Lesson 11 - Merged

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Section A Sounds ond spetling

Write the words. Choose from the words in the box.

back beard bill black bomb book boot boots bought bread
build but butter b*y pack paper part parry pay pepper pie
piece pool pull purse put

lbtV .. ....... -b-i!t............... 8lpa,U 15 lbr,k/
2lplsl 9lborn/ 16 lbutfs/
3 lbatl 10l'pepel 17 lpv^U
4lpusl 11 /'bntel 18 /crcd/
5 /clre,H 72lpo;fl 19 lpatl
6lpetl 13 /buV 20lbutl
7 lbz'tl 14 /'po'^tl
A7t Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

Complete the words with p or b.

1 Can you help me *aint the _edroom wardro_e?
2 Brian's lond, and he's got a _ig _eard.
3 rü/e're going to the _ub. It's m1. _rother's *irthday.
4 '§7here did I _ut my lack _oots?
5 §7e asked the waiter to _ring the _ill, and it was
dor'-ls what we expected!
472 Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key.
Then listen and repeat.

Listen and fill the gaps.


4 Shall we give him a Can you help me paint the
5 Do we have to walk .................. thai hill? bedroom wardrobe?
6 .... the bus - I want to get off!

7 I ................."... ............. you have a good timel

8 .... yourself!

Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

Listen and circle the word you hear. Check with the Key. lf you find any of these difficult, go to
Section E3 Sound poirsfor further practice.
474 1 pears I bears sound pair 23)
2 pear I fair sound pair 24)
3 copies / coffees sound pair 24)

English Pronunciotion in Use (Elementory) 3 I

Section A Sounds ond spelling

Listen and complete the sentences.
Exe¡,rpm \X/hat sh all r,r,e do ..............1-tP.X.t-............ week ?

1 2Aú was the .... time I u,ent to Britain. 5

2 I ........................................ some mone)r in the street. 6
3 I worked hard .................... ,.......... week. 7
4 Do you know a .... place to eat near here? B

Check with the Key. Then listen again and repeat.

Listen and write the numbers of the words"

send sent..",...,.,........... wide........1. white
said ..................... set ..................... road ................... wrote
Check with the Key. Then listen again and re peat

Listen and complete the sentences.

1 They .... us emails every day.
2Í ......... ..
all my money on CDs.
3 it stopped snowing u,e went for a walk across the ........................................ fields.
4 People .... houses next to the beach.

Check with the Key. Then listen again and repeat,

Listen and repeat these poems.

Too many twos
Tom and Tim were twins.
Tom said to Tím, 'Can I talk to you?'
g** B

Tim said to Tom, 'Ssh, wait a minute ...

One two is h¡¡o
Two twos are four
Three twos are six
Four twos are eight
Five twos are ten ..1
Tom said to Tim, And what are two fives?'
Tim saíd to Tom,Two fives? Don't ask me!'
A80b A difficuh daughhr
Doctor Díxon said to his daughter Daria,
'Don't go down town after dark - ifs dangerous.'
Daria said,'Don't worry Dad, I won't. You know I never do.'
Next day when he came home for dinner, he said,
'Daria, dear, you dídn't go dovrrn town after dar( did you?'
and she said,'No, Dad, I didn'ti
But she díd.
I don't know the details, but she definitely did.

Listen and circle the word you hear. Check with the Key. lf you find any of these difficult, go to
Section E3 Sound pairsfor further practice.
A81 1 wbat I watch ( sound pair 25)
2 wide I wbite ( sound pair 26)
3 dry I try ( sound paír 26)
4 riding I writing ( sor.rnd pair 26)
5 taught I thought ( sound pair 27)

English Pronuncioüon in Use (Elementory) 33

SectionA Sounds and spelling

Write the words. Choose from the words in the box.

ache again . ago ..back brg ' big bigger bike black called cake
car clas sica l cof fee cold c<rmi come copy gave get gr** great
gre gue gue keys kiss r,valk work
ss sr

1 lgw/ aiv¿, B lek/ 15 /or,g/

2 lbtg/ 9 lgest/ 16 /'btgal
3 /getl 70 ft.r,k/ 17 lkauldl
4 keurn/ 11 I'kofil ... . ... ." 18 / karil
5 ki.^z/ 12 la'genl 19 lws,^W
6 ketV 13 /wil<l 20 lgrel
7 lktsl 14 lkcld/
Listen to check your answers. check with the Key. Then risten and repeat.

