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Version 1.

Plan Type Amended

Ahmed Bilal’s
Education, Health and Care Plan

My name is: Ahmed Bilal

I like to be known as: Ahmed
My date of birth is: 07/11/2012

This plan is all about what I need to help me to achieve my goals and
ambitions. It shows the support that I will need and who will be providing it for
me. The plan is broken into a number of sections and different people will
have access to different parts of my plan depending on what they need.

The plan must be reviewed at least once a year and by the anniversary of the
date of this plan.
Date of first Plan: 11 February 2020
Date of this Plan: Click here to enter a date.

Ahmed Bilal

SECTION E & H1 – SOCIAL CARE PROVISION (from the Chronically Sick and
Disabled Persons Act (CSDPA))

Ahmed Bilal

• He has developed skills such as Reading but not at the level that is
expected for a child his age.
• Ahmed repeats a lot of words and sentences.
• Ahmed becomes fixated on certain things and will be demanding until
he gets what he wants.


• Ahmed can add simple numbers in Maths.

• Ahmed can write simple sentences when asked about what has
happened in the playground or other things.
• Ahmed can read but not at the level he should be at.
Educational Provider views:

Ahmed started at Cleveland Road Primary School Nursery in September

2016, where concerns were raised regarding his Speech and language

School reported Ahmed’s attainment and progress as follows:

Year 3 Spring Year 3 Summer Year 4

2021 2021 Autumn
Reading 2b 2b 2w
Writing 2b 2b 2w
Maths 2b 2b 2w
Other views:

A DSM assessment was conducted in November 2019 with Ahmed. The

results found that Ahmed has significant Autistic features.
The Consultant Paediatrician made an ADOS assessment (Autistic Diagnostic
Observation Schedule) referral.


What are my Special Educational Needs (SEN)?

Main area(s) of Special Educational Need:

• Speech, Language and Communication Needs.

Ahmed Bilal
Communication and Interaction


• Ahmed can follow two-part routine instructions or when working one-

• Ahmed is able to follow 2-part instructions that include ‘first’ and ‘last’
• Ahmed is beginning to retell instructions that have been given to him.
• Ahmed is able to retell a simple story using ‘first’, ‘next’ and last.
• Ahmed is able to recall information from a conversation he has had
with and about a familiar adult.
• Ahmed remembers the names of familiar teachers and his peers.
• Ahmed can name different colours, animals and everyday verbs (e.g.
jumping, swimming).
• Ahmed is able to select simple adjectives to extend his oral
sentences with support.
• Ahmed can use simple language to convey his meaning.
• Ahmed can positively interact with adults in a general context.
• Ahmed is beginning to remember and say lots of over-learnt phrases or
• Ahmed can respond to and initiate greetings with familiar adults and
• Ahmed is able to retell a simple story he has been told.
• Ahmed can look at a picture and answer simple ‘Wh’ questions.
• Ahmed is beginning to use ‘because’ to extend his sentences.
• Ahmed can ask for help from an adult.


• Ahmed has delayed expressive language. He struggles to express his

thoughts and feelings. He is unable to talk about his learning.
• Ahmed has delayed receptive language. He displays difficulties
following more complex instructions in class including those with
• Ahmed unable to communicate in extend sentences using new
• Ahmed mostly speaks in simple sentences. He needs
prompting to add simple descriptions to his oral work and
extend his sentences with simple conjunctions.
• Ahmed has difficulties retaining and using new vocabulary.
• Ahmed is not able to hold a two-way conversation about a
topic not of his choosing.

Cognition and Learning

Ahmed Bilal

• Ahmed enjoys practical activities using concrete materials.

• Ahmed can count out objects to 50 using 1:1 correspondence 20.
• Ahmed is able to sequence, recognise and write numbers to 100.
• Ahmed is able to add and subtract numbers within 20 using a number
• Ahmed can count in 2, 5 and 10 times table by rote.
• Ahmed can write his name and segment to spell most of the first 100
• Ahmed is able to write simple sentences and is able to check his work
with minimal prompting and make edits.
• Ahmed is able to read simple texts by blending using his phonics and is
beginning to answer simple ‘wh’ questions based on the text.
• Ahmed is able to follow adult direction to learn and he responds well
to his visual timetable and now/next format.
• Ahmed works well with familiar adults to support him access the
• Ahmed works well in a predictable and calm learning environment.
• Ahmed is able to work for up to 10 minutes on a motivating task.

