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69 21 5

f\f,Cont. (Ho ns) 5th Semester Examination,

Nov cmb cr-2 018
f.~ Pap cr-M CII S.0 6
(w.e.f. 2016-2017)
a/lowed: 3 hou rs] [Ma xim um ma rks : 80
.e_ This pap er con sist s of two sec tion s (Sec
tion A and
tc, Section B). Sectio11 A is co111pulsory and car ryin
questions oftwo mar ks each and Section B con sist
of eight questions. The students sha ll be req uire d
to attempt fou r que stio ns from Sec tion B sele ctin g
one question from eac h unit. All que stio ns car ry
equal marks.
~ Jl~";f-fpf # q1" ~ ( ~ cfi rrey- €10.S w} ~ I
1Jlf15 cfi !J//qq7ef; 4fr Jlfilqj cft .Jfcli cff Jl'~-;
if qRW ~
W-lT ?IfU5 W # ,31fo JT~";f ~I EWif" W Jlfilch ~ ff
c/i& ~ &Jo:s {?/' ff qff sr~-;:r ff i
([cff Jl~ry c/iT qlF f
W .JM:tl/ct3d/ ~ I ~ Jl'~;ff cff .Jfcli (P-/lr/ ~ I
~- en
Write sho rt-n ote s (no rma lly 50 wo rds ) on the
f19~Rs.ct G"t ~ R.~fal~i (;;qa: 50 ~~)
~: .

(a) Ent repr ene ur Vs Ent repr ene ursh ip

'3E.14) cil"11l-i '3iU~dl

15-P-4-Q-9(18) [P. T.O .

I I . ( 3)
(b) Entrepreneurial Venture 6911
~~ ~ <fm qqfq{Of ct ~ ~ ~ 69215
(c) Creativity ~ ~ ffl if~~-~~~~~~
'Q:iiHlc-l-fchcH Unit-U

(d) Opportunity Scouting ~-n

Describe the various Entrepreneur· 1 ..
JfflR «hh3R:~ I b ·
contemporary usmess environment. ia 0 PP0 rtun1ties ·
(e) EnvrronmentScanning ~ ~lqtllftli:6 9fulq{Of if~~~~~
q4k~ < 1 ~ijUT_
q;rcflR ~ I
(f) Entrepreneurial traits Explain the process experiential learning for successful
,jf.lMdl ~
(g) Consortium marketing
~ Gf.lM~ cfi ~ ~ ~19IC'4icfj ~ ~
c6«!R.4Y ~q 0 11
(h) Franchise
Fcr~ '3il~ Mention the role of entrepreneur in designing and
SECTION-B redesigning of business process.

~-~ umK ~ c6 ~ ~ T , : ~ if ~
Unit-I ctf~'PT~~I
D.escribe the pros and cons of altem_ative growth options
~-I in entrepreneurial crises situation.
2. Describe Entrepreneurial Competencies. How do
role of entrepreneurial motivator and performance?. ~~ c"6T ~ if ~cfj~cfj ~~~
~-~corm~1 .
~ ~'3TI 'OT cfOR ~R;i~ I ~~~ ffl
~ q1<H cfil ~ cnT ~ cf?{?
3. State how Entrepreneurship· as an m · teractive pr ~-IV
between the individual and the environment. De~cribe the contemporary perspectives of marketing
assistance in infrastructure developments of small units.
69215 ' I 11S
' ( 4) ., corn (Hons.) 5th Serne (ifi"
1,~· N Ster E:x -:, 4 \
overnber-20 atninat\o
g)it ~~ 3lq(1N-11 ~ if ~69 i15 INcol\,n,, ls
.....~ l'A)(