Complete the words. They all have /kl or /g/ sounds.

1 Can I c¿¡¡1, your ba_s?
2 Give me a bi_ _iss.
3 You *ave me _old _offee a_ain.
4 A _rey _at with _reen eles wal_ed into the
5 The _uesrs would li_e e_ _s fo¡ brea_fast.
B-5 Listen to check your answers.
Check with the Key, Then listen and repeat.

Listen and fill the gaps.

It's time to go ..............b-a9y,............. .
1 Shall we .. ... .. ........ .....".... ?
2 I came by ...... .. ......... ..... .
.) §7hen you go out,,,...................................,.. rhe
Can I carry your bags?

6 Itls only seyen o'clock and ir,s already

7 Listen and ............ ... ,

8 Mark your answer with a

Listen to check your answers. check with the Key. Then risten and repeat.

Listen and circle the word you hear. check with the Key. lf you find any of these difficult, go to
Section E3 Sound pairsfor further practice-
1 back I bag (=+ sound pair ZB)
2 cold I gold (* sound pak ZB)

English Pronunciotion in lJse (Etementary) 35

Section A Sounds ond spellmg

Write these words.
I feonl .............php.*c,.........
1 lfall 3 lfz;stl S Aiwl
2 I'vtzttl ........ 4 lfritl 6 l'feuteu/
810 Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

Complete the titles of the pictures using these words.

few voices fast seventh fine forks vegetables lift five floor vlew
driving knives

rr .\

2 5A

......................................... roo

6The to the

Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

Listen and repeat these poems.

Bt2a November the first B12b The ttaveller
November the first A visitor? Having fun?
Fíve leaves left A fine day for travelling'
One leaf falls he saíd.
Four leaves left. A café? A phone? Here?
l'm afraid not'
he laughed.
'You'll find one in the village.
Far? No, not very far.
The ferry over the river.
Then a few more miles -
five, or seven, or eleven ...'

Listen and circle the word you hear. Check with the Key. lf you find any of these difficult, go to
Section E3 Sound poirs for further practice.
1 few I uiew ( sound pair 29)
2 leaf I leaue ( sound pair 29)
3 copy I coffee ( sound pair 24)
English Pronunciotion in Use (Elementory) l7
Section A Sounds and spelling

Write these words.
1dal1 ...........tha.t..........
1 /mnnO/ 3 lünJ 5 /wró/
2 lóenl 4 lóetl 6 /'bs:Oder/
816 Listen to check your answers. check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

Listen. Which words have l0l, and which words have /é/?

I Whar are )ou thinking ahoutl -5 rüZhat are those things over there?
2 Can I have another? 6 Is the plural of 'tr¡orh' 'teeth'?
3 Are you good at maths? 7 Is today ¡he fourth or rhe fifth?
4 §7here's the bathroom?

words with /0/ words with /é/

''''""" 4hin?.ina
--- --- J '

Listen to check your answers. check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

Listen and complete the sentences.

818 1 The ..,.....A*a.thp-r......... will
be fine for .... next

The ...................... ............ will be dry and sunn¡ but only about ................ degrees.
2 A: I'm thinking of going to the ..,,,............ tonight.
B: Me too! Let's ......................................... go
'...............'........,............., !
A: Are you ........................................ ?

