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Level Spell AoE Duration Range Type Description

1 Detect Ward 5'r 1 min/lvl 50' F Detects any active ward; caster can concentrate on a different 5'r
(C) each round.
2 Ward Lore 1 ward - 100' I Caster gains understanding the nature of the target ward (including
all things prohibited/protected by the ward).
3 Protected Site 5'r 1 hr/lvl Self U The area of the spell is protected from intrusion by any normal
creatures. Any creature above level 0 must make an RR (versus the
level of the caster) or they will not be able to enter the protected
4 Spell Ward 5'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U The caster prevents the casting of a single spell from outside of the
area to inside of the area. The caster declares the specific spell to be
prevented when this spell is cast (all versions of the spell are
prevented; e.g., if Fire Bolt were declared, Fire Bolt I, Fire Bolt V,
and Cornering Fire Bolt would be prevented). The intruding spell
gets an RR versus the level of the caster (modified by -30). If the
intruding spell passes its RR, it may enter the area unhindered.
5 Alarm Ward 5'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U The caster is alerted if any sentient being enters the area. The alarm
may be silent (empathic) or audible. The caster must decide (at time
of casting) the volume of the alarm. If set to be audible, the alarm
will sound for 10 minutes before stopping.
6 Spell Ward II 5'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U As Spell Ward I, except that caster may prevent up to two different
7 Scrying Ward 5'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U As Spell Ward I, except that this spell prevents all magical scrying.
If anything in the area might show up on any spell with a type of I,
it will not show up. Spells that allow sensing within the area will be
muffled (providing slightly obscured information)
8 Spell Ward III 5'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U As Spell Ward I, except that caster may prevent up to three different
spells (and all versions of those spells).
9 Alarm Ward II 10'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U As Alarm Ward I, except for the area of effect.

10 Repulsion Ward 5'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U As Protected Site, except for the area of effect.
11 Spell Ward IV 5'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U As Spell Ward I, except that caster may prevent up to four different
spells (and all versions of those spells).
13 Spell Ward V 5'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U As Spell Ward I, except that caster may prevent up to five different
spells (and all versions of those spells).
15 Scrying Ward II 10'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U As Scrying Ward I, except for the area of effect.
16 Spell Ward VII 5'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U As Spell Ward I, except that caster may prevent up to seven
different spells (and all versions of those spells).
18 Alarm Ward III 15'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U As Alarm Ward I, except for the area of effect.
20 Exclusion Ward 5'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U As Repulsion Ward, except that caster may also specify a single
sentient race that will receive an additional penalty of 20 to their
RR (when they attempt to enter the protected area).
25 Spell Ward X 5'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U As Spell Ward I, except that caster may prevent up to ten different
spells (and all versions of those spells).
30 Transport Ward 5'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U As Spell Ward I, except that all forms of magical transportation
(leaping, leaving, long door, teleportation, returning, etc.) are
prevented. Casters/beings attempting to enter or leave must make
an RR (with a special -30 modifier) versus the level of the caster to
actually enter or leave via magical methods.
50 Spell Ward True 5'r/lvl 1 hr/lvl Touch U As Spell Ward /, except that caster may prevent one spell (and all
versions of that spell) for each level of the caster.
NOTE: A ward is a magical inscription placed on an object. The object can be mobile, but if the object is moved while the ward is
active, the ward is cancelled. All spells above second level create wards.

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