~~95Tffi~t ~ Paper- Mcl-1-s.os

(w.e.f. 2016-l7)
·t a descriptive note on consortiu
9. Woe . . m~ ar~eti ed : 3 hoursJ . r·L, .
usiness orgamzat1on. /[oW ,v,axzmum
~a11 b . ~ eiJ Attempt five questions in all Q . marks : 80
~ ~ ~ cf> qi«)R_qq ~ trt e: ,,,,nu/sory. Answer other r. · uest_ion no. 1 is
~~I ~ co r
. fi JO Ur questions s I
e quesflon rom each Unit All
ks .
. e ectzng
questions carry
equal ,nar .
~ qrq Jf!lry' ~ I Jl~ 'ffo 1 ~ t I Jlf¾
~it ([cp J{~ry cfiT qll.f com~~ qT{'Jr~rt
Jr(( ~ I WJft J!~;ff c6 '3Tqi ff11R ~I
Explain Previous year.
~ 9T:f ~ qf'lill'ff ~ I
(b) Describe two exempted incomes.
(c) Discuss about medical benefits.
~fcfiffil ~ cfi ~ if ~ ~ I
(d) Elaborate unrealised rent.
fy{ q~(ificgci ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I
(e) Explain unabsorbed depreciation.
(D What is self generated asset?
t<f~ ~~l?
(g) Describe the deduction u/s 80 D in respect of
Health Insurance premium.

14-P-8-Q-9( 18) [P.T.O.

(2) (3)
~ aftlTI" ~ftlq'i er; ~ if ~ li . 11 js used by him for pe
wJ1JC . rsonal and offi .
692 l 4
_..v of driver and all expens 1 c1a\ use. 1'h
~ ~ cpf ffi ~ , 80!)t 51UIJ.J 1 . es relating tO e
of the car ate incurred by th the ofiicia\
. cuss about the deduction of .
D 1s v5e e employer B h
(h ) inc ity of free-electricity and · e as the
disabled person under 80 U. ollle Of aroefl water from em
. cost Rs. 450 p .m. He has 1 b
mu 80 u cfi ~ ~ '3l~ ~ ctr a wllJC11
. .tv of gas and telephone fo h' h
a so een provid d h
e t e
~cr;Gfftif~~I ~ faCl1l•; r w ic employer .d
Unit-I ~- 1zo0 and Rs. 2000 respectively . pa1
cornpute th~alary income for the A. Y. 2018-19.
. agriculture income in detail. Al .
~ cfi. '311'{. ~ i f ~ i I cffi 01-01-2009
z. Exp lam . . so give ~ t<)o 1s,ooo-soo-22,ooo-1ooo-3O,000 cT> ~cH'iR ll
ofnon-agnculture mcomes so
instances · i1 ~ ffl ~if~ ~o 5 000
c6T 20%D.A.ct
~ ~ c b ' t ~ ~ ~-11tt-~~i ~ f{RA~ Wf i f ~ i1 ~ ~o 6,5~0cB
~li?<11T 'ift ~ I ~ ~ q-{ ~ ~ ~ ~ TWlT i1 cffi ~
3. How will you determine residential statu ~ ~ D.A.c6T 17%llPmr ~~~if~
.b . .d s of
individual? D~scn _e mc1. ence_ of tax with spec· qi1clf~ ~ mer f.14\c@r '41 ~ ~ ~ c p f ~
reference to residential status durmg the previoUs Y (c'IT~I ~ t% mil ffi cfi ~ i ~ ~ ~
{%~ c6f J'.llcllfilq ~ cpf f1~ i3Utf~~ ~ c4fck'Plcf ~ ~ er; ~ ~ ~ i I
~ ~ er; ~ .Jilcll~q ~ cfi fcf~ ~ ~ ~ cor ~ ~ m ctl -q51qfo14' ~ "B ~ ~
cy;~cnTffi~I ~ &m ~ ~ ~ I ~ P\416@1 "B ~ ~
Unit-II ·W-lf GAl c6T wrm
-a.T ~ i ~ ~ ~o 450

~-II ~~I~ irfT ~ ~(if)lh)-4 c5t W{m cqt -{t ~

Shri K. R. Jain is employed in Mumbai. He is in the ~ ~ ~ f.!tlflcftll ;:t' ~~T: ~o 1200 ~ ~o 2000
4. cfil 'T@R ~ I
of Rs. 18,000-500-22,000-1000-30,000 since 01
2009. He received 20% of salary as D.A. andRsJ, A.Y.2018-19cfi ~ ~ "B '3Wl c6l lfORT ~ I
HRA He has hired a house on amonthly ml Describe the procedure for calculating annual value of
p.m. as . fhi l dDA
Rs. 6,500. He contributes 17% o s sa ~an ahouse. Also explain the deductions allowed from annual
Recogm.sed Provident Fund towards which emp
H h · nasmall value for calculating House Property Income.
contributes an equal amount. e as give
( 5)

