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Vapor Reality

Level Spell AoE Duration Range Type Description

1 Type Vapor 100 cu' P 10' I Caster learns the various physical and chemical properties of all
gasses in the target area. This also yields a +50 to Alchemy
rolls involving gasses.
2 Minor Enchanted 100 cu' 10 min/lvl Self F Caster can modify the appearance of all airs in the area of
Appearance effect. Use of this spell can make smoky air look clear (though
folks will still smell smoke, be coughing and suffering the ill
effects of breathing in the smoke) or make clear air cloud up
like fog.
3 Minor Enchanted 100 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F Caster can modify the appearance, smell and taste of all gasses
Substance in the area of effect. This spell can make smoky air look and
smell clean (though folks will still suffer the ill effects of
breathing in the smoke).
4 Separate Vapors 100 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F Caster can separate the vapors in the area of effect into any
component parts. The castor can control the concentration of all
gasses in the area of effect and can change the concentrations at
any time during the spell effect. Winds reduce the area of effect
by half for every 10 mph of wind speed.
5 Lesser Control 100 cu' 1 min/lvl 10' F The caster can control the air flow of a specific vapor (or
Vapor combination) in the area of effect. All such vapors will move as
directed by the caster. The caster can change the concentration
of the vapors as well. The speed at which the vapor may move
is double the air speed if with the air flow, at 50’ per round if
perpendicular to the air flow, or at 25’ per round if directly
against the air flow. If the air flow is above 15 mph, then the
vapor may not move against the air flow.
6 Decrease Vapor 100 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F Caster temporarily "destroys" any portion of a vapor for the
duration of this spell. The "destroyed" component is dormant in
the area of effect for the duration of the spell. For example, all
oxygen in the area of effect is "destroyed" causing fires to die
out and people to gasp for breath. At the end of the duration, if
objects are hot enough, then they will resume burning.
7 Increase Vapor 100 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F Caster "creates" more of any portion of an existent vapor. The
caster cannot create more oxygen, if none is present. The caster
creates 50% more of the existent vapor.
8 Minor Enchanted 100 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F Caster can modify the target vapor’s density by +/-50% or 0.25
Density g/cm3 whichever is greater.
9 Minor Enchanted 100 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F Caster can modify the target vapor’s condensation point by +/-
Condensation 75% or 75 degrees centigrade whichever is greater.
10 Minor Enchanted 100 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F Caster can modify the target vapor’s kindling point by +/-75%
Kindling Point or 75 degrees centigrade whichever is greater. If part or all of
the vapor is burned while this spell is in effect, then that portion
is permanently destroyed.
11 Minor 100 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F This spell allows the caster to modify any other minor trait of a
Enchantment vapor such as static charge and other traits not covered. This
cannot make a vapor radioactive.
12 Major Enchanted 1000 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F As Minor Enchanted Appearance, but affects a greater volume
Appearance and can make a vapor opaque.
13 Major Enchanted 1000 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F As Minor Enchanted Substance, but affects a greater volume
Substance and can make variable qualities (it smells like oranges at one
temperature, and smells like a wet dog at another temperature).
14 Greater Control 100 cu' 5 min/lvl 10' F As Lesser Control Vapor, except for duration, area of effect and
Vapor the speed at which the vapor may move is triple the air speed if
with the air flow, at 100’ per round if perpendicular to the air
flow, or at 50’ per round if directly against the air flow. If the
air flow is above 25 mph, then the vapor may not move against
the air flow.
15 Minor Vapor Varies - 10' F This spell allows the caster to use the next minor enchantment
Cross from this list to modify a liquid, gas, animal, or plant. The GM
Enchantment will have to monitor these effects an interpret the results.
Enchanted Hardness may have little effect on a gas, but could
be used to make tougher trees and so forth.
16 Permanent Minor 1 Spell Varies 10' F This spell makes a minor enchantment from this list to have a
Enchantment permanent duration. This spell must be cast prior to the
enchantment for 24 days in a row. Each day, the target vapor
will be effected by the spell for 1 additional hour per day. If a
day of casting this spell is missed, then the day count drops by 4
days. At the end of 24 days, the enchantment is permanent.
When this happens the vapor is no longer considered enchanted
and is now a "normal" vapor that can be modified by more
minor enchantment spells from this list.
17 Create Vapor 1000 cu' 10 min/lvl 100' F Caster may recreate any vapor on which he has previously cast
Type Vapor. The amount created is equivalent to the amount
required for standard dispersion in a 10’ cubic room. The vapor
may be dispersed over a larger area for smaller concentrations.
18 Major Enchanted 1000 cu' 10 min/lvl 100' F As Minor Enchanted Density, except for target volume and the
Density caster can modify the density by +/-90% or 0.50g/cm3
whichever is greater.
19 Major Enchanted 1000 cu' 10 min/lvl 100' F As Minor Enchanted Condensation Point, except for target
Condensation volume and the caster can modify the melting point by +/-90%
Point or 100 degrees centigrade whichever is greater
20 Major Enchanted 1000 cu' 10 min/lvl 100' F As Minor Enchanted Kindling Point, except for target volume
Kindling Point and the caster can modify the kindling point by +/-90% or 100
degrees centigrade whichever is greater.
25 Major 1000 cu' 10 min/lvl 100' F As Minor Enchantment, except for target volume and the caster
Enchantment can also modify radioactivity.
30 Major Vapor Varies 10 min/lvl 100' F As Minor Vapor Cross Enchantment, except the caster can
Cross modify Major Enchantments.
50 Permanent Major 1000 cu' P 100' F As Permanent Minor Enchantment except it can be used on
Enchantment Major Enchantments.
Note: The spells on this list only work on gaseous, inanimate matter. Magic vapors resist these spells at +10 to +75 depending on
their power level. No vapor may be affected by more than one enchantment spell at a time. Once an enchantment becomes permanent,
then the transmutation of the substance is complete and it is no longer considered to be "enchanted" or magical. The area of effect for
this spell list is generally listed as a volume. The volume listed assumes ambient pressure. If pressure is increased for a given area,
then more vapor will be affected. If pressure is reduced, then less vapor will be effected. Despite the chemistry-like nature of this list,
the Arcane Alchemist’s understanding of vapors is somewhat different than a chemist’s. No vapor can have its density reduced into
the negatives, but zero is possible.

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