Spell Shield

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Spell Shield

Level Spell AoE Duration Range Type Description

1 Protect I 10'r 1 min/lvl Self U Everyone with 5' of the caster adds +5 to all their RRs.
2 Resist Element Caster 1 min/lvl Self U Caster gains + I 0 to RRs versus a specific element (chosen at
time of casting) and 10 is subtracted from any elemental attack
from that element (when the caster is the target of the attack).
3 Protect II 10'r 1 min/lvl Self U As Protect I, except bonus is + 10.
4 Spell Shield I Caster 1 min/lvl Self U Creates a shimmering shield in front of the caster. This shield
(C) subtracts 10 from all frontal attacks from a chosen realm of
magic (base and elemental). If the caster performs no other
actions during a round, he can "parry" (as with a normal shield)
one spell attack. The parry bonus is equal to the sum of all the
bonuses the caster would normally have for his spell's base
attack roll.
6 Element Shield I Caster 1 min/lvl Self U As Resist Elements, except RR bonus is +20 and elemental
attacks suffer a -20 penalty.
7 Spell Shield II Caster 1 min/lvl Self U As Spell Shield I, except that two realms may be chosen.
8 Protect Sphere I 10'r/lvl 1 min/lvl Self U As Protect I, except for the area of effect.
9 Element Shield II Caster 1 min/lvl Self U As Element Shield I, except that two elements may be chosen.
10 Realm Armor I Caster 1 min/lvl Self U Caster gains protection from a specific realm of magic (chosen
(C) at the time of casting). All RRs versus spells of that realm are
receive a bonus of +30.
12 Element Armor II Caster 1 min/lvl Self U As Element Shield I, except that all criticals are reduced by one
severity ("D" becomes "C", "B" becomes "A", "A" subtracts 50
from the critical result, etc.) and all concussion damage is
13 Protect Sphere II 10'r/lvl 1 min/lvl Self U As Protect II, except for the area of effect.
15 Protect III 10'r 1 min/lvl Self U As Protect I, except Bonus is +15.
16 Realm Armor II Caster 1 min/lvl Self U As Realm Armor I, except that two realms may be chosen.
17 Element Armor II Caster 1 min/lvl Self U As Element Armor I, except that two elements may be
protected against.
19 Protect Sphere III 10'r/lvl 1 min/lvl Self U As Protect III, except for the area of effect.
20 Mass Shield 1 1 min/lvl Touch U As Spell Shield I, except that caster may shield up to I target for
target (C) each of his level.
25 Mass Armor 1 1 min/lvl Touch U As Realm Armor I, except that caster may protect up to 1 target
target (C) for each of his level.
30 Realm Resistance Caster 1 min/lvl Self U As Realm Armor I, except that Bonus is +50.
50 Spell Defense Caster 1 min/lvl Self U As Realm Resistance II and Element Armor II simultaneously.

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