depreciation on car@ 1S% an 692\

rt1P0 te the professional. don finnitu 4
C~ t11e A-Y. 2018-19. lllcoll\e ofDr. Su~~~ I0%,
/o ,flt '§'I" !(<I, ~ l<.u111ar
gto -g i I~~
~ J1<ll'IT, ~ \% f.!;;j\ ~ if . 'I\\ ~
6. D r. S
udhir I(urnar is a medical practi't•toner 13
own practice, ~e wor as a part time h ~Sidesh· ~ ~ i I xYZ 'lio 'fiT 'llfu.i; lIT<i1lW['llft'llfl!s; lll'<I
pn·vate hospital. where he reci evesP Ys1cian. a 1na~ Q<f'lij<:Jm f¾l<l,rtNi ,qt i I ilT<!c1'. ~ 'lJ;<j; 'R '«Ii
erouneration. a1so a• consultant phYs1c
.. rnonth1v ~ - ' o f ~ W@T i <;rr f.191~1{ i ~ il'll
rCo Ltd. a rnonuuy retamer fees. The d 1:i.,

· 00 . • OCtor"l.l of. ·
a record of his receipts and payments WhiItlain~ ~ :
follows: ch are as qtfll~f ~ : ~o 1,60,000
~: ~ ~ B cnft~ : 'l<io 24,ooo
Consultation fees : Rs. 1,60,000
Remuneration from pvt. hospital : Rs. 24,000
~z ~0 B ITTd~ ~ : ~o 6,000
~ ~ ~ q{ ~ : ~o 13,000
Retainer fees from_ XYZ Co. Ltd. : Rs. 6,000
. Interest on Bank Fixed Deposit : Rs. 13,000 ~:
PJ.lymen~: fcp(rTT cl?.TT ~ ~ : ~o 12,000
Rent and electricity charges : Rs. 12,000 ~ ~ : "{<io 2,400
Telephone charges : Rs. 2,400
Printing and stationary: Rs. 500 f°T c=fm ~ mlffiT : "{<io 500
Car roaintainance expenses : Rs. 12,000 c!iR ~ arT : "{<io 12,000
Wages of clinical assistant: Rs. 3,600 ITTR~l@T ~Willen ~ ~ : "{<io 3,600
Driver's salary : Rs. 3,600 ~ cnT ~ : "{<io 3,600
Life insurance premium: Rs. 2,400
Toe written down value of the car and furniture atilt ~ ~ >fl~lll-1 : ~o 2,400
clinic as on O1-04-2017 are noted to be Rs. 25,000ml 01-04-2017 cffi" f1e:R~,mr ~ qi;fftj { cl ey fil cflT fMw
Rs. 2,000 respectively. 20% of the car and telephone· ~ ij)q~T: ~o 25,000'cim 2,000 ~ M 1fllT ii cfif{
attributable to personal and private purposes. Pro~
14 [P. T.O.

~ q)l 20%~fckPR'f ~ ~
il~ (d) Loss fromspecui . 691 ~ ,.
at\ve b .
: ;;fl~ i1 'liR 'R 15°/o<f<!l ~~i\¾ ( e) U nrealised rent
fr l
usmess 1i
?;{~~~I 10%~ . ) 1ocorne om ottery Rs El I.)
(iJ' after deducting Rs. 500·!s,ooo <:Net) ' 1.)1.)
Ay201s-19'6 ~ mo ~~~~~if{~ c0 rnpute~Gross Total Income coSl 0 flottery
of Mr A et.
~~\ ~~ y. 2018-19 9'l ~ tq 0 ~~ cfi't · shok.
W}lat do you mean by capital gains:? !:)' ~~~l ~~~
7. visions ofJncome Tax.Act, 1961 regard· lsc\lss \l
pro . mg ex 'lt
capital gams. etl\p
~ ~ ~ ~ c f l l T ~ i ? ~ ~ .. 15,700
~ i6 ~ i{ ~ ~ ' 196ltfi ~ 30,000
~~' ~ 20,000
Unit-IV 3,300
~-IV 10,500
The particulars of income of Mr. Ashok for the 3,()()()
2018-19 are as under: A. 3,5()()

(i) Income from business ·

(ii) Profit from speculative business
30,0oo 5,000
(iii) Income from ~ouse Property 20,000 6,500
(iv) Income from ~teres~ 3,300 5,000
(v) Long term capital gams 1O,S00
(vi) Dividend from Indian Company 3,000
(vii) current year's depreciation 3,500
(viii) Toe following items have been broughtforw
(a) Loss from business 5,000
(b) Long Term Capital loss 6,500
(c) Short Term Capital loss 5,000

9214 [P. T.0.

