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INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC ORGANIZATION * MONACO INTERNATIONAL CHART SERIES INT 1 SYMBOLS ABBREVIATIONS TERMS USED ON CHARTS MIEDZYNARODOWE SERIE MAP MORSKICH 551 ZNAKI SKROTY TERMINOLOGIA STOSOWANE NA POLSKICH MAPACH MORSKICH BIURO HYDROGRAFICZNE MARYNARKI WOJENNEJ RP GDYNIA 2004 IW skroty migozynarooowe Intemational Abbreviations Swit “in. Yardy gone IP tans | IR reg sorats i cee | ale ee ar ns cn a Sees ee 6 eee No Skate ano aac ommsinyauce 107 | IS Raga vad, Electronic Postion Fig System B eecees ee see - sesame” Sasa 4 ae lo Saw, [rr Sub, ous potowe Buoy’. Beacons | Servees| 32 tsb Sw ae BS Sworn Spun Tat eae a SStyeray 551 ZNAKI SKROTY TERMINOLOGIA, STOSOWANE NA POLSKICH MAPACH MORSKICH WSTEP POJECIA OGOLNE 1A Numer mapy, yt, ww dodathowe Pozyce, odieglote, Kierunki, dane magnetycare TOPOGRAFIA He Naturaineformy terena Ne Znoki na laaze iF Ponty | Temey erations | nvorocRAFia Phy pray MW Giebokostt | ML charaktenstka dna morskiogo MC Sly kamienie, wrak, przeszkody nawigacyine IL Instolagje na morzu 1M Trasy woone, zalecane kursy IN Akweny, grace, rejony stely | 10 Terminy nycrograticene OZNAKOWANIE | SLUZBY 1 Swiata 1a Stay, pany | Sygnaty malowe 18 Radar, rao, systomy radionawigacyne IT Shaby, ust) potowe |W Zaplocz, obey potowe la mayen jodnostak ALFABETYCZNY SPIS SKROTOW Wns srt |W Skrity igdzynarodowe INT1 SYMBOLS, ABBREVIATIONS. ‘AND TERMS USED ON POLISH CHARTS SS] INTRODUCTION GENERAL 1A. Char Number, Tle, Marginal Notes 1B Posttons, Distances, Directions, ‘compass TOPOGRAPHY 1H Tdes.Cunents eons Nature ofthe Seabed rtsnareintaltions ‘Areas, Borders, Us Zones SPER RES yarograghic Terms AIDS AND SERVICES Lights 3 19 Buoys Beacons | Fog Signals 8 Rader, Rad, Exectonic Poston Fixing ‘Systems IT Senscos WW. Small Cra Focitios ALPHABETICAL INDEXS 1 Index of Abbreviations DW trvrnatonal Absrviations | SIURO HYDROGRAFICZNE MARYNARKI WOJENNES RP ‘GDYNIA 2008 WPROWADZENIE Ponce ano beak myzhotes Seunsngs nd ihe zn wan bl W581 OT Nt“ ‘Seta fn" eacotanl yrer wpe Grgensen Ean ee inerrant Pop rca orang meh napch ony mina es xt oc ans eco on inary eh py eae agence e299 pone nw match aang ts Saco Go mse Pe ‘gegen lta onto co cnogo sora mae ma) ace! Seneaarefecanscy eran ‘ppc nce ests ow! ay Heng wyatt 3? Space sy merece cee ‘moll tenet poh eden so ago raza swac os ao tompason st arch ‘essa ww pote maa maori cance or cach se naman pogo 3 ach kick SRagEee agate re aon af Fact Ne 8 NT 1 aed pe te “ha ecteaase he 6" (umelonhyrarane Gane ‘Sontencs nanan taae "nee "ome maton enero sats a asin Kg ‘mops napeanye HOP Rasen MoS ‘esyanet oars tra tl ochre cntes ‘oer ae ee, ‘tyne ears scrang ithe cote cle de ae pirate em i Tracks, Routes IMI © St a-nny an a mtsi _.fohene: tan stm rng ts WO nmr NT} hes ht eis © conn emery sarge wera gis ie MOY Wem Cs and a ects na Zana nur uno b4HO ran Cran a © coum Rear nrg tn Rete tf aN) hart an Car tre © Soins! Ramat an i rps