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Charles Institute of Technology

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HLTINF002 Process
reusable instruments and
equipment in health work


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CIT Process reusable instruments Manual 2017

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HLTIN302C Process reusable instruments and equipment in health work
To be completed after:
 Contribute to WHS Processes HLTWHS300A
 Comply with infection control policies and procedures in health work HLTIN301C

1. Name six safe work practices:

Treatment of all used items as a potential source of infection

Personal hygiene practices especially washing and drying hands
Work practices for the safe handling of sharp items
The use of personal protection equipment
Safe handling, storage and disposal of chemicals
Work practices for safe disposal of sharps and other clinical wastes

2. List the legislative and workplace guidelines:

The current endorsed version of the Australian/New Zealand Standards

Infection control policies for the transmission of infectious diseases in a health setting
State or territorial legislations
Material safety data sheets of the chemicals used
WHS policies and procedures
Organisation infection control policies and procedures

3. Give three examples of types of waste:

Biological waste
General waste

4. Disposal of waste is in accordance with which policies and regulations. Give three examples:

Environmental protection (Waste management) Policy

Environmental protection (Waste management) Regulations
Australian and New Zealand Standards

5. Give seven examples of work flow protocols:

Separate handwashing facilities

Sink suitable for disposal of liquid waste
Cleaning sink
One direction flow of instruments from contaminated to clean to sterile
Designated work area that is physically separate to prevent possible contamination of processed
Identification and reporting of disruptions to work flow protocols in accordance with workplace

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6. Give four examples of preparation of instruments for cleaning:

Sorting according to type of instrument and corresponding cleaning method

Written procedure for handling specialised items
Disassembly of instruments where possible for detergent to reach all surfaces
Checking for instrument defects, damage and missing parts

7. Give four cleaning methods:

Initial treatment of instrument close to their point of use to decrease bioburden

Thermal washer/disinfector
Ultrasonic cleaning
Manual cleaning

8. Give four examples of the monitoring the cleaning process:

Visual inspection of all items for cleanliness and absence of detergent or rinse additive residues
Daily cleaning and maintenance of ultrasonic cleaner
Daily performance testing of ultrasonic cleaner
Daily checks of washer/disinfector function and detergent dispenser

9. Give 3 examples of batch control data:

Steriliser identification number or code

Date of sterilisation
Cycle or load number

10. List four types of sterilisers:

Bench top (portable)

Downward displacement
Dry heat

11. List seven types of load configuration:

Ensuring items do not touch the chamber walls

Contains items within the load carrying basket or tray
Permits total steam penetrations to all surfaces
Ensures wrapped items are dry on completion of drying cycle
Reduces damage to packs and their contents
Ensuring safe handling on the completion of cycle

12. Give eight examples of sterilising cycle records:

Date of the cycle

Steriliser number/code
Cycle or load number
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Exposure time, temperature and pressure
Identification of loading operator
Identification of the person authorising release of load contents from sterilising area
The specific contents of the load
The readout results of physical, chemical or biological/enzymatic indicators that are used

13. For the monitoring of sterilisers give one example for each of the following:

 Daily (for Pre-vacuum sterilisers):

External chemical indicator leak rate test
 Every packaged item:
External chemical indicator
 Every cycle:
Electronic printout of sterilisation parameters
14. Give three examples of the criteria for release of processed packaged items:

Packaged items are intact and have no visible moisture

External chemical indicators have correct colour change
Achievement of cycle parameters as set during the performance validation

15. Give examples of routine cleaning and checking of sterilisers for the following:

 Daily checks:

Floor of steriliser is clean and free of debris

Chamber drain and filters are clear
Door seals are intact
Recording devices, gauges and timers are functioning correctly
Water reservoir emptied, cleaned and refilled with distilled water (benchtop)

 Cleaning:

Daily cleaning of loading trays and external surfaces

Weekly cleaning of steriliser chamber when cold

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