. 1 bbing o ·income. Under what . l~
f){platll ~;other persons is included in :c~ll\s~
9. illcon~ee? Elaborate. e inco~~

as se s; ~~ ~~ I~

<i\t ;J1Jll <61 ~~ I
~ ~

CoJJI· (Hons.) 5th SemesterExa . 69213
Pape r-Mc a

(w.e.f. 2016-1 7)
d. 3 hours}
p//oWe · ~ - - - - - - [Maxim .
um marks: 50
. Arte ,n.ntf
ive questions in all Q Ni .
· • o. 1 IS compulsory.
, e• p.emainingfour questions by selecting at least one
question from each unit. All questions carry equal
. ff qfF[Jf~';f ~ I JfR fl. I ~ § - I~ fffff
. p~-;ff qJt- ~ ~ ff qi1f ff cfi!T fFli f{r;( c/iT qZFf
qi@~ c/ftm l '(f'4t fffi.ff ct .Jfq; ff1TFf ~I
(i) Write a short note ~n Ethics.
. ;ftfcr~~ qt ~ ~ f?cqufi ~ I
(ii) How you can justify that Mobile Communication
is a Revolutionary tool in LT.?
fcnB' ~ 'B ~ tf>t W@ i Fr, ~
~ I.T. if thifacfjl ~ '3q'6{ 0 1· ~ ?
(iii) Describe types of financial innovations.
~ 1cffql U ~ ~ cfiT ffi ~ I

(iv) Define the concept of Rural Marketing.

mllM fcrcr7R
213-P-4-Q-9 ( 18)
c6T '319t[{Oll cfiT ~ -I
(2) (3)

Write 3 shm t note on Unorganised
~l ~~ BcR i cfiR17T 6
Retail' clF"'' Ad m·
J~ ~ awITT" q-{ tfcfi ~ 11\g, ~ ICfW '1
flcR: ch°f ~ ~ .I '1"1-
9~ ~

~I , tare the new financial inst

vv1 .,a ruments used · lO
5)(2,,_~ or? Evaluate them with p in
Uni t-I sect ros and cons financial
~-I ~~~~~~~.
~~q~, ~~I
cfq li? ~
Write short note on the following : '~ti•· 10
2. Unit-Ill
(i) Deficit Financing
(ii) current Practices of CSR in India
~- m
11,at are the imp orta nce ofRural ma k t·
~ q"{ ~ Rll.lfollli ~ :
r e rng? How we
(i) ~ ~ Fcffl ~ can overcome the challenges of Rural mark . .
etmg with
(ii) ~ ~ CSR coT . ,. . qct'""'t.\~11 ~ marketing strategy ?
Define ICT, its need in Education sector and ls miitl1f ~ cnr ~ ~ ~ ? fqqu1-t <01-t1Rl i ~
3. . . a oexp
the importance of e-learmng m Present d .
e ucati
miitl1f ~ cp't 1-i1Rl4l q-{ ~ fcntf WnR ~ ~ qr
scenario. ~~?
ICT, ~
~ if ~ .JIT q~~ 9?T ~
am ~ ~ ~~ 'lf if {- ~ ~ ~ , Write short notes on the following :
an@ TT m~ I (i) Challenges ofRetailing in India
Unit-II (ii) Purposes of Social Media Marketing
~- II ~9~fula tR flcqfu1l!i ~ :
4. What are the causes of Global Financial Crisis? (i) ~ if rcrcITT :::m nrr -A tl~1t'3n·1
"0 -", ......,1 '11, 9?I 0 ..., 11 1:1-, 5
explain the recent financial crisis in economy. (ii) ~cir.
t1l-cl\·1;r J\C4 199°11 cfiT .....
·111-5~1 f) ~<.\1
~ "11
69213 [P.T.O.

C om- (Hons.) 5th Sernest E .
~-IV ~- er Xanunation
Novernber-2 018 '
kforce diversity and also ex . MONEY AND BJ\NKING
8, pefine wor .
sociated with managing wP a1n tht Paper- Mca_ _
5 03
challenges as Ot~fotce (w.e.f. 2016-17)

-" ~ ~ lo
~~ ~ ,eaffoW
ed: 3 hoursJ
[Maximum marks : 80

cn1 ''""11.!.

