Graph Statistic

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Question 1

lhn tat:ls shuws inf'orrnatian about the weights {w granrs} CIf'80 penches.

: lVeigtrt {nr i
grams} Frequency i
-1.",,,,,,",,," ",
*"*.*"".""","""",-,",-,.,. - - - .. "...i

'l1 1?0<wd 130 i 7

: 130 < rt' {'140 i 13 i

i^ - ' ---- "{

i 140<n,( 150 i
j.'-"it ttl i

I rso<w{160 I
, *-"
,* i
i- "
j loo<w{tlo i tu i
L_.-*.-__..- *^*_.i."_".*"."-. *-..-*".^".**..^-.*"..-*J

(n) $raw a tiequ*ncy putygon for thi* infamrati*n.


lx) t 4r) 15{] 170

rrYeight {n} grams

Marc says that th* median weight nf these peaches is in the mncial class interval.

{ii) D*es the inf}rrmatian support what Marc says?
Yrrrr rriust cxplirin vour an.s\{cr A

l'' R*,,ra*lrr.8 iul"onJ


ftOthtl ilta t" -l+g - lT() = 3o

Z-,LS '€ . lLlr-+-$S - /?5 ->
Question 2

The histogram shnrvs inthrmation about the race times lbr the 4l whnelchair cnmpstit*rs
in the 2014 Lonclsn hlaratlitn

[,*ntlos Mnrathorr wlreclchair race tinres

Frequcncy 10
-=-A*.mity1 t0
l$x8-=Lo io-
r$* ll{} r?0 i 3{} *4t} l5{l
f- ${nte tir*e {minutes}
l# i Srllci,rorlrrr:. r,l tH irurlt o,tr n Jr:n r/r:ri rrdt rrfJtr: tt. cr;tlt I

(a) Bsscribe the shape of the distributiun. I'

4f ?'oaoxn "tr
4 of the c*rnpetitors hact a,racs'tin,e iri tl:re class interval 90 rninut*s t* 95 tniililtcs"

{b} $how why the frequen*y dcnsity for this class int*rval is 0"$. -

IL*r*q+* ^* ^-^*,Y f*fj*

r*)* *n'"e' ut
6r*t #;.* t**a

W= 63{4-l ==a_
h' 9Z
{c) Calculate the numher uf corupctitnrs with a race time betxueen 95 mlnutes a:rd
I lil rninutes. I
(uestioon 3',

The piee charts show information about the numbers of visitors to the UK for the given reasons in January
lnd in July 2017
2417 ar

Jn*luory l$1? Jrtl1'l$r?

Vi*itiltgr frisrxl* tlr
Siendr *r tel*fiv*t
reta{ilEs 3fiY,;
J tyo

{$*mc e: rr**rn otls. got n*}

(a) The pie charts do not show that there were more visitors to the UK on business in January 2017 than
in July 2017

U-e-" Me#
The number of visitors to the UK in January 2017 in order to visit friends or relatives is 1 080 733

(b) Work out the number of visitors to the UK in January 2017 lo have a holiday.

tTVo 2 1080?ei mc?h @ aS ldlCIO

The table gives information about the total number of visitors to the UK in January 201 7 and in July 2017

Tatnl n*mber *f riritsrs


"Yann*r"r. l*l? :9} I

.lulr, lt]l - ll r :{r

Ruth thinks there is a more appropriate way to draw pie charts now thal she knows the information in the
table. .. -.e
(c) Explain, giving reasons, how she should do this.
You must refer to the information in the table in your explanation.

b frw s* f"trfe'
Question 4
A sample of 10 people did an exercise for different lengths of time.

The scatter graph shows the number of calories burned, in 100 kcal, and the length of time, in hours, for
each person.


*f **iori*x
{l$ff tecnl}

$ "s 3"#

L**lgth *f *:*rme {&*ffir$}

is sample

ths &re*rl lcrrgth eif tini* iu 1-4 h*ur*.

the ruc*a number *:f ea$*riq* bursa*d ix ll$S kea$.

n the scatter diagram

plot the mean point,
draw a line of best fit.

Calculate the gradi*nt of your line of best fit.

(ii) lnterpret the value of this gradient.

Question 5
Here are the times, in seconds, that .15 people waited to be served at Rose's garden centre.

5 e r,r @rs 20 226),, 27 zBffit,35


(u) on the gricl, draw a box pfo, fo, tf,i, infoYion.

t{} /f ftffi 3{}

T"i srh* { r;*,r;' $si{lt*,}

The box plot below shows the distribution of the times that people waited to be'serv'ed at (ireen's
garden cenlre.

-xl 3s
3S 15 ilti
Time {x*c*ndx}
ft) Comparc thc distribution of thc times that pcoplc waitcd at Rose's gardcn centrc and thc
distribution of the times that people waited at Green's garden centre.

, &e{q
v *t;l*al6.;$ U{-r\ fuq! *S
Question 6

The grouped fiequency tablc shr:ws irrfnrmation about the weekly wages of 80 firctory workers.

(a) Complete the cumulative frequcncy table.

Cumulative Clunrulntive
Weekly wnge (f-r) Weckly rvage (f.r)
Frecuencv Frcaucncv
100<"ts200 I 100<"rs200 t
200<x<300 l5 100<x<300 (h
300<x<400 30 100<x<400 55

100 .r.r s 600
600<x!700 3 100<x<700 86
(b) O,n the grid opposite; drilw a cumulative frequency graph for your table.

(c) Use your graph to {ind an estimate fcr the interquarrile rangs.

41&11d 4'{o

(d) Use your graph to find ar estimate fur the number of workers with a weekly wags of more than
r53o€ q
f rrql,r*nc,v


\"\cc$;ly *,ag;e {t j 4l A

Question 7
The population pyramid shows information about the numbers (in thousands) of drivers of each gender
who made car insurance claims in the UK in 2015

' A**
},Xnle elrivtrx S*rnnle ck.ivrm

/1 ,4S*4S

?l 3**3$
L' )fi*?0
t?*n p
:*t51*5* 51#15:*
Nrualtr*r *f ddvert {tll*rrr**cl t} Nrlnlber *f drir"em {thcumnd*t

{,{*rxee. I}ep*r"lrrl*ll,Sr Stl:rqr+rl t

(a) How many female drivers aged 50*59 in the UK in 2015 made car insurance claims?
-....I..., .. thousand

The population pyramid shows that the age group which has the fewest nurnber of drivers who made car
insurance claims is the 17*19 age group.

g q;

ln 2014, the number of male drivers aged 20-49 in the UK who made car insurance claims was 66 700

(c) Compare the number of male drivers aged 20-49 in the UK who made car insurance claims in 2AM
with the number of male drivers'aged 20-49 in the UK who made car insurance claims in 2015
You must show vour-worki

other drivers.

(d) Explain two features of the population pyramid which SafeDrive might use as its justiflcation for doing

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