy with men. Rather, she’s confident enough to give them the
space to have their own lives because she knows they are lucky to
have her. She believes in autonomy, independence, and self-
sufficiency, knowing that’s what a high-quality man also values.

7. Strive for Emotional Maturity

A high-value woman doesn’t play games, manipulate, or string men

along. She responds to texts, answers phone calls, and tells the truth.
Know that you are special and don’t need to prove it to anyone else.
High-quality women possess emotional intelligence and high self-
esteem and take responsibility for their life and relationships. She only
associates with high-value men and can set healthy boundaries when
one is lucky enough to connect with her romantically.

8. Always Be a Lady

She’s not afraid to be soft and understands she can be powerful while
also being ladylike. She knows she’s sexy without flaunting her
sexuality and can express her beauty with charm and grace. Build
integrity, be respectful of others, and practice restraint! There is a time
and place for everything. High-quality women embrace passion and
femininity and understand the value of being kind and courteous to
others – because their true beauty comes from within.

9. Practice Self Care

A high-value woman is committed to good health and self-love. She is

a well-rounded person, always trying to learn and grow. Take care of
your appearance! Always make time for yourself, understanding the
importance of living a balanced life – physically, emotionally, and

10. Love Your Life

A high-value woman loves her life! She might want a man, but she
doesn’t need one. It is important to be happy by yourself. Learn to
make decisions based on what’s important to you. Live a life of
purpose and meaning. A high-quality woman finds well-being, self-
worth, and fulfillment by staying true to her values and ambitions.

She is absolutely wonderful because she’s you!

Squash Your Self-Critic with Meditation. Increase
Mindfulness and Gratitude.

I have been meditating for over half my life with a regularity that rivals
brushing my teeth. Despite all the time I have spent sitting still on the
cushion, I often zone out and follow pathways of thought that lead me
back into the past, far into the future, or fantasizing about what shoes
might be on sale at my favorite store. Other meditation moments lull
me to sleep. Even worse are the moments when my legs fall asleep,
and I feel I may never walk again. It’s all good meditation. Even in its
imperfect state, meditation still works, and it all counts. Meditation can
take many forms, but for me, meditation is best when it brings me
mindfulness, self-compassion, and gratitude.

3 Phrases to Quiet Your Inner Critic

When Meditating (And in Life)
My meditation practice has given me a way to listen deeply to my own
thoughts and identify my inner critic. Maybe you’ve heard the nagging
voice in your head. This voice waits for the fragile self to emerge,
ambushing you when you get a new haircut, try a new way of teaching
or expand your blueprint for living.

“This voice would claim to keep you safe when really, the voice
only keeps you from innovation, exploration and

I know my critic to have masqueraded as a critical teacher, fussy aunt,

or rotten ex-boyfriend. I observe these thoughts, identify the critical
source, and focus on something other than the awfulness of being
judged. Have I stopped the negative chatter through hours spent on
the meditation cushion? Heavens NO!
But, if you can tell Alexa or Siri to play music, you can instruct the critic
with the words.

1. Cancel.
2. Pass.
3. Thank you for sharing, now leave.

These phrases get my critic to shut her pie hole so I can meditate,
enter a room of strangers or speak my peace with compassion when
really I want to hide.

Bring Mindfulness to Your Life With

Meditation fuels living mindfully. A life woven with meditation on the
cushion becomes mindfulness practice off the cushion and in the
world. Mindfulness is a way of being fully present in the now. You are
present without trying to judge what transpires. When being mindful,
you won’t hide in thoughts about anything but the tea you are
pouring, listening fully to the words of the person who is talking, or
feeling intensely the sun warming your face.

Meditation is a practice. Just as you can never step in the same river
twice, your mind will shift and change when you try to still it.
Throughout these years of meditation and mindfulness, I finally
learned self-compassion after taking a course on Mindfulness Self-
Compassion designed by Kristin Neff. Because of self-compassion, I
can frequently stop the voice that has me doubting everything, from
whether my natural deodorant has failed me to my use of proper
subjunctive verbs. At the same time, I teach meditation in Spanish
(which is not my native tongue) at a local woman’s shelter. My
meditation gives me the measure with which to gauge life’s
vicissitudes, and meditation fuels the decision to be grateful always.

What Can Meditation and Mindfulness

do For You?
“Do you have to go on a 10-day silent retreat and sit still for
hours to meditate? No!”