etre: engi tea rangi ea IMCs cane © Cams RRS mp othe omr een © ERNE” TA NUMER Mary (Chart Number ‘TYTUt, UWAGI DODATKOWE Title, Marginal Notes oo @ NUMER MAPY, TYTUL, UWAGI DODATKOWE ©2008 08000 e ©0000 000 Sot i parc ane apn a Chart Number, Tite, ‘Marginal Notes VA TB 2O2¥Gu5 Ootecto$cr, KieRUNK: DANE MAGNETYGZNE Positions, Distances, Directions, Compass | | | | POZYCJE, ODLEGLOSCI, KIERUNKI, Positions, Distances, DANE WAGNETYCZNE Brecon, Compass 1B, oma ean nara ragraycna wera | aa ‘SooKTHOWE ZN NARODOWE Sprain Hao Sta IC naruraine FORMY TERENU Natural Features Lrwnsrzecows eran * NATURALNE FORMY TERENU ‘Natural Features WC eee = ' eee = IC narunaune roms ten al Fanos ZALESIENE ‘Sippy mate 80° vegan NATURALNE FORMY TERENU DODATHOWE ZK NARODONE | | ] | | | # a m lt |B (i | i BUDOWLE Cuttursi Features ID ae He = (FE ID suoome Cultural Features eee emma bs {ZNAKI NALADZIE, Landmarks VE cate nt a a = Serato ene TE znaxi wavaozie Landmarks: 2NAKI NALADZIE Landmarks VE IF porty » om ay saarsiny | O38 * aomane | Pepe seme | or UzADZENA PRZELADUNKONE Tarenpment Fie ‘natty mann ec a ie IG termny ropocrariczne WweRZEZe ey ye ‘EUEMENTY,TOPOGRAFIT WtESrCADy = Be RE ER el sepia aos ‘BUDYNKI coast aur Ino Fentuos ng Settoments Butangs 2 ‘Topographic Terms Poetcsmmh seach! og. aay Sielaneyamima pasate —¢ gag J eon TERMINY TOPOGRAFICZNE sare i ‘ree mnmsaen Road Ra sna ame ig 8 a Topographic Terms IG IG terminy topocRaFiczNE Senator INSTALACJE PORTOWE Harbour instaliations| ti an ci Topographic Terms 2s 18 (te Naw Bas ts Shey ge om btn Voy tny oa Go PLYWY, PRADY PozIoM MORZA 1 a eT] = = hat Baur Dan taney eon " . wo. fr pst ora on m a Tides, Currents a mt «| exer, eal ef | eee ae Fe I ctesoxoser Depths coat = — a} wo O,,| Stamens ta ® nl Seeeccee fe Depins I open Fano anaes —| eateries wus onder bane om cetitlrrerstnen a" oF 8 Sim nv | Redan ee Ed feos ga] Py may men eee el & (CHARAKTERYSTYKA DNA MORSKIEGO Nature of tho Soabod IJ 2 ° S * Eee a 5 aa = us Ez Pe sn on sl an [eee on IJ. cuarakterystykA DNA MORSKIEGO [Nature ofthe Seabed TERMIY RASYEICAGYINE een evttang Ts ” . Tom pata » * = 5 » 2 a 5 4 ” - = = so ARON ZR HARODONE ‘Seen aot Ste 3 ase” “n * x om, a 2 CHARAKTERYSTYKA DNA MORSKIEGO Nature ofthe Seabod IJ Seana ee tea oe a = S oo > = , | = = | = ra 5 F=)| x ” eo . so > = aera : oer aoa 7 = | Li Me . com ees call = ‘SKALY.KAMIENIE, WRAKI, IK PRZESZKODY NAWIGACYJNE Rocks, Wrecks, Obstructions coun anes +) meee | iermerare come = Ty FR SKALY, KAMIENIE, WRAKI, PRZESZKODY NAWIGACYJNE Rocks, Wrecks, Obstructions IK TK SEY AMIENE, WRAL PRZESZKODY NAWIGACYINE Rocks, Wrecks, Obstructions Fi 5 ———— = a Seo os » am See pa nl « eee Ga t “ | 220) = zal * oe SKALY, KAMIENIE, WRAKI, PRZESZKODY NAWIGACYJNE Rooks, Wrecks, Obstructions IK 2 @ [ze + - @ eo a i “Tm | | mmaetormnage 8 = os i | = «| & S| Sie enorme IL wstatacse Namonzu Offshore installations INSTALAGE NAMOREU-CGOANE = Oe Smenmemato PLATFORN | URZADZENA CUMORNCZE t timo Ase ame . a ¢ Zam