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Hand of Chaos

Level Spell AoE Duration Range Type Description

1 Ablaze 5'r - 20' E All flammable materials within the target area are ignited. Once
started, the fire is no longer under the control of the caster.
3 Call Fog 100'r Varies 100' F Creates dense fog within the area.
5 Hammerhands Caster 1 min/lvl Self U The caster's hands become as hard as stone. Any attacks are made
with Martial Arts OB (using the most appropriate skill), but is
resolved on the Mace Attack Table (see Arms Law).
7 Pillar of Winds 5'r C 50' F Caster creates an intense, directed updraft of air that can support a
weight of up to 500 lbs. (so long as the weight is concentrated in the
area of effect). The combination of height lifted times weight is
always equal to 500. For example, a 100 pound man would be lifted
5 feet into the air; while a 500 pound object would be lifted 1 foot
into the air; while a 2 pound object would be lifted 250 feet into the
8 Wall of Hail 10' x10' 1 rnd/lvl 50' F Caster creates a wall of swirling hail 10' x 10' x 5' (deep). All
x5' coming into contact with the wall suffer a 'B' Impact critical. All
movement through the wall is slowed by 75%. All attacks through
the wall suffer a -75 penalty.
9 Excavation 5'r 1 rnd 100' F The caster raises one buried object from a depth of no greater than 1
foot per level of the caster (and the object must weigh less than 10
pounds per level of the caster). The caster must know that the object
is buried in the area or the spell has no effect. The object raises over
the course of one round.
10 Immolation Caster 1 rnd/lvl Self U Caster (and all his gear) is bathed in fire. The caster (and his gear)
is immune to this fire (though other fire attacks cause normal
damage). All within 5'r suffer an 'A' Heat critical. All in contact
with caster suffer a 'C' Heat critical.
11 Explode 1 object - 50' F Target inorganic item (up to 1 cubic foot) explodes into tiny
fragments. All within 5'R take an 'A' Impact critical, the holder of
the item takes a 'C' Impact critical. Metal objects get a special +30
modification to their RR.
13 Drowning 1 target 1 rnd/5 fail 20' E Water quickly condenses around the target, causing him to begin
drowning (as the air he breathes is mostly water now).
15 Unstone 100 cu' P 20' F Disintegrates up to 100 cubic feet of stone.
16 Unwater 10,000 P 20' F As Unstone, except that 10,000 cubic feet of water is destroyed.
18 Fissure 100' P 100' Creates a great crack in the earth, measuring 100 feet long, 50 feet
x30' deep and 30 feet wide.
20 Tornado 30'r 2-20 rnds 500' E Caster creates a Tornado. The tornado is not under the control of
the caster.
25 Flashfire 500'r Varies 500' E All flammable material within the area is set ablaze. Fire will
spread as normal.
30 Tremors Varies 1 rnd 100'/lvl F Causes a very minor earthquake which could cause shoddy
construction to collapse (this can be very terrifying). This is
approximately 5.5 on the Richter scale.
50 Reign of Chaos Caster 1 min/lvl Self U Caster may use any of the lower level spells on this list, once per

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