,i;r,1"'1 "1'l i6 me! - iej411i,,i\ </it ~ t jive que.stfons ;,, a/1, selecang at least one
F<lflr'l1IT !IS' ,;,te • uestion from each Unit. Question No. J is
~I IO !o,npulsory. All questions carry equal marks.
~ ~ it cfi1l" it cfi1r qq; '![:pr W rr.:rm c/iffl ;m, a:mr
~ ..:,s"
. th unportance, limitations and methods
9. ExplaUl e . o , UR..,, f?fC(]t~ ,3 ., ..., ....,
Human Resources Accounting. IO t!, rffer Jl~rf Ml' c/R' I 11R' ~ 1 a1forcnef I I ~ 'ff~;ff it-
m:fT$1" ~@ii:6'1 cfl ~ , m'3Tf ~ ~ .#5 w,R ~ I
~I 10 J, Short answer !f-1
type question :
~ '3ff <l,lic./7 _q: : 8x2=l6
(a) Cost pull inflation
~ M«, ~lffiR!
(b) Inflation gap
-~INilRI ~
(c) Selective credit control
iFHlfl-lc./7 "ffi"{sl Pf431°I
(d) Precautionary motive of holding money
~ cnr crnRt~,a li"6f!G

69213 9212-P-3-Q-9(18) [P. T. 0.

( 3)

Bank rate 69212

(e) . . allY examine the mai
~~ critic n features of
..v of money. . K.eynesian
n market operations tpeO~J .
(f) ope~~ ~ cfi ~ fB~l-ff ctf ~ ~"1T 16
cfi"''' . ~ I qif ~
~ L. ·ct· Ra
Statutory iqui ity tio (SLR) qftaf1T 16
(g) Unit-III
What do you mean by monetary Policy ?
(h) ~ ffi u '3nq ~ ~ ~ ? . piscus S the significance of Central B ank 1n
econornic development of a country.
~cfi~ fqc@tf 1f ~~~%tf c6T~cfitl 16
I-foW do the b ~ create credit? What are the limits to
2. Define money. What are functions of money?· I . credit creat10n power ?
the!I 16
~ q;r qft'iil~ coZ I ~ ~ ~ qiI<f ~-~ ~ l I ~m& ~ ~ m
~? ~ ~ ~ ~ctt
3. Descn"b e the role of money in .mixed and devetap· ~ ~-tft ~? 16