INSTALACJE NAMORZU Offshore Instatiations WL a=" Ee Naa comepea ropa ome om Reacas eames imntnn Sao ‘Soret Sao IL wwstavacue wa morzu Offshore Installations RUROOIAS POONCONE ‘TRASY WODNE, ZALECANE KURSY ‘racks, Routes IML = 2 =a S| 4 Rewer ntvmsraeiene | ———————— | = = a ESOT RE ma tt a) . Eee = |__| 58 ——s I: a = paneer IM. trasy woone, ZALECANE KURSY ZALECANE KURSY, TRASY WODNE Tracks, Routes IM yeeros *°* ‘iene ist eas we ©G2OOOO00 © Sxaianiaecmcn soar one 8 mar en ek © Ea © Spntiae smecratay ate ©) aaa ees ieee © Seatr aster | 0 See | © iment nena as @ Mn aee rome IM trasy woone, 2ALECANE KURSY Tracks, Routes at Surat Sytem ‘ie ete so" -|>o° [SS===s | 8 |e . ‘gee act ee ma Remoaremmoasoy tang psn ty ‘Samanta denen wats @ eta ny ———— AKWENY,GRANICE, REJONY, STREFY ‘Areas, Borders, Limits, Zones VIN IN axweny.cranice, REJONY, STREFY ‘Areas Borders, Liits, Zones elf ‘Sesion go ey ™ 5 eee Ea IENGRANCE,RELONY, STREFY ZABRONONE ese fos ors, Lt 0 2 ee ann a0) Ba ra Frame | 2823 STE = aa aay AKWENY, GRANICE,REJONY, STREFY Areas, Borders, Limits, Zones IN. [F===o" ia GRANCE NARODOHE IM NAROOONE noe Bomba te its a Se 40] IN akweny.cranice, REJONY, STREFY ‘Areas, Borders.Limits, Zones GRANICE RENO REAONO us te bearer Sam a stom Saree setcmmmy | Mere rine DODATKOME 2ANK NARODONE ‘Supper Hata Sym secre 2 ‘ al mfx xf a] a ‘TERMINY HYDROGRAFICZNE. Hydrooraphic Terms 1O ees a og Beach co a ener rs ae na Pet ao oy anes 10 ‘TERMINY HYDROGRAFICZNE some Hydrographic Terms SmiarTen ovarrexcis eve ne ee mane eon etre de | z fe a ed Se | Semen ss a on Fs Sa mm 5 es Sarees IP swiarea Lights & , [=~ adil Ss 1 = =] ee te | Sow tenaeg an pe eed) ” ' = Ss ‘eee. omy a SMaTeA Lights IP. ‘HARAKTERYSTYRI SUTEL pt cts 1 | _ |, oe | Sos Feccecd Seger = le a | wf oe hoe Ds | 1 Frown IP ‘SWIATEA, Lights wns SHOE fenton Tialatinas moh =| = _Eievation of ight given in metres ™ an pod ae = 5 tstamsemerenn ‘stn we] sewn | tpraatormceerom ‘e000 o aa tenes “S107 mu SIIATLA Lights IP SATA GZNAKOMUACE TORY WOME om rng anus bmares nAie2nGW 1 SHATEAW LL an Lips nd ts ne Sar arecRunKonE Danco tan Svinte SIIATEA Lights IP SWATAOGRAMCZONMM ceAse ECE st tes Tine of en eS Eee ormrereenreaetse ce Te sy ty cs at sho MND “ el ions ss TR | anni won oo ice eyp ap 5 Raster onmaeye ° cm waniasreciane — 0 SSS l= ane 7 lees oe se] entow | EE earn ® mos Ee a ‘Rep a eee TQ stawy, peawy Buoys, Boacons su PA Buoy an Bese i i 4 _awosmenne i ts Lo er rT of eer | remem, [LTE fag, | TE mm - Yaw Seem agen cor a amt aes = Sse ae z= ‘Gh ‘tairoya aan ht me “| + |S | a 7 STAWY, PLAWY Buoys, Beacons IQ. een 4 » a Sa f a & * * Saas Lo 3 a a = \ 4 ae 5 1 =—— a = * == = . - So ee: Reeser ‘onenae a Se a 2 ere as }* oo eT eee oe ae a («| om | Sexo, a i; | Pataca sears «|}-0-4-0-4 | Sere ea 4 4 \ << a — | Bo i IQ stawy, peawy Buoys, Beacons Spec poe Bie eer Sion stay, PLAWY Buoys, BeacorsIQ [Sac | crememmmere lee! *| . + |e | wt. EB aS . | . 