• Ahmed has difficulty retaining concepts, key facts or texts. He

struggles to apply what is learnt to different contexts.
• Ahmed has reduced listening, concentration and attention skills. He
displays difficulties staying on task independently or working as part of
a group.
• Ahmed can be reluctant to complete unfamiliar adult-led activities.
• Ahmed is not able to recall his number bonds to 10.
• Ahmed is not able to understand the place value of 2-digit numbers.
• Ahmed is not able to recall his 2, 5 and 10 times tables in a random
• Ahmed is not able to solve simple division problems using concrete
• Ahmed is not able to talk about the properties of 2-D or 3-D shapes.
• Ahmed is not yet able to spell all of the first 100 HFW.
• Ahmed finds it difficult to answer ’how’ and ‘why’ questions ‘based on
a simple text he has read.
• Ahmed finds it difficult to record his ideas in an extended sentence
including adjectives and conjunctions.
• Ahmed is not able to complete an unfamiliar task without support.
• Ahmed is unable to recall and summarise key events in stories.

Ahmed Bilal
Social, Emotional and Mental Health


• Ahmed likes to socialise with his peers. He enjoys their company and is
keen to interact with them.
• Ahmed appears to enjoy his time when he is at school.
• Ahmed likes to spend time in the playground, playing chase games
with his friends.
• Ahmed is polite and co-operative with familiar and unfamiliar adults in
• Ahmed has a good relationship with his family.
• Ahmed works well in a routine and structured environment.
• Ahmed is able to let an adult when he is upset and the reason he is
• Ahmed is able to regulate his emotions with minimal prompting
• Ahmed is able to take turns and share resources with others.


• Ahmed does not know how to initiate play with others appropriately.
• Ahmed needs support to understand social situations.
• Ahmed’s use of emotional vocabulary is very limited
• Ahmed finds it difficult to understand how he and others are feeling
and why they might be feeling this way.
• Ahmed finds changes to his structure and routine difficult to manage
without support.
• Ahmed is reluctant and unable to seek support or help from adult or

Sensory and Physical


• Ahmed enjoys activities that involve moving and being active (e.g. P.E
• Ahmed is able to run around the playground.
• Ahmed can now fasten and unfasten his buttons and he can
manipulate his trouser metal hook.
• Ahmed is able to form the vast majority of his lower- and upper-case
letters and place them correctly on the line including ascenders and
• Ahmed can use scissors to cut.


Ahmed Bilal
• Ahmed has delayed fine motor skills. His pencil grip and correct use of
cutlery are limited.
• Ahmed has sensory processing difficulties. He finds it difficult to
concentrate or sit for long periods of time without something to
manipulate in his hands and movement breaks.
• Ahmed is not aware of dangers and needs support to keep himself
safe in and out of school


What are my Health Needs?

• None Identified
• None Identified
Health needs not related to special educational needs:

• None Identified


What are my Social Care Needs?

• None Identified
• None Identified
Social Care needs not related to special educational needs:

Ahmed was known to the social care team. However, his case has been
closed since August 2018 as there were no further concerns.

Ahmed Bilal
These must include all the needs specified in Section B and where a social
care and/or health provision supports a child or young person with their
education or training. *Outcomes must include an achievement due date.
Communication and Interaction
Outcome 1 (Section E):
By the end of Key stage 2, Ahmed will;

• be able to express his ideas, thoughts and feeling in a sentence

including tenses, a range of adjectives and simple conjunctions
• be able to hold a two-way conversation of 3 exchanges of information
including a range of learnt topic vocabulary and about a topic not of
his choosing

