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“Have you ever wondered if mistakes are a part of key discovery”?

Well we’ll be talking

about some great people that made a mistake which lead to a discovery and a non discovery.
These people's names were Heinrich Schliemann and Percy Spencer.

Heinrich Schliemann, a young adventurer, wanted to go out to seek the lost land of Troy.
This young man was a scholar and a businessman who dream of seeking the treasures of the
ancient world. His youthful sense of nature eventually brought him to California, where he made
a fortune in the gold Rush. The conclusion is that he didn’t really make a mistake he just went
and followed what he wanted to do with his heart. He longed for money and fame, but he loved
ancient cultures so much that he named his children Agamemnon and Andromache.

I would like to take position on whether mistakes are not really a key to discovery. I think
that because mistakes don’t really lead to discovery, they lead to things like people getting in
trouble, losing their life, money, home, and etc. the thing is that mistakes aren’t always on your
side a lot and leads to something that we do not like. The good thing is that we can learn more
from our mistakes. Also, a mistake led to the creating of potato chips.

We learn wisdom from failure much more than we can learn from success. We often
discover what we will do by finding out what we’ll not do and probably from people who have
never made a mistake never made a discovery. “Error is a hardy plant; it flourishes in every soil.”
The aim. Of science is to seek the simplest explanations of complex facts. so maybe mistakes are
sometimes a part if key discovery. But now always because mistakes are bad mostly of the time.

“From the info that i have learned, my conclusion is that mistakes are rarely a key part of
discovery.” Mistakes are bad things more of the time instead of good things rarely. Mistakes are
a common thing in life which means grater we should learn from what we did and not make the
same mistakes. So really mistakes aren’t a key discovery. Which means that mistakes are rarely

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