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1 Read the text about the importance of holidays.

( / 10 marks)
Who needs a holiday?
You do! In 137 countries around the world, governments have passed laws that guarantee employees
annual leave of three or four, or even more, weeks every year. However, in some countries, such as the
United States, there is no such annual leave law. France and Finland have the most time off – 30 days. 25
days leave is the norm for quite a few countries, such as Austria, while China and Canada only have ten
Nevertheless, many people don’t take holidays often enough. Some never take them! Their workload is so
huge that they feel that they can’t take any time off. These people are constantly trying to juggle their
workload. Even when they do take a holiday, they often take work with them, so they’re still working.
Even if they don’t take work with them, they almost certainly check e-mails which means they can’t
completely forget about work and relax.
Doctors and medical researchers know that taking time off is more than a good idea. A holiday may be
just as important to your physical health as taking medicine or getting regular exercise. They say that an
annual holiday can cut the risk of heart attack in men by 30 percent and in women by 50 percent. A
holiday enables you to recharge your batteries, to do things that you never have time to do, to experience
new things or even to just rest. Time away from the job also helps your mental health. Just being away
helps relax the mind and increase your level of happiness.
Another benefit of a holiday is that you return from it better able to do your regular work, whatever that
may be. A recent study by C. Fritz and S. Sonnentag showed that holidays increase your energy level so
that you need less effort to get work done when you return. Many people have said that their ability to
accomplish meaningful work is far greater after a holiday; they feel totally energised. So maybe it’s time
to start thinking about taking a real holiday. There may even be some benefit in dreaming about it, even if
you can’t actually do it.
Read the text and the questions below. For each question, choose the correct letter a, b, c or d.
1 In which country do workers have the most time off?
a the USA
b Austria
c Canada
d Finland
2 In paragraph 2, what does the word they refer to?
a people’s workload
b people who don’t take holidays
c holidays
d people who frequently take holidays
3 The writer says that some people who take holidays
a use a laptop to relax on holiday.
b don’t enjoy them.
c can’t stop thinking about work.
d should take work with them.
4 According to paragraph 3,
a people are able to do anything they like when they are at work.
b holidays allow people to exercise their minds.
c holidays are more important than taking medicine.
d doctors believe it is very beneficial to take holidays.
5 How would the writer explain the importance of going on a holiday?
a We work better after a holiday.
b It’s good to think about a holiday after going back to work.
c Work becomes more meaningful before a holiday.
d Holidays make people excited about work

2 Circle the correct words. ( / 10 marks)

1 Most animals prefer living in their natural cave / area / habitat.
2 The polar bear has become an endangered species / fossil / energy.
3 Scientists are researching sources of power / conservation / renewable energy.
4 The old power station has been here for during / over / before forty years.
5 Burning fossil / solar / climate fuels causes a lot of air pollution.
6 Glaciers move very slowly across / between / onto the land.
7 A small stream runs down the mountain and into the coast / valley / habitat below.
8 People leave everything from / for / into broken umbrellas to plastic bags on the beach.
9 The river was polluted with chemicals at / in / for the morning.
10 Be careful when you walk at / into / onto the cave. The roof is very low.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect
Continuous of the verbs in brackets. (___ / 8 marks)
1 Have you made(you / make) an appointment with the optician yet?
2 I have seen (see) my doctor three times this year.
3 Sue has been taking(take) vitamins every day for many years.
4 You have not stopped (not stop) sneezing all morning.
5 Oscar has not gone(not go) out tonight because he doesn’t feel well.
6 Lee is tired because she has been exercising(exercise) all morning.
7 Have you been waiting (you / wait) to see the dietician for long?
8 We have visited (visit) the science museum twice this month.
4 Complete the sentences with a, an, the or -.(___ / 8 marks)

1 Mr Johnson is a history teacher.

2 I want to become an archaeologist.
3 Sarah really enjoyed the documentary called The Mystery of the Maya.
4 My sister plays the drums.
5 Did you study - computer science last year?
6 I go to the dentist twice a year.
7 It took us an hour to clean out the garage.
8 We usually have - dinner at seven o’clock
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Use the correct future
tense. (___ / 6 marks)
Hi Jane,
Guess what! I’ve just decided I 1 _____will study______ (study) to become a medical technician. I like
working in a café, but the pay isn’t very good and I’m sure I 2 _____will never get______ (never/get)
promotion. So it’s time for a
career change. I think the starting pay for medical technicians 3 _____is______ (be) almost twice what I
make now. So, here’s the plan. The course 4 ______starts_____ (start) next January, so I 5 _____will
work______ (work) really hard to save up enough money for it. If I cut down on eating out and forget
about going away on holiday, I ’ll have saved up enough money by the end of the year. It’s a one-year-
course, which means in two years’ time I will have made the money back that I paid for the course. I
might even be able to take you on holiday! Have I lost my mind? Give your honest opinion when you 6
__have_________ (have) time to think about this. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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