Meditation can be approached through mindfulness about the present

moment without drifting into the past or future. Each moment is a
present! With meditation, you will learn to unwrap these little time
treasures and identify the simple joys of good sleep, comfortable
shoes, and time to unwind.

How to Meditate for Mindfulness

So how do I meditate? I use an anchor of my breath. With each inhale
and exhale, I touch the tips of my fingers with my thumb, and the
cadence of breathing in and out relaxes the mind. Although my
meditation sessions begin with me focusing on my breathing, I often
devolve into contemplations on what I shall eat for lunch or how I
deserve to go shoe shopping instead of preparing invoices. These
distractions prove alluring. When I discover that I have strayed from
focusing on my breathing, I compassionately, patiently, and
lovingly guide myself back to the breath. I do this over and over
and over and over again until the timer chimes and releases me.

Is meditation a perfectly still mind? For me, I succeed in meditation

when I observe my thoughts in the moment and decide to be kind
instead of flying into a rage. In fact, I shamelessly admit that my
mind still wanders from thought to thought like a wayward,
curious child when I meditate. The elegant meditation byproduct
that I have at 50 is a robust self-compassion and the ability to disarm
the critic. I speak directly to the critic and thwart the negative chatter.

Don’t be fooled; I do not meditate with the blissful calm of the Dalai
Lama, but I do practice mindfulness while off the meditation cushion
and in the thick of the day-to-day living. I mindfully focus on doing
one thing at a time instead of multitasking. Finally, I mindfully focus on
the barista at Starbucks, breathing while texting, appreciating
whatever is before me, whether it is anger, sadness, or joy. This
meditation and mindfulness lead me to be grateful in the now.
27 traits of a high value
woman that separates her
from everyone else
There’s a certain vibe of a high-value woman that people can’t help but

She exudes intense energy that goes beyond her looks and independence to
live the life she desires.

Being a high-value woman seems daunting, but it’s not complicated as you
think it is. It’s more about everything you do and having the right mindset
within you.

So I’m sharing this guide so we can all self-evaluate as we embark on our

journey to becoming the embodied woman that we are.

How to be a high-value woman:

27 traits worth developing
A high-value woman has defining traits that make her more admirable and
enduring and has very little to do with the looks she’s born with.

1) She loves and respects herself deeply

A high-value woman embraces her best self, inside and out. She feels good in
her skin and gives high regard for her well-being and happiness.

She knows that loving and focusing on oneself isn’t being selfish. And she
doesn’t feel bad for putting herself first.

Her love is selfless. And she’s giving herself the same love and care she’s
giving others.

As she’s worthy to be loved and respected, she won’t settle for anything less
than what she deserves. She isn’t afraid to walk away from toxic people,
situations, and relationships.

She focuses on her journey and takes time to celebrate the wonderful woman
that she is.

2) She embraces her femininity

A high-value woman indulges her essential womanliness and embraces her

Instead of living for male validation, she lives to please herself.

She knows how to present and express her views, and take a stand for what
she believes in.

And her femininity is more than the way she talks and acts. It comes within –
something that warms her heart and makes her eyes sparkle.

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Here are simple ways to connect to your femininity:

o Allow time for healing and self-care
o Meditate and spend time in silence
o Permit yourself to relax
o Express yourself through creative means
3) She knows her worth
Her strong self-worth is embodied in the way she walks, talks, dresses, and
treats herself.

She doesn’t let the opinions or remarks of others get in the way of how she
lives her life.

After all, she’s grounded and aware of her inherent worth.

She doesn’t seek approval and validation from a man or anyone else. She
knows that men do not get to demand, dictate nor determine how she
perceives herself.

But this incredible trait doesn’t always come naturally.

You see, a high-value woman has usually learned how to cultivate self-
It’s something I learned from the world-renowned shaman Rudá Iandê. He
taught me that the way to find self-love is not what we have been culturally
conditioned to believe.
As Rudá explains in this mind blowing free video, many of us chase love in a
toxic way because we’re not taught how to love ourselves first.
So, if you want to be a high-value woman who knows her self-worth and has
self-love, I’d recommend starting with yourself first and taking Rudá’s
incredible advice.
Here’s a link to the free video one again.
4) She’s sexually confident
Being a high-value woman means embracing the relationship she has with
her body and taking the time to connect with it.
She embraces and respects her sexuality in a modest and great way.

Her radiance and magnetic energy make men drawn to her.

