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Mind Breaker

Level Spell AoE Duration Range Type Description

1 Detect Ambush 10'r 10 min/lvl Self I Caster is aware of any being within the radius of the spell that has
(C) hostile intentions towards him. The hostility must be directed
specifically at the caster or the spell reveals nothing. The being's
hostility must be active (i.e., driving the being to perform
aggressive actions), not passive (i.e., hate exists, but no action is
2 Untuning 1 target P 50' F One musical instrument becomes completely out of tune (-50 to all
Play Instrument maneuvers). This spell can also be cast on a
person's voice (with a duration of 1 round per 10% failure).
3 See Invisible 1 target 1 min/lvl Touch U The target may see all persons rendered invisible.
5 Mind Shell 1 target 1 min/lvl 50' F The caster creates a field of energy around the target. All spells cast
will require a Spell Casting Static Maneuver. If the spell cast is a
Mentalism spell, there is an additional -10 penalty to this maneuver.
7 Mind Poison I 1 target 1 hour/10 10' F The target suffers a 'B' Void critical each time he casts a spell. If the
fail caster fails his RR by more than 20, he is unaware that this spell has
been cast upon him. If the target is casting a Mentalism spell, he
takes a 'C' Void critical.
9 Sever Store 1 target P 50' Fm Target loses one magically stored bit of information. This can be
any information that was stored with a Store spell (or any other
similar spell).
10 Noise 1 target 1 rnd/5 fail 50' Fm Target suffers a -50 to all activities.
11 Undisguise 1 target P 50' F Target's disguise falls apart. This spell will even dispel a magical
12 Unpower Mind 1 target Varies 50' F Target is without power points. The duration of this spell is I hour
for targets who do not have Mentalism as their realm; one day for
Mentalism targets.
13 Mind Poison II 1 target 1 day/10 50' F As Mind Poison I, except for the duration.
15 Cure Mind 1 target P Touch Um Target is cured of any mental illnesses.
16 Unattune Varies P Varies Fm Target person is no longer attuned to one of his magic items. The
caster must be touching either the magic item or the target person.
If the caster is touching the target person and the target magic item,
he receives a special modifier of -20 to his RR.1f the caster is only
touching the target person, one of the target's item at random is no
longer attuned to the target person.
18 Mind Poison III 1 target 1 week/10 50' F As MindPoison I, except for the duration.
20 True Feeling Caster 1 min/lvl Self I Caster may accurately discern the nature of anyone target (ignoring
all magical guises).
25 Mind Poison 1 target 1 month/10 50' F As Mind Poison I, except for the duration, and the target is
True fail subjected to 'D' severity criticals ('E' for Mentalism targets).
30 Mind Trap Caster 1 hr/lvl Self U When the caster is attacked by any mental spell (a spell sub-type of
"m"), the offender is drawn into the caster's mind and held for a
while. The offender makes an RR (versus the level of the caster).
He will be held for I hour per 10 failure (success indicates that
offender avoids the trap). If drawn into the trap, the offender's body
slumps lifelessly to the floor.
50 Mind Bane Caster 1 min/lvl Self U The caster may use each of the 25th and lower level spells on this
list, once per round.
NOTE: Any target who is also a Mentalism user suffers a -20 modifier to his RRs versus spells on this list.

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