B: No,
A: ........................"................ are my ............-......-............"....., and
years ago. And is my older
.... * he was about
.... years old.
B: And ... baby - is
.... you?
A: Yes, .... 's me,
my .......,............................... in my .. .!
Check with the Key. Then listen again and repeat

Listen and circle the word you hear. Check with the Key. lf you fincl any of these difficult,
go to Section E3 Sound poirs for further practice.
B1e 1 thing I sing ( sound pair 30)
2 tbree I tree ( sound paír 27)

English Pronunciotion in lJse (Elementory) 39

SectionA Sounds ond spelling

Write these words
Ex¡rrpm lsatz/ ... §.t.?Q
1 lsetl 3 llilvzl 5 /tatmz/ ...

2 lsatl 4 li'^stl .. 6 /'glo;stzl

Listen to check your answers Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat

1 Which two days of the week have /s/?

2 '§7hich three days of the week have lzl?
3 Which three months of the ,vear have /s/? Aua¿st

B23 Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat

Listen and write the lsl and lzl sounds in each word.
Ex¿¡,prns sit /s/ easv lzJ places lsl lzl
lthese ll Sisn't II 9 certainly
2síze llll 6pronounce II l0 r¡ords
3style ll Tdress I/ 11 suits
4please ll 8ir's
Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

Fill the gaps with the words from Exercise '16.3.

1 A: Do you like this ......... .dr¿s§-........... ? B: The you, but

2 A: Can you .................... ......... for fle, ..--...-..---..-................. ?

B: Yes,

825 Listen to check your answers^ Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat

Listen and repeat this poem.

826 One day
Mondays to Fridays - Saturdays and Sundays - One day -
Gets up. Cets up. Late. Cets up. Earfy.
Walks to the statíon. Does the washíng. Coes to the station.
Waits for the train. Coes shopping. Waíts for the train.
Cets off at the fourth stop. Comes home. Doesn't get off at the fourth stop.
Walks to the office. Watches TV. Doesn't get off at the fifth stop.
Sits in the office. Coes out. Stays on the train.
Has lunch. Eats ouL Where does it go?
Sits in the office Comes home" Watches through the windows.
Walks to the station. Watches TV.
Comes home. Thinks: 'One day ...'
Thinks: 'One day ...'

Listen and circle the word you hear. Check with the Key. lf you find any of these difficult, go to
Section E3 Sound poirs for further practice.
B27 7 place I plays ( sound pair 31)
2 «¡c¡ I Sue ('.+ Sound pair 31)
3 sc¡ I sbow (=+ sonnd pak 32)
1 sing I thing (+ sound pair 30)

English Pronunciation in Use (Elementory) 4t

Section A Sounds ond spelling

Write these words.
/'[ogal ...........§qqqf.. . .

7 tfil
2 l'sfettil
3 1fmr]./
4 l|autl
5 l[cÍl
6 túfl
Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

Listen and complete the text.


Take your ....9,A§lt.

Go to the
Buy some
and some
Take them home.
.... them.
Cook them for a ................ ........... . time.
Put them in a
Eat them.
,,'..'.........,.,...''...''...........,.'. !,

Check with the Key. Then Iisten and repeat.

Listen and complete the sentences.

1 Yes, we're an business.
We're based in .................... .. , but we fly
to anywhere in ............ . .. and the
2 A: Why are you .... atthat
B: It's eaten my ....."................. ............... I

Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

Listen and circle the word you hear. Check

with the Key. lf you find any of these
difficult, go to Section E3 Sound poirs f or
further practice.
1 shoe I Sue ( sound pair 32)
2 shoes I choose ( sound pair 33)

English Pronunciot¡on in Use (Elementory) 43

Section A Sounds ond spelling

Write these words.
Exrr,uln ld3nrnl ¿q.u, ... ..
7 lwof.V 4 lLotd3l 7 /t[ea/
2 ld3obl 5 /d5urs/ 8 /erd3
3 lt[tpsl 6 /d3nz/
836 Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

Listen and circle the odd one out.

837 ExeulLp
larger generallv guess f.idCc
1 village ger Germany page
2 coach Eheck Christmas remperature
3 June vegetable give cabbage
4 staticln Russian pic¡ure information
Listen to check your answers. check wíth the Key" Then listen and repeat.

