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79a Complete the zero conditional sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. © ifEmma... sees. ... a dress that she likes, she . make it herself. (see, try) 1 We usually. at the same time. (walk, finish) .. Computer games with Sam when you .. round to his house? (you / usually / play, go) .. music if it ....... Hes to . home together if we both . 3. Ben... ...a fast rhythm. (not like, not have) really upset when his team (he / get, lose) 5 often ... a bargain in that shop if |. carefully. (find, look) Gc les . to bed if |... . tired. (not go, not feel) 7 ‘Ifyou. red and blue, you . purple. (mix, get) 8 | usually... ... to Jack when |... .. advice. (talk, need) 79C€ Complete the first conditional sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in Then add commas where necessary. doesn’t fit. you properly, . .... anything just 2 Ia my shorts if it... 3 We early if you .. (could / leave, feel) 4 Ifwe some fruit we .. .. a fruit salad. (get, could / make) 5 She f | . her. (not remember, not remind) 6 If somebody .......+ . you .. to listen calmly. (criticise, try) brackets. © ifit. 1 Ifyou - (not fit, not buy) . me. (need, tell) ssieeeeee HOt. (might / wear, be) .. tired. 81b Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the verbs in brackets, We can’t have a party here because our flat’s too small. (could) If our flat was. bigger, we ..... ould have... a party here. 1 I'd like to invite her, but | haven't got her phone number. (would) her. If her phone number, | They can’t stay with us because we don't have a spare room. (could) a. with us. 2 IE WO sesssssetseeessenseenes & SPAFE FOOM, thEY -sereesve 3 He'd like to tell them his plans, but it’s possible that they'll disagree with them. (might) Ife .esssees them his plans, they .......... .... with them. 4 We have a lot of exams this year, so we feel stressed. (wouldn’t) If we = . a lot of exams this year, we ...... ssesssseesenee Stressed, 5 I’mafraid | don't speak Italian, so | can’t join in the conversation. (could) la — in the conversation. 6 |’ve thought of going to a festival, but it’s possible that | won't like it. (might) If . toa festival, | Ca ee 82a Complete the third conditional sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. © Ifwe'd planned it carefully, we.....MQuidn’t have hed... so many problems. (not have) 1 You... it if you'd come. (enjoy) 20 ener you if you'd asked me. (tell) 3. Ihe hadn't given usa map, we... ww the hostel. (not find) 4 He would have come to the party if she .- him. (invite) 5 We wouldn't have minded if you . your friends. (bring) 6 ifwe our tickets yesterday, we wouldn't have got any. (not buy) 82b Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the verbs in brackets. (© I'm sure we didn’t play well because we hadn't trained enough. (would) we. ..more, we better. 1 hada chance to score, but | didn’t because | missed the ball. (might) h itl the ball. 2 Our best player didn’t play because he was ill. (could) IFour best player lhe. I elt tired because | hadn't slept well the night before. (wouldn't) 1. vetted If ss better the night before. | didn’t tell my friends about the match, so they didn’t come. (might) My friends ift ..them about the match. We didn’t beat them because they ran too fast. (could) Ifthey $0 fast, We. I! wish To express a wish, to talk about thin re . out things we would like to change inthe present, we Use ish «past sinple: wish had acer dovthave sean) We often use / wish + could: I wish I could play the piano. We can use were instead of was: I wish I was jwere rich! To express a wish about the past, we use / wish + past perfect: wish I'd known ‘about the party. (I didn't know about it and '™m sorry) |fonly is more emphatic than J wish: fonly you didnt live so far away. Ifonly we hhadn’t wasted so much time! Ad, We don’t use / wish forthe future, We use ' like or | hope: ike to work in Spain. (Not Ewish-can-work-in-Spaie.) I hope it won't rain. (Not Lwistiewon't rain) wae 83a Complete the sentences. Use wish and the correct form of the verbs in the box. 83b Complete the convers be (xa) can] buy eaeome can] move know not have (x2) _can/ understand with you, but! have to stay at home. ..t0 a quiet little village. the answer to that question, but | don’t. hair because he thinks it's ugly. sone taller? You'e taller than a lot of people! 1 ish Ico ° 4 Ihate big cities. |. BU ee 3. My brother... 4 Why do you 5 6 7 8 snonenne RFE. |Tealy miss her. snes hs lectures, but they're too difficult for me. that dress, but | haven't got enough money. . to go to college today. 1 — | msenntnen I'm really tired. zation, Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. didn't have. (not have) to go out . (not agree) to go! ‘Az don’t feel well. wish | (0) tonight. fonly (a) B: Why don’t you phone and say you're not well? ‘A; Ihaver't got Scott’s phone number. | wish | (2). (ask) him for it on Monday. IFonly I (3) k) of it then! B: Where are you going? A: Toa restaurant. And I'l have to walk. | wish | (4) . (not leave) my bike at Jack's last night! If only | (5) (have) a car! Anyway, are you going out tonight? No. Ive got to start an essay I've got to hand it in on Wednesday. | wish | oO. (tart it earlier, but | hope I'll finish it in time. Future continuous «e-Weuse the fture continuous to tak about an action that wil bein progres particular time inthe future: ‘Can we meet tomorrow morning dt ten?’ ‘No, I'L ‘ parking then.” (x start working earlier than ten and continue later Mot ter) ‘e- Compare the future with will and the future continuous: Come at sour tn. wont Carat eight (= Well start eating at eight) Don't phone at eight We'll be e (=Welllbe in the middle of eating.) D> See Appendix 7: Verb forms, page 370. ‘4aa Complete the conversation. Use the future c ‘hs Can you meet me in town tomorrow at ong? 'lbe out a one. | (0) “be peter What about later? Two thirty oF three? Or {you / watch) the match then? Yes, wil. Are you playing tennis wi Yes, at half past four.” Wel | could meet you atthe tennis court at about si 3: Yes that’ fine. We (2) : sunday. Yes, can imagine it He (3) (ry) to do all kinds of clever shots and you (4) mo “not pay) attention! Anc you (5) (Ghout) at each other! B: No, no! You haver't seen us for ages! We (6) : {work) together perfecty. Like a machine! ‘A: Abroken machine, you mean! ‘ontinuous of the verbs in brackets. (have) lunch with ith Jamie in the afternoon? Is that OK? (practise) for our match o A: B: A B: z ‘ab Cirle the correct answer (© Our exams finish on Friday. This time next week | ‘ll relax |(Tbe relaxing)at home. 4 Bring your books round toni your Maths, tonight. My brother will help | will be helping you Pu sett i 1 head = ae at midnight. |" have / "be having my fifth cup of coffee wont, el be going without you, but please don't be late. with your exam on Wednesday. ll think / ‘ll be thinking of you: ‘Meet me in the librar a Hy on Thursday morning. We ‘ll revise / ‘be revising 6 Come round on Satur x anything day morning for a chat. | won't do / won't be doing

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