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Units 1-4 Revision

Writing Practice ( Group Work-15 minutes)
RANA AL-AMOUDI SEP 20, 2021 05:14AM

Group 1: Write about yourself?

King Faisal Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud

King Faisal is the third son of king aAbdulaziz, and the third
king in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He was born in April, 1906.
And he became a king after kind sSaud's abdication abdicated.
He held many positions and participated in many conferences
since he was 14. He was one of the bravest and most powerful
personalities in the world, and he was particularly interested in
Islamic issues. He was a supporter of the Palestinian case cause,
and He he cut the oil from America. On March 25, 1975, he was in
a meeting with the Kuwaiti minister of Oil, and suddenly his
nephew entered, shot and killed him. After his death, the world
lost one of the most important political figures.

Group 2: Choose any photo from

the web and describe it?

description of the picture below Group 3: Compare between

This scene takes place on the beach, we can see a family studying in schools and
having a great time together. There is a man, a woman and two
children building a sandcastle. The weather looks warm because
the sun is shining and it’s kind of cloudy. The woman is wearing
a pink hat and she’s smiling, .The little girl looks happy. I think Compare studying at school and universities
it's nice and wonderful that the family is enjoying their time on
the beach. Sometimes high temperature of the atmosphere is an There are some points in the university different There are
ideal opportunity to enjoy the sea and the moderate atmosphere some points in the universityies different than schools, . This
of the beautiful beaches. In my view, every family should go out paragraph is going to discus some of this these points are the
from time to time on a trip to the beach to enjoy away from following, the First, universityies are is larger in size with many
working life. more students, . Second, the classes duration is longer than the
duration of of classes in schools, . the Moreover, university
studies is much harder, and the teachers are more strict, . the
Universities give us rewards but the schools don’t do not. The
school schedule is stable but while in the university we have a
new schedule everyday. However, both universities and schools
take attendance regularly. and From the beginning of the first
term, nobody will check whether you attend your lectures or
not. In the end, a universities are is for the more mature
students who wants to continue their education Successfully.
there There are different majors, and the grades in the
university preparatory year decides your major. so So, study
hard and try your best
Group 4: What did you do last Group 7: Describe your daily
summer? routine?

Group 4 My Daily Routine

Summer vacation is the longest vacation of the school I get up in the morning around 6.00 am. I pray and then
year, so many people take advantage of it. These are some of the begin my day. I get ready to go to university. I already prepare
things I have enjoyed doing while spending my vacation doing. my outfit the day before. Then, I just need to get dressed up,
First, I spent the majority of my summer vacation studying to comb my hair, and get fully ready to go to the university. I then
improve my English language skills in preparation for college. have my breakfast, which is a cup of orange juice and a bowl of
Also, I went to the beach to enjoy the rest of my vacation and cereal. I then wait for the bus to arrive and pick me up. The
celebrated my graduation. However, I decided to stay home for University bus comes around 7.00 am. In the bus, I have a lot of
the last two weeks of my summer vacation to prepare myself for fun with my friends. We arrive at the University at 7.45 am and
college and spend it with my parents and siblings. Finally, this we go to our classes. During University hours, we have different
summer vacation was extraordinary, especially for high school periods for each subjects. During breaks, I talk with my friends
graduates, because it was our last vacation as seniors at high and have lunch. At the end of the day, I kill time by playing on my
school. phone until the bus arrives to take me home. I normally arrive by
4.15 pm. Once I’m home, I rest for a few minutes, then I eat
snacks that my mom prepares, and watch TV for some time.
After I gain my energy, I do my homework’s and finish revising
Group 5: Describe some of your the lessons taught for the day. By 9.00 pm, I finish studying and
parents’ rules at home? have dinner with my family. Lastly, I brush my teeth, take a
shower, and then go to bed. And this is my daily routine.

At first, my parents are not very strict they just have some
rules and we should not cross break them . no space
The first rule is that we should not eat :“ no eating on the bed” , Group 8: Write about some of
and they get so annoyed if we did do that , . Eating on bed
because it leaves makes the bed dirty and might attracts ants.
your country’s rules?
1. Also, We we can not stay late at night or we will be
punished. the curfew is 11 pm . no space My country's rules
In the weekend, We we can go out for a family time together, But
but we can not go to any other places in on this day, because it wWe have rulers in the work like an employee never must
is a special time for the family. no space not be late, and he has have to take full responsibility، bears his
In the end , I know they only want the best for us, and to be mistakes، . Ccontract renewal every two years ، Also, an
healthy and happy. employee can wear formal clothes، share information with your
his team، can not Don't leave the his work without to ask
permission. behaviors basics There are some behavioral basics in
our country. It is a set of principles and standards that aim to
Group 6: Describe what you are ensure integrity, transparency, respect for the law and rights

doing at the moment? including responsible employees and customers, and from these
rules (adhering to regulations, fair treatment, carrying out
orders of managers, listening to directions, and avoiding bad
We are now attending one of our lectures on this day, which words.
is the English language. Today, we are taking a listening practice 1 First rule: things have their intentions
exercises. trained in listening and We are also learning how to 2 Second rule: basic data
solve the test questions related to listening skills, . and 3 Third rule: usually the court
Furthermore, we are trying to write a paragraph an expression 4 Fourth rule: Hardship brings ease
describing what we are doing now, . it It should be around 100 to 5 The fifth rule: Certainty is not removed by doubt
125 words. The teacher also is reviewing reviewed the quiz Traffic system in Saudi Arabia
questions to make sure of our answers and correcting our Also there are rules for traffic, for walking on the roads, for
mistakes. It was is fun and we are learning benefited greatly, . turning and changing lanes
After that, at 11, we are having have a lesson in biology, it will be There are also speed and stopping limits
a difficult lesson, but we hope it will be simple. And At the end of There are violations
the university day, we are going to have an online chemistry There must be regular technical inspection
class that will be at 1 PM, and that's it. Alcohol is banned.

Women should wear an Abaya in

, but headscarves are not compulsory any longer.
You should refrain from holding hands and public displays of
affection. Compare between building C and A
Gambling is banned in KSA There are lots of differences between building A and
building C. Indeed, we can see that building C is does not have as
Only use your right hand for shaking hands or for handing advantages as building A. Building C is bigger than Building A,
anything. It’s considered rude to use your left hand in Islam. and higher than it . There are a lot of good buildings, but
Building C is the best, because there are many services, there is
Fridays, the holy day. The working week is Sunday-Thursday. a cinema, restaurants and cafes. The Building C is extremely well
designed building C feature, and has higher tech infotainment.
But building A is smaller in size, and quieter and less busier than
building C.
Group 9: Compare between
building C and A?


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