Listen and repeat these sentences.

1 I went to a small Russian village. 4 Look at this page of infbrmation.
2 Cabbage is my favourite vegetable. 5 I'm going ro the coach starion.
3 I was in Germany ar Christmas. 6 Can you checl< the ten-rperature, please?

Listen and put these words into two groups.

teacher lounge bridge chair large chicken cheap juice Dutch
language chips orange cheese dangerous

words wirh /t.l/ words with /d3l

. ... . t *.s -"-h?--r.........

Listen to check your answers. check with the Key. Then Iisten and repeat^

Fill the gaps with words from Exercise 18.4.

1 Something to drink: ...........?-lAIq?.......

2 Something to eat, from a European country:

3A ......................

4 Someone who teaches English or Chinese: a

6 A ......................
7 A big room to sit and relax in: a
ts.10 Listen to check your answers. check with the Key. Then Iisten and repeat.

Listen and circle the word you hear. check with the Key. lf you find any of
these difficult, go to Section E3 Saund pairsfor further practice.
B,t1 'J. watch I wash sound pair 33)
2 sboes I choose sound pair 33)
3 ubat's lwatch sound pair 25)
4 coach I coats sound pair 25)
English Pronunciation ¡n Llse (Etementory) 45
§ectionA Sounds and spelling

Write these words.
lmttl $.tare
L lmunJ 5 lnawzl
2 lroql 6 lkauml
3 ldrqV 7 l9t1l
4 I'tqkV 8 /'stro¡gei
Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

Write the words. Two are with lnl and three with /n/.
words with /n/ wo.rds wlf /li

Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key

Then listen and repeat.

Complete the titles of the pictures using these words.

room nine wrong single r.¡.rsrrn uncle languages evening hungry answer

7 4..............4aru......... 2A 4A ....................................

r,47 Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

19.4 Look at the picture and complete the sentences.

1 The woman's ........1i§f-qn1n4....... tc¡ the radio and
2 The phone's
3 The cat's ...................

4 It's ..............,...

Listen to check your answers. Check wíth the Key. Then Iisten and
Listen and circle the word you hear. Check with the Key.
lf you find any of these difficult, go t0 Section E3
Sound pairs for further practice.
1. ran I rang sound pair 34)
2 thing I think soirnd pair 34)
3 migbt I night sound pair 35)
4 some / swng sound pair 35)
5 some I sun sound pair 35)
English Pronunciotion in Use (Elementary) 47
Section A Sounds ond spe//ing

Write these words.
lhed/ .............L* a_á-... ".........

1 thetl 4 lbol.l
2 hau/ 5 /l:¿t/
3 lheunt/ 6 l]¡tlutl

Bs1 Listen to check your answers. check with the Key. Then risten and repeat

Listen and complete the dialogue.

A: Excuse me, can you tell me ...............hs.N................ to ger to the castle?
B: Yes. Go past the .....................,................... and the ................ ......-........ , rhen there,s a road
................... . You go up a
those . . , . and the castle,r's at the top.
A: Thanks for your ................ .................. I

Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

Complete the titles of the píctures using these words.

half hand home perhaps who hnppy happen hours hclprng how
hi house holiday how history

1A ...........h..e*lp ! xq..........

....'........,.'...'..'...,....'...'... a 6 .....................,...............,.. did ir 7


853 Listen to check your answers. check with the Key. Then risten and repeat.

Listen and circle the word you hear. check with thc Key. lf you find any of these difficult, go to
Section E3 Sound pairs for further practice.
Bs4 thearlear (=.* sonnd pair 37)
2 higb / eye (..+ sound patu 37)
English Pranuncíaüon in lJse (Elementory) 49
Section A Sounds ond spelling

Write these words.
lfitU Íep-!
1 lleÍl
2 llafil
3 lloÁ31
4 lke<:ldl
5 /'terbU
6 l'npU
7 I'lsntql
8 /br'leo/
Listen to check your answers" Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences using these words.

hello dor,rble middle bottle lctter litter table alphabet single letter
little apple

3 There's an .....,,.................................. in the ,........................................ of the

4 \Would you like a ......................................... room or a ......................................... ?