Need(s) (from What arrangements (support Who will provide these

Section B) / interventions) will need to arrangements?
be in place to help me How often will this be
achieve this outcome? provided?
Ahmed has Colourful Semantics Class teacher,
delayed expressive intervention Learning Support
language. He Assistant; Daily
struggles to express Ahmed to be given
his thoughts and opportunities to talk about his The Speech and
feelings. He is favourite topics Language Therapist
unable to talk will advise, support
about his learning. Inclusion in a classroom that is and review the SALT
appropriately adapted to Programme on a
support the learning needs of termly basis.
Ahmed unable to a child with language and
communicate in communication difficulties
extend sentences
using new Barrier games
Black Sheep Press –
Ahmed mostly sequencing intervention
speaks in simple
sentences. He Pre-teaching vocabulary
needs prompting to intervention.
add simple
descriptions to his Ahmed to have access to a
oral work and personalised vocabulary
extend his book where he should be
sentences with encouraged to learn 2-3 new

Ahmed Bilal
simple conjunctions. words per week. Each word
needs to be supported with
Ahmed is not able an image and a relevant
to hold a two-way sentence. Adults working with
conversation about Ahmed also need to
a topic not of his encourage him to use the
choosing. book and apply the learning
of the new words in different
contexts or subject areas.
Ahmed would need targeted
language based intervention
in a small group environment
to give him the confidence to
use new vocabulary to
express his views.
Ahmed will need to access
and prior learn key topic
related words. This will give
him the opportunity to access
the learning in class.

Ahmed will have access to

individualised intervention
sessions focusing on
developing his expressive
language skills.

Outcome 2 (Section E):

By the end of Key stage 2, Ahmed will follow and understand two- three step
instructions in a whole class setting with minimal prompting
Need(s) (from What arrangements (support Who will provide these
Section B) / interventions) will need to arrangements?
be in place to help me How often will this be
achieve this outcome? provided?
Ahmed has Adults working with Ahmed Class teacher,
delayed receptive will need to ensure that Learning Support
language. He verbal instructions are short Assistant; Daily
displays difficulties and clear, with no more than
following more 2- key information at any one The Speech and
complex instructions time. Language Therapist
in class including will advise, support

Ahmed Bilal
those with When adults give instructions and review the SALT
prepositions. to Ahmed they will need to Programme on a
provide it to him directly by termly basis.
Ahmed has calling his name first.
difficulties retaining
and using new Look, Listen, Do intervention
Adults will need to provide
Instructions to Ahmed in very
small steps.

Ahmed will have access to

individualised intervention
focusing on developing his
receptive language skills.

Cognition and Learning

Outcome 3 (Section E):
By the end of Key stage 2, Ahmed will independently sequence and explain
an unfamiliar simple story using a range of time connectives
Need(s) (from Section B) What arrangements Who will provide these
(support / interventions) arrangements?
will need to be in place How often will this be
to help me achieve this provided?
Ahmed has difficulty Adults should always try Class teacher, Learning
retaining concepts, key to provide visual images Support Assistant; Daily
facts or texts. He to support verbal
struggles to apply what requests.
is learnt to different
contexts. Where possible minimise
the need to memorise
Ahmed is unable to information
recall and summarise unnecessarily by
key events in stories. providing essential
information on
worksheets etc.

Adults will need to point

out actively any
opportunities where

Ahmed Bilal
learning could be
generalised. For
example, a topic word
learnt in one subject
may be applied in

Encourage Ahmed to
have a go at
approaching new tasks
and praise him for
attempting even he
does not complete

Where possible adults

should provide practical
demonstrations as he
appears to learn best
from modelling. Check
Ahmed’s understanding
of tasks before he is
asked to complete tasks

Where possible support

Ahmed with
Kinaesthetic activities
e.g. cutting, matching,
sorting and arranging
type of activities
Where opportunities
arise enable a mapping
exercise where
information can be over
learned or assimilated.