economv~ like India. 1 Unit-IV

m«f ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~dlcl~I ~ ,r ct} ' ~-IV
cnT qUf;, qi{ I I
Write a detail note on functions of Reserve Bank of
India. 16
~~~ c6 ~ q{ ~~ ~ ~116
4. What are the causes of inflation ? How can ii
What are the tools of monetary policy available with
controlled ? ~~
RBI? 16
:!~l~RI ~ cFlT muT ~ ? ~ fcnB WITT I
g f{iircf ~ c6 qJ"ff ~ ;fifcf ~ ~ ~ t 7 16
WocTT ~ ?
~1, Co ,11 • (lion~.) 5th S('rut•stcr 1;.... • •
l'Jd0hlUUthf)U ,

Novcrnbcr- 201 8
Paper- MCI 1-5.0J
(w.e.f. 2016- 17)

alio'~e~- 3 hours]
d •;...-------------!...:~:.:..:..;.:..:.::.;.,:.:..:.:.;;:.
[A1axi1nun-1 nu1rk." .· Bl'J

. 1,ttempt fll'e questions in al/. Q11estio11 No. 1 is

' con,pu/sory. After that four ,nore questions are to
be annvered by selecting one question from each
unit. All questions carry equal marks.
, ¥( qfrr ~;:r ¢JPIQ I J/R' 9@.11 1 t!f/P/qJz/ ~ I ~
. ~q{ff J!Mc/i ~ # (!qi J[[lry cfiT qlFf m- ~ Jf/7 if/Tr

~ qi[ ctfR" 0f ffe" I ~ JT:t;:ff ~ <ffeli fil/71 ~ I

Write short note on the : 8x2=16

f,A q-{ ~ fltqfallli Rri~C{ : 8x2=16
(a) Undercapitalization
~ i~cn<o,
~) Corporate governance
cblcrr<c ~lltF1
le) Doubling period Rule 69
~l~~cfj{OI ~ Pt<-11-i 69
(d) Cost of capital

iiifJ ~ cffl•lct
ll-P-7-Q-9( 18) [P. T.O.
timal capital structure ( 3) .
(e) ~ ~ ~{tj.-n Unit-n
rating cycle ~-II
(f) ope
~~ following infonnation regarct· Ri
(g) f loat file mg a Pvt. is availab
our perusal : The present book le
~ forY . value capital structure
Stock dividend o
f tbe company is : Debentu~es Rs . 10' 00 •000 CRs. 100
(h) ~ ~~T per
debenture),_Preference shares Rs 4 00 000
. · , , (Rs. 100
er share), Eqmty shares Rs. 44
~ticipated external financing opportunities are
~-I Rs 100 per debenture redeemable at par ..
(a) · 20 year
e corporate finance. Should the goal of ti . maturity, 8% coupon rat~, 4% floating costs, sale
2. Defi.U1. making • b fit . .
e pro 1 maxuruzation
decision . or Weal price Rs. 100. _
-~,:..,..,i7ation? Comment.
~~ . 00 Rs. 100 preference share redeemable at par :
~fcrn ~ ~ ~ I ~ % ~ 15 year maturity ; 10% dividend rate, 5% flotation
~~ ~ a4lcb{ 0 1 '3Wcrr ~ ~ costs, sales price Rs. 100.
~l~ ~I (c) Equity shares: Rs. 4 per share flotation costs, sale
Write notes on the following : price Rs. 44.
(a) Traditional and modern approach to finan · Dividend ~xpected on the equity share at the end of the
management year is Rs. 4 per share, the anticipated growth rate in
(b) Causes of over capitalization. .
dividend is 5% and the company has the practice of
f.i9R!Rs@ G"{ ~04fb14i ~ : paying all its earning .in the form of dividends. The
(cb) ~ ~..tff cfi fwz G{JJ4{1'1d ~ ~ corporate tax rate is 50%. You are required to detennine
the weighted average cost ofcapital ofRia Pvt. Ltd. using
(@) ~ cficpRUTI
book value weight.

69211 [P.IO.
write short notes on : 69211
(a) Operating Leverage
(b) BBIT-BPS Analysis
~ tztqfctrlt ~ :
(er) ~ z.ftq<@11
(lY) EBIT-EPS ~~lif°T
Un it-I n
fflf -IU
rwo cornpanies X and Y are in the same risk clas
6, s and
e identical in all aspects except that com
debt which company Ydtd '
pany x u d
not. The levered companye x
bas bor tow ed Rs. 8:00,000 loan at ,I 0%. Both
ompanies are expectmg an annual operati
ng income of
~Oo/o on their tot?l assets of Rs. 50
lakhs. Equity
capitalization rate 1s 15%. You are require
d to compute
tlle value ofcompany X and Yus~g net inco
me approach.
G T ~ X ~ Y WlR ~ crf .~ ~m u
~iRI if ffllR i ~ ~ X ~ cfiT ~~
m~ Y ~ cfi«ft" I~~ X ~ 10% qz ~-
8,00,000 cJ;f ~ ~ ~ I ~ qjtqP)qj
'6'. 5. ~ ctt
~ ~ Bi:qRi~ qz 40% ct>1 ~ q~i
lkH ~ c6}
~~TT if ~, trmr· (J'._Jftco< 0 , tr GZ 15%
~, ~ ~
~~ cfiT ffl7T m ~~ X mIT Y'6~tr
1l'1RT cwft ~ I

211 [P.T.O.
(7) .
.b tile factors influencing the ill ~
ctt G{ 12.5% i ' f¼
,..,q~ ~ 69 211
pescrt e . Worl<in
. ent of a bus mess entity. g caPit 15o/l> ~ I ~ ~ cri ~ ~~
requ1rem · . a1
cfiT f1ffl ~ i 1 cfiT ~ <.fim ~ ~
~~~ co't ffi~ ~ r4 ~~T ;fifa cri ~ .~ '3lftf ~~~~ct
~.;0~$lffiq;rs"R~1 ~~ ~ . ~i?~ ~~
ir;rf ~ fztl.Jf°i)llll . ~ cliT "lrT ~ I · ~ m~ ?

