B1 Progress Test 1-4 (V2) by Sydorchuk Max

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Variant 2
Part 1: Words
Explain the meaning of the words in English:
• to apologize: you need to say it when you do something
bad/touchy/unacceptable.Its like "sorry".
• the special: something that are not often
• to hesitate: when you cant choose one concrete thing of many others.
• a bargain: when you make deal with seller about thing whitch don`t have
concrete price and you arguing - its bargain.
• a paramedic: medic that are highly trained
Translate the following words into Ukrainian:
• blunt: дурний
• a hemorrhage: кровоізліяніє
• to mix up: змішати
• commemorative stamps:марки
a visible full-body scan: повне сканування тіла
Make up 1 sentence with the words above:
I apologize for forgetting to return your book.The today`s special is a salmon
under the cream of asparage.I hesitate which perfume i like more.Today i have a
bargain with car seller.Today i visited a paramedic.Today someone called me
blunt.The patient have a brain hemmorage.I mixed up tea with milk.I maked many
commemorative stamps today.We need to do a visible full-body scan to that patient.
Part 2: Sentences
Translate each sentence into English:
• У понеділок мене провели до ультрасучасної кімнати у готелі, там було
багато різних приладів, зокрема фен і пульт.

On Monday i was showened to a state-of-the-art room in hotel, there was many

different devices,in particular, a hairdryer and a remote control .

• Безкоштовний сніданок надається клієнтам, які постраждали через певні

обставини, чи не так?
Free breakfast is given to customers, whitch suffered via certain
circumstances,isn`t it?

• Якби цей трамвай ходив у неділю, у мене б не було проблем із

відвідуванням бабусі.

If that tram ran on Sunday, i would have no problems with visiting my grandma.

• У цьому ресторані велике різноманіття страв, але ми замовили страву дня –

лосось під спаржевим соусом.

In this restaurant are wide variety of dishes , but we ordered today`s special -
salmon under cream of asparagus.

• Якби взуття вчора було у розпродажі, я б розорилась.

If shoes had been on sale yesterday , i would have gone broke.

• Він хоче, щоб ця сорочка йому ідеально підійшла.

Hi wants that shirt fit him perfectly.

• Ми чекаємо на швидку з 12.00 і рана після аварії дуже болить, тому нам
слід було застосувати знеболювальне.

We waiting for ambulance since 12 o`clock and wound hurts very much, so we
should have used pain reliever.

• Макс сказав, що у нас закінчилися марки, тому треба, щоб їх доставили.

Max said that we ran out of stamps , so they needed to be delivered.

• Чи не могли б ви допомогти мені з посадочним талоном, будь ласка?

Could you help me with my boarding pass,please?

• Обслуговування програмного забезпечення тут таке ж хороше, як і в тому

Software maintenance there as well as at that place.


Part 3: Small words

Write down 1 sentence with each small word below:

• also:

I like eating icecream , but also i like eating candy.

• kind of:

The bull terrier is kind of dogs.

• since:
I came late since i overslept.

• because of:

I didnt came to school yesterday because of headache.

• as many as:
You can buy as many clothes as you need.


Part 4: Text discussion

Well, Rita, I finally made the hotel reservations for my family's vacation next
month. I went to that Web site my neighbor told me about. It made it very easy
to compare all the hotels near the Grand Canyon. You should use that site to
book your family's vacation. Here's what I did. First, I specified that we're
going to be staying for five nights with two adults and two children. Second, I
indicated that we'll be arriving on the fifth of August and leaving on the tenth.
And then I got a list of all the hotels and what they will charge for those five
nights. I decided to check out each hotel's amenities to help me make a better
decision. The hotel I chose has complimentary breakfast, an outdoor pool, free
Internet, free parking, and an iron and hair dryer in every room. I know that the
kids will love the pool. I'm sure that my husband and I are going to be
swimming every day, too. Next, I looked at several reviews. They were all
positive. Finally, I paid with my credit card. I can't wait for my vacation!


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