No wonder, men want her as she possesses these traits:

o She enjoys sex, passion, and intimacy

o She indulges in daily pleasures that makes her feel good
o She never worries about her age
o She’s passionate about everything she does
o She loves herself and enjoys her independence
o She chooses a partner who accepts and respects her authentic self
A high-value woman expresses herself fully and authentically. She
understands her desires – and knows that she’s worthy of having them.

While she’s capable of taking care of herself, she’s accepting of a man who’ll
take care of her too.

She knows that her strong sense of self and feminine energy has a huge
impact on her success in life, work, and relationships.

5) She’s happy on her own

A high-value woman doesn’t need a man to complete her.

Whether she’s in a relationship or single, she can find her happiness. She’s
desperate to chase after men to make her happy.

As she enjoys being single, she uses her time as a chance to connect with
herself, reflect on her mistakes, and experience new things.

On her own, she’s complete and content.

Her positive energy and confidence draw people to like her and want to be
around her. And this makes her a lot more attractive to men.

A high-value woman knows that having a partner has to compliment her and
that a relationship involves a healthy expression of love.
In time, she’ll be with a partner who will value her the same way she values

6) She has a great sense of humor

A high-value woman is playful and fun to be around.

She’s living her life to the fullest. She knows how to lighten up and not take
everything too seriously.

She understands that playfulness and a sense of humor are essential to happy
and lasting relationships.

People, especially men, get drawn to her welcoming and easy-going

personality. She can interact freely with anyone and see the fun side of a

She can crack light jokes and isn’t afraid to laugh her heart out.

And this makes her more desirable and irresistible.

According to an article from WebMD, having a sense of humor leads to

better psychological health.

7) She has a clear purpose in life

Psychotherapist and author of the bestselling book “13 Things Mentally
Strong People Don’t Do,” Amy Morin, LCSW shares that finding one’s
purpose is the key to living your best life.

A high-value woman is focused and devoted. She plans, prepares, and fulfills
her dreams.

Her purpose gives her life meaning and fulfillment.

Now, if you’re wondering how to find your purpose and be a high-value

woman – again, this doesn’t come naturally to everyone.
I, like so many others, have tried more ways than I can count to find my
purpose in life. Self-development courses, meditation, the Law of Attraction,
you name it, I’ve tried it.
But nothing really made an impact on the results I was seeing in my life. I
found the same frustrating patterns repeating themselves time and time
Sound familiar?
The truth about who I am, what I’m capable of achieving, and how I want to
live my life didn’t come to fruition until I took part in Justin Brown’s life-
changing masterclass.
Following the life lessons he’s embraced, you’ll learn where your creativity
comes from, how you can use a deep well of personal power to achieve your
dreams, and finally, what your purpose in life is.
Click here to watch his free introductory video.
For once, put yourself in control of your life. Forget over-hyped gurus or life
coaches. Forget pointless techniques.
It’s incredible what you can achieve with just you, your mind, and your
unlimited abundance of personal power.
Here’s the link once again.
8) She’s self-sufficient
She recognizes herself as the one who is first and foremost responsible for
her well-being and happiness.

She trusts her intuition to guide her through life and take charge of it.

She prioritizes fulfilling her needs, be it emotionally, financially, and

mentally. For she knows she can provide for herself, she doesn’t demand or
rely on others all the time.

She creates an ideal future for herself. She traverses her journey with pride
and faith in her abilities.
For a high-value woman, having a relationship with a man is a wonderful
addition, but it’s not necessary. For her, it’s a way to share an already
fulfilling life with a person who values her individuality and independence.

9) She has a life

She keeps herself occupied by chasing after her dreams and ambitions. She
knows what she wants and works hard towards it.

She does not wait for a man or let anyone else take over her world.

Like a high-value woman, you don’t need to go out of your way to please

Don’t try to fit into other people’s cups as it makes you lose sight of who you
truly are.

Know that you are a prize.

Don’t try too hard to be liked because the truth is that people will have
different perspectives of you. Instead, focus on the things that make you
happier like spending time with your loved ones or taking care of yourself.

10) She has high standards

A high-value woman doesn’t settle for less than what she deserves. Her
standards need to be met and her boundaries respected.

She has the traits of an alpha female who prioritizes her needs as a way of
showing love for herself.

It is alright to make compromises with other people when needed. You just
have to make sure it doesn’t cause you to drop your standards or neglect
yourself altogether. It should not also make you lose sight of what you

A high-value woman doesn’t let anyone trample over her abilities and worth.