Specific phonics
Opportunities for
Ahmed to read to an

Ahmed Bilal
CV and CVC words for
Ahmed to access and
practice to read and

Daily targeted
intervention to support

Precision teaching
Over learning and
Planning tasks.
Outcome 4 (Section E):

By the end of Key stage 2, Ahmed will explain a task back to an adult and
work independently for up to 15 minutes on a highly differentiated class
activity in different contexts

Need(s) (from Section B What arrangements Who will provide these

(support / interventions) arrangements?
will need to be in place How often will this be
to help me achieve this provided?
Ahmed has reduced Look, Listen, Do Class teacher, Learning
listening, concentration intervention. Support Assistant; Daily
and attention skills. He
displays difficulties Task Planner/ Visual
staying on task timetable
independently or
working as part of a Use of rewards,
group. sanctions and
Ahmed can be
reluctant to complete Tray work
unfamiliar adult-led
activities. Use of timer to help
keep Ahmed focussed.
Ahmed is not able to
complete an unfamiliar Daily targeted
task without support. intervention to support

Ahmed Bilal
Precision teaching

Now and Next Board.

In class regular use of

‘circle time’ type of
interventions would
encourage all children,
including Ahmed to
improve their attention
and listening skills.

Ahmed would need

targeted intervention to
enhance his listening,
attention and
concentration skills. This
could be supported via
games and activities
that stretch Ahmed’s
attention span.

Adults will need to

provide learning tasks to
Ahmed in very small
steps. Each step or
activity will need to be
time limited using visual
timers. Over time
Ahmed will realise that
certain activities need
to be completed within
the time frame.

Ahmed will need

targeted intervention in
a small group
environment to ensure
that his attention and
listening skills were
improving both in a
small group but also in a
whole class

Ahmed Bilal
Ahmed will benefit from
a designated work
station that he can work
in with adult support
only during periods
where independent
work is required.

Outcome 5 (Section E):

By the end of Key stage 2, Ahmed will;

• understand the place value of numbers in a 3-digit number

• solve questions within 100 using the four operations and money
• name and describe the properties of simple 2-D and 3-D shapes.

Need(s) (from Section B What arrangements Who will provide these

(support / interventions) arrangements?
will need to be in place How often will this be
to help me achieve this provided?
Ahmed is not able to Precision teaching Class teacher, Learning
recall his number bonds intervention. Support Assistant; Daily
to 10.
Specific mathematics
Ahmed is not able to
Concrete objects
understand for
the place
value of 2-digit Ahmed to use to work
out simple
Ahmed is not able to
recall his 2,5 and 10
times tables in a
Opportunities to look for
random order.
different 2-D and 3-D
Ahmed is not
objects in the able to
real world.
solve simple division
problems using Number bond games.
concrete apparatus.
Ahmed is not able to Where possible support
Ahmed with
talk about the
properties of 2-D or 3-D Kinaesthetic activities
shapes. e.g. cutting, matching,

Ahmed Bilal
sorting and arranging
type of activities.

Outcome 6 (Section E):

By the end of Key stage 2, Ahmed will;

• be able to answer how and why questions based on a picture or short

text he has read
• write and edit a sentence that contains an adjective and a simple
• read and spell the second HFWs

Need(s) (from Section B What arrangements Who will provide these

(support / interventions) arrangements?
will need to be in place How often will this be
to help me achieve this provided?
Ahmed is not yet able Specific phonics Class teacher, Learning
to spell all of the first 100 intervention Support Assistant; Daily
Colourful Semantics
Ahmed finds it difficult intervention.
to answer ’how’ and
‘why’ questions ‘based Visual Support.
on a simple text he has
read. Opportunities for
Ahmed to read to an
Ahmed finds it difficult adult.
to record his ideas in an
extended sentence Ahmed to be given
including adjectives
opportunities to talk
and conjunctions.
about his favourite

CV and CVC words for

Ahmed to access and
practice to read and

Daily precision teaching

of High Frequency

Ahmed Bilal
Daily targeted
intervention to support

Use of a specialist
equipment (e.g. a
pencil grip)