2 Siomrmtwamaiom lk | Be oe] tf 2 | sswmrenmmrscme | 1: |i A s wr tC Biome natapae 1Q stawy, prawy ‘Buoys, Beacons Spec! pee Broce -| STAN SPECIALNE (Qk Rak mcrypt gi Eyres Pa Fe rearrested Lee ei "SD Zoek pecan, nae ern ‘cao tansy oa SYGNALY MGLOWE Fog Signals UR [cocane come ‘oe Fe | esto fa net peta Sa sn otis A = = fa ® “ Te fa ‘REORAN ort mT rot Sit oie >| i. | SE ere = en ee = + eee enerar Is RADAR, RADIO. SYSTEMY RADIONAWIGACYNE Oo @ @ He om Radar, Radio, Electronic RADAR, RADIO SYSTEMY RADIONAWIGACYJNE Postton- Fring Systems LS *| Om [amo Le [al «| ©» | Seems | o- |S s{| ©+ Smarmareses |, Oe | te 6 Que | eee lp Omen | it SYST NOONAN ec aang Sn nvm sere ence ‘St on Stn Se a ee tae aaa ce co Rete emlae Sete nase i cele SE iRaeoncion een vec nea ee ake mie nanooone gonna Ste Sees, @ we IT sweey, ustuci portowe Services Pon te SLUZBY, USLUGI PORTOWE sonicos IT ici voor a = er == | Sa =| =| = | Sra Yon} = ssn | eee | eos) ace syyraoea Kashar por, {74 a) mem | Semmes ("| ewe [TI =e [| = fall = =) al =) Sas; ——— — I |e mm | Se ae || ») wm) Sb men 2 ee ed | | = ims eo) em | Se [e) emmy | Seneca ic =~ [ss |e om | Bees [3 ‘Sia wnat Caan anyaryshich Taper) >| seem | seremaracens [=| Hon S338 ny aes IU; ZAPLECZE, OBIEKTY PORTOWE DLA MALYGH JEONOSTEK ‘Small Craft Facilities SIRTaog ee elelele pF ' Hera fi Pe emmy q ZAPLECZE, OBIEKTY PORTOWE Smal Gat yyy DUA WALYCH JEDNOSTER. Facies 2 — 3 ™ —— . = a + a ees, ° =| se = i —— a 7 Pa x Ai Rese e IV wwoexs sxrorow 6 mien aig ‘eon ‘he Roc se Bn eee yseaerae a ef oy Renn Smo ea Index of Abbreviations gpg EPe"aepERAE??=FEG™ OPPEESER|SE @ EEOP EO gTTTe > soy punayeee INDEKS SKROTOW | ne i yea ! i i i i { H t t au il i “Saperes gaa f if Index of Abbreviations IV IV innexs skrorow Index of Abbreviations ‘DODATKOWE SKROTY Suppanntay Natoma] [ DODATKOWE SKROTY Suptantiy Nal RERODONE nO Src Renoooue °° ea eee scars a . oe Foxes ered | Ene torment ‘rang nour | tS toe 2 eS Seis arm 5 Sw, ma ee aoe eat are oe Ep ea eee ee ee = fo Suncom Suen : aa & Ehsan ° image gee” AS ' Be = 2 i ease Pe Sao eels! = oe oe aan ° Sees ees Ee ae = [oot wae in Pie ‘on ‘SKROTY MIEDZYNARODOWE pOQSSQERESo"=aR Bw foeaeee hh 6 Ik ozyeje.osesiosc, kiran, dane ‘magnetyczne Pestons, Distances, Directions, Compass Gault seaaca ‘Shaly,wakl,preeszkody nawigacyne Rooks wrecks, Obstuctns 1 Intemational Abbreviations LWW Instat na moras Offshore Istalatons, Submarine Cables, Suemarne Pesires Tory wosno, zalecano kursy Tracks, Routes Rejony grance froas.Limts “TexminyHyérogratcene ‘Hydrographic Terms IW skroty migozynarooowe Intemational Abbreviations Swiata “in. Yardy gone IP tons | IR Fajsgas fo gatee Ehamey ey | oe” om a me Se Ene pane Sa ca | th St = 5 a | & Sore. ree ray 5 Rae, yeoman (vO Siro aaytaomgain ensiederyaur 1107 IS Radar red, Electronic Positon-Fiing System vo hen fatto came Seer re saimioats” Ernceeena: = 12 Sega Sree cr ‘Neo Samy op Sy was aan yom iq. Sa Haw [rr Suby, ota prow Buoys Beacons | Seracos 122 tba Dw Ze oe Setup Span

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