She knows herself better than anyone else and she does not get easily swayed
by people’s judgment. Because she has this assertive personality, no one can
overstep her or even try to.
11) She’s a woman of kindness
A high-value woman possesses a real beauty that radiates from within for she
knows how to treat people with respect.

She lives with compassion and kindness and understands the power that these
virtues hold. And this is evident from how she treats people.

With her big heart, she has deep concern and sympathy for others and values
helping people above all else.

She isn’t afraid to show that she genuinely cares about people, whether it’s
towards her family members, friends, or people she encounters throughout
the day.

And she knows how important it is to extend that kindness to herself.

12) She’s emotionally intelligent and

A high-value woman’s emotional stability is a desirable trait as she knows
how to handle her emotions well.

It doesn’t mean that she never gets mood swings. She does. She cries and
gets angry too.

But one thing that differentiates her from the others is the way she deals with
those emotions. She feels her emotions and acknowledges them, without
letting them take over.

Being a high-value woman means being able to understand and act on one’s
emotions and that of others.
Here are key habits and practices to help you become emotionally strong and

o Change your perspective on situations

o Know that you’re in control of your thoughts
o Keep grounded by not letting someone’s opinion sway you
o Listen to your emotions without suppressing them
o Step back and take a deep breath
o Practice regular meditation, yoga, or get a massage
o Keep moving forward
By cultivating this trait, you’ll get to handle adversities, withstand
difficulties, and remain productive when life gets crazy.

13) She doesn’t put up with lies and

For a high-value woman, any form of lies and drama creates stress and

Thus, she doesn’t tolerate toxic and narcissistic people whose behavior brings
negativity to her life. No wonder some get nervous about her strong,
intimidating personality.

Because of her healthy self-love, she knows her worth and doesn’t thrive in
dramatic relationships.

She understands that a relationship has to be based on mutual trust, honesty,

respect, and loyalty. Thus, she’s after a man who has morals and integrity.

As she respects people’s boundaries, she expects others to do the same for

Being the strong woman that she is, she can stand up and move on from
someone who causes her too much pain and dishonesty.
14) She commits to personal growth
Being a high-value woman means pursuing to become the best version of

For her, every day is a chance to grow and learn. She has this genuine passion
to pursue her interests and goals in life.

Rather than spending time on trivial matters, she chooses to read books, listen
to podcasts, enjoy arts or films, explore the world, etc.

Her experiences strengthen her and make her a well-rounded person.

This gives her intellectual, emotional, and spiritual stability.

And she even values people she meets and encounters along her journey for
she believes that she can learn something from them.

What are your values in life?

When you know your values, you are in a better position to develop
meaningful goals and move forward in life.

Download the free values checklist by the highly acclaimed career coach
Jeanette Brown to instantly learn what your values really are.

15) She keeps going on

No matter what the circumstances are, a high-value woman persists. She
gives her time, effort, and energy to achieve what she desires.
She faces adversities with determination and a can-do attitude. Instead of
giving up quickly, she deals with the problem and seeks out solutions to solve

While sometimes it’s easier for others to walk away from situations that
aren’t working, a high-value woman won’t call it quits instantly. Rather she
continues to persist and give her best effort to work on it.

Persistence is one of the most significant traits to develop as this is the key to

16) She sets healthy boundaries in all

areas of her life
Boundaries are important for our mental well-being and making our
relationships thrive.

According to Carla Marie Manly, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and author of

Joy From Fear and Date Smart,

“Boundaries are the separations that humans need—mentally, emotionally,

and physically—to feel safe, valued, and respected.”

Being a high-value woman means understanding the essence of having

healthy boundaries.

She’s aware of her boundaries and doesn’t allow anyone to cross them. But
these limits are healthy, in the sense that it establishes her relationships with
other people.

As a high-value woman, she makes people know she has boundaries.

And when someone disrespects that, even if it’s a person of high authority,
she takes a stand and demands that her boundary is respected.
She gives people the respect they deserve and demands that she be respected
as well.

17) She’s self-aware and emphatic

Being a high-value woman means being aware of your thoughts, words, and

Though she speaks her mind, she says things with tact and understands how it
makes others feel.

She communicates genuinely and has respect for the ideas and feelings of

She accepts people for who they are and never tries to change them.