·scuss the tools and techni
01 ~~ ques of·
~IV ~ ~ ~ Jqqj{orf ~ ~ mventorycontrol.
pvt Ltd. is expecting 10% return
Cook · s on total
s. fRs 801akhs, 1be company has outstand· assets
o . . mgshar
. 1be Board of directors of the esor
lo' 000 ,, company h
decided to pay 40% of earnings as dividends. The ave
of returns required by shareholders is 12 So/i rate
• • Q, rate 0f
retum5 expected on .mvestment is 15%. You are require(!
to determine the pnce of shares suing Walters, model
. . .
Are you satisfied with current dividend p01.1cy Of the·
above said company ? If not why ? Working notes arc
part of answer.
~ m. ~- °Q. 8 ~ r.6T ~ ~ q{ rn% ~
~ cfi\ "@ i1 ~ ~ qm 10,000 ~ ~,
~ ~ f1{~1cb1 ct G!li ~ &irt~ ct ffi ~ ~ ~
q;r ~ ~ cl>T ~ ~ i1 ll{~ ffi &m

(Hons.) 5th Semester 5 V 205
car Course
(C.)suuhutf Ion, Novcn1hcr- lO 18
tNC()MlCTAX (Nl~W)
1>upc1·-MCI 1- 5.05
(\\.c.f. 2014- 15)

t ·~
p//oH't"f . -
J ;,;.. l ....; 1x:.:..:
M.:.:<:.:.;. 111:.:..
il.:..:. n ~1a~r ks~.!!_Q
n .::.

,tfive questions in all. Q. No. J lf c:on,nu/

,, iory.
. )tt,'111/
, A11swer other four questions selecting one queslion

each unit. All questions carry equal marks

from ~- +.;:~~ •

, ff Wf/ JTH ¢tP,(! I 1IR "· I ,,rf.141,f I 1'3Fll ffTf

' pt;ff c/il Jff(' Jlr443 ~ ff C(cf; J{~ry c/iT qq;:r c/)ffl
f i/tf.JP{ I ~ p~-;:jf cj, JFfi tl'fFI ff I
(a) Who is person as per Income Tax Rules?
~ f14'fl ~ \i-fj~I{ ~fc@ ffl i ?
(b) Explain two exempted incomes.

GT ¥ ~ '3TI<TT ~ d.fl~I if5)~(t I

Describe superannuation fund.

Comment on expected rent.

~ .fcb<l~I qz fe:~ufl 951fGtct l

P-8-Q-9 (18) [P.T.O.
(2) (3)

(c) Explain two assets on Which 69~ ffow

will' you detcrrnin .
c rcs,uc .
dcprec· individual ? .l\.lso c\, b l'\tiat ~ta.
allowed. llltio,1 i1 f on . a orate th . l\l\\
o with special reference e incidence
m~~~~~ of tD"-
. the P.Y.
to residential
~ ~I ~~ ouflng .
c4fcRf c6t '311qlfllq- ft~ 'PT f;{~
( {) Describe prclin1inary expenses. q$
iM ..:;,. mR ' ~ Pt,.,,c._ ~%
? p,Y. C() "'ll'11\71'1 l~Jef cfj fq~ ~ ~
-3~ ~ c n f ~ ~ I cfi($~cf>1fcffi:rR~~I
(g) Bcnami Transactions. Unit-ll

(h) Explain the deduction UIS 80 u.

. in respe MT· oevender Kumar owns a big house which was
income of a disabled person.
cornPleted in May, 2011. 50% of floor area is let out
~ c:zffeffi c6f i3Wf ~ ~ if 'IRr 80
for residential purposes on a monthly rent of
~ coe1fa4f c6t ~ ~ 1 Rs, zz,500, 25% of the floor area is used by owner for
Unit-I the PUrpose of his profession, while remaining 25% of
floor area is used for self residence. Other particulars
ofthe house are as under :