Ahmed will need a

tripod grip that is
placed on a pencil to
provide him the tripod

Editing checklist.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Outcome 7 (Section E):
By the end of Key stage 2, Ahmed will use a range of learnt strategies to
manage and respond to transition and changes to his routine calmly.
Need(s) (from What arrangements Who will provide these
Section B) (support / interventions) arrangements?
will need to be in place to How often will this be
help me achieve this provided?
Ahmed finds Ahmed will need targeted Class teacher, Learning
changes to his intervention to develop his Support Assistant; Daily
structure and routine emotional literacy. This
difficult to manage needs to be supported
without support. with visuals, videos and
social stories to develop
context around each of
the emotional
vocabularies that Ahmed
could use to convey his

Ahmed Bilal
Social stories to support
Ahmed with specific

Where possible minimise

the need for Ahmed to
move between classes
and a range of adults. The
greater the consistency,
the more emotionally
regulated Ahmed was
going to be and thus
more engaging with his
Timer to show when
Ahmed can work with
specific objects or people.

Ahmed will need a

structured learning
environment that is
predictable in nature. This
could be facilitated
through a personalised
visual time table and ‘now
and next’ strips.
Visual timetable.

Adults to plan ahead any

changes in advance and
notify Ahmed as soon as
Visuals used will include
and “uncertainty card.
Support during playtime
to model correct
behaviour and social skills.

Emotion visuals and

emotions thermometer.

Ahmed Bilal
Familiar and trusted adults
will carefully prepare
Ahmed for any changes

Outcome 8 (Section E):

By the end of Key stage 2, Ahmed will use the appropriate social language
to be able to initiate play with his peers.
Need(s) (from What arrangements Who will provide these
Section B) (support / interventions) arrangements?
will need to be in place to How often will this be
help me achieve this provided?
Ahmed needs Ahmed will need to work Class teacher, Learning
support to with a range of learning Support Assistant; Daily
understand partners in class to build
social situations. his confidence to interact The Speech and
with peers. This should be Language Therapist will
Ahmed does not facilitated via the learning advise, support and
know how to initiate curriculum in class. review the SALT
play with others Programme on a termly
appropriately. Ahmed will need targeted basis.
intervention in a small
social skills group to
understand how to initiate
and maintain friendships
over time.

Ahmed will also need to

understand the concept
and application of
personal space through
social stories and role
plays. It will also be
important for Ahmed to
understand the
appropriateness of
touching others in a
socially appropriate
Adults will need to play
games with Ahmed to
build his turn taking,

Ahmed Bilal
attention and listening

Now and Next board.

Ahmed will have access

to a small, targeted social
skills group (up to 3 pupils)
focusing on developing
his social skills.

Outcome 9 (Section E):

By the end of Key stage 2, Ahmed will seek adult support when distressed
and use learnt strategies to manage his own behaviour.
Need(s) (from What arrangements Who will provide these
Section B) (support / interventions) arrangements?
will need to be in place to How often will this be
help me achieve this provided?
Ahmed is reluctant Ahmed will need targeted Class teacher, Learning
and unable to seek intervention to develop his Support Assistant; Daily
support or help from emotional literacy. This
adult or peers. needs to be supported
with visuals, videos and
Ahmed’s use of social stories to develop
emotional context around each of
vocabulary is the emotional
very limited vocabularies that Ahmed
could use to convey his
Ahmed finds it meaning
difficult to
understand how Social stories to support
he and others are Ahmed with specific
feeling and why incidents.
they might be
feeling this way. Ahmed will also need to
understand the concept
and application of
personal space through
social stories and role

Ahmed Bilal
Develop emotional
language to support

Ahmed will need to

interact with a range of
learning peers in and out
of class to build his
confidence. This should be
facilitated via the learning
curriculum in class.

Support during playtime

to model correct
behaviour and social skills.

Physical and Sensory

Outcome 10 (Section E):
By the end of Key stage 2, Ahmed will independently identify appropriate
strategies to manage his sensory needs
Need(s) (from What arrangements Who will provide these
Section B) (support / interventions) arrangements?
will need to be in place to How often will this be
help me achieve this provided?
Ahmed has sensory Tacpac intervention. Class teacher, Learning
processing Support Assistant; Daily
difficulties. He finds it Sensory toys for Ahmed to
difficult to have access.
concentrate or sit
for long periods of Use physical resources
time without (weighted cushion, leg
something to bands, fiddle toys etc.)
manipulate in his
hands and Movement breaks
movement breaks. throughout the day.