She cares for and treats others the same way she cares for and treats herself.
She shows genuine concern and helps others when she can.

18) She knows how to manage

Being a high-value woman means keeping your expectations in check.

This frees her from getting too disappointed or any overwhelming

expectations when things don’t work out.

And she never takes it too hard or too personally. Instead, she keeps going
with an open mind.

This is true for a high-value woman as she knows how to pivot.

She can deal with the challenges and roadblocks when life doesn’t go as
planned and when faced with unexpected moments.
19) She has class and sexiness
A high-value woman carries herself with utmost class and dignity and holds
herself with grace.

It means embodying what it means to be beautiful inside and out, and

understanding that she can be classy and sexy at the same time.

She knows the essence of embracing her uniqueness, femininity, charm, and

As she’s confident and comfortable in her beauty, wisdom, and skills, she
doesn’t feel the urge to compete for love or with other women.

She believes that every woman is beautiful and special in their way.

She doesn’t live to please people or seek attention from others.

20) She takes care of herself

Being a high-value woman means looking after one’s physical, emotional,
mental, and spiritual needs.

She values self-care and commits to good health and better well-being.

She treats her body with love, respects her limits, and understands that it’s
essential to live a well-balanced life.

Like a high-value woman, know that taking care of yourself isn’t being
selfish. Nor should you feel guilty about giving yourself the “me-time” you

So if you’ve been neglecting yourself, it’s about time you prioritize your
Here are some ideas so you can feel your best self:

o Eat a healthy and well-balanced food

o Drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated
o Do what you enjoy doing
o Pamper yourself with a massage or a salon visit
o Take that much-needed rest
o Bask in the sunlight
o Engage in exercise or just move your body
o Breathe and take a walk
21) She embraces her vulnerability
A high-value woman understands that being vulnerable isn’t about being
weak or needy. But it’s about showing one’s authentic self, being brave with
her emotions, and being transparent.

By being vulnerable, she doesn’t let fears control her choices and decisions.

She’s bold enough to take risks and handle disappointments when people fail

Her vulnerability is a sign of strength.

And it’s powerful in its gentlest, most beautiful way.

As most people avoid being vulnerable, Rebecca Wheeler of RWA

Psychology has this to share,

“To avoid vulnerability is to deny ourselves the opportunity of genuine love

and connection with others. Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, empathy,
belonging, joy, courage, and creativity.”

22) She has a strong sense of self-

A high-value woman isn’t afraid to speak her mind – and this makes her a lot
more attractive.

Being a high-value woman is about being comfortable and confident in

expressing her thoughts, feelings, and opinions with others.

Even if no one agrees with her or likes what she’ll say, she’ll never hold back
especially when she knows her points.

She also knows how to communicate her beliefs, ideas, and outlook in
creative ways such as through music, poetry, dance, or painting.

And she isn’t afraid to voice out her wants and needs because she knows they
are as important as everybody else’s.

She’s a bold, courageous, and honest woman who is never egotistical to

admit a mistake.

23) She’s grounded in maturity

Being a high-value woman means being aware of one’s personality,
strengths, weaknesses, potentials, and limitations.

She doesn’t manipulate, play games, or indulge in drama to get her way. And
she knows that she’s worthy enough – and doesn’t need to prove it.

She’s a woman to look up to when you’re going through a difficult time as

she performs well even under stress.

Here are more traits that show her maturity:

o She’s patient enough to wait

o She knows how to cope with unexpected changes
o She’s honest about herself and her feelings
o She owns her mistakes and works on it
o She takes responsibility for her actions and behaviors
A high-value woman possesses humility and is grateful for everything in her

Her sense of maturity makes her a perfect example of a woman who’s wise
beyond her years.

24) She lives a life of integrity

Being a high-value woman means having strong convictions and being able
to stand for what’s morally upright.

She chooses to remain loyal as she doesn’t trade her integrity and self-respect
for a man’s love or anything else.

She does the right thing regardless of what the circumstances are and even
when no one is watching.

And if there’s one defining attribute that you want to cultivate, it’s integrity.

With this valued trait, you won’t only have peace of mind, but you can see
that your personal and professional life will flourish.

And integrity is a trait that we can all develop and preserve. Here’s how:

o Be selfless
o Live by the values you believe in
o Think through and analyze every choice and decision you make
o Be humble and own your mistake
o Keep your promises and remain true to your words

25) She never chases men

Being a high-quality woman means allowing men to pursue you.