5 §7hat's in that .... ................................ . ?

Bs7 Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat

Listen and complete the story.

Monday My bus was ..............1.4t.9............. .

Tuesday 1...................................,, mywallet.

Wednesday L....................................... off a Iadder.

Thursday I caught a ..... ..... .......................... .

Friday I .............................. .. ......,.,. at work.
That's ......................................... !

Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

Listen and circle the word you hear. Check with the Key. lf you fincl any of these difficult, go to
Section E3 Sound poirsfor further practice.
Bse 1 light I rigbt ( sound pair 36)
2 collect I correct ( sound pair 36)

English Pronunciation ¡n Use (Elementory) 5 I

SectionA Sounds ond spelling

Put these words in the correct places, in their normal spelling.

|ru,^m/ l'rcrtgl lc,^I'redtJ I'reku,dzl heml le,ratvl kaund/ /'boreud./ /e'dres/

l'r,tntql I'rttbtll l,h¡rl k*kl |tertbll l,"rell lrercl kaÍl I'wt¡rt/ l'redl le'fretd/

7 He¡ look! I found these oid ...............1e.-c-* ,...................,,......-............ ln a bin!

) weather!

4 isr;;;;;;;;., to
go out.
5 A: Oh, no, l've lost an .........".

B: I'm ............................"............ Anna ..'.''..''.....,.''..,.,....... it!

6 A: ....................- -.. . upl
B: \X/hy? Ir isn'r a ..............,............"..,..........

A:'We're late !

B: Dont . , they'll wait till we

861 Listen to check your answers. Check with the Kev. Then listen and repeat.

Look at the words with r in the spelling. Listen and put a tick (/) by them if the r is pronounced, and
a cross (X) lf the r is not pronounced.
1 A: §7here did you park the car?
B: I'm not sure. I think it was just around the corner.
2 A: Have you ever heard of square oranges?
B: No, neverl
3 A: Can you play the guitar?
B: I can play the guitar and sing.
4 A: Are we far away from rhe roadJ
B: Well, it's rarher hard to say ...

Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

22.3 Listen and circle the word you hear. Check with the Key. lf you find any of these difficult, go to
Section E3 Sound pairsfor further practice.
863 1 lightlright sound parr 36)
2 lctng I wrong sound pair 36)
3 collect / correct sound pair 36)

English Pronunciotion in LJse (Elementory) 53

Section A Sounds ond spelling

Write these words.
/' j.t¡ge/ uou aLr
........-.r..... "..J

1 lnjutzJ 6 /wenl
2 lfjut/ 7 /'mju,^zrk/
3 /jefl 8 iwest/
4 /'wi:kend/ 9 /' jelau/
5 lfiu;nzl 10 ljrcl
Listen to check your answers. check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

Complete the dialogues using these words"

away few music quarter runes weather §Tednesday weekend

wet lvhen where rn,here windy yes yesterday yet young

past one.

B: I don't know ........... ,.

3 A: Hi! .... are you?

B: We're in ..........................."............. §lales.
A:'§7hat's the ......................,................ like?
B: -
was ......................................... and
.............- ...,............

but today's beautiful.

4 A: Can you read ...................................... ?
B: No, but I remember a
from when I was .. . ........
Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

lVatch the questions andI answers in the interview.

Questictns Answers
\Mhat? A aallet ln the town square.
colour? Ycllow.
\(/irh? Twelve.
§7here? I was waiting in a queue. They
were quick. They ran awa,v.
Whenl Yesterday.
\Vhat time? Mone¡ keys, cards - the usual
Who? Two young men.
What happened? ffi

§7ell, we'll see what we can do.

Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then

listen and repeat.

English Pronunciotion in lJse (Elementory) 55

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