Liquid Reality

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Liquid Reality

Level Spell AoE Duration Range Type Description

1 Type Liquid 10 cu' P 10' I Caster learns the various physical and chemical properties of target substance. This
also yields a +50 to Alchemy.
2 Minor Enchanted 10 cu' 10 min/lvl Self F Caster can modify the target liquid’s appearance. Use of this spell can change a
Appearance substance to any color including translucent (but not transparent).
3 Minor Enchanted 10 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F Caster can modify the target liquid’s appearance as well as touch, smell, taste, and
Substance acoustic qualities.
4 Distill/Mix Liquid 10 cu' P 10' F Caster can separate a liquid into its component parts or mix in appropriate
substances as desired.
5 Manipulate Liquid 10 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F Caster can manipulate the flow of the target liquid with his mind. He must
concentrate for the liquid to flow against gravity or to prevent soaking. Liquid can
travel at normal speed with the gravity flow or at one-quarter speed against the
gravity flow.
6 Decrease Liquid 10 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F Caster "destroys" the target's mass with a corresponding decrease in size (i.e.
density does not change) for the duration of this spell. The maximum area effect is
up to 10 cubic feet or 50% of the target total mass, whichever is less.
7 Increase Liquid 10 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F Caster "creates" increases the mass and corresponding size of the target by up to 10
cubic feet or 50% of the original mass.
8 Minor Enchanted 10 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F Caster can modify the target liquid’s density by +/-75% or 0.75 g/cm3, whichever is
Density greater. The volume remains the same.
9 Minor Enchanted 10 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F Caster can modify the target liquid’s melting point by +/-75% or 50 degrees
Freezing Point centigrade whichever is greater.
10 Minor Enchanted 10 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F Caster can modify the target solid's kindling point by +/-75% or 50 degrees
Boiling Point centigrade whichever is greater. At the end of the duration, any such liquid that has
evaporated will precipitate as appropriate.
11 Minor 10 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F This spell allows the caster to modify any other minor trait of a substance such as
Enchantment viscosity, flammability, conductivity and other traits not covered. This cannot make
a liquid radioactive.
12 Minor Enchanted 100 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F As Minor Enchanted Appearance, but affects a greater volume and can make a
Appearance liquid transparent (but not invisible).
13 Major Enchanted 100 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F As Minor Enchanted Substance, but affects a greater volume and can make variable
Substance qualities (it smells like oranges at one temperature, and smells like a wet dog at
another temperature).
14 Copy Liquid 10 cu' 10 min/lvl 10' F Caster can create a physical double of any liquid up to 10 cubic feet. No magical
qualities can be copied unless the substance itself is magical. At the end of the
duration the substance disappears. Many an alchemist has had fine wine tasting
parties with this spell and all left entirely sober.
15 Minor Liquid Cross Varies — 10' F This spell allows the caster to use the next Minor Enchantment from this list to
Enchantment effect a solid, gas, animal, plant or energy. The GM will have to monitor these
effects and interpret the results. For example, modifying the boiling point of an
energy source may not be appropriate.
16 Permanent Minor 1 spell Varies 10' F This spell makes a minor enchantment from this list to have a permanent duration.
Enchantment This spell must be cast prior to the enchantment for 24 days in a row. Each day, the
target liquid will be effected by the spell for 1 additional hour per day. If a day of
casting this spell is missed, then the day count drops by 4 days. At the end of 24
days, the enchantment is permanent. When this happens the liquid is no longer
considered enchanted and is now a "normal" liquid that can be modified by more
minor enchantment spells from this list.
17 Major Enchanted 100 cu' 10 min/lvl 100' F As Manipulate Liquid, except for target volume and the caster can make a liquid
Viscosity float through the air and move in any direction at 50 feet per round.
18 Manipulate Liquid 100 cu' 10 min/lvl 100' F As Minor Enchanted Density, except for target volume and the caster can modify
True the density by +/-90% or 1.500 g/cm3, whichever is greater.
19 Major Enchanted 100 cu' 10 min/lvl 100' F As Minor Enchanted Freezing Point, except for target volume and the caster can
Freezing Point modify the melting point by +/-90% or 100 degrees centigrade whichever is greater.
20 Major Enchanted 100 cu' 10 min/lvl 100' F As Minor Enchanted Boiling Point, except for target volume and the caster can
Boiling Point modify the kindling point by +/-90% or 100 degrees centigrade whichever is
25 Major 100 cu' 10 min/lvl 100' F As Minor Enchantment, except for target volume and the caster can also modify
Enchantment radioactivity.
30 Major Liquid Cross Varies 10 min/lvl 100' F As Minor Solid Cross Enchantment, except the caster can modify Major
Enchantment Enchantments.
50 Permanent Major 100 cu' P 100' F As Permanent Minor Enchantment except it can be used on Major Enchantments.
Note: The spells on this list only work on inanimate liquid matter. Magic liquids resist these spells at +10 to +75 depending on their
power level. No liquid may be affected by more than one enchantment spell at a time. Once an enchantment becomes permanent, then
the transmutation of the substance is complete and is no longer considered to be "enchanted" or magical. Just because the boiling point
of water is lowered to make steam at room temperature, the steam cannot hurt anyone. It is still just room temperature. No liquid can
have its density reduced into the negatives, but zero is possible.

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