She believes that since “men are born hunters” they should go for the woman
that they desire.
She knows that there are ways to make a man chase her.

That is, if a man loves and cares for the woman in her life, he’ll do
everything for her happiness.

Because a high-value woman has a deep sense of self-respect, she sees

herself worthy of being pursued.

But she doesn’t play hard to get. Instead, she makes the entire chasing
enjoyable and appreciates a man’s time and effort.

She’s accepting of the fact that she doesn’t have to make everyone like her
too. If a man or someone else in her life walks away from her, she allows this
person to do so.

And she respects that.

26) She sparkles and shines

A high-value woman makes an impression wherever she goes and whomever
she meets. Her strong sense of value and femininity reflects what she has
inside her.

With this, she brightens everyone she comes in contact with. She smiles at
strangers and people she interacts with.

No wonder men get intrigued by her wonderful personality.

She attracts people with her personality and positive energy. And people get
safe and comfortable in her presence.

A high-value woman has an admirable presence that makes her world and
those around her a lot brighter.

27) She has strong self-esteem

A high-value woman radiates confidence as her sense of self comes from

It’s not derived only from social or relationship status, nor her success and
materialistic possessions.

She’s raised to take criticisms as a chance to grow and to improve. It’s the
very reason why you can’t stop her from taking chances.

Her confidence outweighs all the insecurities and negativities projected upon
her by others. Her belief in her abilities and intelligence overpowers all the
doubts and uncertainties that come her way.

And no matter what she’s facing and what she’s been through, the values she
brings with and for herself endures.

Know that you’re a woman of

At the heart of it all, understand that being a high-value woman isn’t about
how you look, how much money you have, how intelligent you are, or how
others see you.

o It’s about embracing your uniqueness

o It’s about giving high regard to yourself while honoring those around
o It’s about allowing people who value and respect you into your life
o It’s about owning your value and knowing your worth
o It’s about believing in yourself

It’s not hard to be one. It’s all a matter of embracing your person.

And no matter who you are, what you’ve got, or where you’re from,
remember that:
You’re valuable as you are.
Know that your life isn’t any less abundant even without the presence of a
man or material things.

You’re worthy of love and respect.

Realize that you’re a complete person being on your own.

Above all, love, and value yourself no matter what. Live to be the high-value
woman that you are.

And it’s time that you encourage and be an inspiration to every woman out

Why not share this article to let them know how valuable they are too.

9 ways to be a high-value woman to meet a high-value man

What should you be doing to put yourself in a position to meet

the right kind of man for a serious romantic relationship?
It’s not just about having feminine energy or feminine
characteristics. Those things matter—especially in the pursuit
and maintenance of an intimate relationship. But they aren’t the
only high-value woman traits you need to be a desirable woman.
You need emotional maturity, spiritual stability, and sexual
desirability. Unfortunately, too many women focus only on the
last part. They think that having a “slim waist, pretty face, and a
big ol’ ass” is the only thing that matters to be a high-value
woman. Plenty of women have that trait, either organically or
they just pay for it.
Brazilian Butt LIfts, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Breast Implants,
and Plastic Surgery might be prohibitively expensive for some
of us, but not all of us. Plenty of women have put these things on
credit cards anyway.
Becoming a high-value woman Is about embodying a few
important traits. This is a woman:
 With healthy boundaries
 Strong sense of pride, but not arrogance
 Self-respect
 Genuine desire to be feminine
 Who is a compassionate person
 A positive but serious approach to life
 With a deep sense of purpose
 Who is a well-rounded person with a balanced life
 Strong sense of what it means to be a woman, internally
and externally
This is what a high-quality woman looks like, but these traits are
impossible to see with the naked eye. Dating coaches rarely
discuss them and their importance to high-value men and high-
value dating. The truth is this:
It doesn’t matter if you have a bunch of standards. If you want to
date a quality, high-value man, you need to be a quality, high-
value woman. There is no way around that if you want to be
valued for anything more than the sexual desire you can make a
man feel.
To meet the love of your life that also meets your standards, you
need to hone your intuition, develop healthy boundaries, and
clarify your core values and ideal lifestyle. Pour yourself into
your family and self-care, and weed out any toxic people you
have a social relationship with.
It should go without saying that you need to stop entertaining
any intimate relationship with “fuckbois” and losers who take
your time. These are the obvious things you need to do, but what
else is necessary to make you into the caliber of woman that is
both highly respected and desire, and for more than just her
The rest of this article are specific steps to follow to become a
high-value woman that can meet and be with a high-value
man. I learned these lessons the hard way and now I’m teaching
them to you so you don’t have to.
9 traits of a high-value woman
1) Be a good listener and an effective communicator

Be honest, patient, empathic, and kind with your words.

