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This page contains a synoptic list of all new features or functions, modifications,

bugs solved and features or functions that have been removed in the Tag Team, the
Add-In for Word, since release 1.0.1.

What is new in...

The following variants are used to indicate a "major" topic:
* solved bug
[*] major solved bug
+ new feature/function
[+] major new feature/function
= modification
[=] major modification
- removed feature/function
[-] major removed feature/function

What's new in v3.0.4 of 13-Jun-2014

[+] Support of the Office 2007+ Ribbon.
[+] Support for ECCAIRS 5.
[+] Added external configuration file for custom tag markers.
[=] Total review of the internal code.
[-] Removed support for Word 2003 and older.
[-] Removed Office 2003-style CommandBar from Add-Ins tab
[-] Removed all references for SRMS, which remains supported when custom tag
= Increased size of Tag Scanner dialogue form.

What's new in v2.0.3 of 24-May-2006

[+] Embedded into a new module called 'Tag Team' handling also tag scanning and
[=] Name change from Tag Cleaner to Tag Team.
* Some minor problems were detected in combination of highly complex document
+ Tag are scanned and corrected in document properties as well.
+ Tag Team dialogue forms now works modeless so that it is possible to
edit/correct the document while keeping the tool open.
= The tool now sets the required display to �Show hidden� and �Print preview�
mode and restores it when closing.
= Custom tag delimiters are now restricted to 2 characters.
= Code optimisation.

What's new in v1.1.2 of 06-Dec-2005

[+] Added scanning of internal built-in document properties to catch Word's

ability to default these to text found on line 1
* Minor fixes
= Code optimisation.

What's new in v1.0.1 of 24-Aug-2004

[+] Initial release

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