2. What is agriculture income ? Discuss non-agricul Municipal valuation : Rs. 6,00,000

incomes also for Income Tax point ofview.
Standard Rent: Rs. 9,00,000
~ JW:f ~ ~ ? ~ ~~~oj 'B ~-~i!m Muncipal Tax paid : Rs. 80,000
'4f Fcl4-cFil ~ I
05 [P.T.0.
(4) ( s)
Repairs : Rs. 30,000 ~ ~r:t ~tt ~ ~ ~
~tll 'fll ~ : 't
~ s,ooo · 3,oo,000
t 00 Capitnl borrowed f
or rcco
t 1'17 "' ,.
: Q.
~ ~ : Q, 10,0_00
Rs· 3,oo
dn,11t : Rs. 8,000
Groun .
~ >ltfrp.p:r : -~· 12,00 0
1charges : Rs. 10,000
j\11J1llO 2018-19 c6 ~ 1J~ ~ ~ ~
;..Y. 'fll lfl1RT
. 1surancc premium: Rs. 12 000
Fire 11 ' ~I
ute )louse property income f
comP Or th W}lat do you mean by allowance? Expain the provisions
2018-19, e Tax Act, 1961 in respect ofpartly ex
ofJncOJll empted
~ ~ 1§'1R 1t16 ~ ll'!iR 0h11'1t t ,i) 11{ and totally exempted allowances.
iii\ '!{I SJll !lT I q;!fi ~ <Iii 50%~ ~I ~~ ~ cF1T ~ i? ~ qc ~q~~
~ ~. 22,soo <t ~1fBcf> ~ qr ~ 1ll!r t ff ~ ~ c6 ~ . if ~ ~ 1961 i
~ cfiT 25%, '3m q~ cfi ~~"lf c5 ~ ~ mcl~ ~ c21 l&H c6l~ct I
~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ 25% tfi~ ~
~ ~ ~ C:N4PI ~ ~ i I lfcliR ~
fcfcWT ~kiljfff{ ~ : ~-m
";fll{ql~cfil 1i_efllicfr1 : "6. 6,00,000 What is business income ? Enumerate the expenses
wm ~ : "6. 9,oo,ooo which are allowed in computing business income.

~ ~ll{qlf&lcfil 'P{ : "6. 80,000 ~ B '3WJ ~ i ? d.49til~ ~ '3Wl c6t ~ ~

~ i "6. 30,000 ~ clfZl1 ~ qf{,1°HI - I

69205 [P.!O.
( 7)
r~l1u1~ sold the following a~sets. 69~
Mr- · 1n th~ ll... _) 01 _os-2011 <i5T ~. 2,000 ~ ~ 6920s
0 l 7-1 s : .
~~ ~ ~cm
,·~.ll' 2 tttf <>· 3,000~
~{:,chine purchased on O _
la) 1 06.lo ~ cffi" ~. 1,50,000~ ~ ~
RS· 1o.000 ,~ns sold for Rs. 1S,Ooo l7 fl) ij Q• 18,000il ~ 1&f ~ ~ l9&6-&7
f\iruittlfC purchased on Ol-Q5_2017
~ ~~ 1984-85 if 't> · 40,00Q ~ w00 ~
,, 3:;. sold
• for Rs. 3,000 ·<, (~ ;; . 50,000 i'f $lf (0 1-04-20 I 7 'Ii! ~ ~.;\
ld shop for Rs. 1,50,000 Which "6, 30,000 m) . V
lC) So was Pllrc
3,50,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1987-88 ~
.111 1986-87 for Rs. 18,000
(5) Q•

(d) Machine purchased in 1984-85 for Rs. Q• 45,000 if ~ ~ ~ I

was Sold
for Rs. 50,000 (W.D y of ' ~ ~ 20171l ~%A~- 1,60,0001\ ~ l
Ol-0-+-2017 was Rs._30,ff00).
· · machine
~ ~ ~ 1JURT ~ *~~
?002 = 100; 2017-18 = 272
~tjcbfcp t:
(e) Sold house for Rs. 3,50,000 which waspllrt ..'700 1--
in l987-88 for Rs. 45,000. Unit-IV

He purchased another house in Dec. 2017 t ~-IV

Rs. 1,60,000. Compute capital gains if cost infl .

What do you mean by aggregation of income? Explain
Index are : 2001-2002 = WO ; 2017-18 == 272.
the circumstances in which income of other persons is
f4. ~~ff~ 2017-18 it f;\9~~ included in the income of assessee.
'Pf~~: ~ -cfi B~4'1 ~ ~ cFTT ffiNll ~? ~
(en) Ol-06-2017 c€1" ~ •. 10,000 ?f &00 ~ i!t.l c6ta:fl@TT~ ~~ oqfc@lfl ctl'31Ffcl))~
~. 15,0-00 if ~ ~ c6t aw;r i1 B~Ria ~ ~ ~ I

69205 205 [P.T.0.


. 9. What is loss? Describe the prov· .. 69~0

is1ons Ofl
Act, 1961 regarding set off and ncoll'\e.,,
. carry forwar i:

under various heads. . d Ofloss


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