This means you are supportive, not just to your man, but to the
people around you. You want to be a generous woman with your
praise and support to people close to you or those who look to
you for guidance.
Your potential mate will require a woman who can support him
without mothering or nagging him. This caliber of woman will
also be able to take criticism without becoming negative,
withdrawn, or combative.
Communication is such an important part of a relationship that
you need to be both a good transmitter and receiver of your
feelings and intentions. If you have trouble with this, it may be
because you have trouble being direct. This is often a trait of
feminine women, and it can spell disaster when it comes to
navigating problems in a relationship.
You’ll have to be direct about how you feel about things, but
that doesn’t mean you need to be aggressive or disagreeable.
2) Don’t waste your precious time in relationships that you know are going nowhere

In regard to my first marriage, the whole experience lasted for 9

years from start to finish. It wasn’t all bad, we had some good
times, and there was love there. But that’s nearly a decade of my
life wasted in a relationship that I knew was going nowhere.
We just weren’t the right match. I made a mistake. He made a
mistake. We each married the wrong person. And I knew it, but
I married who I thought was my best option because he felt safe.
I stayed with him, wasting valuable time I can’t get back
because I took the easy way.
It unraveled quickly after the wedding until one day, three years
later, I left. Then it took us three years to finalize the divorce,
and I learned a lot about myself during that time.
[Definitely read this list, so you know all the red flags a man
shows before his true colors come out—> Red flags in men
list here]
Ladies, you have to remember that our time is precious. Even if
you don’t want to get married, you have to remember that it gets
harder to date and evoke genuine desire in a man the older we
get. This isn’t just about aging, though that’s part of it.
Every moment spent in a relationship you know has no real
potential is energy towards habits, expectations, and baggage
that you’ll carry into the dating market when you inevitably
return. This will make it harder for you to meet someone
because you’ll be FAR less likely to approach dating with
positive energy, clear-minded desire, and a willingness to be
3) Don’t mistake attachment for compatibility

Many assume emotional intensity is a substitute for relationship

compatibility, but it’s not. Sexual attraction is only a supplement
to emotional attraction, not a replacement.
You need all the ingredients for a healthy foundation in a
relationship when sexual desire fades with age and the ugly toll
that life can take on you. You don’t need a perfect relationship,
Just one with a strong foundation based on things that get
stronger over time, not weaker.
The equation I show clients to get them to understand how this
works is: Ideal Relationship = Logic + Desire + Love.
These elements must each be fulfilled to a sufficient level for the
relationship to be successful.
If you have to put a number on it to help guide yourself,
consider 8 out of 10 a solid place to be. The problems start when
there’s a deficit in one area, and you think the other areas can
compensate for it.
In the case of my first marriage, all three areas were lacking
I should have known better, but no one gets into marriage
hoping for divorce. Many are just naive and ill-prepared.
Despite my academic knowledge and professional expertise, I
lacked awareness in some important areas that mainstream
relationship advice and well-intentioned parents neglect to warn
us all about.
My personal experience was no different than most.
4) Establish a good relationship with work and finances

You should not be married to your career, but you should be

productive, competent, and disciplined with life responsibilities.
An ideal man will need you to be trustworthy and capable of
protecting his assets and honoring the family legacy.
You also should be able to take care of yourself and make
money, but not so much that makes you a less feminine woman.
This is something that many women struggle with as well.
A lot of us grew up getting the message that we need to be
strong and independent, and that’s certainly important.
However, that message has been delivered at the expense of the
natural dynamic that a relationship between a man and a woman
No man wants his woman to be solely reliant on him. Most men
don’t even care if you make more money than him and honestly
would see that as a blessing, The issue arises when your career
either takes away from your intimate relationship or, because of
what’s required to succeed, it starts to erode at woman traits
outside of the job.
5) Be passionate and feminine