Outcome 11 (Section E):

By the end of Key stage 2, Ahmed will appropriately use a spoon, knife and
fork when eat.

Ahmed Bilal
Need(s) (from What arrangements Who will provide these
Section B) (support / interventions) arrangements?
will need to be in place to How often will this be
help me achieve this provided?
Ahmed has delayed Healthy Hands Class teacher, Learning
fine motor skills. His intervention. Support Assistant; Daily
pencil grip and
correct use of Adult modelling.
cutlery are limited.
Visual Support.

Opportunities to develop
muscle strength.
Opportunities to practise
Fine motor skills.
Use of a specialist
Ahmed will need to
practice using cutlery in a
small group environment.

Outcome 12 (Section E):

By the end of Year 7 Ahmed will keep himself safe in and out of school

Need(s) (from What arrangements Who will provide these

Section B) (support / interventions) arrangements?
will need to be in place to How often will this be
help me achieve this provided?
Ahmed is not aware Social Stories. Weekly with LSA
of dangers and
needs support to PSHE focus intervention.
keep himself safe in
and out of school Transition programme
each year and into
secondary school.

Ahmed Bilal
Summary of The Local Authority agree to Level 2
resources to meet funding equivalent to 23 hours support.
the above outcomes
The Speech and Language programme will be
reviewed by the Speech and Language Therapist on
a termly basis, with up to 2 additional visits per year.


Outcome* (Section E):
Need(s) (from What arrangements Who will provide
Section C) (support / interventions) these arrangements?
will need to be in place to How often will this
help me achieve this be provided?
None Identified


(from the Chronically Sick and
Disabled Persons Act (CSDPA)
Social Care (H1)
Outcome* (Section E):
Need(s) (from What arrangements Who will provide
Section D) (support / interventions) these arrangements?
will need to be in place to How often will this
help me achieve this be provided?
None Identified


Social Care (H2)
Outcome* (Section E):
Need(s) (from What arrangements Who will provide
Section D) (support / interventions) these arrangements?
will need to be in place to How often will this
help me achieve this be provided?
None Identified

Ahmed Bilal
Monitoring and Review

Within two months of the Final Plan, the SENCO/College Learning Support Co-ordinator, in
consultation with me and my parents and the appropriate professionals, may establish
shorter term educational targets to support my steps to success.

An annual review will look at my progress in meeting the plan’s outcomes and termly
meetings with me and my parents will be part of the individual monitoring process looking
at how well I am achieving these and considering the arrangements needed to ensure my
steps to success.

Type of Provision:

This is where I go to school:


This section only needs to be completed if parents/young person have
requested a personal budget, the budget will be agreed as part of the joint
commissioning panel.
Outcome? What is the How much does Who is responsible
support? it cost to provide for paying for this
me with this support (Education,
support? Health or Social

Total cost of all

of my support

The information used in my plan and attached as appendices:

Information Used Name Designation/Role Date of this

Section A Mrs Sheeba Butt Parents (Mother) 13.12.2019
Statutory Advice Dr Hira Jain Consultant 02.01.2020
Statutory Advice Phillippa SENCO and Early 13.12.2019
Clayson- Todd Years Leader and
Statutory Advice Jahangir Hussain Educational 30.12.2019

Ahmed Bilal
Statutory Advice Cassandra Woo Speech and 17.01.2020
Annual Review Andrew Bayliss Assistant head 22/02/2022
Paperwork (Inclusion)

These are the people that have helped with my plan by attending the
Co- Production Meeting (CPM) on: 22 January 2020

Name Role
Mrs Sheeba Butt Parent (Mother)
Mrs Arif Maternal Niece
Phillippa Clayson- Todd SENCO and Early Years Leader
Mrs Fourie Class Teacher
Cordetta Richmond EHCP Coordinator
Designated LA Name Signature Date

Ahmed Bilal

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