This doesn’t mean you should wipe out all your masculine traits.
You need a healthy balance of masculine and feminine qualities
to be most effective in a healthy relationship. But as the woman
in the relationship, you play the biggest role in bringing softness,
love, and playfulness to the dynamic.
This includes taking good care of your body, beauty, aesthetics,
and overall fitness.
It includes being an excellent communicator, nurturing, and
Sadly, certain ideas about feminity are portrayed as negatives by
the mainstream media, but the next someone tells you that being
submissive, nurturing, and agreeable are negatives, make sure
they’re in a long happy relationship.
Many people talk about what should and should not happen in a
relationship but have never been in a relationship themselves.
6) Take care of your health, happiness, and home with the utmost urgency

Emotional stability, emotional regulation, and peace of mind are

important assets to cultivate.
An ideal man will not want to look after you like a child. Nor
will he burn with desire or gratitude for you if you neglect these
basic necessities.
This means being a kind, clean, fit, classy lady. There isn’t a lot
to say here that isn’t painfully obvious.
It’s hard to feel sexual attraction for someone who doesn’t take
care of themselves or their environment. If you want your
potential mate to want to get close to you, smell nice, groom
yourself, clean your home, and stay in shape,.
7) Ground yourself in good principles, grace, and class

Being sexy and charming may get an ideal man’s attention, but
it won’t generate genuine desire. To get that, you have to exude
the qualities he wants in a ride-or-die life partner and the future
mother to his children.
Know the right place and time to peel back the layers of
intimacy with him without losing your integrity. Demonstrate
self-restraint where appropriate and be more reserved with
Most modern, westernized women have been taught the exact
They’ve been encouraged to be selfish, brash, and impulsive
without consequences. And men continue to shower them with
attention if they are halfway decent looking. But these aren’t the
men you want attention from.
Instead of changing their own poor behaviors or inadequacies,
most women blame men yet continue to date these same types of
men. Precious time and youth are lost when you engage in this
behavior. Sure, it’s natural for a woman to have a phase where
she is overwhelmed by the attention she may get, but if being a
high-value woman is important to you, then this phase has to be
cut short and NEVER revisited.
8) Develop the right skills and hobbies

If you want to work, travel, marry, have children, and do

something meaningful with your life, then come up with a plan.
You don’t have to have a perfect blueprint, but you should be
able to connect to the visceral idea of what makes you
authentically happy.
What kinds of activities should you be doing that will invest and
contribute to that blueprint coming true? Do more of that.
This is where you’re going to find your future husband.
You might not recognize him now if you came across him
because you’re not the kind of woman he would notice either,
you’re not doing the things you share in common…yet.
[It’s important to remember that you can’t force relationships to
develop. Click on the link to read why and what to do instead—
> Read here]
Practical hobbies and skills to help you meet a high-value

 Carve out time for creative pursuits, physical activities,

cooking classes, etc
 Attend church/activities if that’s right for you
 Learn about other cultures, literature, art, etc..
 Practice a craft, talent, skill
 Walk to places instead of driving when possible and
engage with your surroundings
 Talk to strangers politely to create pleasant moments in
their day
 Serve your community or volunteer
 Take a course of study in an area of interest (online or in
real life)
 Develop any practical life skills needed
 Explore means of business/income growth
 Meet new healthy groups of people in your city over
shared interests, etc.
 Prioritize family and close friends
 Get your personal/financial affairs in order
 Work on improving your personal health, fitness,
aesthetics, and emotional regulation
9) Find your calling

There are an endless amount of ways to explore the life you

want, you have to have courage, commitment, and clarity on
your “why” or purpose.
Do you know what your calling is?
Making conscious decisions about your life and living aligned
with what matters to you will allow you to radiate contentment
and beauty naturally.
Any healthy man will be smitten by that energy and honored to
claim you as his lady.
Don’t believe me? Try it and see. But you have to commit to it
and trust the process.
A final reminder about becoming an attractive high-value lady

It’s time to focus on the important things and be more

intentional about what and who you connect to.
Honor your time and energy with the standards of this future life
you have set your sights on, and you will see it get closer daily.
You’ll look back in a few years stunned at everything you’ve
built for yourself on your own terms that came to fruition as if it
were a dream come true.
Why not, you earned it! And I promise you, it feels amazing.
What are you waiting for? Or is it who? Don’t wait around to be
rescued, start to clear the way for your future mister to cross
paths with you.
He can take over when he finds you, but by then, you’ll have
proven you’re a worthy partner and teammate to yourself as
much as to him.
This is how you build a healthy foundation for an Ideal
Relationship with your Ideal Partner…by becoming your Ideal

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